Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday

A sea of empty chairs might catch His eye.

But MSNBC and CNN would gen up some computer animation to make it look like somebody was there to hear His rant.
You are damning blacks by your minuscule expectations. What you term success would be failure among any other demographic. Asians succeed in remarkable numbers shunning what at best in the rest of the world is mediocrity which you term success. They have families which work together and have high expectations of their children. All you have are excuses for abysmal failure. This is the problem in a nutshell and no amount of excuses, self-righteous indignation or political correctness has or ever will change that.
Doesn't matter. They don't care. Votes, votes, votes.

This should be good. I was at the Vietnam Memorial wall for Memorial Day back in 1993 when the Vets in unison turned their backs on President Clinton. Does Obama deserve to have the police do the same to him as the Vets did Clinton?

Cops Threatening To Turn Their Backs On Obama At Annual Police Memorial Friday Wounded American Warrior
Every American, wherever they are, should turn their back to obama, if he should happen along in their presence.

The Police who obama has attacked endlessly, are surely no exception to that.
They shouldn't turn their back.

They should cross the street when they see him coming.
:lol: I don't believe in race so I cannot be a racist. You are and it shows in every thing you say. BTW you don't know if I am Black or not, I never said. I don't have to be Black to defend them or their cause.

Now the "failures of Blacks" is such a broad all encompassing label, it can't possibly be true. But that is exactly what you are erroneously implying, aren't you? There have been far more success stories in the Black communities than failures but all you want to see and research till the wee hours of the morning is "black failures."
Your opening and it obvious fallacy set the stage for the absurdity to follow. Sure, some black success stories but then black experience in the US and indeed the world is one of abject failure and your disingenuousness about it exacerbates a squalid reality.
I am not quite sure what your notion of "back failure" is. You paint with such a broad brush completely overlooking the 75% of Blacks who do not live in poverty and work to support their families, married or not. Welfare is NOT the rule in Black communities, it's the exception, Even if 39% of the recipients of AFDC are Black..that raw number represents only a small fraction of Blacks... Understand?.... I doubt you will... Your mind is locked forever and you'll never find the key to reopen it!

If you ignore the success of the majority and keep henpecking about the 25% or so that create all the headlines you will never become a part of any viable solution for either Black or White failures.
You're actually boasting about 75% of blacks that are not on government assistance despite almost half a century of programs designed to ween the poor from poverty?! You think 39% of those on AFDC is insignificant when they represent 13% of the population? What about the 70% of black children who grow up in single-parent households, many of those not even knowing who their father is? What about 50% of the nations murders that blacks commit?

Is that success?!

Is you think so, then I say you are part of the problem, and trust me - there is a problem and you and the government have not made it any better.

There you go with those damn manipulated statistics again...{read the book in my sig } Saves me a lot of time and effort which you won't heed anyway.

Even as I type, I see that you didn't read my entire synopsis or you would have seen this: "You paint with such a broad brush, completely overlooking the 75% of Blacks who do not live in poverty and work to support their families, married or not".

Now, are you responding to my post from the context of my conversation with meathead or is this just a knee-jerk reaction brought on by a quick first glance? I was addressing the fool's myopic notion of universal "black failure" and , being of the same feather ( bird brain), you jumped in to defend his premise. I admit to some surprise that you would be a cyber associate of such a low caste specimen. I am disappointed in you , to say the least.

Blacks have, against tremendous odds, succeeded in a hostile environment. How we weigh that success might differ but it can't be denied. 75% above the poverty line is success under the present conditions and I expect that number to get even larger as time goes on. You know the academic success of African Immigrants so the archaic views on genetic African inferiority should be quelled in the minds of any rational thinker. If there is a paucity on the part of some American Blacks to excel in academia, there is an equal number if whites who don't get there either; and the latter has had quite a head start.
BUt that hasn't kept that 75% success rate from happening, has it. 3/4ths of 13% of a population means 9.75% are succeeding while the black failure would be only 3.25%. That makes a LIAR out of meathead and all the rest of the complainers out there.
You are damning blacks by your minuscule expectations. What you term success would be failure among any other demographic. Asians succeed in remarkable numbers shunning what at best in the rest of the world is mediocrity which you term success. They have families which work together and have high expectations of their children. All you have are excuses for abysmal failure. This is the problem in a nutshell and no amount of excuses, self-righteous indignation or political correctness has or ever will change that.
If what you will take whiplashes for every percentage point in the Black success rate, I'll gladly take whiplashes for every percentage point represented by the so-called failure rate. Deal?
BTW we'll round that 9.75 success rate to 10 and round that 3.25 failure rate down to 3...

