Corrupt Biden DOJ Drops All Charges Against Five Chinese Scientists Accused of Concealing Ties to the Chinese Military


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Corrupt Biden DOJ Drops All Charges Against Five Chinese Scientists Accused of Concealing Ties to the Chinese Military

24 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

The Biden/Obama Administration will do whatever China asks them to do.

The Biden Administration showed again, that it will give China whatever it wants. This time, the Biden/Obama DOJ dropped the charges against five Chinese military researchers.
The Hill reports:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) this week moved to drop charges against five Chinese researchers accused of concealing ties to the Chinese military, including one who was detained last year after taking refuge in China’s consulate in San Francisco.​
The dropped cases include visa fraud and other alleged crimes levied against biomedical and cancer researchers in California and a doctoral candidate studying artificial intelligence in Indiana, according to The Wall Street Journal.​
Tang Juan, a biology researcher at the University of California, Davis, who was taken into custody last July at the San Francisco consulate, was scheduled to appear in court for the start of her trial Monday.​
The Journal reported Friday that judges had previously dismissed elements of the cases against Tang and another researcher, citing that FBI agents had not adequately informed the two of their rights against self-incrimination.​
We’ve reported extensively that the Chinese scientists working on bioweapons are all members of the China military. This is the policy in China. When COVID was created in the country by virologists, all these individuals were also members of the Chinese military. This is why we know that COVID was created under the command and control of the China military.

These are really scary times.

Ah Yes.... Merrick Garland.. China Joey Xi Bai Dung's chosen Attorney General. Thank God he was never allowed to be considered for Supreme Court Justice...
Not only has Garland by order of our illegitimate president, he has also stopped the investigation of governors Cuomo, Whitmer and the other Democrat governors who murdered the elderly by forcing them to stay in nursing homes with infected individuals. Obviously the Biden administration is actively supporting murderers.
It appears that China is paying Bai Dung and his family handsomely enough that Joey Xi Bai Dung has seen fit to ignore the evidence that shows these five Chinese Scientists concealed their ties to the Chinese military.

Corrupt Biden DOJ Drops All Charges Against Five Chinese Scientists Accused of Concealing Ties to the Chinese Military

24 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

The Biden/Obama Administration will do whatever China asks them to do.

The Biden Administration showed again, that it will give China whatever it wants. This time, the Biden/Obama DOJ dropped the charges against five Chinese military researchers.
The Hill reports:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) this week moved to drop charges against five Chinese researchers accused of concealing ties to the Chinese military, including one who was detained last year after taking refuge in China’s consulate in San Francisco.​
The dropped cases include visa fraud and other alleged crimes levied against biomedical and cancer researchers in California and a doctoral candidate studying artificial intelligence in Indiana, according to The Wall Street Journal.​
Tang Juan, a biology researcher at the University of California, Davis, who was taken into custody last July at the San Francisco consulate, was scheduled to appear in court for the start of her trial Monday.​
The Journal reported Friday that judges had previously dismissed elements of the cases against Tang and another researcher, citing that FBI agents had not adequately informed the two of their rights against self-incrimination.​
We’ve reported extensively that the Chinese scientists working on bioweapons are all members of the China military. This is the policy in China. When COVID was created in the country by virologists, all these individuals were also members of the Chinese military. This is why we know that COVID was created under the command and control of the China military.

These are really scary times.

Ah Yes.... Merrick Garland.. China Joey Xi Bai Dung's chosen Attorney General. Thank God he was never allowed to be considered for Supreme Court Justice...
Not only has Garland by order of our illegitimate president, he has also stopped the investigation of governors Cuomo, Whitmer and the other Democrat governors who murdered the elderly by forcing them to stay in nursing homes with infected individuals. Obviously the Biden administration is actively supporting murderers.
It appears that China is paying Bai Dung and his family handsomely enough that Joey Xi Bai Dung has seen fit to ignore the evidence that shows these five Chinese Scientists concealed their ties to the Chinese military.
At the very least all chinese student studying STEM subjects should be deported and no more admitted to the US
This is what the millions that the Chinese donated to Racist Joe's campaign got them,
among other things.

