Corporate Tax Revenue Came In 31% Below Predictions, And It's Getting Worse

how do you know what I do in my private life???

stealing from me and giving to another is not charity, its theft,,,

not to mention the war on poverty is a complete failure,,,
and a civilized society follows the law not violate it,,,
how do you know what I do in my private life???

Your attitude gives you away. You resent the less fortunate for getting "free shit" because you work your ass off and probably aren't all that better off than them.

my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

it is theft if it violates the law,,,which in this case it does,,

you dont like it then change the law,,,

There is nothing in the law that says it is theft. If that were the case, it would have been settled a long time ago.

nice spin there jr,,,

I think its me that decides if I've been robbed not you or the government,,,

and since there is no authority to give my money to another its theft plain and simple,,,
well at least they have skin in the game,,,,
not so much for the welfare recipients,,,

welfare should only be done at the local level. when its done at the fed level to much is skimmed off the top for political reasons,,,
Wow, that was a nice 180 subject change. Well in my opinion it is in my interest to not have homeless people everywhere, to have less crime in my neighborhood. By providing resources to those in poverty I believe we can reduce those numbers. The constitution allows for the government to support the general welfare so the legality of taxation for things like welfare, infrastructure and education etc depends on whether congress deems the efforts for the welfare of the people. The laws then need to be signed by the president and are then open to be reviewed by the Supreme Court if others deem them as unconstitutional. This is our process and this process was done over each of the efforts I listed above. So like you said, case closed.

not sure how that is a 180 on anything,,,

and I never said charity is a bad thing, just that its not the job of the feds and is best done at a local level where it can be better administrated and legal,,,
My question was about where in the constitution is outlines the medical benefits for the military an you spun back to welfare. That’s fine though I went with it. Made a statement about that, which you are not addressing. You are such a “joy” to converse with

keyword being military,,,
Yup military...very good. You’ve officially digressed to grade school levels of debate. I don’t need to waste my time with this crap. Comeback when you’re ready to put some brain energy into a discussion.

so says the useful idiot,,,
how do you know what I do in my private life???

stealing from me and giving to another is not charity, its theft,,,

not to mention the war on poverty is a complete failure,,,
and a civilized society follows the law not violate it,,,
how do you know what I do in my private life???

Your attitude gives you away. You resent the less fortunate for getting "free shit" because you work your ass off and probably aren't all that better off than them.

my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

Interesting point of view. One wonders if it's a sign that a culture has "evolved" when people in that culture feel that they deserve a "living wage" without working! I would argue that is a sign that said culture has begun a death spiral.

It's certainly a sign that our economy is not working for the majority of Americans any longer. There wouldn't need to be any discussions of support if people earned a wage they could live and thrive on.
There’s nothing more inefficient than redistribution through government. So shut the fuck up
Do you have a link? I’d like to see where the constitution says that all military and their families are entitled to lifetime healthcare benefits

key word being military,,,and who said their families are covered for life???
It’s jist part of the effort, we can ignore that element if you like, I don’t want the topic to go off track....

Military Health Care: The Issue of

Many military health care beneficiaries, particularly military retirees, their dependents, and those representing their interests, state that they were promised "free health care for life at military facilities" as part of their "contractual agreement" when they entered the armed forces.

well at least they have skin in the game,,,,
not so much for the welfare recipients,,,

welfare should only be done at the local level. when its done at the fed level to much is skimmed off the top for political reasons,,,
Wow, that was a nice 180 subject change. Well in my opinion it is in my interest to not have homeless people everywhere, to have less crime in my neighborhood. By providing resources to those in poverty I believe we can reduce those numbers. The constitution allows for the government to support the general welfare so the legality of taxation for things like welfare, infrastructure and education etc depends on whether congress deems the efforts for the welfare of the people. The laws then need to be signed by the president and are then open to be reviewed by the Supreme Court if others deem them as unconstitutional. This is our process and this process was done over each of the efforts I listed above. So like you said, case closed.

not sure how that is a 180 on anything,,,

and I never said charity is a bad thing, just that its not the job of the feds and is best done at a local level where it can be better administrated and legal,,,

It is done largely on the local level. Subsidized by federal grants.
The thread title is disingenuous.

