Cops are still killing nigga's, but BLM has been silenced......

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the looser."- Socrates

Your bombastic tone does little to advance your position.

So how would you describe the actions of the BLM movement? Bombastic?

So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
Every protest that doesnt deal with an issue in your life is rather annoying. Like womens rights! Sheesh be quiet already....because I'm a guy
I've never been stuck in traffic because a group of women were protesting for equal rights.

So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

How would you feel if they ran around yelling "kill the buck toothed moron"?

I would feel threatened?
Who are they threatening?
So how would you describe the actions of the BLM movement? Bombastic?

So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
I've never been stuck in traffic because a group of women were protesting for equal rights.

So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

Hey man....EVERYONE is discriminated against in this society. It's the new culture of outrage, victimhood and payback. It is simply what we have become.

I am a white male, I have never felt discriminated against. What did I miss?

So a bunch of idiots running around yelling kill whitey isnt discrimination?
I've been discriminated against many times by both hispanics and blacks.
The difference being is I dont give a rats ass,I dont let some jackass determine my worth based on the color of my skin because I know my worth.
These Black Lives Matter morons do not realize how pathetic they look, black folks in general don't it seems.

The name and mission makes it clear they suffer from severe inferiority complexes and do in fact believe white people are superior. Their whole schtick is about getting white people to give two shits about them and attempting to guilt trip gibs me dats out of da whites cuz dey beez privileged n sheeeit.

Fuck BLM. Fucking knuckle dragging pavement apes. When you start showing you think your lives matter, then maybe we might start giving a shit.

Clearly you have blacks in the family....LOLOLOLOLOL.....poor white racist.....couldn't keep the girls off nigga' nuts, eh? LOLOLOLOOL

Actually he's better at being 'black' than you are; his grasp of ebonics is far better.
So how would you describe the actions of the BLM movement? Bombastic?

So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
I've never been stuck in traffic because a group of women were protesting for equal rights.

So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

How would you feel if they ran around yelling "kill the buck toothed moron"?

I would feel threatened?
Who are they threatening?

Holy crap you're dense.
These idiots are calling for the death of white people and cops and you dont have a problem with it?
Personally I'm not afraid of em but for them to cry racism and then turn around and call for the death of whitey is highly hypocritical yet fools such as yourself give them a pass.
So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

Hey man....EVERYONE is discriminated against in this society. It's the new culture of outrage, victimhood and payback. It is simply what we have become.

I am a white male, I have never felt discriminated against. What did I miss?

Too bad you missed out on being a pussy. Bux mustve gotten double

Awwe....ClosedCaption calling me a pussy. How cute. Your 5th grade level intellect has gotten you pretty far in life spear chucker.
So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

How would you feel if they ran around yelling "kill the buck toothed moron"?

I would feel threatened?
Who are they threatening?

Holy crap your dense.
These idiots are calling for the death of white people and cops and you dont have a problem with it?
Personally I'm not afraid of em but for them to cry racism and then turn around and call for the death of whitey is highly hypocritical yet fools such as yourself give them a pass.

We could do an entire thread on this new push in leftist society about "white privilege" and all the anti white discrimination that comes with it. It's their way of delegitimizing anything a white person achieves because....hey....we're was just all given to us.
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.

:blahblah:Point is that this shit happens when the fool I quoted above claimed it only happens to people being violent.

Here is another, hopefully he'll stop making such foolish statements

So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

Hey man....EVERYONE is discriminated against in this society. It's the new culture of outrage, victimhood and payback. It is simply what we have become.

I am a white male, I have never felt discriminated against. What did I miss?

So a bunch of idiots running around yelling kill whitey isnt discrimination?
I've been discriminated against many times by both hispanics and blacks.
The difference being is I dont give a rats ass,I dont let some jackass determine my worth based on the color of my skin because I know my worth.

How did you become aware of your worth?
So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?

How would you feel if they ran around yelling "kill the buck toothed moron"?

I would feel threatened?
Who are they threatening?

