Corroborating Court Evidence Trump Violated Campaign Finance Law

Gosh, this is so silly. So when Obama covered-up his and Hillary's failures in the Benghazi debacle to help his reelection chances, wasn't that a violation of law that was done to help him get reelected?

When Hillary destroyed thousands of e-mails and had her server wiped, wasn't that a crime that was done to help her get the nomination?

Understand something. Try to avoid being a pathetic triggered winger and focus. Obama and Hillary aren't going to get convicted of shit, much to many people's chagrin. You know it, I know it. Best to move on. The Orange Virus is in the cross hairs of a justice enema these days and it's not looking so good for him. This is a reality you're going to need to face sooner than later.
All of you MORONS who did nothing but avoid addressing the point of the OP up to this point about 5.5 hours after it was posted and every effort to avoid the topic because it put the target on the Orange Clown's back and is HIGHLY likely to produce the first felony charge against the Orange Fat Ass, KNOW THIS.

This is just the FIRST instance, proving with corroborating evidence from two separate decisions in two Courts on the same day, that 'Individual Number 1' has been DIRECTLY linked to violating Campaign Finance Law. Also, Edwards' issue in 2011 NOTWITHSTANDING as non-related in the particulars of the actual legal substance and matter. But if you dumb asses want to believe Faux, Brietbart, InfoWars, et al, go ahead and toast you flagon of Trump Piss!
You have proof he used campaign money to pay those extortionists? I heard he used his own money, which is not illegal.

Do you have proof the Orange Virus used his own money? 'I heard' doesn't quite cut it.
Do you have proof he didn't?
All of you MORONS who did nothing but avoid addressing the point of the OP up to this point about 5.5 hours after it was posted and every effort to avoid the topic because it put the target on the Orange Clown's back and is HIGHLY likely to produce the first felony charge against the Orange Fat Ass, KNOW THIS.

This is just the FIRST instance, proving with corroborating evidence from two separate decisions in two Courts on the same day, that 'Individual Number 1' has been DIRECTLY linked to violating Campaign Finance Law. Also, Edwards' issue in 2011 NOTWITHSTANDING as non-related in the particulars of the actual legal substance and matter. But if you dumb asses want to believe Faux, Brietbart, InfoWars, et al, go ahead and toast you flagon of Trump Piss!
You have proof he used campaign money to pay those extortionists? I heard he used his own money, which is not illegal.

Do you have proof the Orange Virus used his own money? 'I heard' doesn't quite cut it.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
All of you MORONS who did nothing but avoid addressing the point of the OP up to this point about 5.5 hours after it was posted and every effort to avoid the topic because it put the target on the Orange Clown's back and is HIGHLY likely to produce the first felony charge against the Orange Fat Ass, KNOW THIS.

This is just the FIRST instance, proving with corroborating evidence from two separate decisions in two Courts on the same day, that 'Individual Number 1' has been DIRECTLY linked to violating Campaign Finance Law. Also, Edwards' issue in 2011 NOTWITHSTANDING as non-related in the particulars of the actual legal substance and matter. But if you dumb asses want to believe Faux, Brietbart, InfoWars, et al, go ahead and toast you flagon of Trump Piss!
You have proof he used campaign money to pay those extortionists? I heard he used his own money, which is not illegal.

Do you have proof the Orange Virus used his own money? 'I heard' doesn't quite cut it.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
You ever heard of innocent till proven guilty. It is on you to prove he's guilty not on me to prove he's innocent.
All of you MORONS who did nothing but avoid addressing the point of the OP up to this point about 5.5 hours after it was posted and every effort to avoid the topic because it put the target on the Orange Clown's back and is HIGHLY likely to produce the first felony charge against the Orange Fat Ass, KNOW THIS.

This is just the FIRST instance, proving with corroborating evidence from two separate decisions in two Courts on the same day, that 'Individual Number 1' has been DIRECTLY linked to violating Campaign Finance Law. Also, Edwards' issue in 2011 NOTWITHSTANDING as non-related in the particulars of the actual legal substance and matter. But if you dumb asses want to believe Faux, Brietbart, InfoWars, et al, go ahead and toast you flagon of Trump Piss!
You have proof he used campaign money to pay those extortionists? I heard he used his own money, which is not illegal.

Do you have proof the Orange Virus used his own money? 'I heard' doesn't quite cut it.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
You ever heard of innocent till proven guilty. It is on you to prove he's guilty not on me to prove he's innocent.

No. It's not 'on me' to prove anything, nitwit. It's up to the American justice system to prove it. Apparently, you must be too brainwashed in partisan propaganda to understand. Sad!
One of the more hilarious things Democrats do on this forum is when they claim to be all concerned n stuff about laws, something they never cared about violating until Trump came along, especially laws against dope peddling foreign cartels they' made into fabulously wealthy serial killing machines and of course criminal illegal aliens and legalizing the mass murders of babies for the horrid crime of being 'inconvenient'.
You have proof he used campaign money to pay those extortionists? I heard he used his own money, which is not illegal.

Do you have proof the Orange Virus used his own money? 'I heard' doesn't quite cut it.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
You ever heard of innocent till proven guilty. It is on you to prove he's guilty not on me to prove he's innocent.

No. It's not 'on me' to prove anything, nitwit. It's up to the American justice system to prove it. Apparently, you must be too brainwashed in partisan propaganda to understand. Sad!
Then why did you bring it up?
You accused him of breaking the law thus it's up to you to prove you're not a liar.
Do you have proof the Orange Virus used his own money? 'I heard' doesn't quite cut it.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
You ever heard of innocent till proven guilty. It is on you to prove he's guilty not on me to prove he's innocent.

