Cops are still killing nigga's, but BLM has been silenced......

Police Officers take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. 124 Police Officers died in the line of duty last year to insure the right of citizens to criticize them. Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, Jesse Jackson?

False, they died for a paycheck. A dangerous job sure...but their deaths wasnt FOR rights and shit. Cut it out

Sure it is. Cops protect your rights every day. It's not always directly either.

Many times they protect your rights by refusing to do stuff the mayor or governor may WANT to do....but cant...because they know the enforcement officers would refuse.

For in Charleston a place called Sullivan's Island just a few years ago pass a law that BANNED SINGING in public...because rich people got tired of hearing young people walking from the bar district to the beach while whistling or singing. Not ONCE has it been enforced.

Just like the sagging pants law. Its ridiculous. Sadly....occasionally some moron enforces it. But overwhelmingly the law is ignored by cops who see it as being a stupid law. You wanna dress like a moron go for it.

I could do a whole thread on it. But people would be shocked at how many things they might be subjected to if cops didn't say "no" to their superiors. It's why our system is good because cops aren't military so they CAN say no without going to jail. Might get fired. Usually not. But they can't be ordered "do it or go to jail" like the military can....and that's one reason our Founders wanted sheriffs instead of military handling domestic law.
You keep putting out phony ass numbers to say its not that bad. OF course it isnt for you since you'll never be in the crosshairs. Its all good!
More whites are killed by cops than blacks, so how do you know he will never be in the crosshairs? Because he's less likely to be a criminal than blacks by population % rates?

How racist.
You keep putting out phony ass numbers to say its not that bad. OF course it isnt for you since you'll never be in the crosshairs. Its all good!

The numbers aren't phony. We've been through this.

Last year cops shot and killed about 1000 people. For argument sake...since you all say it....let's say double that happened and weren't reported (not true but yall claim it) so we'll say 2000.

Of those 2000....for argument....let's say half were NOT justified. A crazy high number.....more likely that 95% were clearly justified but let's just say it.

So....let's say 1,000 unjustified shootings. That would be what % of 1,000,000 cops???? 0.1%.

So even when I grossly inflate the numbers in favor of your still isn't even close to 1%.

If cops committing bad shoots numbered in the 5-10% range....we'd have a horrible epidemic problem. It's not.

It's not 5%. It's not 1%. It's not 0.1%.

The REAL numbers??? Probably about 1100 or so shootings. Probably about 100 of those are "questionable" and of that 100....probably 15-20 are unjustified. Those 15-20 need to be arrested and charged as anyone else would be.

The % of cops who commit unjustified shootings is so's hardly worth discussing.

But it sure does sell a lot of advertising space on media sites.
Police Officers take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. 124 Police Officers died in the line of duty last year to insure the right of citizens to criticize them. Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, Jesse Jackson?

False, they died for a paycheck. A dangerous job sure...but their deaths wasnt FOR rights and shit. Cut it out

Sure it is. .

No really, its not. And you asserting differently doesnt mean anything. They died from car accidents and violence. Not Crashes of Patriotism and Shooting Rights of Americans. You're simply trying to herofy deaths because of their occupation across the board.

Heart Attack - Health Issue
Cop Heart Attack - Freedom for all American issue

For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

How would you feel if they ran around yelling "kill the buck toothed moron"?

I would feel threatened?
Who are they threatening?

Holy crap you're dense.
These idiots are calling for the death of white people and cops and you dont have a problem with it?
Personally I'm not afraid of em but for them to cry racism and then turn around and call for the death of whitey is highly hypocritical yet fools such as yourself give them a pass.

I am indeed a buck tooth moron. I have not tried to hide that.
Can you send me the link where they call for the death of whitey?
They didn't say anything about buck tooth, did they?

Your at the top of the list right behind whitey.
And do I really have to go find it for you,it's been posted on this board many times.
You keep putting out phony ass numbers to say its not that bad. OF course it isnt for you since you'll never be in the crosshairs. Its all good!

The numbers aren't phony. We've been through this.

Last year cops shot and killed about 1000 people. For argument sake...since you all say it....let's say double that happened and weren't reported (not true but yall claim it) so we'll say 2000.

Of those 2000....for argument....let's say half were NOT justified. A crazy high number.....more likely that 95% were clearly justified but let's just say it.

So....let's say 1,000 unjustified shootings. That would be what % of 1,000,000 cops???? 0.1%.

So even when I grossly inflate the numbers in favor of your still isn't even close to 1%.

If cops committing bad shoots numbered in the 5-10% range....we'd have a horrible epidemic problem. It's not.

It's not 5%. It's not 1%. It's not 0.1%.

The REAL numbers??? Probably about 1100 or so shootings. Probably about 100 of those are "questionable" and of that 100....probably 15-20 are unjustified. Those 15-20 need to be arrested and charged as anyone else would be.