Holy crap you're dense.
These idiots are calling for the death of white people and cops and you dont have a problem with it?
Personally I'm not afraid of em but for them to cry racism and then turn around and call for the death of whitey is highly hypocritical yet fools such as yourself give them a pass.

I am indeed a buck tooth moron. I have not tried to hide that.
Can you send me the link where they call for the death of whitey?
They didn't say anything about buck tooth, did they?
These Black Lives Matter morons do not realize how pathetic they look, black folks in general don't it seems.

The name and mission makes it clear they suffer from severe inferiority complexes and do in fact believe white people are superior. Their whole schtick is about getting white people to give two shits about them and attempting to guilt trip gibs me dats out of da whites cuz dey beez privileged n sheeeit.

Fuck BLM. Fucking knuckle dragging pavement apes. When you start showing you think your lives matter, then maybe we might start giving a shit.

Clearly you have blacks in the family....LOLOLOLOLOL.....poor white racist.....couldn't keep the girls off nigga' nuts, eh? LOLOLOLOOL
Funny that you use the undesirability of your race to make negative comments about my family.

Do you understand what you are saying about yourself and your people when you do that?
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.

:blahblah:Point is that this shit happens when the fool I quoted above claimed it only happens to people being violent.

Here is another, hopefully he'll stop making such foolish statements

Oh...I never denied these incidents happen at times. We have 1,000,000 cops....most under 30 and armed....being sent into chaotic situations in a nation of 350,000,000 people who are also heavily armed and heavily drugged. It's often an ugly, dirty and violent job.

So you won't hear me say these incidents NEVER happen.

What I'm saying is considering the sheer numbers's actually to the credit of law enforcement that these bad shoots are so statistically uncommon. Stats show there is NOT an epidemic of it. In is very rare statistically.

The 2nd one you list in Charlotte is interesting. 6'4 220 pound football player in a rage charging a cop. Cop shoots. I happen to agree this is a bad shoot because be had a 2nd officer there. He should fight him.

I also say cops aren't taught enough or frequently enough on how to FIGHT hand to hand. They have been through all the gun classes. But not nearly enough fighting courses. American cops should be my Krav Maga to a standard the Israeli cops are
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.

:blahblah:Point is that this shit happens when the fool I quoted above claimed it only happens to people being violent.

Here is another, hopefully he'll stop making such foolish statements

Oh...I never denied these incidents happen at times.

Oh, Ok then....So maybe the fool MDiver shouldnt make such idiotic statements. Very different reactions for white people vs black.

These Black Lives Matter morons do not realize how pathetic they look, black folks in general don't it seems.

The name and mission makes it clear they suffer from severe inferiority complexes and do in fact believe white people are superior. Their whole schtick is about getting white people to give two shits about them and attempting to guilt trip gibs me dats out of da whites cuz dey beez privileged n sheeeit.

Fuck BLM. Fucking knuckle dragging pavement apes. When you start showing you think your lives matter, then maybe we might start giving a shit.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the looser."- Socrates

Your bombastic tone does little to advance your position.

So how would you describe the actions of the BLM movement? Bombastic?

So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
If BLM knew how to protest without being annoying fucktards, maybe

Every protest that doesnt deal with an issue in your life is rather annoying. Like womens rights! Sheesh be quiet already....because I'm a guy
I've never been stuck in traffic because a group of women were protesting for equal rights.

So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?
I don't give a damn if people call me a bigot for telling the truth. Act like morons and apes, that's what you deserve to be called. If more people did that instead of coddle and perpetuate the stupid aspects of black culture today, we might actually shame them into turning their back on that aspect.

Shame works, just look at how people react to being called bigots and racists and homophobes.

The reverse needs to happen. Shame the faggots, shame the moron pavement apes, shame the true bigots and normophobes.
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the looser."- Socrates

Your bombastic tone does little to advance your position.

So how would you describe the actions of the BLM movement? Bombastic?

So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
Every protest that doesnt deal with an issue in your life is rather annoying. Like womens rights! Sheesh be quiet already....because I'm a guy
I've never been stuck in traffic because a group of women were protesting for equal rights.

