Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men
Congrats. You've put up the best post in a couple of months!
A little 'Inner tennis visa vi lesbianism. (New word?)
My niece who I have a very warm close relationship is about as 'bull dyke' lesbian as they come.
I went to a lesbian bar with her a couple of times when I was visiting her in another city.
These are some of her options after being a lesbian for a few decades not in any order.
There is no bull dyke on earth who will not get seriously violent if a straight man tries to come between her girlfriend and her. In many cases their 'girlfriends are sort of brainless 'nowheresville' people who don't really know what they want in a relationship.
The bulldyke, being half female knows instinctively how to say the 'right words at the right time' to keep her little cherry blossom in the corral.
Bull dykes like to parade their 'cherries' in public but only to a point. The minutes some male comes sniffing around it's astalavista!
When their 'cherry's' have to be in the public domain the bull dykes will literally dress their cherries to lot as unattractive as possible. Dirty, unkempt, smelly, the least feminine cloths possible. Literally anything that will not attract males at their work places etc.
Good're wasting my time. The person was in a female restroom, the police were called because someone thought it could be a male (looking at the video it could easily be assumed he/she is male) the ID would have settled it once and for all.
She looked female. The tits gave it away.

Crossdressers would never think of a stuffed bra!

What a numbskull. Next, the cops will be checking to see if boobs are real or not. Let's open the harassment up to straight girls wearing padded bras. Cops will have authority to fondle your daughter's tits when she goes to take a piss or touch up her make-up.

Idiot alert. ^^^^^

The cops recieved a complaint. They did their job

Now your being a good leftist sheeple and going along with an obvious hoax.
They did not do their job, that is why the story is in the news. They should have sent in a female officer to ascertain whether the complaint was valid or not. Short of that, if a female officer was not available, they should have made a verbal announcement at the door that they were present outside if anyone needed them and waited for the alleged offender to come out of the restroom. No one's security or safety was in danger.
Stupid law + Stupid cops = this stupid situation

What was the exact complaint? It's not stated in the story.
How is not having an ID causing a problem? I would guess there are many people walking around without an ID.

Good're wasting my time. The person was in a female restroom, the police were called because someone thought it could be a male (looking at the video it could easily be assumed he/she is male) the ID would have settled it once and for all.
She looked female. The tits gave it away.

Crossdressers would never think of a stuffed bra!

What a numbskull. Next, the cops will be checking to see if boobs are real or not. Let's open the harassment up to straight girls wearing padded bras. Cops will have authority to fondle your daughter's tits when she goes to take a piss or touch up her make-up.

Must you respond with the typical left buffoonery? All IT had to do was show and ID...problem solved but nope you idiots have to create a problem and drama. I'll bet a dollar this was all planned
Of course it was planned out. These wack-jobs are the same as negroes painting racist words on bathrooms. Most of the time they get caught.
In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men
Congrats. You've put up the best post in a couple of months!
A little 'Inner tennis visa vi lesbianism. (New word?)
My niece who I have a very warm close relationship is about as 'bull dyke' lesbian as they come.
I went to a lesbian bar with her a couple of times when I was visiting her in another city.
These are some of her options after being a lesbian for a few decades not in any order.
There is no bull dyke on earth who will not get seriously violent if a straight man tries to come between her girlfriend and her. In many cases their 'girlfriends are sort of brainless 'nowheresville' people who don't really know what they want in a relationship.
The bulldyke, being half female knows instinctively how to say the 'right words at the right time' to keep her little cherry blossom in the corral.
Bull dykes like to parade their 'cherries' in public but only to a point. The minutes some male comes sniffing around it's astalavista!
When their 'cherry's' have to be in the public domain the bull dykes will literally dress their cherries to lot as unattractive as possible. Dirty, unkempt, smelly, the least feminine cloths possible. Literally anything that will not attract males at their work places etc.

Ick....I just threw up a little in my mouth :puke3:
She looked female. The tits gave it away.

Crossdressers would never think of a stuffed bra!

What a numbskull. Next, the cops will be checking to see if boobs are real or not. Let's open the harassment up to straight girls wearing padded bras. Cops will have authority to fondle your daughter's tits when she goes to take a piss or touch up her make-up.

Idiot alert. ^^^^^

The cops recieved a complaint. They did their job

Now your being a good leftist sheeple and going along with an obvious hoax.
They did not do their job, that is why the story is in the news. They should have sent in a female officer to ascertain whether the complaint was valid or not. Short of that, if a female officer was not available, they should have made a verbal announcement at the door that they were present outside if anyone needed them and waited for the alleged offender to come out of the restroom. No one's security or safety was in danger.
Stupid law + Stupid cops = this stupid situation

What was the exact complaint? It's not stated in the story.
Gee, what could it have been?
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype
Most I've seen do. You have any evidence to back your claim that "most" don't dress like men?

Having a lot of friends who are lesbian I can tell you that there are two types. There are the feminine ones and the butch ones. Interestingly enough, with one exception, the women I know who are feminine are attracted to the butch, and vice versa. In only one exception, I know two butch lesbians who are paired up. I know of no real lesbians where both are feminine to the same degree.

The butch ones dress a lot like men, with similar hair styles.
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype
Most I've seen do. You have any evidence to back your claim that "most" don't dress like men?

Having a lot of friends who are lesbian I can tell you that there are two types. There are the feminine ones and the butch ones. Interestingly enough, with one exception, the women I know who are feminine are attracted to the butch, and vice versa. In only one exception, I know two butch lesbians who are paired up. I know of no real lesbians where both are feminine to the same degree.

The butch ones dress a lot like men, with similar hair styles.
I've seen plenty butch couples. It may be a regional thing. Dikes out here still sport mullets.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.
Why do woman trying to imitate a man go into this hip-hop stance? That's hardly how a real man acts in front of company or alone. What a fucking joke she is.
In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men
. And they are all FAT. Except bodecea . I secretly fantasize she's hot! :banana:

Ugh...don't summon that sock puppet master to my comments. It's bad enough she follows me around as it is
Lol. I don't think she has two or more accounts. Is that even allowed here? Can't the Mods compare ISP addresses of suspected socks and cancel the duplicates?
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

In the US, there is no law requiring people to carry papers of any kind. You are required to carry a license to do some things like driving, but otherwise, no.
Yo, most have short hair or crew cuts, and yes, they look like men, period!

Gay females below:
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

Not in every state, it's not even close to uniform. Some states you must provide ID, some states you must simply identify yourself, an in other states you can just ignore the police an walk away without identifying yourself unless they actually detain you.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.


the animal's bigotry is the problem. how dare you blame laws treating transgendered people fairly for the animal's violence.
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype
Most I've seen do. You have any evidence to back your claim that "most" don't dress like men?

thanks for your made up nonsense and bigotry.

It's not made up. I went to school on Capitol Hill in Seattle, THE gay area. I'm speaking from experience, I asked for evidence to the contrary. Which you haven't produced, dyke.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

In the US, there is no law requiring people to carry papers of any kind. You are required to carry a license to do some things like driving, but otherwise, no.
As far as federal laws are concerned,
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype
Most I've seen do. You have any evidence to back your claim that "most" don't dress like men?

thanks for your made up nonsense and bigotry.

It's not made up. I went to school on Capitol Hill in Seattle, THE gay area. I'm speaking from experience, I asked for evidence to the contrary. Which you haven't produced, dyke.

everyone in seattle wears flannel.

that has zero to do with how all lesbians dress

I'm also not a lesbian. I understand you hate women and you think that's some type of insult.

pissant. :cuckoo:

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