No. It's not 'on me' to prove anything, nitwit. It's up to the American justice system to prove it. Apparently, you must be too brainwashed in partisan propaganda to understand. Sad!
Then why did you bring it up?
You accused him of breaking the law thus it's up to you to prove you're not a liar.

No chance that gimp will produce anything but the same crap it's told to run around spreading by its masters at the DNC, like the rest of the fake news posse.
Do you have proof the Orange Virus used his own money? 'I heard' doesn't quite cut it.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
You ever heard of innocent till proven guilty. It is on you to prove he's guilty not on me to prove he's innocent.

No. It's not 'on me' to prove anything, nitwit. It's up to the American justice system to prove it. Apparently, you must be too brainwashed in partisan propaganda to understand. Sad!
Then why did you bring it up?
You accused him of breaking the law thus it's up to you to prove you're not a liar.

Nope. I can accuse The Orange Virus of anything I want in the court of public opinion, asshole. I am an American citizen and I have my own opinions about the guilt, sedition and treason concerning him. I completely believe he's a slimy law breaker, and I believe you're a shit American because you support him. End of discussion, wingertard.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
You ever heard of innocent till proven guilty. It is on you to prove he's guilty not on me to prove he's innocent.

No. It's not 'on me' to prove anything, nitwit. It's up to the American justice system to prove it. Apparently, you must be too brainwashed in partisan propaganda to understand. Sad!
Then why did you bring it up?
You accused him of breaking the law thus it's up to you to prove you're not a liar.

No chance that gimp will produce anything but the same crap it's told to run around spreading by its masters at the DNC, like the rest of the fake news posse.

You stupid fuckers are going be ridiculed and eventually left behind in this country. You're too dumb and brainwashed to understand it. Happy trails.
One of the more hilarious things Democrats do on this forum is when they claim to be all concerned n stuff about laws, something they never cared about violating until Trump came along, especially laws against dope peddling foreign cartels they' made into fabulously wealthy serial killing machines and of course criminal illegal aliens and legalizing the mass murders of babies for the horrid crime of being 'inconvenient'.

So, apparently, 1. anyone that disagrees with your pap is a Democrat. 2. You don't know shit about the law.

I say: Go Fuck Yourself, wingertard. You should enjoy the fallout of your stupid president's actions like the rest of the self identifying deplorables left in this country. I know I sure am.
Do you have proof he didn't?

Congratulations. You just gave me the verbal equivalent of 'nuh uh!' as a response to a legitimate question regarding the financial implications of a sitting president paying off women for silence after cheating on his wife with them. Am I supposed to take your inquiry seriously? :auiqs.jpg:You're coming off as really fucking dumb now, so tread lightly, wingertard.
You ever heard of innocent till proven guilty. It is on you to prove he's guilty not on me to prove he's innocent.

No. It's not 'on me' to prove anything, nitwit. It's up to the American justice system to prove it. Apparently, you must be too brainwashed in partisan propaganda to understand. Sad!
Then why did you bring it up?
You accused him of breaking the law thus it's up to you to prove you're not a liar.

Nope. I can accuse The Orange Virus of anything I want in the court of public opinion, asshole. I am an American citizen and I have my own opinions about the guilt, sedition and treason concerning him. I completely believe he's a slimy law breaker, and I believe you're a shit American because you support him. End of discussion, wingertard.

Wow. He really stung your twat. Better break out the Vagicream.
Buying the rights to extremely flattering stories about a candidate being such a virile stud of a leader that he fucks porn stars and Playboy bunnies that pursue him in addition to fucking his hot wife could only be considered a campaign expense if the candidate actually published the stories.
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Buying the rights to extremely flattering stories about a candidate being such a virile stud of a leader that he fucks porn stars and Playboy bunnies in his spare time could only be considered a campaign expense if the candidate actually published the stories.

This is not a crime. Mueller is a joke.
Breaking: John Edwards found NOT GUILTY of the same thing, poor libs another swing and a miss.
Lol this is probably the most pathetic whataboutism I have seen on this board.

I noticed you could not refute the fact that John Edwards was already found not guilty of exactly the same thing you dumb asses are accusing Trump of. Go cry into your towel.
Yeah, I didn’t refute it because I don’t care about John Edwards lol. He broke campaign finance laws and it’s for the best he got sentenced for that. Your thinking is so tribal and cultist that you just assume I will defend Edwards simply because he is a democrat. You assume this because you don’t have the balls fo criticize the GOP for anything.

Even if I did like Edwards, it doesn’t somehow justify anything Trump does.
Breaking: John Edwards found NOT GUILTY of the same thing, poor libs another swing and a miss.
Lol this is probably the most pathetic whataboutism I have seen on this board.

I noticed you could not refute the fact that John Edwards was already found not guilty of exactly the same thing you dumb asses are accusing Trump of. Go cry into your towel.
Yeah, I didn’t refute it because I don’t care about John Edwards lol. He broke campaign finance laws and it’s for the best he got sentenced for that. Your thinking is so tribal and cultist that you just assume I will defend Edwards simply because he is a democrat. You assume this because you don’t have the balls fo criticize the GOP for anything.

Even if I did like Edwards, it doesn’t somehow justify anything Trump does.
Doesn't know shit about what Trump does, but reads what media says and parrots.

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