So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?
I don't give a damn if people call me a bigot for telling the truth. Act like morons and apes, that's what you deserve to be called. If more people did that instead of coddle and perpetuate the stupid aspects of black culture today, we might actually shame them into turning their back on that aspect.

Shame works, just look at how people react to being called bigots and racists and homophobes.

The reverse needs to happen. Shame the faggots, shame the moron pavement apes, shame the true bigots and normophobes.

I fear there is nothing worthy I can learn from you.
Police Officers take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. 124 Police Officers died in the line of duty last year to insure the right of citizens to criticize them. That's more people than members of the Military KIA last year. Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, Jesse Jackson?
So how would you describe the actions of the BLM movement? Bombastic?

So, if they are bombastic how are they different than you. Aren't you both offending the other with your words or actions?
I've never been stuck in traffic because a group of women were protesting for equal rights.

So you are angry because they caused you to be stuck in traffic?
For fucks sake man, snap out of it. These fucking morons do everything counterproductive to their movement they can. They stand in the middle of freeways, effectively shutting it down and jeapordizing people's jobs and income for their families...not giving a damn about these people's lives....asking for people to give a shit about THEIRS. That's why I say fuck them and it's way past time to put our feet down as a nation and shut these fuckers up for them if they won't do it themselves.

Trump 2016

But don't you help their cause when you refer to them as morons or apes? Are they not protesting because they feel discriminated against?
Don't you sound like a bigot?
I don't give a damn if people call me a bigot for telling the truth. Act like morons and apes, that's what you deserve to be called. If more people did that instead of coddle and perpetuate the stupid aspects of black culture today, we might actually shame them into turning their back on that aspect.

Shame works, just look at how people react to being called bigots and racists and homophobes.

The reverse needs to happen. Shame the faggots, shame the moron pavement apes, shame the true bigots and normophobes.

I fear there is nothing worthy I can learn from you.
Because you're stupid. Probably have bad genes in general. You cannot think or connect're just a bag of flesh with no interest in reality. You think its an accomplishment to be a gelded pussy of a man. Long as you don't get called a racistsexistbigothomophobetransphobexenophobe. Lol
Police Officers take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. 124 Police Officers died in the line of duty last year to insure the right of citizens to criticize them. Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, Jesse Jackson?

False, they died for a paycheck. A dangerous job sure...but their deaths wasnt FOR rights and shit. Cut it out
Regardless of your skin color, if you don't commit a crime and cooperate with law enforcement, you don't get shot.

Except when that is not the case. Now you have to come up with a whole new simplistic logic. Darn it!

See....that's called a crime. The kind you folks do....hundreds of times a day. Thousands of blacks kill each other by doing shit like that.

BTW...that cop was arrested and found guilty. He was also put back on the road (before this incident) by the State Police AFTER a PTSD diagnosis stemming from a shootout he was in with a bank robber and the state basically said "we don't give a fuck we need the manpower on the road"....and we see what happened.

The driver is ok thankfully. The trooper got a plea deal because of all that but will obviously never be a cop again.

The gonna also be a millionaire after the lawsuit because the SC state police knowingly put a trooper with fresh PTSD from a shooting back on patrol.

:blahblah:Point is that this shit happens when the fool I quoted above claimed it only happens to people being violent.

Here is another, hopefully he'll stop making such foolish statements

Oh...I never denied these incidents happen at times.

Oh, Ok then....So maybe the fool MDiver shouldnt make such idiotic statements. Very different reactions for white people vs black.


Maybe. Anyone who says no cop has EVER committed a murder on duty or done a bad shoot is just lying. I've never said that. It's inevitable..ANY group of humans will have those who commit crime.

My stance has always been about the stats and defending the overwhelmingly larger # of cops who don't do that shit. The media has taken 0.00005% of cops actions and tried to make it seem as if 50% of cops behave like that. It's quite disgusting.
You keep putting out phony ass numbers to say its not that bad. OF course it isnt for you since you'll never be in the crosshairs. Its all good!

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