Cops: We are leaving

...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.
If our rights are being ignored and voted away from us and we're just being treated like tax cattle, why should we stay?
First, you should stay because you are stupid.
Second, you'd better to stay, because if you fight - you will lose.
Third, you are treated like cattle because you behave as cattle. Try to became a useful member of society - and you life will matter.
How am I stupid?
You are really stupid. Actually, you are very seriously degradated.
Why would we lose?
Because you can't win. And you can't win, first of all, because you are stupid. You don't even understand what do you want to win, and how achieve it.
How do I behave like cattle?
You behave like cattle always when you are not behave as a civilised, decent man. First of all, when you are not working, and when you are committing crimes.

And how does my life not matter?
Everything has its price, including human life.
Price of human life for the society is determined by its contribution to society. Life of a parasite have a negative value - he is eating, drinking, breathing without any benefit. Useless waste of the common resources.
Because I think you're just talking out of your ass and looking like a fucking retard while you're doing it.
But go ahead and explain your position and I'll listen.
Looks like you will listen only voices on your head.
Well, one of us is sure stupid, but it ain't me.
You clearly don't know shit about me, and you seem to be ranting and raving against some position you made up in your head and have attributed to me, regardless of reality.

You don't just look like a fucking retard, you actually are one.

Get a clue moron.
It is exactly what I mean. You don't try to argue, you don't even try to understand my words. You just listen voices in your head, ordering you to parrot stupidiest black racists propaganda...
You're pretty confused, guy.
I'm a peckerwood biker from east Texas, and I think BLM is the Klan for ghetto blacks.
It's not "the Klan". It's just a bunch of useless degradants.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Public Employee Unions are immoral on their face.

Unions are the counter balance to Corporations. The talent forms a collective to bargain with management.

In government there is no management. There are no owners. It's a one sided equation that ensures abuse and graft, at EVERY LEVEL of government. Police expose this most because they are empowered to take peoples lives and freedom, so the festering cancer that is public employee unions becomes most obvious.

The FIRST STEP to police reform HAS to be outlawing of unionizing by law enforcement at every level.
Not unions, dumbass, THE Union. As in The United States of America.

Then you agree that police unions must be disbanded? Yes, well keep THE UNION
... I, and a lot of other men like me, will happily start killing people to ensure we don't......... ever.
Oh great, another internet Rambo. :rolleyes:
We are frankly scared of what will happen if we don't.

Actual history is a whole lot scarier and more violent than all those movies you constantly refer to, guy.
What’s easier solving our crime problem or reforming the police?
Actually, I say we send the cops home for 180 days; furlough them. No LE at all..... none.

I think shit would get very exciting for a week or so and then the flight 93 effect will occur and regular folks will band together and brutally, viciously, and with a fuck-ton of collateral damage, put a stop to it. We know who the shitbags are and where they stay and we will set their houses on fire and stand outside with a rifle and shoot them when they try to run out. We'll decorate trees and lampposts and shit will get very bloody and very ugly for a while........and then it will settle right on down. Because all the worst predators will be dead or hiding.

So that's a big dent in the crime problem.

And after we finish killing all these mutts, we will be sick at heart thinking of all the innocent people who died during this shit-show, and we will be happy to go back to outsourcing this shit to LE, and LE will get a graphic lesson in the fact that while they are nice to have around, they are not actually necessary, and they should maybe remember that.

And I think that would go a long way towards adjusting the attitudes of the cops.
You should be institutionalized.
Historically, that's a popular way to silence people who don't agree with your bullshit.

I'm not surprised you are in favor of it.
And you can DIRECTLY thank the American left for the condition of law enforcement today.

We need to get rid of that very very small minority that are quote, "bad cops". The left however wants to get rid of all cops, no matter who they are.

Oh yea it's the American left that supports police unions



they have huge institutional trust on the backs of low born whites. You wanna guess what ethnic group doesn't trust cops?

Can you please not drink and post.

I have no way of relating what you posted to what you quoted.

he's saying police are out of control because of "the left"

I'm saying that if you poll, the reason politicians can't fuck with police is because they have very high institutional trust from white America

And Republicans are the white party

Thus it is Republicans who keep the unions afloat and policing the same way it's been for decades. Not democrats.
Conservative voter's appreciate the job our police do everyday.

