Cops complain online about white people getting 'freaked out' by their black neighbors

This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.

So, could that be an explanation of why blacks are arrested and jailed so often when blacks are not?

Oops...I guess its too late to claim everyone is treated the same. Which is weird to know that blacks are treated differently then point to arrest records as proof not of being treated differently but of committing crimes.

Because they commit more crime? A few doors down from me, a boy broke into a house, and broke a bunch of stuff, tried to steal a few things. After the police showed up, he resisted arrest, and went on a chase down the street, where they tackled him, and beat the snot out of him. He was still screaming, with blood running down his face, when the dragged him away.

At that time, a lady walked out, and somehow thought she needed to tell me her life story.... (heaven knows why, but this happens to me A LOT)....

Turns out, boy freak, was this ladies kid, whose father ditched them, and she was shacking up with boy-toy number two. Boy freak apparently figures out where momma is hiding, and comes and wrecks her home, while taunting her boy-toy. He's been in and out of jail for years. This was a Jerry Springer show in the making.

But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

In know this is crazy to a leftist..... but what if the possibility is.... Because he was a criminal, and I was not?

Now you'd get that, given that he was white, and I'm white, so therefore it's because he was breaking the law.

But if that boy had been black, you'd be screaming about it being racism. Suddenly the fact he was breaking the law doesn't matter. Now it's all racist.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.
So are you saying whites are inherently racists?

All people are inherently racist, it is in the DNA.


It is something that has to be UNLEARNED.
If its in the DNA that would suggest its not learned. I disagree people are inherently racist. Fear makes people stupid and hateful. They just need a rationale for the way they feel and to have that feeling validated by others.
Unfortunately in urban America today black males have, to a great extent, created a very negative stereotype that causes others to react in a very cautious manner.

Before today's males whites were scared for other reasons like....seducing your wife, or their big seductive dicks...or the hypnotic jazz music.

The fault isnt with the race....its with the person who has those views and as you can see, racist never say its their fault.

People who dont like Jews blame the jews. lol...who else are they going to blame?
White folks should try talking to their neighbors. They might just find that they have quite a bit in common.
Andy, your personal experience does not mean anything as far as the actual events.

Rocko does not get that whites will commit violent crime at twice the rate of blacks.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.

So, could that be an explanation of why blacks are arrested and jailed so often when blacks are not?

Oops...I guess its too late to claim everyone is treated the same. Which is weird to know that blacks are treated differently then point to arrest records as proof not of being treated differently but of committing crimes.

Because they commit more crime? A few doors down from me, a boy broke into a house, and broke a bunch of stuff, tried to steal a few things. After the police showed up, he resisted arrest, and went on a chase down the street, where they tackled him, and beat the snot out of him. He was still screaming, with blood running down his face, when the dragged him away.

At that time, a lady walked out, and somehow thought she needed to tell me her life story.... (heaven knows why, but this happens to me A LOT)....

Turns out, boy freak, was this ladies kid, whose father ditched them, and she was shacking up with boy-toy number two. Boy freak apparently figures out where momma is hiding, and comes and wrecks her home, while taunting her boy-toy. He's been in and out of jail for years. This was a Jerry Springer show in the making.

But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

In know this is crazy to a leftist..... but what if the possibility is.... Because he was a criminal, and I was not?

Now you'd get that, given that he was white, and I'm white, so therefore it's because he was breaking the law.

But if that boy had been black, you'd be screaming about it being racism. Suddenly the fact he was breaking the law doesn't matter. Now it's all racist.
Whites commit way more crime. Go check the FBI stats. Your post is an example of the irrational fear racist whites have of Black people.
But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

Maybe you think that every study, poll and stat in the last 40 years is made up that shows blacks being charged with crimes that whites walk from and serve longer sentences for. The odds are against you tho.

And you must think that because some white people get beaten then its a wash. Again, stats, polls, studies spanning decades disagree with you.
White folks should try talking to their neighbors. They might just find that they have quite a bit in common.
Yeah. I didnt want to move where I live now but once I got to know my neighbors I saw they had the same aspirations and concerns I had.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
Yes. White racists get scared and stupid.

When blacks are 8 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit a violent crime it's not stupid to be vigilant around the one's you don't know. Sorry.

but it is racist tho

Not so. It's prejudice, but we're all prejudice. The problem is there is a large faction of blacks that are violent. You can't expect there to be no blowback from that.

Blowback like, unfair arrests maybe? huh?

Well a community that is constantly putting pressure on the police, is going to sometimes deal with the harsh wrath of the police. Do some cops go too far sometimes? Yes, but that's why we have a legal system..and in large part the police do a great job. Anyway why are you changing the subject? You want to know why white people are so suspicious of blacks, right? I'm telling you it's because a large faction of blacks do commit violent crime. You want white people to treat blacks that they don't know the same as everyone else they don't know. And you're acting like if they don't than that's a white problem. Well no, that is just not reality. As long as a large faction of blacks continue to be violent, people are going to remain suspicious of blacks. Forget about whether that is right or wrong, that will continue to be case and there's nothing you or I can do about it. The only way to change the perception is to become less violent.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.
So are you saying whites are inherently racists?

All people are inherently racist, it is in the DNA.


It is something that has to be UNLEARNED.

I wouldn't even agree with that.

While growing up, I was not racists. I went to an upper-middle class school system, and all the black kids there, were just as nice as any others.

Then later in my school career (as if it's a career), I went to a different school that was inner city.

