Cops: We are leaving

...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Well I have bad news for ya, and that is we are losing our country. So we only have two choices: Save half of it, or surrender the entire thing. My choice is to save half of it.
Weak surrender monkey.

Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.
Holy shit, you’re a pussy. A pathetic pussy more afraid of skin color than inspired by American ideals. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

Yes, I am afraid of skin color, because skin colors vote Democrat.

Asian Americans (which I'm told you are......I don't know) vote a majority Democrat.
Middle-eastern Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Jewish Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Hispanics vote a strong majority Democrat.
Blacks.......forget about it.

In any case, the Democrat party realizes that the key to unchallenged power is getting rid of whites; not in a genocidal way, but a political way. Make whites a minority ASAP, and the Democrats will have a single-party country forever. That's what they are doing, and that's why they became the anti-white party.
White is a skin color. And for most of American history that skin color made it so other skin colors could not vote. Whites are still denying opportunities to other skin colors. STFU.
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Correct, they did, because thanks to the commies and media, the criminals are now taking over the country. Satan laughs louder and louder all the time. As expected, you didn't even read my article on the thousand or so deaths that were caused at least partially by tasers. They are not a totally non-lethal weapon. The officer had every right to use deadly force.

Well, no, he really didn't. It was an overreaction to a parking violation.

You don't have to be pointing it at them. If you wait that long and it's a real gun, the next time your family will see you is in the box. He pulled the replica out of his pants when the officer fired.

Except it wasn't in his hand. His hands were in his coat pockets. They drove the car to the point where they damn well near hit him, Loehmann (who again- fired from his last job for being mentally unstable) jumped out of the car and immediately started firing.

You people on the left live in your own fantasy world. Again, do the experiment yourself. Put a toy gun in the front of your pants, fall, roll over, hit the ground as hard as you can, and that gun isn't going anywhere unless it's mostly out of your pants. The jury found the officer to be not guilty.

Well, kind of hard to be found guilty if the Prosecutor thinks he's the defense attorney.

The city paid Tamir's family six million dollars... That's how out of line they knew the cops were.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Well I have bad news for ya, and that is we are losing our country. So we only have two choices: Save half of it, or surrender the entire thing. My choice is to save half of it.
Weak surrender monkey.

Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.
Holy shit, you’re a pussy. A pathetic pussy more afraid of skin color than inspired by American ideals. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

Yes, I am afraid of skin color, because skin colors vote Democrat.

Asian Americans (which I'm told you are......I don't know) vote a majority Democrat.
Middle-eastern Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Jewish Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Hispanics vote a strong majority Democrat.
Blacks.......forget about it.

In any case, the Democrat party realizes that the key to unchallenged power is getting rid of whites; not in a genocidal way, but a political way. Make whites a minority ASAP, and the Democrats will have a single-party country forever. That's what they are doing, and that's why they became the anti-white party.
White is a skin color. And for most of American history that skin color made it so other skin colors could not vote. Whites are still denying opportunities to other skin colors. STFU.
Just like with common sense gun regulations, Republicans pretend the cops are perfect and don't need reforming. Yesterday a righty here was talking about no knock raids on homes and I suggested maybe we don't do those anymore.

Well guess what? They are considering banning no knock raids nationwide.

See? It's not so difficult to reform the police. It's little things like this that will lower the number of murder by cops that happen in this country. Another one is don't put your knee on the back of someones neck.

But I'm sure republicans will defend no knock raids as essential and necessary when we all know they are not.
As usual the far right take a comment and conflate it to the nth degree. It's time cops stopped murdering people. Period. No debate necessary.
I agree; 100%, murder is bad.

I'm curious though....... what's your plan to stop black folks from committing so damn many of them?
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...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Well I have bad news for ya, and that is we are losing our country. So we only have two choices: Save half of it, or surrender the entire thing. My choice is to save half of it.
Weak surrender monkey.

Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.
Holy shit, you’re a pussy. A pathetic pussy more afraid of skin color than inspired by American ideals. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

Yes, I am afraid of skin color, because skin colors vote Democrat.

Asian Americans (which I'm told you are......I don't know) vote a majority Democrat.
Middle-eastern Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Jewish Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Hispanics vote a strong majority Democrat.
Blacks.......forget about it.

In any case, the Democrat party realizes that the key to unchallenged power is getting rid of whites; not in a genocidal way, but a political way. Make whites a minority ASAP, and the Democrats will have a single-party country forever. That's what they are doing, and that's why they became the anti-white party.
White is a skin color. And for most of American history that skin color made it so other skin colors could not vote. Whites are still denying opportunities to other skin colors. STFU.
What opportunities are non-white people denied here?
As usual the far right take a comment and conflate it to the nth degree. It's time cops stopped murdering people. Period. No debate necessary.
I agree; 100%, murder is bad.

I'm curious though....... what's your plan to get black folks from committing so damn many of them?
That's a different conversation. So is me asking you how you're going to get whites to stop committing so many murders.

With blacks it's economic opportunity but for whites the problem is mental illness.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Well I have bad news for ya, and that is we are losing our country. So we only have two choices: Save half of it, or surrender the entire thing. My choice is to save half of it.
Weak surrender monkey.

Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.
Holy shit, you’re a pussy. A pathetic pussy more afraid of skin color than inspired by American ideals. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

Yes, I am afraid of skin color, because skin colors vote Democrat.

Asian Americans (which I'm told you are......I don't know) vote a majority Democrat.
Middle-eastern Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Jewish Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Hispanics vote a strong majority Democrat.
Blacks.......forget about it.

In any case, the Democrat party realizes that the key to unchallenged power is getting rid of whites; not in a genocidal way, but a political way. Make whites a minority ASAP, and the Democrats will have a single-party country forever. That's what they are doing, and that's why they became the anti-white party.
White is a skin color. And for most of American history that skin color made it so other skin colors could not vote. Whites are still denying opportunities to other skin colors. STFU.
Just like with common sense gun regulations, Republicans pretend the cops are perfect and don't need reforming. Yesterday a righty here was talking about no knock raids on homes and I suggested maybe we don't do those anymore.

Well guess what? They are considering banning no knock raids nationwide.

See? It's not so difficult to reform the police. It's little things like this that will lower the number of murder by cops that happen in this country. Another one is don't put your knee on the back of someones neck.

But I'm sure republicans will defend no knock raids as essential and necessary when we all know they are not.
How long have you worked as a police officer?
As usual the far right take a comment and conflate it to the nth degree. It's time cops stopped murdering people. Period. No debate necessary.
I agree; 100%, murder is bad.

I'm curious though....... what's your plan to get black folks from committing so damn many of them?
That's a different conversation. So is me asking you how you're going to get whites to stop committing so many murders.

With blacks it's economic opportunity but for whites the problem is mental illness.
For every 100 murders in this country, between 75 and 85 of them will be drug/gang-related, and maybe 5 to 10 more will be someone fucking someone they shouldn't be. The last few will be spread out among the guys who got shot during a hold-up, or a road-rage incident or something, or a bar fight that escalated.
If the drug business is what you mean by "economic opportunity" (and I'd have to agree that it is good money) then I'd have to say they are energetically availing themselves of the opportunities out there.
Well, no, he really didn't. It was an overreaction to a parking violation.

That begs the question: Are all liberals inherently liars? You know, Brown was killed for shoplifting; Clinton was impeached over a BJ; Garner was killed for selling loose cigarettes; this guy died because of a parking violation?

The reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out this psychosis of the left since most all of you do the same thing. It's actually a pattern of the left. I'm trying to figure out if you lie to us hoping we are stupid or uninformed enough to believe you, or that this is some unconscious mental disability to convince yourselves. You know, like block the truth from your mind, and you actually believe this stuff.

