Corey Lewandowski: “Donald Trump Has Done More for America in 4 Weeks Than Obama Did in 8 Years”

So the OP along with the accompanying story can't say what great things Trump has done?
I'd say the people he's appointed to his cabinet so far are doing great things... but then that's just me.
So total bs means more than actual deeds now. I guess that had to happen lol...
I don't believe I've read a more vapid, inane, senseless, moronic comment that than in a long time.

You win the prize tonight for saying the dumbest thing on the board in months.

So the OP along with the accompanying story can't say what great things Trump has done?
I'd say the people he's appointed to his cabinet so far are doing great things... but then that's just me.
So total bs means more than actual deeds now. I guess that had to happen lol...
I don't believe I've read a more vapid, inane, senseless, moronic comment that than in a long time.

You win the prize tonight for saying the dumbest thing on the board in months.

LOL. Whereas your post was genius. Tell us all the great deeds his appointees are doing. Brainwashed functional moron.
So the OP along with the accompanying story can't say what great things Trump has done?
I'd say the people he's appointed to his cabinet so far are doing great things... but then that's just me.
So total bs means more than actual deeds now. I guess that had to happen lol...
I don't believe I've read a more vapid, inane, senseless, moronic comment that than in a long time.

You win the prize tonight for saying the dumbest thing on the board in months.

LOL. Whereas your post was genius. Tell us all the great deeds his appointees are doing. Brainwashed functional moron.

FUCK.... :lol:
What exactly has he done, other than lie his ass off and promote some degenerate racists to his staff?
That's what I'd like to know...exactly, what good has Oidiot done?

Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that? And he's pulled out of Iraq and mostly from Afghanistan (did you know the US has more troops in Italy than Afghanistan?) and he didn't fuck it all up. Just the job.

Trump is going to seriously fuck things up, it's going to be painful.
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?
What exactly has he done, other than lie his ass off and promote some degenerate racists to his staff?
That's what I'd like to know...exactly, what good has Oidiot done?

Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that? And he's pulled out of Iraq and mostly from Afghanistan (did you know the US has more troops in Italy than Afghanistan?) and he didn't fuck it all up. Just the job.

Trump is going to seriously fuck things up, it's going to be painful.

I have said this before... We take Trump's numbers at the first day of office...
Debt, Deficit, Income gap.....
War involved in, Health Stats....

We show what Obama did and then track Trump... Hard for him to bullshit then...
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway
Absolutely not!
First off, I don't know what you're talking about,
facts, view of the world and conspiracy.

Prove my argument? What is there to prove? And, what argument?

Common sense is common sense, 1+1=2
Eventually, stealing from Peter to give Paul won't work anymore.
The government is financing itself like a giant Ponzi scheme.
And, the day will come when this house of cards collapses....
it is absolute, inevitable, undeniable, unstoppable, unfixable.
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway
Absolutely not!
First off, I don't know what you're talking about,
facts, view of the world and conspiracy.

Prove my argument? What is there to prove? And, what argument?

Common sense is common sense, 1+1=2
Eventually, stealing from Peter to give Paul won't work anymore.
The government is financing itself like a giant Ponzi scheme.
And, the day will come when this house of cards collapses....
it is absolute, inevitable, undeniable, unstoppable, unfixable.

Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway
Absolutely not!
First off, I don't know what you're talking about,
facts, view of the world and conspiracy.

Prove my argument? What is there to prove? And, what argument?

Common sense is common sense, 1+1=2
Eventually, stealing from Peter to give Paul won't work anymore.
The government is financing itself like a giant Ponzi scheme.
And, the day will come when this house of cards collapses....
it is absolute, inevitable, undeniable, unstoppable, unfixable.

Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
She is a fundy christian
Barry Hussein played both sides of the fence and the Country suffered for it. He gladly accepted money from corporations and then he played the old class envy game and pretended that corporations were the enemy while middle class businesses were buried under federal regulations The "cash for clunkers" scam was laughable and the so-called "alternate industry" grants were an abject failure and he acted like a bystander while industries vanished from the U.S. It's true, Trump did more before he was sworn in than Hussein accomplished in 8 years.
So the OP along with the accompanying story can't say what great things Trump has done?
I'd say the people he's appointed to his cabinet so far are doing great things... but then that's just me.
So total bs means more than actual deeds now. I guess that had to happen lol...
I don't believe I've read a more vapid, inane, senseless, moronic comment that than in a long time.

You win the prize tonight for saying the dumbest thing on the board in months.

LOL. Whereas your post was genius. Tell us all the great deeds his appointees are doing. Brainwashed functional moron.

FUCK.... :lol:
Very impressive use of language, dupe. Take your own advice. And you said they ARE doing great things. (I'd say the people he's appointed to his cabinet so far are doing great things... but then that's just me.) Much more than Obama, of course. And thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars EVER, AND a corrupt GOP world depression and 8 years of mindless obstruction...
Barry Hussein played both sides of the fence and the Country suffered for it. He gladly accepted money from corporations and then he played the old class envy game and pretended that corporations were the enemy while middle class businesses were buried under federal regulations The "cash for clunkers" scam was laughable and the so-called "alternate industry" grants were an abject failure and he acted like a bystander while industries vanished from the U.S. It's true, Trump did more before he was sworn in than Hussein accomplished in 8 years.
Like what did Trump do?
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway
Absolutely not!
First off, I don't know what you're talking about,
facts, view of the world and conspiracy.

