Cops: We are leaving

Standing there with a gun is legal. Pulling a gun out when police approach you is a threat. Your apple and oranges comparisons fail every time you try them.

Tamir didn't pull the toy out. Philandro Castille didn't pull out his gun, he informed the officer he had one.

Sounds like you've never been in a fight in your life, or had any kind of training. Putting your arm around a persons neck does not mean you are choking him, especially when he's still perfectly capable of screaming.

I've been in all sorts of fights, and have had lots of training. They put Garner in a choke hold and he died. This isn't rocket science.

Or........because.........the punk pulled out a realistic looking gun on him, in a park renown for shootings and drugs.

Except the gun wasn't in his hand. It was in his pants.

He's the leader we need right now, and that's why we should separate our country. You have your leader, and we'll have ours. Trump could run our country, and Biden could run yours. Tax your corporations so high that they move to our side, make your police so weak they are forbidden from self-defense, make all drugs legal, let anybody cross the border into your side for you to support them, and after Democrats leave my side, my property value doubles or triples.

We already know what a country run by you guys would look like.

Now it's starting in Atlanta. As always, the lowlife fought with police and ended up getting killed. After the fight, he stole the cops taser gun, ran, stopped, turned around, and pointed the gun at an officer. But it's the cops fault, not the lowlife.

Uh, yeah, the cop took an incident of someone sleeping in his car and escalated it into a fatal encounter.

A Taser isn't a lethal weapon and the guy probably didn't even know how to use it.
... It's why I have suggested repeatedly that we need to divide this nation right down the middle and have two countries instead. One side for Democrats, the other side for us Republicans, and anybody in between will just have to pick a side closest to their beliefs.
We're not going to do that, so it is a waste of time indulging in such lazy thinking when we have real work to do.

Of course we're not going to do that. When have we ever done things that actually solved the problem? We will continue to go back and forth (You're a Commie---you're a fascist) year after year, decade after decade. and generation after generation. How dare anybody suggest we fall out of our usual paradigm? Let's keep doing things the way we have been. Look how good it's worked out for us so far!
Real Americans are not quitters and weaklings.
If what you're doing isn't working, you should quit. Back up, take a breath, and figure out another approach.
Is that your reaction every time there is a problem with family or friends? If so, you're not much of either.

Over 200 years, the strongest, greatest country the world has ever known? It's working.

Spineless defeatism is NOT American.
Policing in this country needs work. I don't think racism is the problem, I think the problem is abuse of power.
That needs fixing, and complaining about bullshit "systemic racism" is just a distraction, IMO. Quit accusing assholes of being racists, and stick to accusing them of being assholes.
Now it's starting in Atlanta. As always, the lowlife fought with police and ended up getting killed. After the fight, he stole the cops taser gun, ran, stopped, turned around, and pointed the gun at an officer. But it's the cops fault, not the lowlife.

Uh, yeah, the cop took an incident of someone sleeping in his car and escalated it into a fatal encounter.

A Taser isn't a lethal weapon and the guy probably didn't even know how to use it.

My God, you people will side with evil no matter what. Just out of curiosity, when you say or type things, do you hear Satan laughing behind you?

So what were the cops supposed to do, tell Wendy's they had to shutdown the restaurant because some drunk fell asleep in their drive-thru, and they were not about to disturb him?

Tamir didn't pull the toy out.

The video and jury says you're lying.

Except the gun wasn't in his hand. It was in his pants.

Then how did it end up on the ground? I thought only real guns walked around by themselves and shot people according to the left.

We already know what a country run by you guys would look like.

Great, so join me in my support for a divided country. We will both be happy.
When you are given the option of getting beaten by a stick or get beaten by a stick...............what does it matter anymore.

They enforce the law they get smacked down.........don't get smacked down.............all for politics and BS as the country burns..........

I don't have a clue why any would want to be a police officer anymore .

Now it's starting in Atlanta. As always, the lowlife fought with police and ended up getting killed. After the fight, he stole the cops taser gun, ran, stopped, turned around, and pointed the gun at an officer. But it's the cops fault, not the lowlife.
He was a stupid drunk..........doesn't mean a lowlife...........booze was that is unknown.

But he did provoke and got himself killed.

When somebody fights with police, steals their weapon, and then tries to use it on the police, yes, that's the definition of a lowlife.
When you are given the option of getting beaten by a stick or get beaten by a stick...............what does it matter anymore.