Except it wasn't in his hand. His hands were in his coat pockets. They drove the car to the point where they damn well near hit him, Loehmann (who again- fired from his last job for being mentally unstable) jumped out of the car and immediately started firing.

That's because rice started to pull the gun out when he exited the car. In the video, you can't see his hands because of the police car. What the expert pointed out was his right shoulder lifting up before he got shot.

Well, kind of hard to be found guilty if the Prosecutor thinks he's the defense attorney.

The city paid Tamir's family six million dollars... That's how out of line they knew the cops were.

No, that's how the black Mayor got to keep his job at reelection.
Well, no, he really didn't. It was an overreaction to a parking violation.

That begs the question: Are all liberals inherently liars? You know, Brown was killed for shoplifting; Clinton was impeached over a BJ; Garner was killed for selling loose cigarettes; this guy died because of a parking violation?

The reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out this psychosis of the left since most all of you do the same thing. It's actually a pattern of the left. I'm trying to figure out if you lie to us hoping we are stupid or uninformed enough to believe you, or that this is some unconscious mental disability to convince yourselves. You know, like block the truth from your mind, and you actually believe this stuff.

Except it wasn't in his hand. His hands were in his coat pockets. They drove the car to the point where they damn well near hit him, Loehmann (who again- fired from his last job for being mentally unstable) jumped out of the car and immediately started firing.

That's because rice started to pull the gun out when he exited the car. In the video, you can't see his hands because of the police car. What the expert pointed out was his right shoulder lifting up before he got shot.

Well, kind of hard to be found guilty if the Prosecutor thinks he's the defense attorney.

The city paid Tamir's family six million dollars... That's how out of line they knew the cops were.

No, that's how the black Mayor got to keep his job at reelection.
I get the distinction between getting killed over something minor like selling loose cigarettes, and getting killed for resisting. But the thing is, there is no crime so trivial that police won't kill you in order to enforce it, and that's a problem.
People don't like being cuffed and dragged off the street for petty shit, (if it's even illegal in the first place; I've seen plenty of cases where no law at all was being broken) and resisting is a pretty natural reaction to that behavior. Nor is it always wrong to resist, IMO.
...Trying a real solution is not quitting. ....
Destroying the Union is NOT "a real solution," it is merely giving up. It would be wise to keep in mind what happened to the last group of assholes who tried it.

Well I have bad news for ya, and that is we are losing our country. So we only have two choices: Save half of it, or surrender the entire thing. My choice is to save half of it.
Weak surrender monkey.

Not surrendering anything by choice. In this country, the majority has the power. Eventually the commies will take over, and I mean over the entire country. What will you do then? How will you fight when your vote is overpowered thanks to Democrats flooding our country with foreign people of color? This is their plan you know.
Holy shit, you’re a pussy. A pathetic pussy more afraid of skin color than inspired by American ideals. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

Yes, I am afraid of skin color, because skin colors vote Democrat.

Asian Americans (which I'm told you are......I don't know) vote a majority Democrat.
Middle-eastern Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Jewish Americans vote a majority Democrat.
Hispanics vote a strong majority Democrat.
Blacks.......forget about it.

In any case, the Democrat party realizes that the key to unchallenged power is getting rid of whites; not in a genocidal way, but a political way. Make whites a minority ASAP, and the Democrats will have a single-party country forever. That's what they are doing, and that's why they became the anti-white party.
White is a skin color. And for most of American history that skin color made it so other skin colors could not vote. Whites are still denying opportunities to other skin colors. STFU.

I have no more opportunities than you do. The blacks who didn't have opportunities are so old they can barely remember it, and even then, those opportunities presented themselves throughout their lives.
As usual the far right take a comment and conflate it to the nth degree. It's time cops stopped murdering people. Period. No debate necessary.

Do you feel that way, do you really, really feel that way? Because I already presented the solution to this problem.
Well, no, he really didn't. It was an overreaction to a parking violation.