That's true!

like when police were performing their duty at ruby ridge and people died....

or at waco when police were performing their duty and MORE people died...

and certainly when Cliven Bundy was breaking the law and police tried to do their job and hundreds of conservatives showed up and aimed guns at those police....


cons sure appreciated cops on THOSE occasions!

Hey dumbass.....

If you take the 250,000,000 interactions a year and you consider it over the time that these occured, you'd be talking literally billions of interactions.

In that same time, we've killed a couple hundred thousand from drunk driving and cops have probably saved countless likes too.

So, if you want to be fixated on a few instances....go head.

Just don't do it on my thread.
... I, and a lot of other men like me, will happily start killing people to ensure we don't......... ever.
Oh great, another internet Rambo. :rolleyes:
We are frankly scared of what will happen if we don't.

Actual history is a whole lot scarier and more violent than all those movies you constantly refer to, guy.
What’s easier solving our crime problem or reforming the police?
Actually, I say we send the cops home for 180 days; furlough them. No LE at all..... none.

I think shit would get very exciting for a week or so and then the flight 93 effect will occur and regular folks will band together and brutally, viciously, and with a fuck-ton of collateral damage, put a stop to it. We know who the shitbags are and where they stay and we will set their houses on fire and stand outside with a rifle and shoot them when they try to run out. We'll decorate trees and lampposts and shit will get very bloody and very ugly for a while........and then it will settle right on down. Because all the worst predators will be dead or hiding.

So that's a big dent in the crime problem.

And after we finish killing all these mutts, we will be sick at heart thinking of all the innocent people who died during this shit-show, and we will be happy to go back to outsourcing this shit to LE, and LE will get a graphic lesson in the fact that while they are nice to have around, they are not actually necessary, and they should maybe remember that.

And I think that would go a long way towards adjusting the attitudes of the cops.
The purge is not a good road map to address this...
Years ago I was arrested by 2 detectives. Initially they were just taking me in for questioning.

Yet they drove miles out of the way to a deserted industrial area. It was obvious they were going to beat the shit out of me or even kill me.

Fortunately, I was friends with a retired detective from the same county. Once I mentioned his name, they turned around and took me to their precinct.

I was arrested, but the charges were almost immediately dismissed by the judge.

That same detective that I was friends with once told me "collectively the police are the greatest guys you'll ever know, individually they're all crooks"

We are long overdue for extreme reform of most police departments. If firing all the police, disbanding the unions and reorganizing the relationships between police and DAs is what it takes - then that's what should be done.

We can reform police departments based on a new approach to policing. They did it in Camden N.J., we can do it throughout the country.

Let's end the medieval culture of the American police!
You dont look black
... I, and a lot of other men like me, will happily start killing people to ensure we don't......... ever.
Oh great, another internet Rambo. :rolleyes:
We are frankly scared of what will happen if we don't.

Actual history is a whole lot scarier and more violent than all those movies you constantly refer to, guy.
What’s easier solving our crime problem or reforming the police?
Actually, I say we send the cops home for 180 days; furlough them. No LE at all..... none.

I think shit would get very exciting for a week or so and then the flight 93 effect will occur and regular folks will band together and brutally, viciously, and with a fuck-ton of collateral damage, put a stop to it. We know who the shitbags are and where they stay and we will set their houses on fire and stand outside with a rifle and shoot them when they try to run out. We'll decorate trees and lampposts and shit will get very bloody and very ugly for a while........and then it will settle right on down. Because all the worst predators will be dead or hiding.

So that's a big dent in the crime problem.

And after we finish killing all these mutts, we will be sick at heart thinking of all the innocent people who died during this shit-show, and we will be happy to go back to outsourcing this shit to LE, and LE will get a graphic lesson in the fact that while they are nice to have around, they are not actually necessary, and they should maybe remember that.

And I think that would go a long way towards adjusting the attitudes of the cops.
No. What would happen is the biggest Tirant would take over your city. A boss hog. Or a corrupt sheriff in one of those western movies.

When it’s your drunk child who resists arrest and they choke him to death, will you say he shouldn’t have been breaking the law?

