Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Damn. I guess I better not wear pants but only dresses from now on.

That will make it easier to get through the mandatory genital inspection that they want to impose.

Is that next to the mental health experts couch your side wants posted outside restrooms?
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.

With a few exceptions, there is no legal requirement to have an ID on you.

Is that your idea of Tea Party small government?
Without a state to protect them, fags and trannys would not have any rights. They'd have been put down years ago.

What a stupid thing to say.

This is the USA, we have a right to be as perverted as we choose to be provided we don't harm another person.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.

With a few exceptions, there is no legal requirement to have an ID on you.

Is that your idea of Tea Party small government?

In most states it's legal for the police to detain you until they establish your identity, piss them off and that may take awhile. Best to just show the ID and not be an ass
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.

With a few exceptions, there is no legal requirement to have an ID on you.

Is that your idea of Tea Party small government?
Without a state to protect them, fags and trannys would not have any rights. They'd have been put down years ago.

What a stupid thing to say.

This is the USA, we have a right to be as perverted as we choose to be provided we don't harm another person.
Most of the original states had death penalties for homosexual behavior. Faggotry wasn't accepted by the founders or anyone else back then.
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
Who knows? She should have just showed it to them.
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.

How much you wanna bet it was another lesbian that called the cops
This is what your idiotic bathroom paranoia is causing

Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man | The Daily Liberator

And this is one of the predominant debates in our country right now. There is no need to worry about Wall Street screwing the people or the Middle East and festering religious terrorism...worry about the person in the stall next to you.

Strange, she has no ID. This is typical bullshit brought by Social Justice warriors to cause trouble. The give away is not having ID. I bet she was reported by a nice straight woman who was being leered at by this botch.

With a few exceptions, there is no legal requirement to have an ID on you.

Is that your idea of Tea Party small government?
Without a state to protect them, fags and trannys would not have any rights. They'd have been put down years ago.

What a stupid thing to say.

This is the USA, we have a right to be as perverted as we choose to be provided we don't harm another person.
Most of the original states had death penalties for homosexual behavior. Faggotry wasn't accepted by the founders or anyone else back then.

So? We don't live in 1776 bro, move on.
Most of the original states had death penalties for homosexual behavior. Faggotry wasn't accepted by the founders or anyone else back then.

They also owned brown people. Cuz you know, Land of the "Free" and all that.
The state is the only reason fags aren't persecuted and exexuted today. Praise your god.

Are you aware of just how stupid you sound when you say shit like that?
That's a manly as it looks. It tries hard to posture like a male, but that hand of hers keeps wanting to set on her hip instinctually when she is upset.

Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
Who knows? She should have just showed it to them.

Why? Better to the cops try to explain to their superiors why they drug a woman out of the women's bathroom.
Classic Hoax.

Camera ready to roll and statement ready to be made into the camera.

Yup, this was a setup to get pity for a cause no doubt just like the other fake hate crimes reported in the past
Most of the original states had death penalties for homosexual behavior. Faggotry wasn't accepted by the founders or anyone else back then.

They also owned brown people. Cuz you know, Land of the "Free" and all that.
The state is the only reason fags aren't persecuted and exexuted today. Praise your god.

Are you aware of just how stupid you sound when you say shit like that?
No, because I'm right.

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