An unprecedented amount of corruption and cover ups. Of course the Biden suckers would never admit
making him president was a terrible mistake.

But of course, it was.
This is one of two glaring examples showing the current administration is Marxist, the other was denying Cubans fleeing their nation asylum and forcing them to go back to their Marxist nation.

Corrupt Biden DOJ Drops All Charges Against Five Chinese Scientists Accused of Concealing Ties to the Chinese Military

24 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

The Biden/Obama Administration will do whatever China asks them to do.

The Biden Administration showed again, that it will give China whatever it wants. This time, the Biden/Obama DOJ dropped the charges against five Chinese military researchers.
The Hill reports:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) this week moved to drop charges against five Chinese researchers accused of concealing ties to the Chinese military, including one who was detained last year after taking refuge in China’s consulate in San Francisco.​
The dropped cases include visa fraud and other alleged crimes levied against biomedical and cancer researchers in California and a doctoral candidate studying artificial intelligence in Indiana, according to The Wall Street Journal.​
Tang Juan, a biology researcher at the University of California, Davis, who was taken into custody last July at the San Francisco consulate, was scheduled to appear in court for the start of her trial Monday.​
The Journal reported Friday that judges had previously dismissed elements of the cases against Tang and another researcher, citing that FBI agents had not adequately informed the two of their rights against self-incrimination.​
We’ve reported extensively that the Chinese scientists working on bioweapons are all members of the China military. This is the policy in China. When COVID was created in the country by virologists, all these individuals were also members of the Chinese military. This is why we know that COVID was created under the command and control of the China military.

These are really scary times.

Ah Yes.... Merrick Garland.. China Joey Xi Bai Dung's chosen Attorney General. Thank God he was never allowed to be considered for Supreme Court Justice...
Not only has Garland by order of our illegitimate president, he has also stopped the investigation of governors Cuomo, Whitmer and the other Democrat governors who murdered the elderly by forcing them to stay in nursing homes with infected individuals. Obviously the Biden administration is actively supporting murderers.
It appears that China is paying Bai Dung and his family handsomely enough that Joey Xi Bai Dung has seen fit to ignore the evidence that shows these five Chinese Scientists concealed their ties to the Chinese military.

China paid MILLIONS for this President.

Joe Biden's Justice Department Dismisses Prosecutions of Accused Chinese Agents and I'm Sure There Is Nothing to See Here​

Either the Merrick Garland and his chosen DoJ partners are completely incompetent or this is a political sell out by Joey Bai Dung to Xj Jinping.
You have to wonder how much it cost the CCP to pay Joey for this one...
There will remain a lot of demand for Hunters' "art" work. Maximizing the value of bribery payments by competitive auctioning of access is actually brilliant.
Hmmm...., Remember when:
Outrageous......pressure must be brought on much as possible......Republican congressman must raise a huge sting about this and all citizens should let their represenatives know....we demand action on this.

A traitor in the White House....many of us on here warned this is what would happen with China Joe.
Outrageous......pressure must be brought on much as possible......Republican congressman must raise a huge sting about this and all citizens should let their represenatives know....we demand action on this.

A traitor in the White House....many of us on here warned this is what would happen with China Joe.
And at the same time, the DOJ ended their investigations of NY, NJ, PA and Michigan Nursing Home deaths,
where all 4 Governors sent infected people back to the nursing homes...killing around 50,000 of our senior
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies continue to show Americans that there are two levels of Law one for them and one for the rest of America.
We have only just begun to scrutinize and list the military connections for SARS-CoVs. Though it was Bottlecap who first mentioned Obama-Biden funding Duke-NUS Singapore on 15 Sep 2020.

Corrupt Biden DOJ Drops All Charges Against Five Chinese Scientists Accused of Concealing Ties to the Chinese Military

24 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

The Biden/Obama Administration will do whatever China asks them to do.