That begs the question: Are all liberals inherently liars? You know, Brown was killed for shoplifting; Clinton was impeached over a BJ; Garner was killed for selling loose cigarettes; this guy died because of a parking violation?

The reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out this psychosis of the left since most all of you do the same thing. It's actually a pattern of the left. I'm trying to figure out if you lie to us hoping we are stupid or uninformed enough to believe you, or that this is some unconscious mental disability to convince yourselves. You know, like block the truth from your mind, and you actually believe this stuff.

Except it wasn't in his hand. His hands were in his coat pockets. They drove the car to the point where they damn well near hit him, Loehmann (who again- fired from his last job for being mentally unstable) jumped out of the car and immediately started firing.

That's because rice started to pull the gun out when he exited the car. In the video, you can't see his hands because of the police car. What the expert pointed out was his right shoulder lifting up before he got shot.

Well, kind of hard to be found guilty if the Prosecutor thinks he's the defense attorney.

The city paid Tamir's family six million dollars... That's how out of line they knew the cops were.

No, that's how the black Mayor got to keep his job at reelection.
I get the distinction between getting killed over something minor like selling loose cigarettes, and getting killed for resisting. But the thing is, there is no crime so trivial that police won't kill you in order to enforce it, and that's a problem.
People don't like being cuffed and dragged off the street for petty shit, (if it's even illegal in the first place; I've seen plenty of cases where no law at all was being broken) and resisting is a pretty natural reaction to that behavior. Nor is it always wrong to resist, IMO.

It's always wrong to resist a police officer. When it comes to combating the police in the street, you're going to lose every time, sometimes at the cost of your life.

No matter what, if you feel an officer acted out of line, you take care of that afterwards, not while it's happening.

One of my former coworkers was a retired Cleveland police officer. I forget the event now that was similar to this one, but at the time he said "WTF do they want us to do? If a person starts fighting with us, we're supposed to say, okay, we won't arrest you today, maybe we'll arrest you another time when you're in a better mood??"

Contrary to so many false beliefs out there, police don't like arresting people they don't have to. We only see the arrest on dash cams or on television shows. What happens afterwards is the suspect fighting them in the jail, filling out police reports, having to go to court to testify...... it's a lot more work than just slapping cuffs on and giving the person a ride to the station.
Well, no, he really didn't. It was an overreaction to a parking violation.

That begs the question: Are all liberals inherently liars? You know, Brown was killed for shoplifting; Clinton was impeached over a BJ; Garner was killed for selling loose cigarettes; this guy died because of a parking violation?

The reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out this psychosis of the left since most all of you do the same thing. It's actually a pattern of the left. I'm trying to figure out if you lie to us hoping we are stupid or uninformed enough to believe you, or that this is some unconscious mental disability to convince yourselves. You know, like block the truth from your mind, and you actually believe this stuff.

Except it wasn't in his hand. His hands were in his coat pockets. They drove the car to the point where they damn well near hit him, Loehmann (who again- fired from his last job for being mentally unstable) jumped out of the car and immediately started firing.

That's because rice started to pull the gun out when he exited the car. In the video, you can't see his hands because of the police car. What the expert pointed out was his right shoulder lifting up before he got shot.

Well, kind of hard to be found guilty if the Prosecutor thinks he's the defense attorney.

The city paid Tamir's family six million dollars... That's how out of line they knew the cops were.

No, that's how the black Mayor got to keep his job at reelection.
I get the distinction between getting killed over something minor like selling loose cigarettes, and getting killed for resisting. But the thing is, there is no crime so trivial that police won't kill you in order to enforce it, and that's a problem.
People don't like being cuffed and dragged off the street for petty shit, (if it's even illegal in the first place; I've seen plenty of cases where no law at all was being broken) and resisting is a pretty natural reaction to that behavior. Nor is it always wrong to resist, IMO.

