Cops are still killing nigga's, but BLM has been silenced......


So, you dont know how many people are killed unjustly? :confused:That helps.

Saying "usually 25 people die per year" isnt a stat. Take your own advice and become informed on stats.

Then let's see these stats of yours, Sparky!
He has none. He thinks he can outsmart hard numbers and stats.

Yep, I dont have any. But I wont say the stats are like....somewhere higher or lower than a random number like Bucs did
Answer what? He never asked a question. You use this "you cant answer" line so often you dont even use a question anymore :)

I asked you how many people were unjustly shot last year and you said "Uhhh probably 25" :thup:

You claim there are stats showing unjustified shootings by cops, let's see them?

I think you're mistaken. I never claimed anything like that. See what happens when you dont know what the fuck you're talking about?

Bucs said he had stats and he doesnt
Answer what? He never asked a question. You use this "you cant answer" line so often you dont even use a question anymore :)

I asked you how many people were unjustly shot last year and you said "Uhhh probably 25" :thup:

You claim there are stats showing unjustified shootings by cops, let's see them?

I think you're mistaken. I never claimed anything like that. See what happens when you dont know what the fuck you're talking about?

Bucs said he had stats and he doesnt

Sure I do. The data is easily available online. A simple calculator will put them into perspective.

But thanks for admitting you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Black males are 20x more likely to be involved in a violent crime. It all adds up when you do the math. If redneck trailer trash were the ones racking up those kind of numbers, Democrats would be calling for their internment and deportation, possibly executions.

But that has nothing to do with cops killing people. Thats an excuse that you're trying to tie to police actions .

How many people per year on average do cops kill unjustly???

You tell me. You're the stat addict.

It's usually about 25 who are ruled unjust.

You should be more informed on stats of it all. It puts it in perspective.

Or....if you just want to hate cops...dont. Then cops could have only 1 bad shoot per year and you all could use that 1 as proof to demonize all 1,000,000.

Sure I do. The data is easily available online.
Answer what? He never asked a question. You use this "you cant answer" line so often you dont even use a question anymore :)

I asked you how many people were unjustly shot last year and you said "Uhhh probably 25" :thup:

You claim there are stats showing unjustified shootings by cops, let's see them?

I think you're mistaken. I never claimed anything like that. See what happens when you dont know what the fuck you're talking about?

Bucs said he had stats and he doesnt
Not many cops face criminal charges in shootings of suspects, so I think it's safe to say the vast majority of officer involved shootings must be justified. Unless you believe there is some conspiracy behind it all. The generally low number of people shot and killed by police indicates they're not on some killing rampage.

Corruption in the police departments, which is a much more serious and pervasive problem at this point is taking a backseat to a statistical non-issue. Its all about them feeeeeels, not real problems. Stoke the flames of hatred between the races....the leftist plan since Stalin's days...continued by useful idiots in the american Democommunist Party.
No one said anything about Killing Rampages. You guys keep knocking down things no one has ever said.
Bullshit. Most places cops are held to a higher standard than almost any other profession. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

THIS I do not agree with.

Most places cops are held to no standard at all.

If that were true then forget shootings, cops would be beating the shit out of people on a daily basis. As it is, police go into situations dealing with mentally ill, drunk, high, (or all of the above) people and resolve it with no use of force at all many times. MOST of the time. Police show great restraint every day that you will never hear about.

For every person we shoot, there are a handful of others we could have and did not. It's something you will never understand until you have experienced it.
If that were true then forget shootings, cops would be beating the shit out of people on a daily basis.


What is the main goal of the police? Armed robbery, right? I mean, most departments spend a massive amount of time and resources looking for lucrative targets to rob.

It’s Time We Start Calling ‘Civil Asset Forfeiture’ What it Really Is – ‘Armed Robbery by Police’ | Filming Cops

Randomly beating people doesn't get cops that Corvette or beach house.

As it is, police go into situations dealing with mentally ill, drunk, high, (or all of the above) people and resolve it with no use of force at all many times. MOST of the time. Police show great restraint every day that you will never hear about.

For every person we shoot, there are a handful of others we could have and did not. It's something you will never understand until you have experienced it.

Not my experience at all. In real life situations I see cops engage in zero restraint. Rival drug dealers end up dead every day. Anyone resisting being robbed by the police will be beaten or killed.

The cops are another street gang, and one of the most dangerous.

I agree that cooperation and not antagonizing cops is vital to not having violent confrontations. This is true with all gangs.

I don't think cops want to kill people, of any race. I don't think they want to kill people.

The goal of the police is to steal as much loot as they can get. They will do whatever then need to in order to rob victims and to sell drugs. Beyond that they generally leave people alone.

Aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes
If that were true then forget shootings, cops would be beating the shit out of people on a daily basis.


What is the main goal of the police? Armed robbery, right? I mean, most departments spend a massive amount of time and resources looking for lucrative targets to rob.

It’s Time We Start Calling ‘Civil Asset Forfeiture’ What it Really Is – ‘Armed Robbery by Police’ | Filming Cops

Randomly beating people doesn't get cops that Corvette or beach house.

As it is, police go into situations dealing with mentally ill, drunk, high, (or all of the above) people and resolve it with no use of force at all many times. MOST of the time. Police show great restraint every day that you will never hear about.

For every person we shoot, there are a handful of others we could have and did not. It's something you will never understand until you have experienced it.

Not my experience at all. In real life situations I see cops engage in zero restraint. Rival drug dealers end up dead every day. Anyone resisting being robbed by the police will be beaten or killed.

The cops are another street gang, and one of the most dangerous.

I agree that cooperation and not antagonizing cops is vital to not having violent confrontations. This is true with all gangs.

I don't think cops want to kill people, of any race. I don't think they want to kill people.

The goal of the police is to steal as much loot as they can get. They will do whatever then need to in order to rob victims and to sell drugs. Beyond that they generally leave people alone.

Aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes

You should have mentioned that you live in Columbia. Either that or your reality is watching Netflix.
And to answer your question of what our main goal it, apparently it is to arrest the same shithead over and over and over that the liberals keep letting out of jail because they aren't "violent." Like, meth addicts.

If there is a department that is abusing the forfeiture laws, then guess what? Sheriffs are elected and Police Chiefs are appointed by Mayors. I suppose you believe these are all innocent people that just happened to stop by the ATM and took out $9,000 for their trip to grandmas. Oh, and they had drugs in the car. Probably also for grandma. OK.
If BLM knew how to protest without being annoying fucktards, maybe they would have been more successful. Blocking traffic and interrupting meals has got to be the dumbest protest tactic in the history of protests.
And, I still don't get that. Why is it the problem of drivers on the roads if the cops are the target audience? WTF? never quite got that one. Why wouldn't they stop cop cars from leaving district offices or mayors car or the chiefs car, but joe schmoe? Sorry, but again, WTF?
You should have mentioned that you live in Columbia. Either that or your reality is watching Netflix.

Why? Are the citations I provided you from Columbia, or Netflix?

You think that I should ignore that law enforcement in America is systemically corrupt? As long as we build armed robbery into the basis of law enforcement and engage in drug prohibition to create a money stream for LEO's then we can expect nothing but corruption, which is the reality of what we have.

I'm not ClosedCaption, I support my claims with facts and citations, as I have done thus far.

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