The % of cops who commit unjustified shootings is so's hardly worth discussing.

But it sure does sell a lot of advertising space on media sites.
"A year of reckoning:
Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000

Story by Kimberly Kindy, Marc Fisher,Julie Tate, Jennifer Jenkins
Graphics by Todd Lindeman
Video by Jorge Ribas
Published on December 26, 2015
Nearly a thousand times this year, an American police officer has shot and killed a civilian.

When the people hired to protect their communities end up killing someone, they can be called heroes or criminals — a judgment that has never come more quickly or searingly than in this era of viral video, body cameras and dash cams. A single bullet fired at the adrenaline-charged apex of a chase can end a life, wreck a career, spark a riot, spike racial tensions and alter the politics of the nation.

In a year-long study, The Washington Post found that the kind of incidents that have ignited protests in many U.S. communities — most often, white police officers killing unarmed black men — represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings. Meanwhile, The Post found that the great majority of people who died at the hands of the police fit at least one of three categories: they were wielding weapons, they were suicidal or mentally troubled, or they ran when officers told them to halt.

The Post sought to compile a record of every fatal police shooting in the nation in 2015, something no government agency had done. The project began after a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014, provoking several nights of fiery riots, weeks of protests and a national reckoning with the nexus of race, crime and police use of force.

Race remains the most volatile flash point in any accounting of police shootings. Although black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police this year, The Post’s database shows. In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white."

A year of reckoning: Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000
Black males are 20x more likely to be involved in a violent crime. It all adds up when you do the math. If redneck trailer trash were the ones racking up those kind of numbers, Democrats would be calling for their internment and deportation, possibly executions.
Police Officers take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. 124 Police Officers died in the line of duty last year to insure the right of citizens to criticize them. Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, Jesse Jackson?

False, they died for a paycheck. A dangerous job sure...but their deaths wasnt FOR rights and shit. Cut it out

Sure it is. .

No really, its not. And you asserting differently doesnt mean anything. They died from car accidents and violence. Not Crashes of Patriotism and Shooting Rights of Americans. You're simply trying to herofy deaths because of their occupation across the board.

Heart Attack - Health Issue
Cop Heart Attack - Freedom for all American issue


Ok ClosedCaption. Then by your logic....a Marine who dies in Iraq in a vehicle crash didn't die protecting us or serving us. Army troops who die in a helicopter crash didn't die serving our country. They just died of a crash.

Their act of serving and protecting is what put them in that time and place. You're a truly disgusting person.
Black males are 20x more likely to be involved in a violent crime. It all adds up when you do the math. If redneck trailer trash were the ones racking up those kind of numbers, Democrats would be calling for their internment and deportation, possibly executions.

But that has nothing to do with cops killing people. Thats an excuse that you're trying to tie to police actions .
Police Officers take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. 124 Police Officers died in the line of duty last year to insure the right of citizens to criticize them. Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, Jesse Jackson?

False, they died for a paycheck. A dangerous job sure...but their deaths wasnt FOR rights and shit. Cut it out

Sure it is. .

No really, its not. And you asserting differently doesnt mean anything. They died from car accidents and violence. Not Crashes of Patriotism and Shooting Rights of Americans. You're simply trying to herofy deaths because of their occupation across the board.

Heart Attack - Health Issue
Cop Heart Attack - Freedom for all American issue


Ok ClosedCaption. Then by your logic....a Marine who dies in Iraq in a vehicle crash didn't die protecting us or serving us. Army troops who die in a helicopter crash didn't die serving our country. They just died of a crash.

Their act of serving and protecting is what put them in that time and place. You're a truly disgusting person.

He was at war. You dont have to try this hard to be a victim bro
"A year of reckoning:
Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000

Bux be like: But thats a 1000 people out of 300 million people which is less than 0.01% so in essence 1000 people is pretty good since I can play with numbers and shit
It isn't a matter of good or bad though is it, what matters is how many were justified and how many were unjustified.
Black males are 20x more likely to be involved in a violent crime. It all adds up when you do the math. If redneck trailer trash were the ones racking up those kind of numbers, Democrats would be calling for their internment and deportation, possibly executions.

But that has nothing to do with cops killing people. Thats an excuse that you're trying to tie to police actions .

How many people per year on average do cops kill unjustly???
Police Officers take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. 124 Police Officers died in the line of duty last year to insure the right of citizens to criticize them. Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, Jesse Jackson?

False, they died for a paycheck. A dangerous job sure...but their deaths wasnt FOR rights and shit. Cut it out

Sure it is. .

No really, its not. And you asserting differently doesnt mean anything. They died from car accidents and violence. Not Crashes of Patriotism and Shooting Rights of Americans. You're simply trying to herofy deaths because of their occupation across the board.