It's always wrong to resist a police officer. When it comes to combating the police in the street, you're going to lose every time, sometimes at the cost of your life.

No matter what, if you feel an officer acted out of line, you take care of that afterwards, not while it's happening.

One of my former coworkers was a retired Cleveland police officer. I forget the event now that was similar to this one, but at the time he said "WTF do they want us to do? If a person starts fighting with us, we're supposed to say, okay, we won't arrest you today, maybe we'll arrest you another time when you're in a better mood??"

Contrary to so many false beliefs out there, police don't like arresting people they don't have to. We only see the arrest on dash cams or on television shows. What happens afterwards is the suspect fighting them in the jail, filling out police reports, having to go to court to testify...... it's a lot more work than just slapping cuffs on and giving the person a ride to the station.

Still wrong to resist? How do you un-rape these women?:eusa_think:

I have a family member who works for the DPS. I was in her office with several Troopers when these incidents came up in conversation and the definition of awkward conversation is when a civilian (me) tells the Troopers in their own station, loud and clearly, that if that ever happens to one of mine, I will hunt them down and see how many hollowpoints I can fit in their heads.
We didn't talk much after that.
And you can DIRECTLY thank the American left for the condition of law enforcement today.

We need to get rid of that very very small minority that are quote, "bad cops". The left however wants to get rid of all cops, no matter who they are.
You’re so wrong here. So imagine if youre this wrong here what else are you wrong about? Probably a lot based on your ignorant comment.

I can tell you how liberal policies created a middle class the world had never seen before.

And I can tell you the policies the right have passed that made the middle class poorer and the rich richer.

And, we can show on usmb that republicans defended all those policies. They said the widening gap between the rich and poor didn’t matter. Well now we see the rich have rigged and changed the way things work. Today workers make less and owners make mor3 and republicans supported this every step
So. What?

Let those thugs with badges go. They were doing more harm than good anyway.

We'll replace them with intelligent and decent law enforcement professionals.
Just like that? Do you really think it's that simple? Is it that simple when people say things like "just kill those fucking animals burning the cities down"? Simplify, dehumanize, dismiss? Is any real progress on anything going to be made with this kind of thinking on any side?
It really is that simple. It would be easier if you didn’t fight reforming the cops. You support systemic racism.

Reform the cops how? What reforms do you want to see?
From his comments here it sure seems as if he wants them to stop enforcing the law.

What he doesn't understand is the more difficult you make it on police officers, the less quality of officers you will get in the future. You can't reform the police every single time a bad apple makes a story for the MSM. Most police forces work diligently to get the best officers possible. But nothing will stop some from slipping through the cracks. All you can really do is remove the bad cops once they are exposed.
Problem is, they are not removing them.
And even if one does something bad enough to get fired, which is rare, they get on with another department immediately.

Are you making an assumption or do you have any credible evidence to your claim? If you personally know any police officers, then you'd also know they have people breathing down their necks every day. They are constantly being monitored and have strict standards. Police work is pretty political.
I know a lot of cops and I work with them almost every day. I like almost all of them on a personal level but I never forget that if they get ordered to raid my house to arrest me, they will kick the door and come in guns drawn, and they will kill me if I resist in any way.

You actually spend a lot of time thinking about the "danger" of having your house raided? This is actually a thing that weighs on your mind?

I'm well aware that if I break the law, I will be subject to law enforcement officers arresting me, as well. And you know how much thought I give it? Zero. Zero thoughts. That's because all it takes for it to never be an issue in my life is for me NOT TO BREAK THE LAW.
Don't be naive.
Unless you're a shut-in who never leaves the house, you break the law all the time; everyone does, and that is by design to give the authorities a handle they can use to force people to their will.

You don't think people in a position of power won't abuse that power just because you haven't done any wrong?


