Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday

Some respect you have for the office of the President...

Turn away, it will be nice to see the backlash...

America is waking up, Obama has been telling them that he is dealing with assholes and I think they are getting it...

Please do it and Obama Approval rating will bump by 5 -10%..
Obama obviously has no respect for the office.

Give him the respect he deserves (none).

His approval ratings only jump when he's attacked......not when he's shown no the Saudis and other Muslim leaders showed him this week.
As he began to speak, more than 100 uniformed veterans on a rise several hundred yards away swiveled in unison to turn their back on him. Out of tens of thousands of vets attending. Clinton Cheered Jeered at Vietnam Memorial Veterans He asks nation to set aside unhealed wounds of the war. He pledges release of MIA data. - latimes

Any cop in uniform who does it will be terminated.

It will certainly be a test of how loyal the police brass is? Will they allow such disrespect to the office of the US president?
The brass will just fire entire police departments the way Chief Bratton fired the entire NYPD for turning their backs to the mayor.

Oh wait....
Cops now have to add a new layer of danger to their jobs, one that did not exist before -- the time it takes in a difficult, perhaps life-threatening situation, to think through the racial/political ramifications of their actions, how the media will cover them, how the politics of them will play out. Will I be called a racist if I do this, will I lose my job if I don't react perfectly, will my life be in danger, will my family's lives be in danger? All of that in possibly a split second.

It would require a monumental amount of intellectual dishonesty to deny that cops have to add that process now.

I don't know if I would participate in something like this, but I can certainly understand their trepidation.

Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels

Oh no! Some of the police are threatening to... ROTATE THE POSITION OF THEIR BODY 180 DEGREES!!! They wouldn't dare!!! What a terrible thing! Quick! Obama must be warned of this dire threat!


It's significant. Presidents care a lot about their legacy. If this goes down, it'll be hanging around his neck the rest of his life.
So...some "consider" turning their backs. Talk is cheap. They should do it....all of them, to show unity of..................what exactly?

I want you to consider something..... All of you ignorant dimocraps.....

We have Civilian control in this Country for one reason and one reason only -- Because that's the way men with REAL power want it.

It was a precedent set by George Washington when he was offered the opportunity to be King of America and declined.

He also set the precedent of 2 terms, which was of course ignored by the dimocrap scumbag FDR.

Here's the point -- Rough Men, (see Rudyard Kipling) the Army, the Cops, even Veterans, can take back the power we gave you (civilians) any fucking time we're in the mood.

Any time. With hardly any effort at all. In fact -- With NO effort.

Who would stop us? Lawyers? :dunno:

Right. No, the only chance you'd have of stopping us would be to call on other Rough Men to oppose us.

And after the way our Rough Men have been treated the past 6 years by scum like you.....

I don't think they would lift a finger. Maybe a token resistance but that's about it.

I don't want to see that happen but I'm just telling you -- It could. It can. It might

The ONLY power scumbags like you have is the power WE give you. The power that Rough Men give you in exchange for fair treatment.

Start shitting on us and watch what happens. You won't like it, I can promise you that

You people don't know what you're doing. You really don't
Our Republic was founded upon principles of egalitarianism and liberty and collaboration amongst equals and the rights of the individual.

Vast numbers of our fellow Americans have shed their blood and spent vast amounts of treasure in order to sustain The People and those principles.

In our context this means civilian control over military and police, and every single man and woman who joins-up, swears a sacred oath to uphold all of that.

This does not mean that our military and police are unable to protest or to show their displeasure at Political Leader A or B over time.

But they - and so-called men of action (your 'Rough Men') - across the country - are obliged to honor their oaths and to obey the laws of this nation.

Go down the road of violent revolution in the event that our government ever becomes hostile to The People and I will join you on the barricades.

Go down the road of violent revolution for the purpose of establishing a Rule of Strong Men and I (and vast numbers of Americans) will fight you.

Let us hope that it does not come to that.
Oh no! Some of the police are threatening to... ROTATE THE POSITION OF THEIR BODY 180 DEGREES!!! They wouldn't dare!!! What a terrible thing! Quick! Obama must be warned of this dire threat!


It's significant. Presidents care a lot about their legacy. If this goes down, it'll be hanging around his neck the rest of his life.
Which it should already!
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels
Youre a withered up angry old bastard that failed at finding happiness in his life.

You failed. At life. Look at ya. Seething hatred basically drooling venom in every word you type.

I am happy that you will die sad cuz......youre just not a good person quite frankly
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels
Youre a withered up angry old bastard that failed at finding happiness in his life.

You failed. At life. Look at ya. Seething hatred basically drooling venom in every word you type.

I am happy that you will die sad cuz......youre just not a good person quite frankly

Did your pimp tell you to say that while you were on your knees pleasuring him?

You are the reason this Country is going to hell in a handbasket. No brains, no balls, no honor, no independent thought, no judgement, no beliefs, no guidance, no logic, no reason no........ Nothing

You're a trained monkey riding a bicycle in a circle for his master and, like the monkey, haven't a clue as to why. You think you're educated and you're not -- You're a trained monkey

People look and exclaim, "What a clever trick!" And that's all you are. You're not intelligent, you're not capable of reason or logic...... You are a trained monkey doing a trick. You do what you're trained to do and go home and still shit on the floor like the monkey you are.

And the sad part is...... You're too stupid to realize how badly you've just been insulted
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels
Youre a withered up angry old bastard that failed at finding happiness in his life.

You failed. At life. Look at ya. Seething hatred basically drooling venom in every word you type.

