Cops complain online about white people getting 'freaked out' by their black neighbors

But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

Maybe you think that every study, poll and stat in the last 40 years is made up that shows blacks being charged with crimes that whites walk from and serve longer sentences for. The odds are against you tho.

And you must think that because some white people get beaten then its a wash. Again, stats, polls, studies spanning decades disagree with you.

I have looked at most of those studies, and they all fail to take into account a ton of things.

When you have two people who have done equal crimes, in equal ways, with equal past histories... there isn't that much difference in sentencing.

Pause! This statement is a complete and utter lie which shows you disagree with ALL the studies, polls and stats based on your imagination alone. Statistically it is impossible for everyone of them to be wrong and you have no idea what it says if you are going to flat out make it up.

Two people stealing from a quick mart, where one has a decade long criminal history, and the other it's his first offense... or where one passes a note saying "give me your money", verses the other who shoves a pistol in the clerks face... yeah the punishment will be different, based on what they did, or what their history is.

And it should be.

The problem with those studies, is they just look at two people who knocked off a quick-mart, and say "see the black guy got a tougher punishment"... do you know why? Of course not. They never look into why. And because they do not look into why, they just make broad assumptions that it was some 'racism' somewhere.

This paragraph above lies even further. So many white people when saying that decades of stats, polls and studies are wrong always seem to think that they compared Rayful Edmond to Justin Timberlake.

Except they cant ever ever ever quote one study, one poll or one stat that shows this happened. On its face it doesnt even pass the laugh test.

"They compared a hardened criminal to a first time offender" LMAO...Come on bro! I'd ask you to quote just one but its futile because I know it doesnt exist
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.

Blacks reap what they sow, then they complain.
The biggest non-existent crime reported seems to be 'walking/driving while black'.
Knew this already. :popcorn:

Yep and it goes like this:

Police: "suspicious" black guy lets pull him over. He looks suspicious like he's hiding something. Get out the car.

Black dude: Why?


*Black dude gets out*

Police: well I dont see anything but I KNOW he's hiding something.

Now how do you think a cop would act when he finds his license has expired? Sticker is invalid? Or if the black guy objects? Will the cop who is suspicious of him let him pass? Or lean on him more?
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.

Blacks reap what they sow, then they complain.

Like seducing white women and hypnotic jazz right?

Tell me then, why Hitler was right?
But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

Maybe you think that every study, poll and stat in the last 40 years is made up that shows blacks being charged with crimes that whites walk from and serve longer sentences for. The odds are against you tho.

And you must think that because some white people get beaten then its a wash. Again, stats, polls, studies spanning decades disagree with you.

I have looked at most of those studies, and they all fail to take into account a ton of things.

When you have two people who have done equal crimes, in equal ways, with equal past histories... there isn't that much difference in sentencing.

Pause! This statement is a complete and utter lie which shows you disagree with ALL the studies, polls and stats based on your imagination alone. Statistically it is impossible for everyone of them to be wrong and you have no idea what it says if you are going to flat out make it up.

Two people stealing from a quick mart, where one has a decade long criminal history, and the other it's his first offense... or where one passes a note saying "give me your money", verses the other who shoves a pistol in the clerks face... yeah the punishment will be different, based on what they did, or what their history is.

And it should be.

The problem with those studies, is they just look at two people who knocked off a quick-mart, and say "see the black guy got a tougher punishment"... do you know why? Of course not. They never look into why. And because they do not look into why, they just make broad assumptions that it was some 'racism' somewhere.

This paragraph above lies even further. So many white people when saying that decades of stats, polls and studies are wrong always seem to think that they compared Rayful Edmond to Justin Timberlake.

Except they cant ever ever ever quote one study, one poll or one stat that shows this happened. On its face it doesnt even pass the laugh test.

"They compared a hardened criminal to a first time offender" LMAO...Come on bro! I'd ask you to quote just one but its futile because I know it doesnt exist

Pause! This statement is a complete and utter lie which shows you disagree with ALL the studies, polls and stats based on your imagination alone.

Funny how that works both ways huh? I can just accuse you of lying about everything, and claim you base your position on imagination alone.

Right back at you buddy. :) Fun conversation when accusations are all you need. Please continue.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.