I was given an extremely graphic lesson in this during my time in the Army, and the only thing that enabled me to finish out my 20 was that at the end of the day, I was the only one involved who hadn't broken any "laws" (or regulations and military law, in this case). The people persecuting and prosecuting me were blatantly guilty of so much illegal and unethical activity that the court martial and the board had no choice but to leave me be....... but I noticed that they never did act on any of the higher ups illegal acts. No one got charged for lying on sworn statements or during the so-called "investigation" (see: witch hunt), no one got any discipline for faking documentation or dereliction of duty for refusing to provide an NCOER, stealing or losing military property and blaming me, or any of dozens of other criminal acts that came out from my case.
And you know what I did to bring all this heat down on me in the first place? I called out some shitty behavior from the chain of command; that was my unforgivable sin.

Don't be an idiot. Maybe YOU break the law "all the time", but please don't assume that you are representative of normal people. Instead of trying to project your own ignorance onto others, consider whether you might better use your time and energy by learning not to be a jackass.

I definitely think people in power will abuse their power if allowed to. That's one of the main reasons I view leftists as deranged morons: their slavish devotion to the idea of strong, centralized government power is a recipe for disaster. Those who have power are less likely to abuse it if they are held accountable to the people at large.

Once again, maybe spend less time trying to project onto others, and more time analyzing why you make stupid decisions.
So. What?

Let those thugs with badges go. They were doing more harm than good anyway.

We'll replace them with intelligent and decent law enforcement professionals.
Just like that? Do you really think it's that simple? Is it that simple when people say things like "just kill those fucking animals burning the cities down"? Simplify, dehumanize, dismiss? Is any real progress on anything going to be made with this kind of thinking on any side?
It really is that simple. It would be easier if you didn’t fight reforming the cops. You support systemic racism.

Reform the cops how? What reforms do you want to see?
From his comments here it sure seems as if he wants them to stop enforcing the law.

What he doesn't understand is the more difficult you make it on police officers, the less quality of officers you will get in the future. You can't reform the police every single time a bad apple makes a story for the MSM. Most police forces work diligently to get the best officers possible. But nothing will stop some from slipping through the cracks. All you can really do is remove the bad cops once they are exposed.
Problem is, they are not removing them.
And even if one does something bad enough to get fired, which is rare, they get on with another department immediately.

Are you making an assumption or do you have any credible evidence to your claim? If you personally know any police officers, then you'd also know they have people breathing down their necks every day. They are constantly being monitored and have strict standards. Police work is pretty political.
I know a lot of cops and I work with them almost every day. I like almost all of them on a personal level but I never forget that if they get ordered to raid my house to arrest me, they will kick the door and come in guns drawn, and they will kill me if I resist in any way.

You actually spend a lot of time thinking about the "danger" of having your house raided? This is actually a thing that weighs on your mind?

I'm well aware that if I break the law, I will be subject to law enforcement officers arresting me, as well. And you know how much thought I give it? Zero. Zero thoughts. That's because all it takes for it to never be an issue in my life is for me NOT TO BREAK THE LAW.
Don't be naive.
Unless you're a shut-in who never leaves the house, you break the law all the time; everyone does, and that is by design to give the authorities a handle they can use to force people to their will.

You don't think people in a position of power won't abuse that power just because you haven't done any wrong?


I was given an extremely graphic lesson in this during my time in the Army, and the only thing that enabled me to finish out my 20 was that at the end of the day, I was the only one involved who hadn't broken any "laws" (or regulations and military law, in this case). The people persecuting and prosecuting me were blatantly guilty of so much illegal and unethical activity that the court martial and the board had no choice but to leave me be....... but I noticed that they never did act on any of the higher ups illegal acts. No one got charged for lying on sworn statements or during the so-called "investigation" (see: witch hunt), no one got any discipline for faking documentation or dereliction of duty for refusing to provide an NCOER, stealing or losing military property and blaming me, or any of dozens of other criminal acts that came out from my case.
And you know what I did to bring all this heat down on me in the first place? I called out some shitty behavior from the chain of command; that was my unforgivable sin.

