Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype

Doesn't matter how they dress. It's a stupid law. Stupid people trying to enforce it. Stupid situation to start with. If anyone is that worried about where trans people pee, they need to get a life.

That goes both ways Sparky, why are liberals so worried about letting them use the wrong bathroom? Get a life.

It's a matter of fairness and common sense. For the right, it's just a continuation of pouting over gay marriage.
With all due respect if kids r using those bathrooms it's a problem. Now I agree we as a country have bigger fish to fry. Just make a bathroom specifically for them n b done with it.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype

Doesn't matter how they dress. It's a stupid law. Stupid people trying to enforce it. Stupid situation to start with. If anyone is that worried about where trans people pee, they need to get a life.

That goes both ways Sparky, why are liberals so worried about letting them use the wrong bathroom? Get a life.

It's a matter of fairness and common sense. For the right, it's just a continuation of pouting over gay marriage.
With all due respect if kids r using those bathrooms it's a problem. Now I agree we as a country have bigger fish to fry. Just make a bathroom specifically for them n b done with it.

I never considered children only bathrooms. That's nuts.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID
Criminals don't like to carry ID...perhaps it's on the run.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.

With a few exceptions, there is no legal requirement to have an ID on you.

Is that your idea of Tea Party small government?
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Damn. I guess I better not wear pants but only dresses from now on.

We need a junk scanner at the entrance of every public bathroom. You just run your crotch over the scanner and it directs you to the proper bathroom. Technology can solve almost any problem. I am curious which door it will tell Rachel Maddow to use.

How about we put TSA in front of all the bathrooms in the country and they can just stick their hands down your pants to check. They already do that at the airports. Conservatives would love that. They created them, after all.
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype

Doesn't matter how they dress. It's a stupid law. Stupid people trying to enforce it. Stupid situation to start with. If anyone is that worried about where trans people pee, they need to get a life.

That goes both ways Sparky, why are liberals so worried about letting them use the wrong bathroom? Get a life.

It's a matter of fairness and common sense. For the right, it's just a continuation of pouting over gay marriage.
With all due respect if kids r using those bathrooms it's a problem. Now I agree we as a country have bigger fish to fry. Just make a bathroom specifically for them n b done with it.

I never considered children only bathrooms. That's nuts.
At least u have sense of humor. So ur not totally against the idea of a bathroom for the confused.
In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men

A good buddy of mine was telling me about his lesbian sister who was all offended, a couple of years ago, because a small child asked her mom about why a man was in the lady's room.

My buddy was diplomatic with his sister, who he doesn't see very much.

But as he told me, she dresses to look like a man. She cuts her hair to look butch. She doesn't wear any makeup.

She looks like a man.

The little girl was not being a bigot. The lesbian looked like a man.

It was a valid and honest mistake on the little girls part.
The cops weren't little girls. Fail.

If you "rebel" against society by purposefully NOT looking like a person of your gender, and, by your actions and choices, you manage to NOT look like a person of your gender,

if someone else makes a mistake about your gender, they are not at fault.

Honestly, if you went to that extent to make yourself look male, and someone mistook you as a male, shouldn't you be flattered?

What am I missing?
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.

With a few exceptions, there is no legal requirement to have an ID on you.

Is that your idea of Tea Party small government?
Without a state to protect them, fags and trannys would not have any rights. They'd have been put down years ago.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Damn. I guess I better not wear pants but only dresses from now on.

We need a junk scanner at the entrance of every public bathroom. You just run your crotch over the scanner and it directs you to the proper bathroom. Technology can solve almost any problem. I am curious which door it will tell Rachel Maddow to use.

How about we put TSA in front of all the bathrooms in the country and they can just stick their hands down your pants to check. They already do that at the airports. Conservatives would love that. They created them, after all.

I had already beaten you to that punch
All trannys should have to carry a "Pee License", which can only be obtained from the DMV upon presentation of a letter from the tranny's doctor that he/she is of a certain sex. Then, their driver's license would be so endorsed, giving them the right to pee in the appropriate restroom, but only if accompanied by a licensed "pee monitor" which must be stationed at the door of the restroom, and paid by the owner of such restroom. Such Pee Monitor would be uniformed, and wear a badge featuring a toilet on one arm, and a urinal on the other.

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