Now growing up, it was common for people to drop their stuff off in the cafeteria, and just leave it there. I left my coat, my walkmen, CDs, book bag, all my stuff, right on a table in the middle of the cafeteria, and I never worried about anything. Even the keys to my car, and my home. No one cared. No one stole.

I showed up at that inner city school, a goofy go-lucky suburb kid... and they stole everything. All I had. Every single thing of great, or little value. They stole the keys to my car, my coat, my books even. They stole my calculator... a cheap $10 calculator.

I was one of only two white kids in the whole class.

For several years after that experience, I too was a racist. I was always on guard around black people, because my experience was so brutal. That was decades ago now, and I don't have that same feeling around black people, because I've met many good ones.

But it doesn't surprise me that people see all these images on TV of black people rioting, and looting, and burning down, and attacking police... and then you are shocked people now have a weariness of black people? Why is this a surprise?
Yes. White racists get scared and stupid.

When blacks are 8 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit a violent crime it's not stupid to be vigilant around the one's you don't know. Sorry.

but it is racist tho

Not so. It's prejudice, but we're all prejudice. The problem is there is a large faction of blacks that are violent. You can't expect there to be no blowback from that.

Blowback like, unfair arrests maybe? huh?

Well a community that is constantly putting pressure on the police, is going to sometimes deal with the harsh wrath of the police. Do some cops go too far sometimes? Yes, but that's why we have a legal system..and in large part the police do a great job. Anyway why are you changing the subject? You want to know why white people are so suspicious of blacks, right? I'm telling you it's because a large faction of blacks do commit violent crime. You want white people to treat blacks that they don't know the same as everyone else they don't know. And you're acting like if they don't than that's a white problem. Well no, that is just not reality. As long as a large faction of blacks continue to be violent, people are going to remain suspicious of blacks. Forget about whether that is right or wrong, that will continue to be case and there's nothing you or I can do about it. The only way to change the perception is to become less violent.
Rocko doesnt mind collateral damage as long as the "scary" Blacks are in cages. Politicians love sheeple like him. They get to wage a failed war on drugs instead of a war on poverty and people like Rocko feel safe instead of vulnerable.
White folks should try talking to their neighbors. They might just find that they have quite a bit in common.

Why would they do that? Its black peoples fault they fear a black man, so the black guy should make them unfear him by like....ummm...leaving his skin at home next time
But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

Maybe you think that every study, poll and stat in the last 40 years is made up that shows blacks being charged with crimes that whites walk from and serve longer sentences for. The odds are against you tho.

And you must think that because some white people get beaten then its a wash. Again, stats, polls, studies spanning decades disagree with you.

I have looked at most of those studies, and they all fail to take into account a ton of things.

When you have two people who have done equal crimes, in equal ways, with equal past histories... there isn't that much difference in sentencing.

Two people stealing from a quick mart, where one has a decade long criminal history, and the other it's his first offense... or where one passes a note saying "give me your money", verses the other who shoves a pistol in the clerks face... yeah the punishment will be different, based on what they did, or what their history is.

And it should be.

The problem with those studies, is they just look at two people who knocked off a quick-mart, and say "see the black guy got a tougher punishment"... do you know why? Of course not. They never look into why. And because they do not look into why, they just make broad assumptions that it was some 'racism' somewhere.
Unfortunately in urban America today black males have, to a great extent, created a very negative stereotype that causes others to react in a very cautious manner.
Not true. White women love Black men. Its white males that are afraid.
For several years after that experience, I too was a racist.

Makes sense to hate an entire race based on one person one time. lmao.

It wasn't one person, one time. It was 2 years, with dozens and dozens of people.

I had to pay one of them a ransom, to get the keys to my car back. Again, you people on the left are the most prejudice of them all. You know nothing of what I went through, and have already made broad judgments of me.
For several years after that experience, I too was a racist.

Makes sense to hate an entire race based on one person one time. lmao.

It wasn't one person, one time. It was 2 years, with dozens and dozens of people.

I had to pay one of them a ransom, to get the keys to my car back. Again, you people on the left are the most prejudice of them all. You know nothing of what I went through, and have already made broad judgments of me.
Sounds like you made that up. I had 2 white guys at my school and they hung out with us Black guys. BTW I grew up in the hood.
White folks should try talking to their neighbors. They might just find that they have quite a bit in common.

Why would they do that? Its black peoples fault they fear a black man, so the black guy should make them unfear him by like....ummm...leaving his skin at home next time

Stop raping... stop murdering... stop defending people who commit crime... stop rioting... stop looting.... stop being criminals, and supporting criminals.

That's what they should do.

I promise you, if the percent of crime committed by blacks was as low as it is Asians.... we wouldn't be having this discussions.

And by the way, they would be more wealthy, and better off economically, like Asians, if they did what Asians do.
The biggest non-existent crime reported seems to be 'walking/driving while black'.
Knew this already. :popcorn:
White folks should try talking to their neighbors. They might just find that they have quite a bit in common.

Why would they do that? Its black peoples fault they fear a black man, so the black guy should make them unfear him by like....ummm...leaving his skin at home next time

Stop raping... stop murdering... stop defending people who commit crime... stop rioting... stop looting.... stop being criminals, and supporting criminals.

That's what they should do.

I promise you, if the percent of crime committed by blacks was as low as it is Asians.... we wouldn't be having this discussions.

And by the way, they would be more wealthy, and better off economically, like Asians, if they did what Asians do.
Well we already know your opinion is wrong. Prior to Civil Rights Blacks had a low crime rate. Didnt make a difference in their economics due to (you guessed it) racism.

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