This is America, and the cops are already assholes so disrespecting the POTUS we'll just be added to the list.
Did your pimp tell you to say that while you were on your knees pleasuring him?

You are the reason this Country is going to hell in a handbasket. No brains, no balls, no honor, no independent thought, no judgement, no beliefs, no guidance, no logic, no reason no........ Nothing

You're a trained monkey riding a bicycle in a circle for his master and, like the monkey, haven't a clue as to why. You think you're educated and you're not -- You're a trained monkey

People look and exclaim, "What a clever trick!" And that's all you are. You're not intelligent, you're not capable of reason or logic...... You are a trained monkey doing a trick. You do what you're trained to do and go home and still shit on the floor like the monkey you are.

And the sad part is...... You're too stupid to realize how badly you've just been insulted
^^^ this is an epic meltdown.

Log off, moron.

Naw......just a little intollerence for idiocy.
You can take jabs at me all you want to, its not going to stop me from calling loons fucking loons. Sorry.

He's not a loon......he just has a low tolerance for Bullshit.
Which is apparently why hes so unhappy with himself that he goes through these drooling rants daily.

Poor fella.

When im his age i wont be anywhere near a fucking internet - ill be retired to the islands without a care in the world.
Well, you will care about sun poisoning....but that's a care I like to have.
Your opening and it obvious fallacy set the stage for the absurdity to follow. Sure, some black success stories but then black experience in the US and indeed the world is one of abject failure and your disingenuousness about it exacerbates a squalid reality.
I am not quite sure what your notion of "back failure" is. You paint with such a broad brush completely overlooking the 75% of Blacks who do not live in poverty and work to support their families, married or not. Welfare is NOT the rule in Black communities, it's the exception, Even if 39% of the recipients of AFDC are Black..that raw number represents only a small fraction of Blacks... Understand?.... I doubt you will... Your mind is locked forever and you'll never find the key to reopen it!

If you ignore the success of the majority and keep henpecking about the 25% or so that create all the headlines you will never become a part of any viable solution for either Black or White failures.
You're actually boasting about 75% of blacks that are not on government assistance despite almost half a century of programs designed to ween the poor from poverty?! You think 39% of those on AFDC is insignificant when they represent 13% of the population? What about the 70% of black children who grow up in single-parent households, many of those not even knowing who their father is? What about 50% of the nations murders that blacks commit?

Is that success?!

Is you think so, then I say you are part of the problem, and trust me - there is a problem and you and the government have not made it any better.

There you go with those damn manipulated statistics again...{read the book in my sig } Saves me a lot of time and effort which you won't heed anyway.

Even as I type, I see that you didn't read my entire synopsis or you would have seen this: "You paint with such a broad brush, completely overlooking the 75% of Blacks who do not live in poverty and work to support their families, married or not".

Now, are you responding to my post from the context of my conversation with meathead or is this just a knee-jerk reaction brought on by a quick first glance? I was addressing the fool's myopic notion of universal "black failure" and , being of the same feather ( bird brain), you jumped in to defend his premise. I admit to some surprise that you would be a cyber associate of such a low caste specimen. I am disappointed in you , to say the least.

Blacks have, against tremendous odds, succeeded in a hostile environment. How we weigh that success might differ but it can't be denied. 75% above the poverty line is success under the present conditions and I expect that number to get even larger as time goes on. You know the academic success of African Immigrants so the archaic views on genetic African inferiority should be quelled in the minds of any rational thinker. If there is a paucity on the part of some American Blacks to excel in academia, there is an equal number if whites who don't get there either; and the latter has had quite a head start.
BUt that hasn't kept that 75% success rate from happening, has it. 3/4ths of 13% of a population means 9.75% are succeeding while the black failure would be only 3.25%. That makes a LIAR out of meathead and all the rest of the complainers out there.
You are damning blacks by your minuscule expectations. What you term success would be failure among any other demographic. Asians succeed in remarkable numbers shunning what at best in the rest of the world is mediocrity which you term success. They have families which work together and have high expectations of their children. All you have are excuses for abysmal failure. This is the problem in a nutshell and no amount of excuses, self-righteous indignation or political correctness has or ever will change that.
If what you will take whiplashes for every percentage point in the Black success rate, I'll gladly take whiplashes for every percentage point represented by the so-called failure rate. Deal?
If you don't want to address the issue beyond trying to convince anyone of black success then this is dialogue is as pointless as your "whiplash" challenge and almost as stupid.
This is America, and the cops are already assholes so disrespecting the POTUS we'll just be added to the list.

Cops make mid to upper 5 figures so they can risk their lives to protect the lives of others.

Doctors make mid to upper 6 figures as they capitalize on those that are sick...and, of course, are not risking their lives.