Heart Attack - Health Issue
Cop Heart Attack - Freedom for all American issue


Ok ClosedCaption. Then by your logic....a Marine who dies in Iraq in a vehicle crash didn't die protecting us or serving us. Army troops who die in a helicopter crash didn't die serving our country. They just died of a crash.

Their act of serving and protecting is what put them in that time and place. You're a truly disgusting person.

He was at war. You dont have to try this hard to be a victim bro

Not always. Many troops die on duty but not in war zones.

Obama just sent 200 troops to Iraq. We aren't at war with Iraq.

And as you say....that's just his job. War is where he goes. Cops go to violent neighborhoods. It's just their job.

Oh....has your stance suddenly hit a point of being inconsistent??? Shocker.
Black males are 20x more likely to be involved in a violent crime. It all adds up when you do the math. If redneck trailer trash were the ones racking up those kind of numbers, Democrats would be calling for their internment and deportation, possibly executions.

But that has nothing to do with cops killing people. Thats an excuse that you're trying to tie to police actions .

How many people per year on average do cops kill unjustly???
He probably thinks all of them are unjust if the victim is a POC.
"A year of reckoning:
Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000

Bux be like: But thats a 1000 people out of 300 million people which is less than 0.01% so in essence 1000 people is pretty good since I can play with numbers and shit
It isn't a matter of good or bad though is it, what matters is how many were justified and how many were unjustified.

You mean which cop had an excuse for it and which didnt. Coincidentally they all have excuses...weird how that happens

Black males are 20x more likely to be involved in a violent crime. It all adds up when you do the math. If redneck trailer trash were the ones racking up those kind of numbers, Democrats would be calling for their internment and deportation, possibly executions.

But that has nothing to do with cops killing people. Thats an excuse that you're trying to tie to police actions .

How many people per year on average do cops kill unjustly???

You tell me. You're the stat addict.
You keep putting out phony ass numbers to say its not that bad. OF course it isnt for you since you'll never be in the crosshairs. Its all good!

The numbers aren't phony. We've been through this.

Last year cops shot and killed about 1000 people. For argument sake...since you all say it....let's say double that happened and weren't reported (not true but yall claim it) so we'll say 2000.

Of those 2000....for argument....let's say half were NOT justified. A crazy high number.....more likely that 95% were clearly justified but let's just say it.

So....let's say 1,000 unjustified shootings. That would be what % of 1,000,000 cops???? 0.1%.

So even when I grossly inflate the numbers in favor of your still isn't even close to 1%.

If cops committing bad shoots numbered in the 5-10% range....we'd have a horrible epidemic problem. It's not.

It's not 5%. It's not 1%. It's not 0.1%.

The REAL numbers??? Probably about 1100 or so shootings. Probably about 100 of those are "questionable" and of that 100....probably 15-20 are unjustified. Those 15-20 need to be arrested and charged as anyone else would be.

The % of cops who commit unjustified shootings is so's hardly worth discussing.

But it sure does sell a lot of advertising space on media sites.
"A year of reckoning:
Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000

Story by Kimberly Kindy, Marc Fisher,Julie Tate, Jennifer Jenkins
Graphics by Todd Lindeman
Video by Jorge Ribas
Published on December 26, 2015
Nearly a thousand times this year, an American police officer has shot and killed a civilian.

When the people hired to protect their communities end up killing someone, they can be called heroes or criminals — a judgment that has never come more quickly or searingly than in this era of viral video, body cameras and dash cams. A single bullet fired at the adrenaline-charged apex of a chase can end a life, wreck a career, spark a riot, spike racial tensions and alter the politics of the nation.

In a year-long study, The Washington Post found that the kind of incidents that have ignited protests in many U.S. communities — most often, white police officers killing unarmed black men — represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings. Meanwhile, The Post found that the great majority of people who died at the hands of the police fit at least one of three categories: they were wielding weapons, they were suicidal or mentally troubled, or they ran when officers told them to halt.

The Post sought to compile a record of every fatal police shooting in the nation in 2015, something no government agency had done. The project began after a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014, provoking several nights of fiery riots, weeks of protests and a national reckoning with the nexus of race, crime and police use of force.

Race remains the most volatile flash point in any accounting of police shootings. Although black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police this year, The Post’s database shows. In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white."

A year of reckoning: Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000

Yes. The numbers are increasing directly because the media is fanning the flames, and some tards' degenerate relatives are getting big paydays out of it from taxpayers. Bling Bling Bling
"A year of reckoning:
Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000

Bux be like: But thats a 1000 people out of 300 million people which is less than 0.01% so in essence 1000 people is pretty good since I can play with numbers and shit
It isn't a matter of good or bad though is it, what matters is how many were justified and how many were unjustified.

You mean which cop had an excuse for it and which didnt. Coincidentally they all have excuses...weird how that happens

You're too hostile to reality and logic and reason to talk to as if you actually care about the truth. You just want to feeeeeel right.

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