The Biden Administration showed again, that it will give China whatever it wants. This time, the Biden/Obama DOJ dropped the charges against five Chinese military researchers.
The Hill reports:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) this week moved to drop charges against five Chinese researchers accused of concealing ties to the Chinese military, including one who was detained last year after taking refuge in China’s consulate in San Francisco.​
The dropped cases include visa fraud and other alleged crimes levied against biomedical and cancer researchers in California and a doctoral candidate studying artificial intelligence in Indiana, according to The Wall Street Journal.​
Tang Juan, a biology researcher at the University of California, Davis, who was taken into custody last July at the San Francisco consulate, was scheduled to appear in court for the start of her trial Monday.​
The Journal reported Friday that judges had previously dismissed elements of the cases against Tang and another researcher, citing that FBI agents had not adequately informed the two of their rights against self-incrimination.​
We’ve reported extensively that the Chinese scientists working on bioweapons are all members of the China military. This is the policy in China. When COVID was created in the country by virologists, all these individuals were also members of the Chinese military. This is why we know that COVID was created under the command and control of the China military.

These are really scary times.

Ah Yes.... Merrick Garland.. China Joey Xi Bai Dung's chosen Attorney General. Thank God he was never allowed to be considered for Supreme Court Justice...
Not only has Garland by order of our illegitimate president, he has also stopped the investigation of governors Cuomo, Whitmer and the other Democrat governors who murdered the elderly by forcing them to stay in nursing homes with infected individuals. Obviously the Biden administration is actively supporting murderers.
It appears that China is paying Bai Dung and his family handsomely enough that Joey Xi Bai Dung has seen fit to ignore the evidence that shows these five Chinese Scientists concealed their ties to the Chinese military.

In case there were any lingering doubts about who owns Joe Biden, this should clear it up.


Corrupt Biden DOJ Drops All Charges Against Five Chinese Scientists Accused of Concealing Ties to the Chinese Military

24 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

The Biden/Obama Administration will do whatever China asks them to do.

The Biden Administration showed again, that it will give China whatever it wants. This time, the Biden/Obama DOJ dropped the charges against five Chinese military researchers.
The Hill reports:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) this week moved to drop charges against five Chinese researchers accused of concealing ties to the Chinese military, including one who was detained last year after taking refuge in China’s consulate in San Francisco.​
The dropped cases include visa fraud and other alleged crimes levied against biomedical and cancer researchers in California and a doctoral candidate studying artificial intelligence in Indiana, according to The Wall Street Journal.​
Tang Juan, a biology researcher at the University of California, Davis, who was taken into custody last July at the San Francisco consulate, was scheduled to appear in court for the start of her trial Monday.​
The Journal reported Friday that judges had previously dismissed elements of the cases against Tang and another researcher, citing that FBI agents had not adequately informed the two of their rights against self-incrimination.​
We’ve reported extensively that the Chinese scientists working on bioweapons are all members of the China military. This is the policy in China. When COVID was created in the country by virologists, all these individuals were also members of the Chinese military. This is why we know that COVID was created under the command and control of the China military.

These are really scary times.

Ah Yes.... Merrick Garland.. China Joey Xi Bai Dung's chosen Attorney General. Thank God he was never allowed to be considered for Supreme Court Justice...
Not only has Garland by order of our illegitimate president, he has also stopped the investigation of governors Cuomo, Whitmer and the other Democrat governors who murdered the elderly by forcing them to stay in nursing homes with infected individuals. Obviously the Biden administration is actively supporting murderers.
It appears that China is paying Bai Dung and his family handsomely enough that Joey Xi Bai Dung has seen fit to ignore the evidence that shows these five Chinese Scientists concealed their ties to the Chinese military.

Gateway Pundit? Charges were dismissed for lack of evidence. You should up your game.
You know if I (or the Chinese government) were as craven partisan liars and fabulists as writers for the despicable Gateway Pundit, or as the equally craven pro-Trump commenters here, it would be easy to use very similar “evidence” to show that it was the CIA who trained and financed Chinese virologist spies studying in the U.S. (or working with the NHI) — along with logistical help from U.S. saboteurs at the Wuhan Military World Games in October 2019 — to design and plant Covid in the very heart of China.