They enforce the law they get smacked down.........don't get smacked down.............all for politics and BS as the country burns..........

I don't have a clue why any would want to be a police officer anymore .

Now it's starting in Atlanta. As always, the lowlife fought with police and ended up getting killed. After the fight, he stole the cops taser gun, ran, stopped, turned around, and pointed the gun at an officer. But it's the cops fault, not the lowlife.
He was a stupid drunk..........doesn't mean a lowlife...........booze was that is unknown.

But he did provoke and got himself killed.

When somebody fights with police, steals their weapon, and then tries to use it on the police, yes, that's the definition of a lowlife.
By the videos I watched.......he was drunk and Stupid............whether he was a low life was yet to be determined............

Plenty of Stupid drunks in this world........he got drunk........had the munchies.........went to Wendy's.......................passed out..........Freaked out and got himself the question of the term LOWLIFE.........doesn't really matter anymore.
...Policing in this country needs work. I don't think racism is the problem, I think the problem is abuse of power. ....

How many of these cases don't involve resisting arrest in some way? If we are going to talk about "abuse of power" we ought to look at responsibility on both sides. That guy in Minneapolis might be alive today if that police officer hadn't been sitting on his neck all day, but that guy in Atlanta would certainly be alive if he simply hadn't resisted arrest. Policing isn't going to improve if police officers, and would-be officers, get the message that they can't win no matter what they do.
Too bad every cop in a bad city cannot quit (they need to feed their families).

But IF all the cops could walk off the job in such cities, the residents of those cities would be on their knees at the feet of those cops within 24 hours and begging them to return.

The people in underserved areas know whom they really have to fear.
... I, and a lot of other men like me, will happily start killing people to ensure we don't......... ever.
Oh great, another internet Rambo. :rolleyes:
We are frankly scared of what will happen if we don't.

Actual history is a whole lot scarier and more violent than all those movies you constantly refer to, guy.
What’s easier solving our crime problem or reforming the police?
So. What?

Let those thugs with badges go. They were doing more harm than good anyway.

We'll replace them with intelligent and decent law enforcement professionals.
Just like that? Do you really think it's that simple? Is it that simple when people say things like "just kill those fucking animals burning the cities down"? Simplify, dehumanize, dismiss? Is any real progress on anything going to be made with this kind of thinking on any side?
It really is that simple. It would be easier if you didn’t fight reforming the cops. You support systemic racism.

Reform the cops how? What reforms do you want to see?
From his comments here it sure seems as if he wants them to stop enforcing the law.

What he doesn't understand is the more difficult you make it on police officers, the less quality of officers you will get in the future. You can't reform the police every single time a bad apple makes a story for the MSM. Most police forces work diligently to get the best officers possible. But nothing will stop some from slipping through the cracks. All you can really do is remove the bad cops once they are exposed.
Problem is, they are not removing them.
And even if one does something bad enough to get fired, which is rare, they get on with another department immediately.

Are you making an assumption or do you have any credible evidence to your claim? If you personally know any police officers, then you'd also know they have people breathing down their necks every day. They are constantly being monitored and have strict standards. Police work is pretty political.
I know a lot of cops and I work with them almost every day. I like almost all of them on a personal level but I never forget that if they get ordered to raid my house to arrest me, they will kick the door and come in guns drawn, and they will kill me if I resist in any way.
Maybe we stop doing raids? Just wait till he leaves the house.
So. What?

Let those thugs with badges go. They were doing more harm than good anyway.

We'll replace them with intelligent and decent law enforcement professionals.
Just like that? Do you really think it's that simple? Is it that simple when people say things like "just kill those fucking animals burning the cities down"? Simplify, dehumanize, dismiss? Is any real progress on anything going to be made with this kind of thinking on any side?
It really is that simple. It would be easier if you didn’t fight reforming the cops. You support systemic racism.

Reform the cops how? What reforms do you want to see?
From his comments here it sure seems as if he wants them to stop enforcing the law.

What he doesn't understand is the more difficult you make it on police officers, the less quality of officers you will get in the future. You can't reform the police every single time a bad apple makes a story for the MSM. Most police forces work diligently to get the best officers possible. But nothing will stop some from slipping through the cracks. All you can really do is remove the bad cops once they are exposed.
Problem is, they are not removing them.
And even if one does something bad enough to get fired, which is rare, they get on with another department immediately.