The real issue is that although tax receipts in total are rising, spending is increasing at a faster rate. The House of Reps is failing the American people by obsessing over their TDS instead of balancing the budget.
You think it is only the house if reps responsibility? No skin for our leader?

The Dems in the House refuse to work with Trump to cut spending. They are OBSTRUCTING.

Republican lawmakers were positive about the budget.

“This budget lays out a thoughtful, detailed, and responsible blueprint for achieving our shared agenda," said Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)

But Democrats quickly blasted the document.

“The budget is a statement of our values, but the President’s brutal collection of broken promises and staggering cuts shows he does not value the future of seniors, children and working families," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Trump releases 2019 budget with $3 trillion in cuts
Last edited:
Your attitude gives you away. You resent the less fortunate for getting "free shit" because you work your ass off and probably aren't all that better off than them.

my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

Interesting point of view. One wonders if it's a sign that a culture has "evolved" when people in that culture feel that they deserve a "living wage" without working! I would argue that is a sign that said culture has begun a death spiral.

It's certainly a sign that our economy is not working for the majority of Americans any longer. There wouldn't need to be any discussions of support if people earned a wage they could live and thrive on.

and what exactly is that wage???

I've lived on less than 5K a yr over the last 10 yrs,,,
$5k annually?
key word being military,,,and who said their families are covered for life???
It’s jist part of the effort, we can ignore that element if you like, I don’t want the topic to go off track....

Military Health Care: The Issue of

Many military health care beneficiaries, particularly military retirees, their dependents, and those representing their interests, state that they were promised "free health care for life at military facilities" as part of their "contractual agreement" when they entered the armed forces.

well at least they have skin in the game,,,,
not so much for the welfare recipients,,,

welfare should only be done at the local level. when its done at the fed level to much is skimmed off the top for political reasons,,,
Wow, that was a nice 180 subject change. Well in my opinion it is in my interest to not have homeless people everywhere, to have less crime in my neighborhood. By providing resources to those in poverty I believe we can reduce those numbers. The constitution allows for the government to support the general welfare so the legality of taxation for things like welfare, infrastructure and education etc depends on whether congress deems the efforts for the welfare of the people. The laws then need to be signed by the president and are then open to be reviewed by the Supreme Court if others deem them as unconstitutional. This is our process and this process was done over each of the efforts I listed above. So like you said, case closed.

not sure how that is a 180 on anything,,,

and I never said charity is a bad thing, just that its not the job of the feds and is best done at a local level where it can be better administrated and legal,,,

It is done largely on the local level. Subsidized by federal grants.

did you even read what you just said???

obviously not,,,
my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

Interesting point of view. One wonders if it's a sign that a culture has "evolved" when people in that culture feel that they deserve a "living wage" without working! I would argue that is a sign that said culture has begun a death spiral.

It's certainly a sign that our economy is not working for the majority of Americans any longer. There wouldn't need to be any discussions of support if people earned a wage they could live and thrive on.

and what exactly is that wage???

I've lived on less than 5K a yr over the last 10 yrs,,,
$5k annually?

and I have never made over 25K a yr in 35yrs of working,,,
Corporations are doing fantastic. Many don’t even pay taxes. And billionaires? They’re making money hand over fist. Republicans see a lot of good.
Federal tax payments by big businesses are falling much faster than anticipated in the wake of Republicans’ tax cuts, providing ammunition to Democrats who are calling for corporate tax increases.
The U.S. Treasury saw a 31 percent drop in corporate tax revenues last year, almost twice the decline official budget forecasters had predicted. Receipts were projected to rebound sharply this year, but so far they’ve only continued to fall, down by almost 9 percent or $11 billion.

Though business profits remain healthy and the economy is strong, total corporate taxes are at the lowest levels seen in more than 50 years.

Big businesses paying even less than expected under GOP tax law

But the frightening thing is that, despite all the sugar Trump and the Republicans have poured into the system, dark clouds continue to gather on the horizon. The economy looks set to slide into a recession with interest rates near record lows and corporations already basking in gifts even bigger than predicted. Any “stimulus” that happens to pull the U.S. out of this one, isn’t going to come through tax breaks for corporations. That well is already dry.

Tax revenues for the United States have not fallen off however despite the tax cuts.

