Corporate America Is Sitting On The Solution To The Jobs Crisis: Report

Don't waste your time on Flylo there OS. He's as brainwashed as TDM.

Everything Barry and his posse have done has been for the good of the American people. He is the greatest.

shithead, can you say strawman argument? You're the one that can't fucking worth a shit because you have your head shoved so far up your dumb ass like most right wing hacks.

LMAO. From you I take that as a compliment.

Your so blinded by your belief in Barry that you can't see the forrest for the trees.

Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a shithead or a fucktard. Your as bad as TDM who calls everyone that doesn't agree with her a fucking idiot.

Your both great for comic relief.

Carry on.

The stimulus created jobs, thus it didn't fail and the economy is improving, total improve doesn't happen over the space of less than 4 years. The stimulus did its part to try to encourage demand, the fuckers hoarding the money have to do their part, they wasn't too shy taking your taxpayers dollars when they fucked up.
"We think there's room for critics to note that in addition to the 17 tax cuts enumerated by the White House, there are there are also some tax increases in the health care law that will fall on some of the same small business owners that got tax cuts. Some health care law tax increases won't go into effect for a couple years."

That's from YOUR cite, Sparky...would you like to apologize for calling me a liar?

They haven't went into effect yet dick head so its dumb for you to make your shitty claim.

Your word comprehension isn't very good, Flay. When the article says that some tax increases won't go into effect for a couple doesn't mean that ALL tax increases go into effect in a couple years.

You were apologize. It's what people with character "do".
For every naysayer there is a pro stimulus sayer. Do opponents of Obama want to say the stimulus worked, no need for an answer.

"Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject...Of the nine studies I’ve found, six find that the stimulus had a significant, positive effect on employment and growth, and three find that the effect was either quite small or impossible to detect. Five studies use econometric ”experiments,” which attempt to, as Barro encourages, sort out the effect of the stimulus from other factors using empirical data. Four use modeling instead."

It would seem obvious except to the ideologue that creating jobs and spending money works, Reagan did it when he was elected on mostly defense spending. Eisenhower did it with the interstate system. FDR did it after republican presidents created the great depression, and it worked every year except when he cut back on spending. WWII finally became the ultimate spending package and it helped us till the soldiers came home and economic growth returned to durable goods and corporate responsibility - sadly missing today.

The stimulus worked, but there is no way an ideologue on the right will find that truth for their minds have been conditioned for too long not to think but to emote.

Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject - The Washington Post
Back to the OP, so what if corporate America and Banks are sitting on the solution?? It's their money and their prerogative. They don't have to spend any of it and it pisses of the liberals that they won't. It's yours and I want it NOW!! I'm entitled to it.............0bama said so!!!

They'll start spending when they get good and ready. I'm thinking sometime after November 2012.
For every naysayer there is a pro stimulus sayer. Do opponents of Obama want to say the stimulus worked, no need for an answer.

"Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject...Of the nine studies I’ve found, six find that the stimulus had a significant, positive effect on employment and growth, and three find that the effect was either quite small or impossible to detect. Five studies use econometric ”experiments,” which attempt to, as Barro encourages, sort out the effect of the stimulus from other factors using empirical data. Four use modeling instead."

It would seem obvious except to the ideologue that creating jobs and spending money works, Reagan did it when he was elected on mostly defense spending. Eisenhower did it with the interstate system. FDR did it after republican presidents created the great depression, and it worked every year except when he cut back on spending. WWII finally became the ultimate spending package and it helped us till the soldiers came home and economic growth returned to durable goods and corporate responsibility - sadly missing today.

The stimulus worked, but there is no way an ideologue on the right will find that truth for their minds have been conditioned for too long not to think but to emote.

Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject - The Washington Post

I have just one question for you, Mid...

