Corporations behind efforts to label Sotomayor ‘racist’

I am glad you admit she is racist. would you tolerate David duke, another known racist, on the Supreme Court? Is it different simply because Duke is white and there is a longer history?

I can't tell if you're being serious with this line of idiocy or if you're just teasing. Could you explain why Sotomayor's demonstrated racism should disqualify her without making ludicrous comparisons to David Duke? Because if you can't, you really have no argument at all.

explain to me the difference. Humor me.

So you concede that your entire position rests on a comparison to Duke. Duly noted and summarily dismissed. Have a nice day.
she is racist.....she belives a latin woman can make better decisions than a white man.....

she is the definition of racist.....

What makes people say she is racist?
read the quote above yours, get someone to help you with the comprehension
The way I understand her quote is that she hopes someone that has been discriminated against would often make better judgments in civil rights cases than someone who hasn't been discriminated against.

I don't see why that is thought to be racist.

That's pretty close to what Jeremiah Wright said about Hillary.
I can't tell if you're being serious with this line of idiocy or if you're just teasing. Could you explain why Sotomayor's demonstrated racism should disqualify her without making ludicrous comparisons to David Duke? Because if you can't, you really have no argument at all.

explain to me the difference. Humor me.

So you concede that your entire position rests on a comparison to Duke. Duly noted and summarily dismissed. Have a nice day.

I didn't concede anything. I want you to explain the difference.
read the quote above yours, get someone to help you with the comprehension
The way I understand her quote is that she hopes someone that has been discriminated against would often make better judgments in civil rights cases than someone who hasn't been discriminated against.

I don't see why that is thought to be racist.

That's pretty close to what Jeremiah Wright said about Hillary.
:confused: What did Wright say about Hillary?
I am glad you admit she is racist. would you tolerate David duke, another known racist, on the Supreme Court? Is it different simply because Duke is white and there is a longer history?
not only would duke not be nominated, he would never be confirmed, most likely for all the wrong reasons

but i dont see him having any where near the qualifications to be a justice

If he were qualified,
the biggest little word in the english language
Apparently elvis isn't up to the task. So perhaps somebody else can explain to me why Sotomayor's demonstrated racism makes her unqualified.
Apparently elvis isn't up to the task. So perhaps somebody else can explain to me why Sotomayor's demonstrated racism makes her unqualified.

and you're not up to the task of explaining how putting a racist Latina on the court is different from putting a white racist on the court.
Hi Guys:

Apparently elvis isn't up to the task. So perhaps somebody else can explain to me why Sotomayor's demonstrated racism makes her unqualified.

and you're not up to the task of explaining how putting a racist Latina on the court is different from putting a white racist on the court.

The resident USMB chat monkeys are helping to make the point of why this 'racism' card has been played in the first place. This Left Wing Liberal Fascist Open Borders Lobby Anti-2nd Amendment Appointee 'will' be confirmed, because America is primed for utter destruction and this 'latina' selection is more writing on the proverbial "Obama Deception" wall . . .


Hello folks, let's not overlook the obvious shall we?

She IS racist.

Now tell me why that's a big deal?

Just because you believe it to be doesn't make it "fact". That's the "big deal".
Apparently elvis isn't up to the task. So perhaps somebody else can explain to me why Sotomayor's demonstrated racism makes her unqualified.
Can you explain what racism she has demonstrated?
that has already been done for you
No, it wasn't. You quoted someone's paraphrasing of her quote which was even then taken out of context.

It's amusing in a way that there seems to be no capability of critical thought on the right.
Hello folks, let's not overlook the obvious shall we?

She IS racist.

Now tell me why that's a big deal?

I am sure David Duke would make a great supreme court justice.:cuckoo:

Compare David Duke: David Duke quotes

with Sotomayor: Sonia Sotomayor Quotes

and tell me if you honestly think that is a valid comparison you have going?

No, I don't. It's not even close and I apologize for making the comparison. I was not aware of the statements Duke had made. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss. Although, you painted Sotomayor in an awfully favorable light with those quotes.
Now, if a white justice had made the racist comments Sotomayor made, the appointee would be tossed.
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Can you explain what racism she has demonstrated?
that has already been done for you
No, it wasn't. You quoted someone's paraphrasing of her quote which was even then taken out of context.