2016...3.27 Trillion
2017...3.32 Trillion
2018...3.33 Trillion
2019...3.44 Trillion (est.)
2020...3.64 Trillion (est.)

So businesses are paying less...but that amount is being made up for by individuals paying more...because they are making more!

As for interest rates? They've been increased more under this Presidency than any other in modern economic history! If an economic downturn does happen...the Fed therefore has the ability to lower interest rates to spur economic growth...something we weren't able to do for much of the Obama Presidency because interest rates were kept at near zero for the longest time in modern economic history!

When you progressives try and argue economics, always end up looking foolish...just saying...
Who is making more? What are you talking about?
Corporations are doing fantastic. Many don’t even pay taxes. And billionaires? They’re making money hand over fist. Republicans see a lot of good.
1.You ever work for a poor person or company?
2. Do you not have all your groceries bagged?
Your attitude gives you away. You resent the less fortunate for getting "free shit" because you work your ass off and probably aren't all that better off than them.

my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

it is theft if it violates the law,,,which in this case it does,,

you dont like it then change the law,,,

There is nothing in the law that says it is theft. If that were the case, it would have been settled a long time ago.

nice spin there jr,,,

I think its me that decides if I've been robbed not you or the government,,,

and since there is no authority to give my money to another its theft plain and simple,,,
You're the one spinning. You dont decide anything. You have a vote. Our representatives decide what is law. Our courts rule on the constutionality of those laws if challenged.
It’s jist part of the effort, we can ignore that element if you like, I don’t want the topic to go off track....

Military Health Care: The Issue of

Many military health care beneficiaries, particularly military retirees, their dependents, and those representing their interests, state that they were promised "free health care for life at military facilities" as part of their "contractual agreement" when they entered the armed forces.

well at least they have skin in the game,,,,
not so much for the welfare recipients,,,

welfare should only be done at the local level. when its done at the fed level to much is skimmed off the top for political reasons,,,
Wow, that was a nice 180 subject change. Well in my opinion it is in my interest to not have homeless people everywhere, to have less crime in my neighborhood. By providing resources to those in poverty I believe we can reduce those numbers. The constitution allows for the government to support the general welfare so the legality of taxation for things like welfare, infrastructure and education etc depends on whether congress deems the efforts for the welfare of the people. The laws then need to be signed by the president and are then open to be reviewed by the Supreme Court if others deem them as unconstitutional. This is our process and this process was done over each of the efforts I listed above. So like you said, case closed.

not sure how that is a 180 on anything,,,

and I never said charity is a bad thing, just that its not the job of the feds and is best done at a local level where it can be better administrated and legal,,,

It is done largely on the local level. Subsidized by federal grants.

did you even read what you just said???

obviously not,,,

Did you understand what I just wrote?
my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

it is theft if it violates the law,,,which in this case it does,,

you dont like it then change the law,,,

There is nothing in the law that says it is theft. If that were the case, it would have been settled a long time ago.

nice spin there jr,,,

I think its me that decides if I've been robbed not you or the government,,,

and since there is no authority to give my money to another its theft plain and simple,,,
You're the one spinning. You dont decide anything. You have a vote. Our representatives decide what is law. Our courts rule on the constutionality of those laws if challenged.

your opinion has been noted and rejected because it comes from a place of ignorance,,,
well at least they have skin in the game,,,,
not so much for the welfare recipients,,,

welfare should only be done at the local level. when its done at the fed level to much is skimmed off the top for political reasons,,,
Wow, that was a nice 180 subject change. Well in my opinion it is in my interest to not have homeless people everywhere, to have less crime in my neighborhood. By providing resources to those in poverty I believe we can reduce those numbers. The constitution allows for the government to support the general welfare so the legality of taxation for things like welfare, infrastructure and education etc depends on whether congress deems the efforts for the welfare of the people. The laws then need to be signed by the president and are then open to be reviewed by the Supreme Court if others deem them as unconstitutional. This is our process and this process was done over each of the efforts I listed above. So like you said, case closed.

not sure how that is a 180 on anything,,,

and I never said charity is a bad thing, just that its not the job of the feds and is best done at a local level where it can be better administrated and legal,,,

It is done largely on the local level. Subsidized by federal grants.

did you even read what you just said???

obviously not,,,

Did you understand what I just wrote?

yeah,,that welfare is a fed gov ran program,,,
Your attitude gives you away. You resent the less fortunate for getting "free shit" because you work your ass off and probably aren't all that better off than them.

my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

Interesting point of view. One wonders if it's a sign that a culture has "evolved" when people in that culture feel that they deserve a "living wage" without working! I would argue that is a sign that said culture has begun a death spiral.