Just thought I would point that little tid bit out.
They do not need to turn their backs nor should they do it. Everyone knows what a mistake electing Obama was. People are pealing his stickers off of their cars all over California. What a waste of 8 years! He has dumped riches on DC and let the rest of the nation fall apart purposely.
Jimmy Carter would be a welcome change at this point. At least the GOP and the media would not be so afraid of criticizing him. He's White.
So a year and a half left with a complete racist nincompoop in the Oval Office. Hold on tight it's gonna get ugly!
I am not quite sure what your notion of "back failure" is. You paint with such a broad brush completely overlooking the 75% of Blacks who do not live in poverty and work to support their families, married or not. Welfare is NOT the rule in Black communities, it's the exception, Even if 39% of the recipients of AFDC are Black..that raw number represents only a small fraction of Blacks... Understand?.... I doubt you will... Your mind is locked forever and you'll never find the key to reopen it!

If you ignore the success of the majority and keep henpecking about the 25% or so that create all the headlines you will never become a part of any viable solution for either Black or White failures.
You're actually boasting about 75% of blacks that are not on government assistance despite almost half a century of programs designed to ween the poor from poverty?! You think 39% of those on AFDC is insignificant when they represent 13% of the population? What about the 70% of black children who grow up in single-parent households, many of those not even knowing who their father is? What about 50% of the nations murders that blacks commit?

Is that success?!

Is you think so, then I say you are part of the problem, and trust me - there is a problem and you and the government have not made it any better.

There you go with those damn manipulated statistics again...{read the book in my sig } Saves me a lot of time and effort which you won't heed anyway.

Even as I type, I see that you didn't read my entire synopsis or you would have seen this: "You paint with such a broad brush, completely overlooking the 75% of Blacks who do not live in poverty and work to support their families, married or not".

Now, are you responding to my post from the context of my conversation with meathead or is this just a knee-jerk reaction brought on by a quick first glance? I was addressing the fool's myopic notion of universal "black failure" and , being of the same feather ( bird brain), you jumped in to defend his premise. I admit to some surprise that you would be a cyber associate of such a low caste specimen. I am disappointed in you , to say the least.

Blacks have, against tremendous odds, succeeded in a hostile environment. How we weigh that success might differ but it can't be denied. 75% above the poverty line is success under the present conditions and I expect that number to get even larger as time goes on. You know the academic success of African Immigrants so the archaic views on genetic African inferiority should be quelled in the minds of any rational thinker. If there is a paucity on the part of some American Blacks to excel in academia, there is an equal number if whites who don't get there either; and the latter has had quite a head start.
BUt that hasn't kept that 75% success rate from happening, has it. 3/4ths of 13% of a population means 9.75% are succeeding while the black failure would be only 3.25%. That makes a LIAR out of meathead and all the rest of the complainers out there.
You are damning blacks by your minuscule expectations. What you term success would be failure among any other demographic. Asians succeed in remarkable numbers shunning what at best in the rest of the world is mediocrity which you term success. They have families which work together and have high expectations of their children. All you have are excuses for abysmal failure. This is the problem in a nutshell and no amount of excuses, self-righteous indignation or political correctness has or ever will change that.
If what you will take whiplashes for every percentage point in the Black success rate, I'll gladly take whiplashes for every percentage point represented by the so-called failure rate. Deal?
If you don't want to address the issue beyond trying to convince anyone of black success then this is dialogue is as pointless as your "whiplash" challenge and almost as stupid.

Aw dummy, not only have I addressed your "concerns" in other ops, you've been shown repeatedly by other posters that your views on so-called race are outdated. Who are you trying to convince? Everyone has heard your incessant whining and even some of the bigots here seem to be getting a little tired of it. It's like a drum being beat into your ears with the same monotone beat. We know what you think and we don't need to see or hear from you on that. There is nothing anyone here can do about it anyway..One way or another. What we need to hear is how you are going to help solve those issues that concern you. But please, do not make blanket statements condemning an entire community for the shortcomings of a few. Lets take them one at a time...Throw one out there and let's discuss it intelligently!
Oh no! Some of the police are threatening to... ROTATE THE POSITION OF THEIR BODY 180 DEGREES!!! They wouldn't dare!!! What a terrible thing! Quick! Obama must be warned of this dire threat!


The officers will get far more crap for turning around than others have for doing really bad things. That is hypocritical.

The lack of concern for the dead police officers and the rhetoric from this administration is enough to make anyone upset. I notice that race was bought up in the thread. The left always resorts to citing race as the reason for anyone disagreeing with Obama.
The entire nation should turn their backs to this POO. Have a backside to obama day and a draw mohammed day at the same time.

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