Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday

Eh, what was this supposed to mean? How can you "not believe in race" huh?

Your hate is the kind that can't be cured. Even if every Black person suddenly became middle class and started to behave like White people want them to, you'd hate them. Your hate is that Nazi kind of hate that permeates the soul.

And you "don't believe in race." This makes you a liar.

I guess that is what I get for attempting dialogue with an ignoramus!

I assume you are referring to my use of the terms "Black" and "White" to make myself clearer to a racist, like you. I use those words out of necessity to communicate, not because I believe or agree with what they connote. Besides, the terms are not always indicative of race since some very dark people, even some Black Africans have been re-classified as Caucasian. Now show me the lie in my [previous post, if you can.

Is this an attempt at a payback for exposing your lie about a 1962-63 riot in Athens Georgia where you said, among other things, that it was a small town about a mile from the South Carolina border? :lol:

Vindictive bahs-turd aren't you? Heh heh heh. Too bad your IQ isn't high enough to pull it off!
BTW, a top anthropologist happened to write an entire book on the subject, But what do you know? When was the last time you read anything but the sports page, eh?


THE IDEA OF "RACE" represents one of the greatest errors,
if not the greatest error, of our time, and the most
tragic. What "race" is everyone seems to know, and is
only too eager to tell. All but a very few individuals take it
completely for granted that scientists have established the
"facts" about "race" and that they have long ago recognized
and classified the "races" of mankind. Scientists do little to
discourage this view, and, indeed, many of them are quite as
deluded as most laymen are about the subject. It is not diffi-
cult to see, therefore, why most of us continue to believe that
"race" really corresponds to something which exists. As Hog-
ben has remarked: "Geneticists believe that anthropologists
have decided what a race is. Ethnologists assume that their
classifications embody principles which genetic science has
proved correct. Politicians believe that their prejudices have
the sanction of genetic laws and the findings of physical anthro-
pology to sustain them." l Actually, none of them have any
grounds, but those which spring from their prejudices, for
such beliefs.
As he began to speak, more than 100 uniformed veterans on a rise several hundred yards away swiveled in unison to turn their back on him. Out of tens of thousands of vets attending. Clinton Cheered Jeered at Vietnam Memorial Veterans He asks nation to set aside unhealed wounds of the war. He pledges release of MIA data. - latimes

Any cop in uniform who does it will be terminated.

It will certainly be a test of how loyal the police brass is? Will they allow such disrespect to the office of the US president?
Some respect you have for the office of the President...

Turn away, it will be nice to see the backlash...

America is waking up, Obama has been telling them that he is dealing with assholes and I think they are getting it...

Please do it and Obama Approval rating will bump by 5 -10%..
Sorry... you're delusional... most of the handful of remaining Orgasmic Obamabots (Hopey-Changey, Hopey-Changey) are... stick a fork in your guy... he's done.
Some respect you have for the office of the President...

Turn away, it will be nice to see the backlash...

America is waking up, Obama has been telling them that he is dealing with assholes and I think they are getting it...

Please do it and Obama Approval rating will bump by 5 -10%..

What has this egotistical jerk off done to shine respect on the office of the president? He has made our country and that office a complete joke! he doesn't even qualify as worst at this point, because to me, he doesn't even meet minimum standards to qualify. This reign of ineptitude, has been an appalling nightmare, and I want to awaken soon. Inept or evil, make your choice.

America woke up when they decided to elect him twice, or were YOU awake?

Egotistical jerk? Damn right, I'd be too if I were President of the USA just like the rest of them.

If Obama has made our country and the office a complete joke, why aren't you laughing instead of crying in your beer.

One more thing, dude. Why do you think Obama was elected TWICE? Inept presidents don't get to go again, they get voted OUT.
Stop lying to yourself, moron; and get on board with a winner and stop acting like the losers you "conservatives" are.

I'm not laughing because it's a serious fucking matter. He embarrassed himself in just about every facet of his job. Yet you still have people so stupid, they will lap up whatever he has left. Joke isn't on me, I never supported him.
It will certainly be a test of how loyal the police brass is? Will they allow such disrespect to the office of the US president?

It would NOT be possible to disrespect the office of the president anymore than the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has already disrespected it.

The Police 'Brass' are already having a difficult time keeping the rank and file in line, they won't try to stop them from turning their backs n the wort piece of fucking shit to ever disgrace the office of president.

Yeah, because..... racism.

fucking idiot, take your tired act down the road
Aw for crying out loud, most of the cops are friggin' repug racists anyhow. Most likely turned their backs , figuratively, on Obama and most of Black America when they put their badges on. They underlined that when they voted for the inept GOP duo in 2008 AND followed up with support for MItt and crew in 2012

If the cops all turn their backs on the president of the USA, that's a good thing. When they face Black guys they usually have bad intentions. Besides, if their backs are to the podium, that ought to make Obama safer, right...WHY? because they will be looking at the crowd instead of at him!

Personally, though, I think Obama should spare himself the embarrassment by sending Joe Biden to the event.
Wow... that'a a fairly brutal assessment and blanket portrayal... hopefully, they'll continue to respond, when you need 'em, regardless.
So...some "consider" turning their backs. Talk is cheap. They should do it....all of them, to show unity of..................what exactly?

I want you to consider something..... All of you ignorant dimocraps.....

We have Civilian control in this Country for one reason and one reason only -- Because that's the way men with REAL power want it.

It was a precedent set by George Washington when he was offered the opportunity to be King of America and declined.

He also set the precedent of 2 terms, which was of course ignored by the dimocrap scumbag FDR.

Here's the point -- Rough Men, (see Rudyard Kipling) the Army, the Cops, even Veterans, can take back the power we gave you (civilians) any fucking time we're in the mood.

Any time. With hardly any effort at all. In fact -- With NO effort.

Who would stop us? Lawyers? :dunno:

Right. No, the only chance you'd have of stopping us would be to call on other Rough Men to oppose us.

And after the way our Rough Men have been treated the past 6 years by scum like you.....

I don't think they would lift a finger. Maybe a token resistance but that's about it.

I don't want to see that happen but I'm just telling you -- It could. It can. It might

The ONLY power scumbags like you have is the power WE give you. The power that Rough Men give you in exchange for fair treatment.

Start shitting on us and watch what happens. You won't like it, I can promise you that

You people don't know what you're doing. You really don't
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

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