If the stimulus "worked" then why are we being asked to spend another half a trillion dollars in additional stimulus? My answer to my own question... is that it really didn't work other than for the time those stimulus funds were propping up public sector jobs. So are we going to keep doing additional stimulus plans every couple years to keep that happening? And if we do? How many more times will our credit rating be downgraded because of the huge amounts of debt we're incurring?
Back to the OP, so what if corporate America and Banks are sitting on the solution?? It's their money and their prerogative. They don't have to spend any of it and it pisses of the liberals that they won't. It's yours and I want it NOW!! I'm entitled to it.............0bama said so!!!

They'll start spending when they get good and ready. I'm thinking sometime after November 2012.

Banks and Corporations sitting on their money just doesn't piss off liberals,,,,,it pisses of all the millions of your fellow citizens and their families, plus small businesses who aren't getting loans because they are hurting,,big time. Plus holding on to the money hurts the US economy. Aren't we all citizens of the United States and shouldn't we want our country to move forward for the good of it's citizens and the country in general? This partisanship on this subject is kinda sad.
Back to the OP, so what if corporate America and Banks are sitting on the solution?? It's their money and their prerogative. They don't have to spend any of it and it pisses of the liberals that they won't. It's yours and I want it NOW!! I'm entitled to it.............0bama said so!!!

They'll start spending when they get good and ready. I'm thinking sometime after November 2012.

What I find so telling is the attitude by some on the left that if the Private Sector isn't investing that it is acceptable to seize their assets with punitive taxes until they do so.

That is SO not what made this country successful.
Back to the OP, so what if corporate America and Banks are sitting on the solution?? It's their money and their prerogative. They don't have to spend any of it and it pisses of the liberals that they won't. It's yours and I want it NOW!! I'm entitled to it.............0bama said so!!!

They'll start spending when they get good and ready. I'm thinking sometime after November 2012.

Banks and Corporations sitting on their money just doesn't piss off liberals,,,,,it pisses of all the millions of your fellow citizens and their families, plus small businesses who aren't getting loans because they are hurting,,big time. Plus holding on to the money hurts the US economy. Aren't we all citizens of the United States and shouldn't we want our country to move forward for the good of it's citizens and the country in general? This partisanship on this subject is kinda sad.

But WHY are they sitting on the money, Kiwi!!! Banks and Corporations are in the business of investing to make a profit. Why aren't they doing so? The answer is that they don't trust this Administration. Sorry but that's just the reality of it. They are waiting for a change to take place.
Back to the OP, so what if corporate America and Banks are sitting on the solution?? It's their money and their prerogative. They don't have to spend any of it and it pisses of the liberals that they won't. It's yours and I want it NOW!! I'm entitled to it.............0bama said so!!!

They'll start spending when they get good and ready. I'm thinking sometime after November 2012.

Banks and Corporations sitting on their money just doesn't piss off liberals,,,,,it pisses of all the millions of your fellow citizens and their families, plus small businesses who aren't getting loans because they are hurting,,big time. Plus holding on to the money hurts the US economy. Aren't we all citizens of the United States and shouldn't we want our country to move forward for the good of it's citizens and the country in general? This partisanship on this subject is kinda sad.

Oh my!! You cannot force anyone to spend money. The idiot in the White House has prevented most money earners from doing anything for fear it will only cost them double. Sitting in the bank or under the mattress is safer than giving in to the greedy politicians. It costs less in the long run. Demanding they spend it only shows greed exacerbated by the White House.

Guess you're not up on old wives tales. Here's one that actually makes a lot of sense, you get can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Yep, it's a true story.
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Back to the OP, so what if corporate America and Banks are sitting on the solution?? It's their money and their prerogative. They don't have to spend any of it and it pisses of the liberals that they won't. It's yours and I want it NOW!! I'm entitled to it.............0bama said so!!!

They'll start spending when they get good and ready. I'm thinking sometime after November 2012.