It's amusing in a way that there seems to be no capability of critical thought on the right.
it wasnt taken out of context
it is what she said
and its YOU that lacks critical thinking skills
not the right
Hello folks, let's not overlook the obvious shall we?

She IS racist.

Now tell me why that's a big deal?

I am sure David Duke would make a great supreme court justice.:cuckoo:

Compare David Duke: David Duke quotes

with Sotomayor: Sonia Sotomayor Quotes

and tell me if you honestly think that is a valid comparison you have going?
those two sites are vastly different
the one on duke is only looking for things to make him look worse, and the sotomayer one is just looking for quoptes to make her look good
the point of view is vastly different to the point where it would be useless to explore
I am sure David Duke would make a great supreme court justice.:cuckoo:

Compare David Duke: David Duke quotes

with Sotomayor: Sonia Sotomayor Quotes

and tell me if you honestly think that is a valid comparison you have going?

No, I don't. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss. Although, you painted Sotomayor in an awfully favorable light with those quotes.
Now, if a white justice had made the racist comments Sotomayor made, the appointee would be tossed.

I did a quick reference to quotes for convenience, but in the end - this:

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life. "

is the only quote I find that even remotely paints her as a "racist" - it's full of context.

She is not stating "a Latina could make better decisions then a white" - she is stating that she hopes that her cultural background and experiences might make her able to reach a just conclusion then someone who has not had those experiences.

If you are going to label her a racist, that alone doesn't seem sufficient. Shouldn't you lookk at her actual court record in discrimination cases?
I am sure David Duke would make a great supreme court justice.:cuckoo:

Compare David Duke: David Duke quotes

with Sotomayor: Sonia Sotomayor Quotes

and tell me if you honestly think that is a valid comparison you have going?
those two sites are vastly different
the one on duke is only looking for things to make him look worse, and the sotomayer one is just looking for quoptes to make her look good
the point of view is vastly different to the point where it would be useless to explore

When I searched I just searched for name + quotes. Here I searched for "racist sotomayor quotes" and came up with this:

Supreme Court Nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Racist Quote

I'm not finding any other quotes that are racist - even in biased sources (unlike David Duke who seems to have left an entire trail of litter).

and then, there is the actual full quote being bandied about:

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O’Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.

Let us not forget that wise men like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice Cardozo voted on cases which upheld both sex and race discrimination in our society. Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown.

However, to understand takes time and effort, something that not all people are willing to give. For others, their experiences limit their ability to understand the experiences of others. Other simply do not care. Hence, one must accept the proposition that a difference there will be by the presence of women and people of color on the bench. Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see. My hope is that I will take the good from my experiences and extrapolate them further into areas with which I am unfamiliar. I simply do not know exactly what that difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage.

Doesn't reading the entire passage change the meaning that her detractors are trying to put forth with just a snippet?
Compare David Duke: David Duke quotes

with Sotomayor: Sonia Sotomayor Quotes

and tell me if you honestly think that is a valid comparison you have going?
those two sites are vastly different
the one on duke is only looking for things to make him look worse, and the sotomayer one is just looking for quoptes to make her look good
the point of view is vastly different to the point where it would be useless to explore

When I searched I just searched for name + quotes. Here I searched for "racist sotomayor quotes" and came up with this:

Supreme Court Nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Racist Quote

I'm not finding any other quotes that are racist - even in biased sources (unlike David Duke who seems to have left an entire trail of litter).

and then, there is the actual full quote being bandied about:

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O’Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.

Let us not forget that wise men like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice Cardozo voted on cases which upheld both sex and race discrimination in our society. Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown.

However, to understand takes time and effort, something that not all people are willing to give. For others, their experiences limit their ability to understand the experiences of others. Other simply do not care. Hence, one must accept the proposition that a difference there will be by the presence of women and people of color on the bench. Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see. My hope is that I will take the good from my experiences and extrapolate them further into areas with which I am unfamiliar. I simply do not know exactly what that difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage.

Doesn't reading the entire passage change the meaning that her detractors are trying to put forth with just a snippet?
i'm only saying what she said was racist
and it is
nothing more
david duke is an asshole
nuff said

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