Cops are still killing nigga's, but BLM has been silenced......

You should have mentioned that you live in Columbia. Either that or your reality is watching Netflix.

Why? Are the citations I provided you from Columbia, or Netflix?

You think that I should ignore that law enforcement in America is systemically corrupt? As long as we build armed robbery into the basis of law enforcement and engage in drug prohibition to create a money stream for LEO's then we can expect nothing but corruption, which is the reality of what we have.

I'm not ClosedCaption, I support my claims with facts and citations, as I have done thus far.

Your "facts" are from 1) an anti police site and 2) the Washington Post, which if you read the article is filled with opinion. Their examples are 100% from the side of the innocent victim. If those stories are true, they should have sued the hell out of the department.

So law enforcement is "systematically corrupt?" A few examples you can give and it is all bad? Seems legit.

Look, there are bad officers and bad departments. But don't paint all of us with one brush. That's just plain irresponsible.
If BLM knew how to protest without being annoying fucktards, maybe they would have been more successful. Blocking traffic and interrupting meals has got to be the dumbest protest tactic in the history of protests.
And, I still don't get that. Why is it the problem of drivers on the roads if the cops are the target audience? WTF? never quite got that one. Why wouldn't they stop cop cars from leaving district offices or mayors car or the chiefs car, but joe schmoe? Sorry, but again, WTF?

They're spoiled mentally ill brats whose only goal is attention whoring and indulging their own narcissism. that's the case with 99% of these faux 'social justice warrior' tards. They dont' give a rat's ass about anybody but themselves and their own egoes and self-importance, and they almost never actually do any community service work of any kind; that stuff is overwhelmingly done by dose evul rayciss Xians. They wouldn't be caught dead hangin out with the strong arm thugs and robbers like the Michael Browns of the world they glorify, from a safe distance of course, they just want to get back at cops vicariously for writing them a traffic ticket or for arresting them for shoplifting, whatever one did that interfered with some mindless self-indulgence they got caught at, that's all it is.
Your "facts" are from 1) an anti police site and 2) the Washington Post, which if you read the article is filled with opinion. Their examples are 100% from the side of the innocent victim. If those stories are true, they should have sued the hell out of the department.

Your complaint would be relevant IF these were unique or isolated.

Examining controversial practice of asset forfeiture in Nevada

Self-Funding Cops and Prosecutors, a.k.a. Armed Robbers

HIDTA / Asset Forfeiture | Dekalb County District Attorney - Official Website

InJustice Department Resumes Armed Robbery Sharing Program With Local Cops | The Daily Sheeple

Want a thousand more?

You see, I didn't say this is a systematic problem, I said it is systemic. Do you understand the difference? American police are corrupt to the core, from top to bottom. Corruption is simply part of law enforcement and accepted as normal.

America was shocked when Rampart broke, learning that the LAPD ran the drug trade in Los Angeles and had hit men on the force that would be hired out to the highest bidder.

But why were we shocked? Simple ignorance. There isn't a city in America where the police DON'T run the drug trade. The drug king pin in any city is always the police.

So law enforcement is "systematically corrupt?" A few examples you can give and it is all bad? Seems legit.

Look, there are bad officers and bad departments. But don't paint all of us with one brush. That's just plain irresponsible.

No, law enforcement is systemically corrupt. That is the entire body is corrupt.

It's a disease. Prohibition is the catalyst, but it has spread to every part.
Your "facts" are from 1) an anti police site and 2) the Washington Post, which if you read the article is filled with opinion. Their examples are 100% from the side of the innocent victim. If those stories are true, they should have sued the hell out of the department.

Your complaint would be relevant IF these were unique or isolated.

Examining controversial practice of asset forfeiture in Nevada

Self-Funding Cops and Prosecutors, a.k.a. Armed Robbers

HIDTA / Asset Forfeiture | Dekalb County District Attorney - Official Website

InJustice Department Resumes Armed Robbery Sharing Program With Local Cops | The Daily Sheeple

Want a thousand more?

You see, I didn't say this is a systematic problem, I said it is systemic. Do you understand the difference? American police are corrupt to the core, from top to bottom. Corruption is simply part of law enforcement and accepted as normal.

America was shocked when Rampart broke, learning that the LAPD ran the drug trade in Los Angeles and had hit men on the force that would be hired out to the highest bidder.

But why were we shocked? Simple ignorance. There isn't a city in America where the police DON'T run the drug trade. The drug king pin in any city is always the police.

