Cornel West Announces Run For President As Third-Party Candidate

Cornel West announces run for POTUS ! he is running as the peoples party candidate ! will he siphon votes from Biden ?

Maybe a couple thousand nationally at best. I will give him credit though. He was someone on the left who called out Obama early and often as an incredible disappointment.
Who is he?

But back at the ranch...

is West the dems Ross Perot ?
will his run split millions away from Biden ?
he may be very popular with black voters !
and he may be very popular with young college age voters with grievances against capitalism .
and trump can write in his vote from his cell.
Maybe a couple thousand nationally at best. I will give him credit though. He was someone on the left who called out Obama early and often as an incredible disappointment.
Gary Johnston and Jill Stein got almost 6 million votes in 2016. He's running on The People's Party ticket, started by a former Sanders campaign staffer.

I think someone with West's name recognition and the Sanders' crowd will get more than a few thousand.
oh no its true ..West is running as the Peoples Party Candidate !
heres a little info for you on said party ..maybe you would like to learn more about the Peoples Party !
the Peoples Party may be the party you should support in 2024 !
He won't pull a single vote from Biden..not that he'll get a lot of votes anyway.

Political activist and academic Cornel West announced on Monday that he is running for president as a third-party candidate.

“In these bleak times, I have decided to run for truth and justice, which takes the form of running for president of the United States as a candidate for the People’s Party,” West said in a video on Twitter. “I enter in the quest for truth, I enter in the quest for justice, and the presidency is just one vehicle to pursue that truth and justice – what I’ve been trying to do all of my life.”

West, 70, is the latest Black candidate to enter the 2024 presidential race, after Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) launched his campaign last month and California radio host Larry Elder joined the GOP race in April. The author was a professor of the practice of public philosophy at Harvard University, and focuses much of his social criticism on race, gender and class in American society.

“We’re not talking about hating anybody, we’re talking about loving, we’re talking about affirming, we’re talking about empowering those who have been pushed to the margins,” West said in his video. “Because neither political party wants to tell the truth about Wall Street, about Ukraine, about the Pentagon, about Big Tech.”

The video also included a clip of West complaining to media figure Bill Maher about how the two options voters have are “neofascists like brother Trump or milquetoast neoliberals like brother Biden.”

More at the link below...

Interesting. What do you think?
Fascinating. A creature who has not accomplished anything in his life and makes a living filling young naive mush heads with Marxist propaganda.
Gary Johnston and Jill Stein got almost 6 million votes in 2016. He's running on The People's Party ticket, started by a former Sanders campaign staffer.

I think someone with West's name recognition and the Sanders' crowd will get more than a few thousand.

I voted for stein but GPUS is fairly well-organized and has been around decades. They are experienced when it comes to accessing the ballots in several states. The People's Party is a neophyte party and it remains to be seen how well organized they are when it comes with getting candidates on ballots. Sanders ran as a democrat so even if the guy swiped their playbook and database on his way out the door, that still doesn't give him a lot to work with on even getting West's name in front of people on election day. Just being realistic here. I am in the anybody but Biden/trump/desantis corner of the electorate. I just don't expect West to even make the ballot here in Virginia.
How long have you been gay?

^^^Here's another fundamentalist Christian right-winger who refuses to believe people are born gay, but instead can choose to "become gay". You believe that "pray the gay away" bullshit, too, don't you?
He won't pull a single vote from Biden..not that he'll get a lot of votes anyway.
He certainly will not win a state or even effect the outcome in a state. It is not the amount of votes, it is about electoral votes.
Everybody knows Sanders was (is) a socialist. Does Dr. West think he can to keep that little detail a secret?
Everybody knows Sanders was (is) a socialist. Does Dr. West think he can to keep that little detail a secret?
West has no intention of keeping it secrete ! the peoples party is basically a socialist party ! a lot of young college age dem socialist may see him as a very attractive candidate ! he could pull millions of votes from Biden !

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