Banks and Corporations sitting on their money just doesn't piss off liberals,,,,,it pisses of all the millions of your fellow citizens and their families, plus small businesses who aren't getting loans because they are hurting,,big time. Plus holding on to the money hurts the US economy. Aren't we all citizens of the United States and shouldn't we want our country to move forward for the good of it's citizens and the country in general? This partisanship on this subject is kinda sad.

Oh my!! You cannot force anyone to spend money. The idiot in the White House has prevented most money earners from doing anything for fear it will only cost them double. Sitting in the bank or under the mattress is safer than giving in to the greedy politicians. It costs less in the long run. Demanding they spend it only shows greed exacerbated by the White House.

Guess you're not up on old wives tales. Here's one that actually makes a lot of sense, you get can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Yep, it's a true story.

For some, hate for Obama supersedes what is morally right. Screw Obama, but don't screw Main Street America!
Banks and Corporations sitting on their money just doesn't piss off liberals,,,,,it pisses of all the millions of your fellow citizens and their families, plus small businesses who aren't getting loans because they are hurting,,big time. Plus holding on to the money hurts the US economy. Aren't we all citizens of the United States and shouldn't we want our country to move forward for the good of it's citizens and the country in general? This partisanship on this subject is kinda sad.

Oh my!! You cannot force anyone to spend money. The idiot in the White House has prevented most money earners from doing anything for fear it will only cost them double. Sitting in the bank or under the mattress is safer than giving in to the greedy politicians. It costs less in the long run. Demanding they spend it only shows greed exacerbated by the White House.

Guess you're not up on old wives tales. Here's one that actually makes a lot of sense, you get can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Yep, it's a true story.

For some, hate for Obama supersedes what is morally right. Screw Obama, but don't screw Main Street America!

You see it's not 0bama the man, it's 0bama the policies. He's a pretty likeable fellow, just not a very good president.
Corporate America Is Sitting On The Solution To The Jobs Crisis: Report

Corporate America is sitting right on top of the solution to the nation's employment crisis, according to a new report from a group of University of Massachusetts economists.

If America's largest banks and non-financial companies would just loosen their death-grip on a chunk of the $3.6 trillion in cash they're hoarding and move it into productive investments instead, the report estimates that about 19 million jobs would be created in the next three years, lowering the unemployment rate to under 5 percent.

"There is no reason that the U.S. needs to remain stuck in a long-term unemployment crisis," Robert Pollin, lead author of the report and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, said in a statement accompanying the report's release Tuesday.

"Getting the banks and corporations to move their hoards into productive investments and job creation requires carrots and sticks -- policies such as a new round of government spending stimulus as well as taxes on the banks' excess reserves -- that can both strengthen overall market demand and unlock credit markets for small businesses," Pollin said.

Link to the report

Repugs will still blame Obama and mythological job killing legislation without any proof and ignore that businesses hoarding cash are the real fault.

Yes, let's continue to use the tax code to try to engineer politician's desired economic outcomes cause that had absolutely NOTHING to do with why we are where are now. :cuckoo:

And liberals like you will continue to hold someone other than yourself accountable for the outcomes in your life. Pathetic.
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Banks and Corporations sitting on their money just doesn't piss off liberals,,,,,it pisses of all the millions of your fellow citizens and their families, plus small businesses who aren't getting loans because they are hurting,,big time. Plus holding on to the money hurts the US economy. Aren't we all citizens of the United States and shouldn't we want our country to move forward for the good of it's citizens and the country in general? This partisanship on this subject is kinda sad.

Oh my!! You cannot force anyone to spend money. The idiot in the White House has prevented most money earners from doing anything for fear it will only cost them double. Sitting in the bank or under the mattress is safer than giving in to the greedy politicians. It costs less in the long run. Demanding they spend it only shows greed exacerbated by the White House.

Guess you're not up on old wives tales. Here's one that actually makes a lot of sense, you get can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Yep, it's a true story.

For some, hate for Obama supersedes what is morally right. Screw Obama, but don't screw Main Street America!