So law enforcement is "systematically corrupt?" A few examples you can give and it is all bad? Seems legit.

Look, there are bad officers and bad departments. But don't paint all of us with one brush. That's just plain irresponsible.

No, law enforcement is systemically corrupt. That is the entire body is corrupt.

It's a disease. Prohibition is the catalyst, but it has spread to every part.

Spoken like a true criminal.

And by the way, the police are the only thing standing between you and chaos.
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

Clearly, based on that video, the cop will be prosecuted. He should have waited to see what was produced. A gun...shoot. A wallet, ask for the driver's license.
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.

:blahblah:Point is that this shit happens when the fool I quoted above claimed it only happens to people being violent.

Here is another, hopefully he'll stop making such foolish statements

Oh...I never denied these incidents happen at times.

Oh, Ok then....So maybe the fool MDiver shouldnt make such idiotic statements. Very different reactions for white people vs black.

Maybe. Anyone who says no cop has EVER committed a murder on duty or done a bad shoot is just lying. I've never said that. It's inevitable..ANY group of humans will have those who commit crime.

My stance has always been about the stats and defending the overwhelmingly larger # of cops who don't do that shit. The media has taken 0.00005% of cops actions and tried to make it seem as if 50% of cops behave like that. It's quite disgusting.[/QUOTE]
Oh...look at poor bucs90.....reduced to insults. The last refuge of desperate people. A clear example of a low IQ individual incapable of reasonable conversations.
Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.

:blahblah:Point is that this shit happens when the fool I quoted above claimed it only happens to people being violent.

Here is another, hopefully he'll stop making such foolish statements

Oh...I never denied these incidents happen at times.

Oh, Ok then....So maybe the fool MDiver shouldnt make such idiotic statements. Very different reactions for white people vs black.

Maybe. Anyone who says no cop has EVER committed a murder on duty or done a bad shoot is just lying. I've never said that. It's inevitable..ANY group of humans will have those who commit crime.

My stance has always been about the stats and defending the overwhelmingly larger # of cops who don't do that shit. The media has taken 0.00005% of cops actions and tried to make it seem as if 50% of cops behave like that. It's quite disgusting.

Oh...look at poor bucs90.....reduced to insults. The last refuge of desperate people. A clear example of a low IQ individual incapable of reasonable conversations.
Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.

:blahblah:Point is that this shit happens when the fool I quoted above claimed it only happens to people being violent.

Here is another, hopefully he'll stop making such foolish statements

Oh...I never denied these incidents happen at times.

Oh, Ok then....So maybe the fool MDiver shouldnt make such idiotic statements. Very different reactions for white people vs black.

Maybe. Anyone who says no cop has EVER committed a murder on duty or done a bad shoot is just lying. I've never said that. It's inevitable..ANY group of humans will have those who commit crime.

My stance has always been about the stats and defending the overwhelmingly larger # of cops who don't do that shit. The media has taken 0.00005% of cops actions and tried to make it seem as if 50% of cops behave like that. It's quite disgusting.

Oh...look at poor bucs90.....reduced to insults. The last refuge of desperate people. A clear example of a low IQ individual incapable of reasonable conversations.[/QUOTE]
Now you insulted bucs, so what does that say about YOU? You must be a low IQ individual incapable of reasonable conversations.
Spoken like a true criminal.

Here we go, opposing open corruption is "criminal."

And by the way, the police are the only thing standing between you and chaos.



I have a lot more faith in my Mini-14 than in a bunch of gang-banging juveniles slinging dope on the public dole.

At best, police investigate crimes and arrest people after the fact. Police protect no one, never have.
Spoken like a true criminal.

Here we go, opposing open corruption is "criminal."

And by the way, the police are the only thing standing between you and chaos.



I have a lot more faith in my Mini-14 than in a bunch of gang-banging juveniles slinging dope on the public dole.

At best, police investigate crimes and arrest people after the fact. Police protect no one, never have.

Have fun with that Rambo.
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

Clearly, based on that video, the cop will be prosecuted. He should have waited to see what was produced. A gun...shoot. A wallet, ask for the driver's license.

lol ... they don't have to wait until some assclown shoots first. That's ridiculous.
They don't have to wait for a threat either. All they have to say is the magic words..."I feared for my life"
They don't have to wait for a threat either. All they have to say is the magic words..."I feared for my life"

Link???? That is clearly not true and SCOTUS ruling Graham vs Connor says so.

I knew you people's brains are about 500 years behind in the evolution process....but fuck're even at the back of THAT line lately.

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