It's certainly a sign that our economy is not working for the majority of Americans any longer. There wouldn't need to be any discussions of support if people earned a wage they could live and thrive on.
There’s nothing more inefficient than redistribution through government. So shut the fuck up

I agree. The upward distribution of wealth in our economy is killing us.
This is why we have a 22 trillion dollar debt...people like you care more about politics than the country.
/——/ Cut spending. Problem solved.

Another dumb comment. Seems the Trump sycophants and pseudo conservatives have no clue. It is past time for a fiscal responsible budget policy.

Once I believed the line-item budget would fix the budget, then trump came along.

/—-/ How do you control your budget in your personal life? Just curious what happens when you spend more than you take home.

My wife and I are fiscally responsible. We've never spent more than we earn in the 45 years we've been married. That does not mean we didn't buy a home using a loan, or a car or using a credit care for major purposes such as appliances.

When we needed a new roof, we took out a home loan and paid the interest. (in those days interest was tax deductible - Reagan eliminated that).

Better to take on debt, than to allow the roof to leak and destroy the interior (that is what I mean by fiscally responsible, something the Federal Government seems unable to comprehend).

Balanced budgets are an unmitigated joke, shit happens and all budgets are nothing more than a plan, which is reviewed as time passes by sensible and responsible people.

Thus the talk by fiscal conservatives about a balanced budget amendment would be disastrous.

I’m still waiting for the government to be fiscally responsible. Doubt I’ll see that in my lifetime.

Gov't must become fiscally responsible, and it must begin at the ballot box. The fact is that the opposite of trickle down has been in play for decades, and our democratic republic has become a Plutocracy.

Fiscal Conservatism simply kicks the can down the road. If the roof leaks, fix it; it the clouds drop copious amounts of rain, fix the creeks, rivers and dams sooner than too late.
my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

Interesting point of view. One wonders if it's a sign that a culture has "evolved" when people in that culture feel that they deserve a "living wage" without working! I would argue that is a sign that said culture has begun a death spiral.

It's certainly a sign that our economy is not working for the majority of Americans any longer. There wouldn't need to be any discussions of support if people earned a wage they could live and thrive on.
There’s nothing more inefficient than redistribution through government. So shut the fuck up

I agree. The upward distribution of wealth in our economy is killing us.

hey dumbass,,,the poor dont pay taxs,,,the rich do that,,
my attitude is towards the theft of my property by those that dont have a legal right to it,,,

theft is not charity,,,

It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

Interesting point of view. One wonders if it's a sign that a culture has "evolved" when people in that culture feel that they deserve a "living wage" without working! I would argue that is a sign that said culture has begun a death spiral.

It's certainly a sign that our economy is not working for the majority of Americans any longer. There wouldn't need to be any discussions of support if people earned a wage they could live and thrive on.

and what exactly is that wage???

I've lived on less than 5K a yr over the last 10 yrs,,,
$5k annually?
We have a rugged individualist here folks.

You don't pay any income tax then.
It's not theft. Our culture has evolved to understand that anyone at anytime could face hardships and that it is better for society to assist during those periods of hardship. It's a social contract that is available to you and yours if the need arises.
You should be grateful that you don't need it rather than begrudging others for their struggles.

it is theft if it violates the law,,,which in this case it does,,

you dont like it then change the law,,,

There is nothing in the law that says it is theft. If that were the case, it would have been settled a long time ago.

nice spin there jr,,,

I think its me that decides if I've been robbed not you or the government,,,

and since there is no authority to give my money to another its theft plain and simple,,,
You're the one spinning. You dont decide anything. You have a vote. Our representatives decide what is law. Our courts rule on the constutionality of those laws if challenged.

your opinion has been noted and rejected because it comes from a place of ignorance,,,
See a smart person would explain why... your statements are empty and meaningless. Step it up and back up the things you say

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