Cops complain online about white people getting 'freaked out' by their black neighbors

You should learn how to think first. Its an acquired skill for some as you have proven.

Ok genius, if 100 whites commit 25 crimes and 13 blacks commit 24, to say that whites commit more crime is absurd. As a percentage, blacks commit FAR MORE crime than whites. Per capita, blacks are very violent compared to all other races.
It's amusing the percentages you produced, may you enjoy the hemorrhoids pulling crap from yous ass will produce...
Thats the only play they have which shows they arent concerned with more crime they are only interested in how they can pretend they are concerned with only one segment of the populations crimes.

So they'll step over the high numbers of violence and put it in a calculator to determine blacks are the problem.

Its the same they do with talks about being proud of your race. They say blacks shouldnt be proud because whites arent. Then when you show them "Kiss me I'm Irish" shirts they pivot....

They think, how can I make this about BLACKS ONLY being proud? OH I KNOW....


So being proud isnt a problem as long as blacks are proud of themselves but not THEMSELVES
They complain about the NAACP and others for the same reason. You point out the National Jewish Council...thats fine. The Italian American Museum of Pasta...A-ok. The Greek Gallery of ass fucking...Cool Beans.

But the NAACP is....say it with me....ABOUT RACE!!! And GREEK ISNT A RACE!!
Sorry stats back me up. Whites commit more crime than anyone. Sucks for you but facts are facts.

Show me a reputable source that says that per capita, whites commit more crimes than blacks. Not absolute numbers because that ignores the fact that blacks make up barely more than 10% of the population.
Sorry stats back me up. Whites commit more crime than anyone. Sucks for you but facts are facts.

Show me a reputable source that says that per capita, whites commit more crimes than blacks. Not absolute numbers because that ignores the fact that blacks make up barely more than 10% of the population.
Why would what you think is reputable matter to me? I wasnt asking for you agreement. I was showing you the fact that whites commit more crime than anyone as shown by the FBI.


You should learn how to think first. Its an acquired skill for some as you have proven.

Ok genius, if 100 whites commit 25 crimes and 13 blacks commit 24, to say that whites commit more crime is absurd. As a percentage, blacks commit FAR MORE crime than whites. Per capita, blacks are very violent compared to all other races.
We get it. Now you get it.
Whites still commit twice as many crimes overall. So if America wanted to focus on eliminating rape for instance should we focus on blacks who commit 1/3 of rapes or whites who commit 2/3 of rapes?
Even though more blacks may be rapists as a percent of the entire race, it doesn't change the fact that whites commit 100% more rape.
Per capita says nothing about crime it only shows the number actors as a percentage of the whole.

If I were to tell you that there is more drug use per capita in Montana than in New York, does that mean that Montana has a worse drug crime problem than New York? No. Obviously there is more drug crime overall in New York.
It just means new York has a much larger population.
Your logic is flawed.

Illicit Drug Use statistics - States compared - StateMaster
You didn't prove anything. You provided zero proof other than absolute number which don't take the most important factor into consideration, POPULATION.

According to the BLS, blacks committed 52% of murders despite being only 13% of the population.

Yep, they filled as many graves as whites.
It's mind boggling when you really think about it. Over 80% of whites are killed by whites and the majority of Black people kill Black people.
Some white people would ignore the thousands murdered by their neighbors and focus on the murders committed by people that kill in totally different communities...
You didn't prove anything. You provided zero proof other than absolute number which don't take the most important factor into consideration, POPULATION.

According to the BLS, blacks committed 52% of murders despite being only 13% of the population.

Yep, they filled as many graves as whites.
It's mind boggling when you really think about it. Over 80% of whites are killed by whites and the majority of Black people kill Black people.
Some white people would ignore the thousands murdered by their neighbors and focus on the murders committed by people that kill in totally different communities...

I know. It's almost pathological the way they defend their position. I have to think that they have some deep seated hatred or resentment of blacks that drives this thinking.
You didn't prove anything. You provided zero proof other than absolute number which don't take the most important factor into consideration, POPULATION.

According to the BLS, blacks committed 52% of murders despite being only 13% of the population.

Yep, they filled as many graves as whites.
It's mind boggling when you really think about it. Over 80% of whites are killed by whites and the majority of Black people kill Black people.
Some white people would ignore the thousands murdered by their neighbors and focus on the murders committed by people that kill in totally different communities...

I know. It's almost pathological the way they defend their position. I have to think that they have some deep seated hatred or resentment of blacks that drives this thinking.

Kinda like how everyone ignores hundreds of thousands of good police officers to freak out about a few bad cops, and decides they hate them all?

Yep, it happens. I blame the media for hyping the bullshit, but the general public deserves some of that credit too cause they keep buying it.
You didn't prove anything. You provided zero proof other than absolute number which don't take the most important factor into consideration, POPULATION.

According to the BLS, blacks committed 52% of murders despite being only 13% of the population.

Yep, they filled as many graves as whites.
It's mind boggling when you really think about it. Over 80% of whites are killed by whites and the majority of Black people kill Black people.
Some white people would ignore the thousands murdered by their neighbors and focus on the murders committed by people that kill in totally different communities...

I know. It's almost pathological the way they defend their position. I have to think that they have some deep seated hatred or resentment of blacks that drives this thinking.

Kinda like how everyone ignores hundreds of thousands of good police officers to freak out about a few bad cops, and decides they hate them all?

Yep, it happens. I blame the media for hyping the bullshit, but the general public deserves some of that credit too cause they keep buying it.

Nobody "ignores" good cops or "hates" all cops. That's your hyperbolic bullshit.
Discussing the incidents where a few cops overreached isn't hating anyone. Ignoring those incidents and blindly backing the few bad actors is far more concerning to me.

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