Cordless Phone: A Ghost Story


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism ghost-story inspired by the film Ghost in the Machine.

Signing off,


Mary was a big fan of modern architecture and design and had contractors build her a special classic-looking home with a modern spaciousness and outdoorsy-feel to it. However, Mary was not a big fan of modern WiFi technology hubbub and preferred using convenient landline cordless phones in the home rather than carrying wireless smartphones around with her. Mary's favorite color was gray, so she designed her newly-built house with a gray interior and purchased a cordless phone system with three receiver-sets for a total of four rooms with phone-connectivity.


Mary enjoyed living in her new home and using her cordless phones as her only 'nod' to modern technology (aside from her sophisticated ADT computerized alarm-system!). Mary even had a special brick-oven put into the kitchen so she could make authentic pizzas. As Mary dwelled in her home and invited friends over, she got questions like, "How come you don't carry a mobile phone?" and "Why are there no stereos and remote-controls in your home?" Mary shrugged these questions off, since she was adequately-satisfied with the modernism look her specially-designed home afforded her. Mary simply said to herself, "The cordless phone is sufficiently 'WiFi' for me not to regret not carrying a smartphone around with me all the time!"


Everything was going fine for Mary, until one weekend, strange things started happening. Mary was home alone with a bottle of wine, ready to write some poetry in her diary (it was Friday night). Suddenly, the cordless phone receiver nearest to her began ringing, so she went to pick it up, but all she heard from the 'caller' was heavy breathing. She hung up and moved to another room (a little unnerved), but the phone rang again, and she picked up the cordless-receiver in that room, and once again, all she heard was breathing. The next night (Saturday), the phone rang again and once again, there was heavy breathing. Finally, on Sunday night, her cordless phone rang again, and this time, the caller decided to say something --- "You're a relic, Mary!" Mary decided to move to a new condominium --- one that was 'adequately connected' to the modern world.



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