I am happy that you will die sad cuz......youre just not a good person quite frankly
Wow......that sure sounds like seething hatred to me bub!!!!

All I can say is De Oppresso Liber.
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels
Youre a withered up angry old bastard that failed at finding happiness in his life.

You failed. At life. Look at ya. Seething hatred basically drooling venom in every word you type.

I am happy that you will die sad cuz......youre just not a good person quite frankly

Did your pimp tell you to say that while you were on your knees pleasuring him?

You are the reason this Country is going to hell in a handbasket. No brains, no balls, no honor, no independent thought, no judgement, no beliefs, no guidance, no logic, no reason no........ Nothing

You're a trained monkey riding a bicycle in a circle for his master and, like the monkey, haven't a clue as to why. You think you're educated and you're not -- You're a trained monkey

People look and exclaim, "What a clever trick!" And that's all you are. You're not intelligent, you're not capable of reason or logic...... You are a trained monkey doing a trick. You do what you're trained to do and go home and still shit on the floor like the monkey you are.

And the sad part is...... You're too stupid to realize how badly you've just been insulted
^^^ this is an epic meltdown.

Log off, moron.
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels
Youre a withered up angry old bastard that failed at finding happiness in his life.

You failed. At life. Look at ya. Seething hatred basically drooling venom in every word you type.

I am happy that you will die sad cuz......youre just not a good person quite frankly

Did your pimp tell you to say that while you were on your knees pleasuring him?

You are the reason this Country is going to hell in a handbasket. No brains, no balls, no honor, no independent thought, no judgement, no beliefs, no guidance, no logic, no reason no........ Nothing

You're a trained monkey riding a bicycle in a circle for his master and, like the monkey, haven't a clue as to why. You think you're educated and you're not -- You're a trained monkey

People look and exclaim, "What a clever trick!" And that's all you are. You're not intelligent, you're not capable of reason or logic...... You are a trained monkey doing a trick. You do what you're trained to do and go home and still shit on the floor like the monkey you are.

And the sad part is...... You're too stupid to realize how badly you've just been insulted
^^^ this is an epic meltdown.

Log off, moron.

Eat a dick, scumbag
It's time that all White police officers in America recieve this worldwide best seller so they can become awakened and racially aware in the horrific multicultural enviroment they work in.

They won't need to turn their backs. Obama and the entire nation will be able to see they're assholes.
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels
Youre a withered up angry old bastard that failed at finding happiness in his life.

You failed. At life. Look at ya. Seething hatred basically drooling venom in every word you type.

I am happy that you will die sad cuz......youre just not a good person quite frankly

Did your pimp tell you to say that while you were on your knees pleasuring him?

You are the reason this Country is going to hell in a handbasket. No brains, no balls, no honor, no independent thought, no judgement, no beliefs, no guidance, no logic, no reason no........ Nothing

You're a trained monkey riding a bicycle in a circle for his master and, like the monkey, haven't a clue as to why. You think you're educated and you're not -- You're a trained monkey

People look and exclaim, "What a clever trick!" And that's all you are. You're not intelligent, you're not capable of reason or logic...... You are a trained monkey doing a trick. You do what you're trained to do and go home and still shit on the floor like the monkey you are.

And the sad part is...... You're too stupid to realize how badly you've just been insulted
^^^ this is an epic meltdown.

Log off, moron.

Naw......just a little intollerence for idiocy.
Edge has zero balls and wont do shit.

Then in a few years, will die an old unhappy existence having never done shit.

Ignorant knob-slurping scumbag pieces of fucking shit.

Take the dicks out of your asses, it's affecting your brains and your reading comprehension.

Did you miss the part where I said, "I don't want it to happen"........?

Of course you did, punk bitches.

As to me doing my part...

There are quite a few communist scumbags currently rotting in the ground somewhere in Viet Nam courtesy of yours truly.

What about you? Sucking dicks all day accomplishes nothing so why don't you enlist in ISIS. They'd like some fresh boys like you two. They'd pass you two around like a bottle of Jack Daniels
Youre a withered up angry old bastard that failed at finding happiness in his life.

You failed. At life. Look at ya. Seething hatred basically drooling venom in every word you type.

I am happy that you will die sad cuz......youre just not a good person quite frankly

Did your pimp tell you to say that while you were on your knees pleasuring him?

You are the reason this Country is going to hell in a handbasket. No brains, no balls, no honor, no independent thought, no judgement, no beliefs, no guidance, no logic, no reason no........ Nothing

You're a trained monkey riding a bicycle in a circle for his master and, like the monkey, haven't a clue as to why. You think you're educated and you're not -- You're a trained monkey

People look and exclaim, "What a clever trick!" And that's all you are. You're not intelligent, you're not capable of reason or logic...... You are a trained monkey doing a trick. You do what you're trained to do and go home and still shit on the floor like the monkey you are.

And the sad part is...... You're too stupid to realize how badly you've just been insulted
^^^ this is an epic meltdown.

Log off, moron.

Eat a dick, scumbag
No thanks, im not into men thats YOUR thing. All tough talking it up on the internets like a dumb monkey thudding his chest to impress his cave mates with bravado.

Get a life, jethro.

Your hick ass is wholly irrelevant. Blame blame blame people for yohlur utter sadness. You hate the direction of the country but its not YOUR fault your leaders cant lead and not YOUR fault you sat on your ass and didnt run for anything yourself.

Allllll finger pointing and whining outta you. Daily. This is your diary, the diary of a sad sack. : (

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