Conservatives don’t want a police state or big gover but that’s what they are asking for.

just not in their neighborhoods. It’s only ok to do this in shotholes.

republicans are going to lose this November and not because of corona
Too many black people listened to that bullshit about what do you have to lose. Now you see there is only one party for all people who aren’t rich greedy racist white corporations. The Democratic Party.

So where do you think Democrats get their money from, homeless people? How did Hillary raise three times Trumps amount for her campaign?

Until the Wuhan flu, blacks have never done better than under Trump. What have the commies done for them? They fought against school vouchers, even to the point of taking it to court. They usher in immigrants to take jobs blacks should otherwise have. And for the ones that don't take their jobs, they lower their wages.

All this talk about stopping racism, but how is that possible when Democrats treat minorities different than other people? Why do we have to do X for this people, and Y for the other people? What's wrong with just doing X for all the people?

Dont vote, don’t complain. Then you see both parties will take blacks more seriously because as a group you change election.

What do you mean by taking them more seriously? More seriously how? You mean give them more government freebies?

Us liberals whites aren’t perfect but no one is. And at least we don’t justify every cop killing a black who sold a loose cigarette of stole a snicker bar.

Nobody ever died because of cigarettes or Snikers bars. They died because they refused to obey orders and fought with the cops.
That’s bullshit right wing spin and we know it ray.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.
If our rights are being ignored and voted away from us and we're just being treated like tax cattle, why should we stay?
First, you should stay because you are stupid.
Second, you'd better to stay, because if you fight - you will lose.
Third, you are treated like cattle because you behave as cattle. Try to became a useful member of society - and you life will matter.
Keep talking republicans. Keep showing blacks what they have to lose putting republicans in charge. So clueless. Blacks in poor black neighborhoods know you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.
If our rights are being ignored and voted away from us and we're just being treated like tax cattle, why should we stay?
First, you should stay because you are stupid.
Second, you'd better to stay, because if you fight - you will lose.
Third, you are treated like cattle because you behave as cattle. Try to became a useful member of society - and you life will matter.
Keep talking republicans. Keep showing blacks what they have to lose putting republicans in charge. So clueless. Blacks in poor black neighborhoods know you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.
Maybe if they're still in poor neighborhoods, they should get their shit together and get out of there.
None of the black men in my family live in those neighborhoods and I think that might be because they don't make weak excuses and they just take care of their business.
Too many black people listened to that bullshit about what do you have to lose. Now you see there is only one party for all people who aren’t rich greedy racist white corporations. The Democratic Party.

So where do you think Democrats get their money from, homeless people? How did Hillary raise three times Trumps amount for her campaign?

Until the Wuhan flu, blacks have never done better than under Trump. What have the commies done for them? They fought against school vouchers, even to the point of taking it to court. They usher in immigrants to take jobs blacks should otherwise have. And for the ones that don't take their jobs, they lower their wages.

All this talk about stopping racism, but how is that possible when Democrats treat minorities different than other people? Why do we have to do X for this people, and Y for the other people? What's wrong with just doing X for all the people?

Dont vote, don’t complain. Then you see both parties will take blacks more seriously because as a group you change election.

What do you mean by taking them more seriously? More seriously how? You mean give them more government freebies?

Us liberals whites aren’t perfect but no one is. And at least we don’t justify every cop killing a black who sold a loose cigarette of stole a snicker bar.

Nobody ever died because of cigarettes or Snikers bars. They died because they refused to obey orders and fought with the cops.
That’s bullshit right wing spin and we know it ray.

Not spinning anything. Everything I write is true.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Well I have bad news for ya, and that is we are losing our country. So we only have two choices: Save half of it, or surrender the entire thing. My choice is to save half of it.
Weak surrender monkey.

Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.
Hey, clearing him out of the drive through was fine. Shooting him in the back was where the problem was.

Sorry, a guy who panicked because he was being arrested is not a death penalty offense. This is what cops need to reform on. Not to use deadly force as the first option.

WTF video did you watch? Oh, that's right, no matter what you watch, your mind twists things to suit your way of thinking.

The video clearly shows him running, stopping, and turning around aiming the gun at the officers.

