Cops are the criminals

But we dont see it over and over. It occurs about .000083 of the time.
No. It occurs more often than that. You only see it .000083% of the times. We only discuss the stories where it was caught on tape. Imagine what happens when not on tape and you have no argument to say the cop murdered your relative. There word against yours.

You don't think there are any corrupt cops in Chicago or Detroit? Ah, now you are willing to admit cops are corrupt. As long as they are in Democratic cities you'll admit it right?
We see it over and over - criminal cops, murdering cops, drug-planting cops - crooked cops.

Yea sure, another innocent jogger, who happened to be brandishing a hand gun, pointed it at the police when he drove by them. According to “the family” he didn’t have a gun, he had a sandwich, even though police recovered a gun at the scene.

So the family are liars.
The punk pointed a gun at police while driving shortly beforehand.
He was shot dead by a cop while holding a gun.
There's that bobobrainless logic again......... :rolleyes:
So you don't think it happens and we don't know it because it's not on tape? With all the times cops get caught murdering people on tape, you don't think it ever happens off tape?

You're a fucking idiot.
So you don't think it happens and we don't know it because it's not on tape? With all the times cops get caught murdering people on tape, you don't think it ever happens off tape?

You're a fucking idiot.
Libs are fucking idiots. Thugs get what they deserve.
We see it over and over - criminal cops, murdering cops, drug-planting cops - crooked cops.

I don't know the particulars or guilt or innocence of Deputy Meade, but this popped into my mind again from the movie El Diablo:
Cops are criminals when they stand by and let venters riot.

Otherwise they are extremely effective with very very infrequent abuse of their authority. That’s facts which will cause fake howls of protest and spittle flinging from false feelings addled liberals
Liberal won't rest until they've ruined their local police force. Now liberals want to hamper police by making them wear body cameras. Idiot liberals don't realize that will restrict the police from actually doing their jobs.
Liberal won't rest until they've ruined their local police force. Now liberals want to hamper police by making them wear body cameras. Idiot liberals don't realize that will restrict the police from actually doing their jobs.
Why bother to reform if you keep having far righties support everything you do.
Silly Bo Bo seeking relief from responsibility Once Again
We already know you cons love a police state. One that will crack down on your political opponents. It's why you and Trump worship Putin.
And it's okay thugs get away with crime because crybabies feel sorry for them?
we used to let cops shoot at fleeing suspects. You want to go back to that?

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