Blacks reap what they sow, then they complain.
Whites reap what they sow then they get scared.
That's exactly what the stats say. You are too stupid to understand blacks are only 12% of the population so of course they are arrested less. Actually you do know the truth, you just don't like it, so you chose to debate bullshit instead.

I had the same discussion with him while back and he didn't get it then neither.

In his mind, if out of ten whites two commit crime, and if out of two blacks one commit crime, whites are more violent in proportion 2:1.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.

What happens? White people imagine crimes?

Um..... YES??!

You really don't get that do you? Yes dude, yes. When you have one group that is routinely on the news, rioting, attacking police, knocking off quick-marts, getting into fights at a concert, and jumping the fence, burning down half of Ferguson, YES DUDE YES. People are going to start freaking out every time they see someone that looks like the crazy people they see on TV.

Yes, they start seeing rioters on every block.

This is why those people need to stop doing stuff that gives them a bad reputation. Because then people get victimized by the stereotype.

Yes! That's exactly the whole point! CUT IT OUT. STOP BEING CRIMINALS.

Blacks reap what they sow, then they complain.
Blacks reap what they have always reaped in America, only what whites allow them to.
But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

Maybe you think that every study, poll and stat in the last 40 years is made up that shows blacks being charged with crimes that whites walk from and serve longer sentences for. The odds are against you tho.

And you must think that because some white people get beaten then its a wash. Again, stats, polls, studies spanning decades disagree with you.

I have looked at most of those studies, and they all fail to take into account a ton of things.

When you have two people who have done equal crimes, in equal ways, with equal past histories... there isn't that much difference in sentencing.

Pause! This statement is a complete and utter lie which shows you disagree with ALL the studies, polls and stats based on your imagination alone. Statistically it is impossible for everyone of them to be wrong and you have no idea what it says if you are going to flat out make it up.

Two people stealing from a quick mart, where one has a decade long criminal history, and the other it's his first offense... or where one passes a note saying "give me your money", verses the other who shoves a pistol in the clerks face... yeah the punishment will be different, based on what they did, or what their history is.

And it should be.

The problem with those studies, is they just look at two people who knocked off a quick-mart, and say "see the black guy got a tougher punishment"... do you know why? Of course not. They never look into why. And because they do not look into why, they just make broad assumptions that it was some 'racism' somewhere.

This paragraph above lies even further. So many white people when saying that decades of stats, polls and studies are wrong always seem to think that they compared Rayful Edmond to Justin Timberlake.

Except they cant ever ever ever quote one study, one poll or one stat that shows this happened. On its face it doesnt even pass the laugh test.

"They compared a hardened criminal to a first time offender" LMAO...Come on bro! I'd ask you to quote just one but its futile because I know it doesnt exist

Pause! This statement is a complete and utter lie which shows you disagree with ALL the studies, polls and stats based on your imagination alone.

Funny how that works both ways huh? I can just accuse you of lying about everything, and claim you base your position on imagination alone.

Right back at you buddy. :) Fun conversation when accusations are all you need. Please continue.

First you lie again because I didnt say I disagreed with any of the studies. You said you disagreed with all of them because they were all flawed but provided nothign to back it up. So no.

You can but I can prove mine by asking you one question. What are the odds of all the studies, polls and stats ALL compared two unlike situations?
That's exactly what the stats say. You are too stupid to understand blacks are only 12% of the population so of course they are arrested less. Actually you do know the truth, you just don't like it, so you chose to debate bullshit instead.

I had the same discussion with him while back and he didn't get it then neither.

In his mind, if out of ten whites two commit crime, and if out of two blacks one commit crime, whites are more violent in proportion 2:1.

We get it. Blacks are bad. In your mind
the problem of rape in America is only that more blacks proportionally commit rapes than whites and not that whites commit 100% more rapes.
I have looked at most of those studies, and they all fail to take into account a ton of things.

When you have two people who have done equal crimes, in equal ways, with equal past histories... there isn't that much difference in sentencing.

Actually I hate accusing someone of lying. So can you show any study that did what you said above?

But here's the kicker.... he was white as a sheet. Whiter than me in fact. Pure white.

So why did the police bash his face into the ground, and taze/spray, and drag his butt away, and not mine?

