Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

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Most of the original states had death penalties for homosexual behavior. Faggotry wasn't accepted by the founders or anyone else back then.

They also owned brown people. Cuz you know, Land of the "Free" and all that.
The state is the only reason fags aren't persecuted and exexuted today. Praise your god.

The purpose of the government is supposed to be to protect people's freedoms, not infringe on them.
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Classic Hoax.

Camera ready to roll and statement ready to be made into the camera.

Yup, this was a setup to get pity for a cause no doubt just like the other fake hate crimes reported in the past

Feel free to provide your evidence
Most of the original states had death penalties for homosexual behavior. Faggotry wasn't accepted by the founders or anyone else back then.

They also owned brown people. Cuz you know, Land of the "Free" and all that.
The state is the only reason fags aren't persecuted and exexuted today. Praise your god.

The purpose of the government is supposed to be to protect people's freedoms, not infringe on them.
Well we see how well that works, don't we?
This should teach us all a lesson. Homesexuality is immoral n never trust the judgement of the popo.
Classic Hoax.

Camera ready to roll and statement ready to be made into the camera.

Yup, this was a setup to get pity for a cause no doubt just like the other fake hate crimes reported in the past

Feel free to provide your evidence

Show yours. Good lord.

Who called then. The story doesn't say does it. And the statement made? Obviously it was practiced
Most of the original states had death penalties for homosexual behavior. Faggotry wasn't accepted by the founders or anyone else back then.

They also owned brown people. Cuz you know, Land of the "Free" and all that.
The state is the only reason fags aren't persecuted and exexuted today. Praise your god.

The purpose of the government is supposed to be to protect people's freedoms, not infringe on them.

Your rights end at my space. It works both ways.
I saw nothing they did wrong, all that needed to happen was an ID produced but in the world there are smart asses causing trouble....this is one of those times

How is not having an ID causing a problem? I would guess there are many people walking around without an ID.
I saw nothing they did wrong, all that needed to happen was an ID produced but in the world there are smart asses causing trouble....this is one of those times

How is not having an ID causing a problem? I would guess there are many people walking around without an ID.

This one may have not had one on purpose. Adds drama to the set up.
I saw nothing they did wrong, all that needed to happen was an ID produced but in the world there are smart asses causing trouble....this is one of those times

How is not having an ID causing a problem? I would guess there are many people walking around without an ID.

Good're wasting my time. The person was in a female restroom, the police were called because someone thought it could be a male (looking at the video it could easily be assumed he/she is male) the ID would have settled it once and for all.
I saw nothing they did wrong, all that needed to happen was an ID produced but in the world there are smart asses causing trouble....this is one of those times

How is not having an ID causing a problem? I would guess there are many people walking around without an ID.

Good're wasting my time. The person was in a female restroom, the police were called because someone thought it could be a male (looking at the video it could easily be assumed he/she is male) the ID would have settled it once and for all.
She looked female. The tits gave it away.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Damn. I guess I better not wear pants but only dresses from now on.

We need a junk scanner at the entrance of every public bathroom. You just run your crotch over the scanner and it directs you to the proper bathroom. Technology can solve almost any problem. I am curious which door it will tell Rachel Maddow to use.

How about we put TSA in front of all the bathrooms in the country and they can just stick their hands down your pants to check. They already do that at the airports. Conservatives would love that. They created them, after all.

How about some crotch sniffing dogs?

The police must have something better to do.

Like respond to a citizen's they were doing?

They had the opportunity to realize that it was a frivolous complaint when they saw nothing was going on.
And all the women in the restroom were telling them the girl, was a girl.

More proof of a set up with a convincing accomplice making the call
The police must have something better to do.

Like respond to a citizen's they were doing?

They had the opportunity to realize that it was a frivolous complaint when they saw nothing was going on.

I saw nothing they did wrong, all that needed to happen was an ID produced but in the world there are smart asses causing trouble....this is one of those times
What is this, Nazi Germany that you have to carry papers? If you aren't driving a car or using credit cards, why do you have to carry ID?
Good're wasting my time. The person was in a female restroom, the police were called because someone thought it could be a male (looking at the video it could easily be assumed he/she is male) the ID would have settled it once and for all.

We don't know if she had an ID or not.
I saw nothing they did wrong, all that needed to happen was an ID produced but in the world there are smart asses causing trouble....this is one of those times

How is not having an ID causing a problem? I would guess there are many people walking around without an ID.

Good're wasting my time. The person was in a female restroom, the police were called because someone thought it could be a male (looking at the video it could easily be assumed he/she is male) the ID would have settled it once and for all.
She looked female. The tits gave it away.

Crossdressers would never think of a stuffed bra!

Fags have done nothing and have nothing to offer society. There is no reason for t
The police must have something better to do.

Like respond to a citizen's they were doing?

They had the opportunity to realize that it was a frivolous complaint when they saw nothing was going on.

I saw nothing they did wrong, all that needed to happen was an ID produced but in the world there are smart asses causing trouble....this is one of those times
What is this, Nazi Germany that you have to carry papers? If you aren't driving a car or using credit cards, why do you have to carry ID?
To get a job.

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