Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

In the US, there is no law requiring people to carry papers of any kind. You are required to carry a license to do some things like driving, but otherwise, no.
As far as federal laws are concerned,
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype
Most I've seen do. You have any evidence to back your claim that "most" don't dress like men?

thanks for your made up nonsense and bigotry.

It's not made up. I went to school on Capitol Hill in Seattle, THE gay area. I'm speaking from experience, I asked for evidence to the contrary. Which you haven't produced, dyke.

everyone in seattle wears flannel.

that has zero to do with how all lesbians dress

I'm also not a lesbian. I understand you hate women and you think that's some type of insult.

pissant. :cuckoo:
You are a dyke.
Yo, it`s going to comedown to the so-called privileged, with special rights, and being the minority, will start being shot by protective parents? This will only be Obama`s fault, simple!!! So, if shit happens, because we the Citizens of the U.S.A., have an agitator in the Gay House? The Law should go there and drag his Faggot Loving Ass out in handcuffs, as being a instigator, period!

The only thing missing from this Hoax-Set Up is.........

A Teleprompter
the animal's bigotry is the problem. how dare you blame laws treating transgendered people fairly for the animal's violence.

That's what I said, dumb ass.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

Not in every state, it's not even close to uniform. Some states you must provide ID, some states you must simply identify yourself, an in other states you can just ignore the police an walk away without identifying yourself unless they actually detain you.

If a person is not reasonably suspected of a crime, he has no obligation to show ID. What a woman wears is not a reasonable expectation of a crime.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

That is not true. It depends on what state you're in. Roughly half the state require police to have a justifiable reason to request ID. They can't just randomly come up to you and demand to see it without cause.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

Not in every state, it's not even close to uniform. Some states you must provide ID, some states you must simply identify yourself, an in other states you can just ignore the police an walk away without identifying yourself unless they actually detain you.

If a person is not reasonably suspected of a crime, he has no obligation to show ID. What a woman wears is not a reasonable expectation of a crime.
But it might cause someone to believe they're a male hanging out in the ladies room and a dyke might as well be a man since they're attracted to women.
Trannys aren't a huge threat in this whole thing, it's men dressing up like women to get access to their victims.

Trannys should be interned or executed but they're not the problem here.
Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

Not in every state, it's not even close to uniform. Some states you must provide ID, some states you must simply identify yourself, an in other states you can just ignore the police an walk away without identifying yourself unless they actually detain you.

If a person is not reasonably suspected of a crime, he has no obligation to show ID. What a woman wears is not a reasonable expectation of a crime.
But it might cause someone to believe they're a male hanging out in the ladies room and a dyke might as well be a man since they're attracted to women.

Just because "somebody" might have unreasonable thoughts doesn't obligate anyone to have to show their papers.
Trannys aren't a huge threat in this whole thing, it's men dressing up like women to get access to their victims.

Trannys should be interned or executed but they're not the problem here.

Then why make an unneeded law for trans people? Men having access to women's bathrooms is already against the law.
What if men start dressing up as female Fed Ex workers? Trans peeps are making life so dangerous!
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

Not in every state, it's not even close to uniform. Some states you must provide ID, some states you must simply identify yourself, an in other states you can just ignore the police an walk away without identifying yourself unless they actually detain you.

If a person is not reasonably suspected of a crime, he has no obligation to show ID. What a woman wears is not a reasonable expectation of a crime.

But the call might have been.
What if men start dressing up as female Fed Ex workers? Trans peeps are making life so dangerous!

If done so to disquise oneselfs true identity, that is probable cause and the Police can hold the individual until a true identification can be made.

So there's that
Trannys aren't a huge threat in this whole thing, it's men dressing up like women to get access to their victims.

Trannys should be interned or executed but they're not the problem here.

Then why make an unneeded law for trans people? Men having access to women's bathrooms is already against the law.
I don't think they should. I've said that multiple times on this thread. Market forces will address this issue just fine. That's been my stance, Trump is right on this topic. Nobody gives him his props for it either.
In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men

A good buddy of mine was telling me about his lesbian sister who was all offended, a couple of years ago, because a small child asked her mom about why a man was in the lady's room.

My buddy was diplomatic with his sister, who he doesn't see very much.

But as he told me, she dresses to look like a man. She cuts her hair to look butch. She doesn't wear any makeup.

She looks like a man.

The little girl was not being a bigot. The lesbian looked like a man.

It was a valid and honest mistake on the little girls part.
The cops weren't little girls. Fail.

If you "rebel" against society by purposefully NOT looking like a person of your gender, and, by your actions and choices, you manage to NOT look like a person of your gender,

if someone else makes a mistake about your gender, they are not at fault.
There it's the woman's fault.

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