I'm sorry, Kiwi but that's ridiculous. The average businessperson could care less about hating someone. They're far too busy looking at their bottom line and figuring out a way to stay competitive and make a profit. As for what is "morally right"? When I hear phrases like that they invariably accompany a demand that I contribute to something that SOMEONE ELSE has decided my money should be used for.
Corporate America Is Sitting On The Solution To The Jobs Crisis: Report

Corporate America is sitting right on top of the solution to the nation's employment crisis, according to a new report from a group of University of Massachusetts economists.

If America's largest banks and non-financial companies would just loosen their death-grip on a chunk of the $3.6 trillion in cash they're hoarding and move it into productive investments instead, the report estimates that about 19 million jobs would be created in the next three years, lowering the unemployment rate to under 5 percent.

"There is no reason that the U.S. needs to remain stuck in a long-term unemployment crisis," Robert Pollin, lead author of the report and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, said in a statement accompanying the report's release Tuesday.

"Getting the banks and corporations to move their hoards into productive investments and job creation requires carrots and sticks -- policies such as a new round of government spending stimulus as well as taxes on the banks' excess reserves -- that can both strengthen overall market demand and unlock credit markets for small businesses," Pollin said.

Link to the report

Repugs will still blame Obama and mythological job killing legislation without any proof and ignore that businesses hoarding cash are the real fault.

You should educate yourself. It's definitely obiewanknownothing's doing.. you want big business and wall street to help you? don't fucking demonize them you stupid fool.
Oh my!! You cannot force anyone to spend money. The idiot in the White House has prevented most money earners from doing anything for fear it will only cost them double. Sitting in the bank or under the mattress is safer than giving in to the greedy politicians. It costs less in the long run. Demanding they spend it only shows greed exacerbated by the White House.

Guess you're not up on old wives tales. Here's one that actually makes a lot of sense, you get can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Yep, it's a true story.

For some, hate for Obama supersedes what is morally right. Screw Obama, but don't screw Main Street America!

I'm sorry, Kiwi but that's ridiculous. The average businessperson could care less about hating someone. They're far too busy looking at their bottom line and figuring out a way to stay competitive and make a profit. As for what is "morally right"? When I hear phrases like that they invariably accompany a demand that I contribute to something that SOMEONE ELSE has decided my money should be used for.

Not in this case.
For some, hate for Obama supersedes what is morally right. Screw Obama, but don't screw Main Street America!

I'm sorry, Kiwi but that's ridiculous. The average businessperson could care less about hating someone. They're far too busy looking at their bottom line and figuring out a way to stay competitive and make a profit. As for what is "morally right"? When I hear phrases like that they invariably accompany a demand that I contribute to something that SOMEONE ELSE has decided my money should be used for.

Not in this case.

You honestly think that business people are turning down profits because they "hate" Obama? I'm sorry, Kiwi...but that's not happening.
Oh my!! You cannot force anyone to spend money. The idiot in the White House has prevented most money earners from doing anything for fear it will only cost them double. Sitting in the bank or under the mattress is safer than giving in to the greedy politicians. It costs less in the long run. Demanding they spend it only shows greed exacerbated by the White House.

Guess you're not up on old wives tales. Here's one that actually makes a lot of sense, you get can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Yep, it's a true story.

For some, hate for Obama supersedes what is morally right. Screw Obama, but don't screw Main Street America!

You see it's not 0bama the man, it's 0bama the policies. He's a pretty likeable fellow, just not a very good president.

I'm very aware of Obama's policies, it's also out do-nothing-Congress. I for one am not voting for any incumbent in 2012, be they Dem or Repug.
But,,in the same breath I am very angry at the banks and private corporations. They are holding the US economy hostage just so they can get what they want, which is zero taxes, zero regulations and that makes zero responsibility. In my book that's blackmail.
How anyone can side with banks and corporations baffles me.
The Bible preaches about greed and dishonesty,,,,,often.

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