Nope, we've had to put up with your shit, you have to put up with ours.

Then it's time to end that. Divide the country, and neither of us will have to put up with each others shit any longer.

The Video said nothing of the sort, and the grand jury does what it is told.

The video was examined frame by frame which the grand jury spent hours watching over and over again. The enhanced video was narrated by a video expert. Nobody told them to do anything but watch.

Probably fell out when he fell or it got pulled out when they were manhandling the dead body. Point is, you can see the picture when he gets shot. Nothing in his hands.

Here's the picture. Both hands are in his coat pockets.

Nice try, but you're not as slick as you think you are. How did he get shot with his hands in his pocket when the picture YOU POSTED clearly shows the officers are not out of their vehicle yet? :laughing0301:

Yeah, try putting a toy gun down your pants, fall, and see how easy it is for that gun to pop out without your hand doing it. :laughing0301:
Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.

You do realize that Unkatore is an Asian dude, right?

I don't care what he is. Truth is truth no matter who I'm speaking to.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

While I don't think policing in concept is something we should get rid of

Our police are out of control, and so are their unions

They need to learn some harsh lessons this will be good for them not bad for them.

They treat citizens worse than our soldiers treated Iraqis on average.


Show us your metrics for making that determination.

Put up the numbers.

Let's see the metrics and the standards.
cops will only be leaving democrat inner city shitholes ....
WTF video did you watch? Oh, that's right, no matter what you watch, your mind twists things to suit your way of thinking.

The video clearly shows him running, stopping, and turning around aiming the gun at the officers.

It wasn't a gun, it was a taser, a non-lethal weapon he probably had no idea how to operate, much less aim correctly.

Hey, guy, the fired the cop on the spot and the police chief resigned. This is all manner of fucked up, this is.

Nice try, but you're not as slick as you think you are. How did he get shot with his hands in his pocket when the picture YOU POSTED clearly shows the officers are not out of their vehicle yet?

He was out of that vehicle one second later.

Show me a picture of him pointing the toy at the officers, or shut up.

Yeah, try putting a toy gun down your pants, fall, and see how easy it is for that gun to pop out without your hand doing it.

Depends how hard he was hit, how hard he rolled and how secure the toy was.
It wasn't a gun, it was a taser, a non-lethal weapon he probably had no idea how to operate, much less aim correctly.

Hey, guy, the fired the cop on the spot and the police chief resigned. This is all manner of fucked up, this is.

Correct, they did, because thanks to the commies and media, the criminals are now taking over the country. Satan laughs louder and louder all the time. As expected, you didn't even read my article on the thousand or so deaths that were caused at least partially by tasers. They are not a totally non-lethal weapon. The officer had every right to use deadly force.

He was out of that vehicle one second later.

Show me a picture of him pointing the toy at the officers, or shut up.

You don't have to be pointing it at them. If you wait that long and it's a real gun, the next time your family will see you is in the box. He pulled the replica out of his pants when the officer fired.

Depends how hard he was hit, how hard he rolled and how secure the toy was.

You people on the left live in your own fantasy world. Again, do the experiment yourself. Put a toy gun in the front of your pants, fall, roll over, hit the ground as hard as you can, and that gun isn't going anywhere unless it's mostly out of your pants. The jury found the officer to be not guilty.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Well I have bad news for ya, and that is we are losing our country. So we only have two choices: Save half of it, or surrender the entire thing. My choice is to save half of it.
Weak surrender monkey.

Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.
Holy shit, you’re a pussy. A pathetic pussy more afraid of skin color than inspired by American ideals. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

Yes, I am afraid of skin color, because skin colors vote Democrat.

Asian Americans (which I'm told you are......I don't know) vote a majority Democrat.
Middle-eastern Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Jewish Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Hispanics vote a strong majority Democrat.
Blacks.......forget about it.

In any case, the Democrat party realizes that the key to unchallenged power is getting rid of whites; not in a genocidal way, but a political way. Make whites a minority ASAP, and the Democrats will have a single-party country forever. That's what they are doing, and that's why they became the anti-white party.
As usual the far right take a comment and conflate it to the nth degree. It's time cops stopped murdering people. Period. No debate necessary.

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