Are you making an assumption or do you have any credible evidence to your claim? If you personally know any police officers, then you'd also know they have people breathing down their necks every day. They are constantly being monitored and have strict standards. Police work is pretty political.
I know a lot of cops and I work with them almost every day. I like almost all of them on a personal level but I never forget that if they get ordered to raid my house to arrest me, they will kick the door and come in guns drawn, and they will kill me if I resist in any way.

You actually spend a lot of time thinking about the "danger" of having your house raided? This is actually a thing that weighs on your mind?

I'm well aware that if I break the law, I will be subject to law enforcement officers arresting me, as well. And you know how much thought I give it? Zero. Zero thoughts. That's because all it takes for it to never be an issue in my life is for me NOT TO BREAK THE LAW.
The issue is excessive force. Do you want to have the police use even more force than they do now on people who break the law? Why not?

So a cop can shoot a shop lifter? Why not? He’d be alive right now if he didn’t break the law

So your argument gives the cops a free pass to murder any black who breaks the law. See the flaw in your argument? I sure do
Police have a difficult, dangerous, and increasingly thankless job, and have to deal with hopped up junkies, mental cases, hopeless scumbags with no regard for life, and - as we have seen on this thread - bud light badasses who may have repeated their delusional stories of "da cops fuk wit me, I keeeel them!" to themselves often enough that they may really do something stupid in the real world. On top of all that, now they have to assume their every fart and scratch is being filmed 24/7. People claim to want 'better' policing, but they are driving the best people away from it.
So fucking what? No one twisted their arms and made them take the job. They literally volunteered for it.

If you cant handle the job and be professional about it then you need to find a new line of work. Not everyone is cut out to be a public servant.
My buddy went to college to become a cop. Brags about the job security, pay and pension he’s going to get soon.

Like unkotare he is a government worker who has a Cush union job but they are republicans. They don’t see the cognitive dissonance in this.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.
Before I lobbied into law the police and judges in my state and elsewhere had no power to get mentally ill people tested then helped.
Parents either weren't in the picture to comit their problem child or they couldn't get up the courage. Nor could they bare the burden to have their own offspring sent away and institutionalized.
Now Police and judges can request the harmful to themself or others person tested for possible placement in a mental facility.
But even with the new power the officers are still slow to utilize it to get off their speed dial their constant annoyance calls, repeated incidences from their mentally disturbed and or druged up response call.
My neighbor had 10 cops banging on his door for a suicide watch, they asked me my opinion of his sanity, they were even suspiciously given the wrong address and told they purposely do it for identity reasons (the police might not show up if they knew it was a repeater) and they still did not request a psych exam or arrest someone for a false call, after all was said and done.
In short, lobbying can be done by a single person in an armchair, Even better when many are involved, and no-one has to risk spreading a virus during a pandemic, destroy their cities nor steal or harm or murder nor cause more harm and havoc then what was done to cause your protest. Becoming an emulation or worse then your beef with an incident never solved anything, it only makes everything worse for your cause.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.
And of course Meathead disagreed with you on this. You are correct. Conservatives are stubborn fucks. Until it happens to them of course.

Please do us a favor and go fuck yourself.
Fuck cops. Republicans are so obvious. They want to make this about if you are pro cop or against cops. Well, I'm against cops. At least the current state of the police force. They can't and won't reform themselves. It has to be done from the outside. Remember, they work for us. I'm not against cops. I'm against bad cops. And if you are black, you fear cops. Fuck that. Things have to change.

Let me say it again, fuck cops. They work for us so they do what they are told. They want to quit? Fine! We will find lots of blacks, muslims, latino's who are looking for that kind of salary.

If white cops are racist and can't understand their bias, they need to go.

We need good cops not just bodies. If these meatheads can't get it they need to go. They are public servants. Tax payers pay their salary. If you want you can get a private police force to police your neighbood. Privatize that shit.

Just like I wasn't against the troops I was against the war they were fighting. If the soldiers weren't fighting a war we were lied into I wouldn't be against the troops. And because of my patriotism I am still for MY troops to be successful. I just want to pull them out of that bad situation. Today our police have become militarized and we need to rethink some shit.

Let me give you a great example of how this has happened in the past. There was a time a cop could shoot at a car it was chasing. I believe that is illegal now. At least it is in Michigan. See? We needed to stop cops from being out of control before and we're going to do it again. The ones who can't help but be violoent bullies need to go be bouncers and bodyguards in the private sector.