Don't be an idiot. Maybe YOU break the law "all the time", but please don't assume that you are representative of normal people. Instead of trying to project your own ignorance onto others, consider whether you might better use your time and energy by learning not to be a jackass.

I definitely think people in power will abuse their power if allowed to. That's one of the main reasons I view leftists as deranged morons: their slavish devotion to the idea of strong, centralized government power is a recipe for disaster. Those who have power are less likely to abuse it if they are held accountable to the people at large.

Once again, maybe spend less time trying to project onto others, and more time analyzing why you make stupid decisions.
So. What?

Let those thugs with badges go. They were doing more harm than good anyway.

We'll replace them with intelligent and decent law enforcement professionals.
Just like that? Do you really think it's that simple? Is it that simple when people say things like "just kill those fucking animals burning the cities down"? Simplify, dehumanize, dismiss? Is any real progress on anything going to be made with this kind of thinking on any side?
It really is that simple. It would be easier if you didn’t fight reforming the cops. You support systemic racism.

Reform the cops how? What reforms do you want to see?
From his comments here it sure seems as if he wants them to stop enforcing the law.

What he doesn't understand is the more difficult you make it on police officers, the less quality of officers you will get in the future. You can't reform the police every single time a bad apple makes a story for the MSM. Most police forces work diligently to get the best officers possible. But nothing will stop some from slipping through the cracks. All you can really do is remove the bad cops once they are exposed.
Problem is, they are not removing them.
And even if one does something bad enough to get fired, which is rare, they get on with another department immediately.

Are you making an assumption or do you have any credible evidence to your claim? If you personally know any police officers, then you'd also know they have people breathing down their necks every day. They are constantly being monitored and have strict standards. Police work is pretty political.
I know a lot of cops and I work with them almost every day. I like almost all of them on a personal level but I never forget that if they get ordered to raid my house to arrest me, they will kick the door and come in guns drawn, and they will kill me if I resist in any way.

You said a mouthful right there, they will kill me if I resist in any way. Yes, they probably would. In fact, most all deaths at the hands of police officers are because the subject refused to obey the orders of the police. Every one of them would be alive today if they only did just that.

But instead of promoting the concept of everybody following the orders of the police, when the media needs more viewers and bloggers, they show people a situation of a police officer killing somebody sparking protests and riots. It's a great tool the MSM has. Their audience is like a trained attack dog. Just give them the signal, and they mindlessly attack.

I don't know many entertainers that went out to high schools, especially black high schools, and had a seminar with the kids to tell them no matter what, always obey police officers to avoid being seriously hurt or getting killed. They would save a hell of a lot more black lives than disrespecting our flag or bashing all police officers on camera and radio.
I don't hurt anyone and there is no reason for any cops to come at me; if they do, we go straight to total war to the knife and I kill as many of them as I can.

I don't fuck with people; don't fuck with me.

Well the people they do have to go after have the same view as you. That's why police do need to use deadly force against them.
What legitimate reason is there to attack someone who isn't hurting anyone and who hasn't done anything wrong?
I have a right to defend myself and that right doesn't dissolve into thin air when the attacker is wearing a badge.

We'll put that on your tombstone, dumbass: "He had the right!" I'm sure that'll be very comforting to your family to know that when you did something asinine that got you killed, AT LEAST you had a right to be an ass.

Once again, it's very telling about your character - or lack thereof - that you feel the need to spend a lot of time worrying about "being attacked by police" and how justified you are in whatever the fuck nonsense you tell yourself you're man enough to do.

Would it shock you to know that decent people spend virtually no time whatsoever thinking about "If the cops attack me" and "I have a right to fight back so they'll be really wrong when they shoot my ass like a rabid dog"? Would it also shock you to know that "Be polite and cooperative, and save your disputes for when your lawyer is present" works perfectly well for us?
And you can DIRECTLY thank the American left for the condition of law enforcement today.

