Coronavirus testing is 'a mess' in the US, report says

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
  • Start date
Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted,

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I wold be physically harmed if not killed.
Are you a fag or a woman?
The butt-nugget OP is trying to derail his bullshit thread.

The report is what it is.

Maybe Fauci can make himself useful and fix this.
Lead with CNN so we know right away it's not worth the trouble of reading.
That's why I immediately suspected it was fake news and then flagged it as fake news after determining that the headline is not supported by the body of the article.

I'm a speed reader and practiced at spotting disinformation.

If I label it fake news, and I don't do that without cause, regardless of how credible or non-credible the reputation of the source, rest assured, you don't even have to bother reading it yourself.

It's a free service I provide to my fellow USMB forumers.
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Sometimes it's best to just post the article and let it speak for itself:
It should be easy enough to tell by how the death toll is going...

If the death toll is high, keep the state locked down...

If it's lower, remove the lockdown, and let people go back to work!!!

Your chance of dying from COVID-19 is notably higher if you live in a blue state.

In our 26 red states, the average coronavirus death rate per million is about 82. In the 24 blue states, plus the District of Columbia, it’s about 235. On average, then, you are about 2.9 times more likely to die of COVID-19 if you live a blue state than if you live in a red state. But averages mean little in the real world. If you live in New York, your chance of dying of coronavirus is 11 times higher than if you live in Georgia. The numbers change depending on the relative states, of course, but the most predictive factor is whether you prefer blue or red. The former preference appears to be bad for your health.
The fake epidemic hoax apparently is designed to undermine the USA so President Trump can no longer comment on the economy being great again. Tiny Tony Fraudi appointed "yes" man idiot Pence insisted millions would did based on a computer program some discredited idiot in England worked up. Folks, it was a mistake, but "governors" will keep doubling down as if the "lockdown" actually made any sense. Very troubling.
That's why I immediately suspected it was fake news and then flagged it as fake news after determining that the headline is not supported by the body of the article.
"It's a mess out there," Mike Osterholm, head of the university's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), which issued the report, told CNN.​
How in the fuck can a test, assuming it is correct which all evidence show they are not, be of any value when the test subject can be exposed during or shortly after the test which the fake ass epidemic hysteria indicates? Totally stupid concept. This must have been a Fauci idea since HIV/AIDS was something only folks who engaged in anal mano y mano sex had to deal with. So let's say you had butt sex at a gay club in Manhattan last week. Yes, then a test for the homosexual disease might be relevant which Fauci has been working on a vaccine for over 40 years unsuccessfully.
You know, seeing the posters on this thread it's no wonder the US, with under 5% of the world's population has the highest level of COVID-19 deaths.
No one needs a news report confirming America's systems for testing citizens for Covid-19 is a mess. Simply call your doctor or local healthcare provider and ask if you can come in for a test.

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