Most cops are good cops.

Nobody has produced the numbers to justify the bullshit that is going on right now.
Nobody has to justify anything for you pale recessives.

Because you can't.

You just say it's that way...and expect everyone to believe your crap.

You are full of shit and have been from the start.
I dont expect or need you to believe anything. Youre a nobody. It would be like worrying about what a rhesus monkey thought. :)
Do you think black people are going to show up and vote democratic in November or are they going to stay home and let republicans win?
Blacks learned a lesson last election. I expect them to vote and vote big.
Well I hate to say I told you so but what did I tell you? Democrats didn’t let black people down. Black people let the democrats down.

Too many black people listened to that bullshit about what do you have to lose. Now you see there is only one party for all people who aren’t rich greedy racist white corporations. The Democratic Party.

And the only power we have is to vote. Remember I said don’t protest and riot if you aren’t going to back it up with a vote.

Dont vote, don’t complain. Then you see both parties will take blacks more seriously because as a group you change election.

Us liberals whites aren’t perfect but no one is. And at least we don’t justify every cop killing a black who sold a loose cigarette of stole a snicker bar.

Now you guys finally see how bad the Republican Party is. You always knew they sucked but you stayed home. That won’t do anymore. Trump just says out loud what they all think and they can’t deny because they embrace the guy.

And this novem isn’t enough. Tell your people midterms matter. And don’t you tell me all elections matter. You know what I mean! Lol
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

No, we are reforming the cops. They need to change. Sorry but they are abusing their power. They need to be retrained and we need to rethink how we go about policing our society.

How about if you catch me speeding just pull up behind me, get my license, flash your lights so I know that I did SOMETHING wrong, then back the fuck away and mail me my god damned ticket. It shouldn't matter if you are a cute blonde or a black brother.

If you catch me selling lose cigarettes give me a ticket to appear in court. Don't choke and arrest and murder me.

Yes, many cops, most cops, are good people. They've just been trained improperly or their training is outdated.

Do we as a society have the right to decide if our police have become too militarized that we can change that?

We don't need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Why would anyone "good" person want to be a Police officer these days? It's a thankless and extremely dangerous job and now if you screw up there will be an angry mob demanding that you be put away in prison for the rest of your life!

We need Police and we need good people to become Police officers! What's happening now will only ensure that won't be taking place!

Couldn't agree more. I also think a lot of good citizens will be leaving those places too, if they can. I feel bad for those who can't leave.
Actually a lot of those people need to leave and eventually we can knock down entire neighborhoods and build new more expensive homes.

This is happening in Detroit. Not fast enough. We wish we had more money to take down more boarded up houses.

The good people in those neighborhoods can sell to developers for a fair price and move to a better neighborhood. Maybe yours. There’s work where you live right?

So don’t feel bad for good people who are forced to leave shitholes. We can’t protect them if they live there.
It's time to say thank you to the police.

I've always waved and expressed by thanks.

Time to do more.

Black Lives Matters as a group....can go fuck itself.

It's time to say thank you to the police.

I've always waved and expressed by thanks.

Time to do more."

When Cliven Bundy and hundreds of CONSERVATIVES aimed guns at the police who were just trying to do their job (bundy was breaking the law! bundy was a CRIMINAL!) did you say thank you to those cops as you aimed your gun at them?

You must have me confused with somebody else.

Get your head out of your ass and get back to the middle of the Bell curve where most interactions with police are harmless.
Here’s what I would like. Cop pulls you over for something. They tell you what they pulled you over for and go check your documents. They hand them back when done and say have a nice day. In 3 days you find out if you got a ticket or a warning. Then you can go tell it to the judge.
...Policing in this country needs work. I don't think racism is the problem, I think the problem is abuse of power. ....

How many of these cases don't involve resisting arrest in some way? If we are going to talk about "abuse of power" we ought to look at responsibility on both sides. That guy in Minneapolis might be alive today if that police officer hadn't been sitting on his neck all day, but that guy in Atlanta would certainly be alive if he simply hadn't resisted arrest. Policing isn't going to improve if police officers, and would-be officers, get the message that they can't win no matter what they do.
Which cases specifically are you referring to?
Because I'm thinking of cases like when a pair of cops murdered Jeremy Mardis and damn near his dad too, all over a beef over a woman. Cop was sniffing around a man's fiancee, got told he better back off, and next thing the guy ends up all shot to pieces out on a country road and his kid along with him.

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