Prove my argument? What is there to prove? And, what argument?

Common sense is common sense, 1+1=2
Eventually, stealing from Peter to give Paul won't work anymore.
The government is financing itself like a giant Ponzi scheme.
And, the day will come when this house of cards collapses....
it is absolute, inevitable, undeniable, unstoppable, unfixable.

Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
Seriously, you need proof that we spend what we don't have,
and waste money on things it shouldn't be wasted on.
This has been going on for years.

Obama said he would change the way Washington does business
Obama said he would hold government accountable
for money that is spent
Obama said he would restore fiscal discipline,
so we don't mortgage our children's future

He did not do any of that, period.
People wanted hope and change,
not hoping they had enough change for milk!

Your right, I think I know stuff but, i really don't know shit

Government is not too big and not too corrupt
We can spend however much we want on whatever, no consequences
The US of A is big enough and rich enough to care for everyone
Companies are not too greedy, they're in it to make money
The American dream is buying shit you can't afford
And, nobody has their fucking heads up their ass.
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway
Absolutely not!
First off, I don't know what you're talking about,
facts, view of the world and conspiracy.

Prove my argument? What is there to prove? And, what argument?

Common sense is common sense, 1+1=2
Eventually, stealing from Peter to give Paul won't work anymore.
The government is financing itself like a giant Ponzi scheme.
And, the day will come when this house of cards collapses....
it is absolute, inevitable, undeniable, unstoppable, unfixable.

Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
She is a fundy christian
She is a fundy christian
And you...I don't know what a fundy is nor do I care.
You have labeled me a christian, never once have I said that I was.

I believe in one, true living God, the God and Father of Jesus Christ.
I do not call myself a Christian, nor should I,
because I do not behave like a true Christian should.

I am the righteousness of God, through Christ
I am a child of God, a sinner and a work in progress
God loves you but, I think your an asshole!
Well the economy's almost recovered from that crash, you remember that?
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway
Absolutely not!
First off, I don't know what you're talking about,
facts, view of the world and conspiracy.

Prove my argument? What is there to prove? And, what argument?

Common sense is common sense, 1+1=2
Eventually, stealing from Peter to give Paul won't work anymore.
The government is financing itself like a giant Ponzi scheme.
And, the day will come when this house of cards collapses....
it is absolute, inevitable, undeniable, unstoppable, unfixable.

Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
Seriously, you need proof that we spend what we don't have,
and waste money on things it shouldn't be wasted on.
This has been going on for years.

Obama said he would change the way Washington does business
Obama said he would hold government accountable
for money that is spent
Obama said he would restore fiscal discipline,
so we don't mortgage our children's future

He did not do any of that, period.
People wanted hope and change,
not hoping they had enough change for milk!

Your right, I think I know stuff but, i really don't know shit

Government is not too big and not too corrupt
We can spend however much we want on whatever, no consequences
The US of A is big enough and rich enough to care for everyone
Companies are not too greedy, they're in it to make money
The American dream is buying shit you can't afford
And, nobody has their fucking heads up their ass.
Too bad you only get fake news....luckily Trump is not as brainwashed functionally dumb as his supporters...
Omg... come on!
It is NOT... that's what they want you to believe.
They just keep covering shit's like repainting the same wall!

You can't keep spending money you don't have,
and raising the debt ceiling and printing money,
and bailing out companies that should have been allowed to fail,
and bailing out irresponsible home buyers,
and allowing irresponsible consumers bankruptcy protection,
and irresponsible state bureaucrats to bankrupt their state
and spending billions rebuilding what we destroyed....

and not expect the hen to come home to roost!

What fucking planet do you live on?

Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway.
Let me guess, any facts that don't support your view of the world and it's a conspiracy?

You didn't say anything I haven't heard before, and you didn't even try and prove your argument anyway
Absolutely not!
First off, I don't know what you're talking about,
facts, view of the world and conspiracy.

Prove my argument? What is there to prove? And, what argument?

Common sense is common sense, 1+1=2
Eventually, stealing from Peter to give Paul won't work anymore.
The government is financing itself like a giant Ponzi scheme.
And, the day will come when this house of cards collapses....
it is absolute, inevitable, undeniable, unstoppable, unfixable.

Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
Ah, now I get it. You just know stuff and place it all under the convenient "common sense" bracket.

You know what I've found in life? People who think they know stuff more often than not don't have a clue. That's why people should prove things, to actually check out whether what they're saying is actually true in the first place, before opening their big gobs.
Seriously, you need proof that we spend what we don't have,
and waste money on things it shouldn't be wasted on.
This has been going on for years.

Obama said he would change the way Washington does business
Obama said he would hold government accountable
for money that is spent
Obama said he would restore fiscal discipline,
so we don't mortgage our children's future

He did not do any of that, period.
People wanted hope and change,
not hoping they had enough change for milk!

Your right, I think I know stuff but, i really don't know shit

Government is not too big and not too corrupt
We can spend however much we want on whatever, no consequences
The US of A is big enough and rich enough to care for everyone
Companies are not too greedy, they're in it to make money
The American dream is buying shit you can't afford
And, nobody has their fucking heads up their ass.
Too bad you only get fake news....luckily Trump is not as brainwashed functionally dumb as his supporters...
Too bad you only get fake news....luckily Trump is not as brainwashed functionally dumb as his supporters
Fake news...tell me what is fake, tell me where I am mistaken.
I am not too proud to eat crow and get my facts straight.

Unlike some people here, I can admit when I'm wrong

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