We need to get rid of that very very small minority that are quote, "bad cops". The left however wants to get rid of all cops, no matter who they are.
You’re so wrong here. So imagine if youre this wrong here what else are you wrong about? Probably a lot based on your ignorant comment.

I can tell you how liberal policies created a middle class the world had never seen before.

And I can tell you the policies the right have passed that made the middle class poorer and the rich richer.

And, we can show on usmb that republicans defended all those policies. They said the widening gap between the rich and poor didn’t matter. Well now we see the rich have rigged and changed the way things work. Today workers make less and owners make mor3 and republicans supported this every step

What would really address the problems you posted are for one, get it out of your head that you are owed a job, or jobs were created for you to support yourself and perhaps family. Job creation is not a social obligation. People start businesses to produce a product or service for profit. Your worth as an employee is what your employer could pay anybody else to do the same job and quality of work that you do.

Secondly, the market plays more of a part in wages than the employer. As long as the American consumer is so consumed with low priced products, the American employer has to compete with overseas products where workers make a couple of dollars a day. In most cases, the employer can't pay their workers any more money than he or she is already paying them.
Well, no, he really didn't. It was an overreaction to a parking violation.

That begs the question: Are all liberals inherently liars? You know, Brown was killed for shoplifting; Clinton was impeached over a BJ; Garner was killed for selling loose cigarettes; this guy died because of a parking violation?

The reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out this psychosis of the left since most all of you do the same thing. It's actually a pattern of the left. I'm trying to figure out if you lie to us hoping we are stupid or uninformed enough to believe you, or that this is some unconscious mental disability to convince yourselves. You know, like block the truth from your mind, and you actually believe this stuff.

Except it wasn't in his hand. His hands were in his coat pockets. They drove the car to the point where they damn well near hit him, Loehmann (who again- fired from his last job for being mentally unstable) jumped out of the car and immediately started firing.

That's because rice started to pull the gun out when he exited the car. In the video, you can't see his hands because of the police car. What the expert pointed out was his right shoulder lifting up before he got shot.

Well, kind of hard to be found guilty if the Prosecutor thinks he's the defense attorney.

The city paid Tamir's family six million dollars... That's how out of line they knew the cops were.

No, that's how the black Mayor got to keep his job at reelection.
I get the distinction between getting killed over something minor like selling loose cigarettes, and getting killed for resisting. But the thing is, there is no crime so trivial that police won't kill you in order to enforce it, and that's a problem.
People don't like being cuffed and dragged off the street for petty shit, (if it's even illegal in the first place; I've seen plenty of cases where no law at all was being broken) and resisting is a pretty natural reaction to that behavior. Nor is it always wrong to resist, IMO.

It's always wrong to resist a police officer. When it comes to combating the police in the street, you're going to lose every time, sometimes at the cost of your life.

No matter what, if you feel an officer acted out of line, you take care of that afterwards, not while it's happening.

One of my former coworkers was a retired Cleveland police officer. I forget the event now that was similar to this one, but at the time he said "WTF do they want us to do? If a person starts fighting with us, we're supposed to say, okay, we won't arrest you today, maybe we'll arrest you another time when you're in a better mood??"

Contrary to so many false beliefs out there, police don't like arresting people they don't have to. We only see the arrest on dash cams or on television shows. What happens afterwards is the suspect fighting them in the jail, filling out police reports, having to go to court to testify...... it's a lot more work than just slapping cuffs on and giving the person a ride to the station.

Still wrong to resist? How do you un-rape these women?:eusa_think:

I have a family member who works for the DPS. I was in her office with several Troopers when these incidents came up in conversation and the definition of awkward conversation is when a civilian (me) tells the Troopers in their own station, loud and clearly, that if that ever happens to one of mine, I will hunt them down and see how many hollowpoints I can fit in their heads.
We didn't talk much after that.

Apparently these women did exactly as I said. They took the issue up with their lawyers and trooper supervisors.

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