Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday

I know 2 who are going and they're definitely considering it.
Some respect you have for the office of the President...

Turn away, it will be nice to see the backlash...

America is waking up, Obama has been telling them that he is dealing with assholes and I think they are getting it...

Please do it and Obama Approval rating will bump by 5 -10%..

Oh no! Some of the police are threatening to... ROTATE THE POSITION OF THEIR BODY 180 DEGREES!!! They wouldn't dare!!! What a terrible thing! Quick! Obama must be warned of this dire threat!


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He is not exempt as POTUS to be shown the ire people feel about him. Personally, I would not bother to go if it was just to diss him since this memorial is not about is about the officers killed by thugs, but I am not going to say they shouldn't...or should. That is up to each individual.
Some respect you have for the office of the President...

Turn away, it will be nice to see the backlash...

America is waking up, Obama has been telling them that he is dealing with assholes and I think they are getting it...

Please do it and Obama Approval rating will bump by 5 -10%..

What has this egotistical jerk off done to shine respect on the office of the president? He has made our country and that office a complete joke! he doesn't even qualify as worst at this point, because to me, he doesn't even meet minimum standards to qualify. This reign of ineptitude, has been an appalling nightmare, and I want to awaken soon. Inept or evil, make your choice.
Some respect you have for the office of the President...

Turn away, it will be nice to see the backlash...

America is waking up, Obama has been telling them that he is dealing with assholes and I think they are getting it...

Please do it and Obama Approval rating will bump by 5 -10%..

What has this egotistical jerk off done to shine respect on the office of the president? He has made our country and that office a complete joke! he doesn't even qualify as worst at this point, because to me, he doesn't even meet minimum standards to qualify. This reign of ineptitude, has been an appalling nightmare, and I want to awaken soon. Inept or evil, make your choice.

America woke up when they decided to elect him twice, or were YOU awake?

Egotistical jerk? Damn right, I'd be too if I were President of the USA just like the rest of them.

If Obama has made our country and the office a complete joke, why aren't you laughing instead of crying in your beer.

One more thing, dude. Why do you think Obama was elected TWICE? Inept presidents don't get to go again, they get voted OUT.
Stop lying to yourself, moron; and get on board with a winner and stop acting like the losers you "conservatives" are.
Aw for crying out loud, most of the cops are friggin' repug racists anyhow. Most likely turned their backs , figuratively, on Obama and most of Black America when they put their badges on. They underlined that when they voted for the inept GOP duo in 2008 AND followed up with support for MItt and crew in 2012

If the cops all turn their backs on the president of the USA, that's a good thing. When they face Black guys they usually have bad intentions. Besides, if their backs are to the podium, that ought to make Obama safer, right...WHY? because they will be looking at the crowd instead of at him!

Personally, though, I think Obama should spare himself the embarrassment by sending Joe Biden to the event.
Aw for crying out loud, most of the cops are friggin' repug racists anyhow. Most likely turned their backs , figuratively, on Obama and most of Black America when they put their badges on. They underlined that when they voted for the inept GOP duo in 2008 AND followed up with support for MItt and crew in 2012

If the cops all turn their backs on the president of the USA, that's a good thing. When they face Black guys they usually have bad intentions. Besides, if their backs are to the podium, that ought to make Obama safer, right...WHY? because they will be looking at the crowd instead of at him!

Personally, though, I think Obama should spare himself the embarrassment by sending Joe Biden to the event.
We know he's black and you're black, but if you really want to get over this racism thing, one way is to come to grips with the failures of blacks, whether it is of their leaders or culture. Otherwise the beat goes on unabated.
If officers turn their backs, it will be an act of dissent. Plain and simple. Liberals love dissent. They remind us that it is the ultimate form of patriotism.
Aw for crying out loud, most of the cops are friggin' repug racists anyhow. Most likely turned their backs , figuratively, on Obama and most of Black America when they put their badges on. They underlined that when they voted for the inept GOP duo in 2008 AND followed up with support for MItt and crew in 2012

If the cops all turn their backs on the president of the USA, that's a good thing. When they face Black guys they usually have bad intentions. Besides, if their backs are to the podium, that ought to make Obama safer, right...WHY? because they will be looking at the crowd instead of at him!

Personally, though, I think Obama should spare himself the embarrassment by sending Joe Biden to the event.
We know he's black and you're black, but if you really want to get over this racism thing, one way is to come to grips with the failures of blacks, whether it is of their leaders or culture. Otherwise the beat goes on unabated.

:lol: I don't believe in race so I cannot be a racist. You are and it shows in every thing you say. BTW you don't know if I am Black or not, I never said. I don't have to be Black to defend them or their cause.

Now the "failures of Blacks" is such a broad all encompassing label, it can't possibly be true. But that is exactly what you are erroneously implying, aren't you? There have been far more success stories in the Black communities than failures but all you want to see and research till the wee hours of the morning is "black failures."

Your hate is the kind that can't be cured. Even if every Black person suddenly became middle class and started to behave like White people want them to, you'd hate them. Your hate is that Nazi kind of hate that permeates the soul. The kind that given the chance would spiral out of control and lead to the same kind of solution your German Christian brethren sought against the Jews. And the Jews were NOT failures by any means. They were hated just because they were Jews, just as YOU hate Blacks for being Black! Regardless of status or achievements.
If officers turn their backs, it will be an act of dissent. Plain and simple. Liberals love dissent. They remind us that it is the ultimate form of patriotism.
I don't follow you! If the officers create dissent by turning their backs on Obama and "liberals' love dissent, why would the officers give them what they love?
This should be good. I was at the Vietnam Memorial wall for Memorial Day back in 1993 when the Vets in unison turned their backs on President Clinton. Does Obama deserve to have the police do the same to him as the Vets did Clinton?

Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday Wounded American Warrior

I hope they do, and yes, he does deserve the mistrust from the Police officers. But then again if they do, they will all be labeled as racists. That's what liberals do.
This is good. Something for you idiots to look forward to. Any day in which your president experiences some embarrassment is a good day for you. As an American, I want my fellow Americans to have some good days. Please enjoy this great moment.
This is good. Something for you idiots to look forward to. Any day in which your president experiences some embarrassment is a good day for you. As an American, I want my fellow Americans to have some good days. Please enjoy this great moment.

Any day where LoneLaugher is suffering from an acute case of butthurt is a good day for us. As a fat, unemployed, basement dwelling man, I will enjoy this moment. Rest assured, my day today will be glorious.

Please, continue to provide me with endless jubilation. I need some with my twinkies.
Your hate is the kind that can't be cured. Even if every Black person suddenly became middle class and started to behave like White people want them to, you'd hate them. Your hate is that Nazi kind of hate that permeates the soul.

And you "don't believe in race." This makes you a liar.
This should be good. I was at the Vietnam Memorial wall for Memorial Day back in 1993 when the Vets in unison turned their backs on President Clinton. Does Obama deserve to have the police do the same to him as the Vets did Clinton?

Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday Wounded American Warrior

I hope they do, and yes, he does deserve the mistrust from the Police officers. But then again if they do, they will all be labeled as racists. That's what liberals do.
They're already labeled racists.
This should be good. I was at the Vietnam Memorial wall for Memorial Day back in 1993 when the Vets in unison turned their backs on President Clinton. Does Obama deserve to have the police do the same to him as the Vets did Clinton?

Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday Wounded American Warrior

I hope they do, and yes, he does deserve the mistrust from the Police officers. But then again if they do, they will all be labeled as racists. That's what liberals do.
They're already labeled racists.

Of course they are, and they will only reaffirm it. They should do it anyway.

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