Maybe you think that every study, poll and stat in the last 40 years is made up that shows blacks being charged with crimes that whites walk from and serve longer sentences for. The odds are against you tho.

And you must think that because some white people get beaten then its a wash. Again, stats, polls, studies spanning decades disagree with you.

I have looked at most of those studies, and they all fail to take into account a ton of things.

When you have two people who have done equal crimes, in equal ways, with equal past histories... there isn't that much difference in sentencing.

Pause! This statement is a complete and utter lie which shows you disagree with ALL the studies, polls and stats based on your imagination alone. Statistically it is impossible for everyone of them to be wrong and you have no idea what it says if you are going to flat out make it up.

Two people stealing from a quick mart, where one has a decade long criminal history, and the other it's his first offense... or where one passes a note saying "give me your money", verses the other who shoves a pistol in the clerks face... yeah the punishment will be different, based on what they did, or what their history is.

And it should be.

The problem with those studies, is they just look at two people who knocked off a quick-mart, and say "see the black guy got a tougher punishment"... do you know why? Of course not. They never look into why. And because they do not look into why, they just make broad assumptions that it was some 'racism' somewhere.

This paragraph above lies even further. So many white people when saying that decades of stats, polls and studies are wrong always seem to think that they compared Rayful Edmond to Justin Timberlake.

Except they cant ever ever ever quote one study, one poll or one stat that shows this happened. On its face it doesnt even pass the laugh test.

"They compared a hardened criminal to a first time offender" LMAO...Come on bro! I'd ask you to quote just one but its futile because I know it doesnt exist

Pause! This statement is a complete and utter lie which shows you disagree with ALL the studies, polls and stats based on your imagination alone.

Funny how that works both ways huh? I can just accuse you of lying about everything, and claim you base your position on imagination alone.

Right back at you buddy. :) Fun conversation when accusations are all you need. Please continue.

First you lie again because I didnt say I disagreed with any of the studies. You said you disagreed with all of them because they were all flawed but provided nothign to back it up. So no.

You can but I can prove mine by asking you one question. What are the odds of all the studies, polls and stats ALL compared two unlike situations?

Huh, I'm guessing the answer was "slim to none"
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
Yes. White racists get scared and stupid.

When blacks are 8 times more likely than the rest of the population to commit a violent crime it's not stupid to be vigilant around the one's you don't know. Sorry.
Except that they aren't and you're an idiot...
Its like talking to an albino monkey trying to reason with him. Must be in his genes.
Unfortunately in urban America today black males have, to a great extent, created a very negative stereotype that causes others to react in a very cautious manner.

Before today's males whites were scared for other reasons like....seducing your wife, or their big seductive dicks...or the hypnotic jazz music.

The fault isnt with the race....its with the person who has those views and as you can see, racist never say its their fault.

People who dont like Jews blame the jews. lol...who else are they going to blame?

You're free to go on thinking that.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
This is what happens when some white people are too stupid to realize that over 80% of whites are killed by other whites...

90% of blacks are killed by other blacks.

A “white” homicide victim is twice as likely to be killed by a black than a black homicide victim is to be killed by a “white.”

The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, also shows similar data: 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders; 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders; 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders; and 7.6 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders.

What really is...

What some white people see.
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
This is what happens when some white people are too stupid to realize that over 80% of whites are killed by other whites...

90% of blacks are killed by other blacks.

A “white” homicide victim is twice as likely to be killed by a black than a black homicide victim is to be killed by a “white.”

The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, also shows similar data: 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders; 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders; 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders; and 7.6 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders.
So a vast majority of whites are killed by whites, however black boogeymen scare you...gotit!!!!
This is what happens when such a large percentage of an ethnic grouping develops a reputation for being violent.
This is what happens when some white people are too stupid to realize that over 80% of whites are killed by other whites...

90% of blacks are killed by other blacks.

A “white” homicide victim is twice as likely to be killed by a black than a black homicide victim is to be killed by a “white.”

The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, also shows similar data: 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders; 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders; 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders; and 7.6 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders.
So a vast majority of whites are killed by whites, however black boogeymen scare you...gotit!!!!

So it's true. Black men aren't as smart as white men. Thanks for the confirmation.

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