Too bad it didn’t work out the way our bumbling CIA hoped, but “blew back” onto the U.S. and the whole world!

/s :cool:
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You know if I (or the Chinese government) were as craven partisan liars and fabulists as writers for the despicable Gateway Pundit, or as the equally craven pro-Trump commenters here, it would be easy to manufacture very similar “evidence” to show that it was the CIA who trained and financed Chinese virologist spies studying in the U.S. (or working with the NHI) — along with logistical help from U.S. saboteurs at the Wuhan Military World Games in October 2019 — to design and plant Covid in the very heart of China.

Too bad it didn’t work out the way our bumbling CIA hoped, but “blew back” onto the U.S. and the whole world!

Just a smidgen of proof would help you not seem like a leftist Alex Jones.
Oh well. We'll just have to assume you are nuttier than a squirrel's turd based on your own posts.
By the way, assuming the legacy media wanted to make an issue of this obvious capitulation that would finish off any other US president at any other time, say, during the Trump administration for instance, what could Duplicitous Joe Biden possibly say to defend this act of treason?
I can find no comments reported or noted by the media.

Certainly the US received reciprocity from the Chinese government at least for returning spies caught red handed and received favorable release for Americans being held by the sinister CCP government, right?
Not really. We received nothing in return!

"The Chinese regime sent Tang Juan and her People’s Liberation Army (PLA) colleagues to select universities such as UC Davis, UC San Francisco, Stanford, and Duke. The Chinese nationals lied about their connections to the PLA, and the DOJ dropped the case against them, with no new exculpatory evidence. How that action upholds the rule of law or benefits the United States is unclear, but other realities are more certain."
Stunning news from the independent institute.

Maybe I'm missing something but not even one comment from a member of Congress demanding
an investigation into this stunning treachery from King Rat, Joe Biden.
By the way, assuming the legacy media wanted to make an issue of this obvious capitulation that would finish off any other US president at any other time, say, during the Trump administration for instance, what could Duplicitous Joe Biden possibly say to defend this act of treason?
I can find no comments reported or noted by the media.

Certainly the US received reciprocity from the Chinese government at least for returning spies caught red handed and received favorable release for Americans being held by the sinister CCP government, right?
Not really. We received nothing in return!

"The Chinese regime sent Tang Juan and her People’s Liberation Army (PLA) colleagues to select universities such as UC Davis, UC San Francisco, Stanford, and Duke. The Chinese nationals lied about their connections to the PLA, and the DOJ dropped the case against them, with no new exculpatory evidence. How that action upholds the rule of law or benefits the United States is unclear, but other realities are more certain."
Stunning news from the independent institute.

Maybe I'm missing something but not even one comment from a member of Congress demanding
an investigation into this stunning treachery from King Rat, Joe Biden.

The enemy has taken control of the fortress.
Friendly members of Congress and the media, such as it is, will have to turn up the heat on
Scrambled Eggs for Brains Joe.

This DOJ action was a clear act of lawless capitulation.

Btw, could you ever possibly imagine Donald Trump simply handing China back their spies with zero
Trump is by no means perfect or without flaws but there is a reason why the trained monkeys on the left
all hate him so vehemently. They've been instructed to.
This is what the millions that the Chinese donated to Racist Joe's campaign got them,
among other things.

An unprecedented amount of corruption and cover ups. Of course the Biden suckers would never admit
making him president was a terrible mistake.

But of course, it was.

You do know that it is ILLEGAL for foreigners to donate to political campaigns, don't you?

You do know that several people connected to Donald Trump are facing criminal charges for getting foreigners to donate to Donald Trump's inauguration, and his election campaigns. Included among those being charged are the NRA, Barrack - Trump's buddy who was working for the UAE, General Flynn who was an agent for Turkey, while he was Trump's head of the NSA.

The Chinese have been the biggest donors to American Universities for years.

Trump did nothing to stop it. You didn't even mention it at the time. The left has been asking about this for years. Crickets from Republicans.

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