Cops complain online about white people getting 'freaked out' by their black neighbors

You didn't prove anything. You provided zero proof other than absolute number which don't take the most important factor into consideration, POPULATION.

According to the BLS, blacks committed 52% of murders despite being only 13% of the population.

Yep, they filled as many graves as whites.
It's mind boggling when you really think about it. Over 80% of whites are killed by whites and the majority of Black people kill Black people.
Some white people would ignore the thousands murdered by their neighbors and focus on the murders committed by people that kill in totally different communities...

I know. It's almost pathological the way they defend their position. I have to think that they have some deep seated hatred or resentment of blacks that drives this thinking.

Kinda like how everyone ignores hundreds of thousands of good police officers to freak out about a few bad cops, and decides they hate them all?

Yep, it happens. I blame the media for hyping the bullshit, but the general public deserves some of that credit too cause they keep buying it.
When did everyone start ignoring good cops? There should be more of them. Yes people freak out over bad ones because they have guns, authority, and we pay their wages. Not to be criminals but to actually uphold the law instead of breaking it.

Recessive people like you probably do hate the media for putting a spotlight on what Black communities have been going through for centuries. It probably destroys the rationalizations that have supported your inferiority complex since you were cognizant.

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