Corrupt Judge Shuts Down Trump's Plan to Protect America With Border Wall

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Well, I guess we'll find out in a bit.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.

Um, okay... so you think it's fine that Trump and the people around him were being helped by the Russians as long as no one caught them doing it?

That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Turns out that was just bullshit. Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency. Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it. Now we're finding out that the same people who tried to cover up Benghazi, and faked the Hillary email investigation created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

There is no emergency at the border according to voters. They oppose Trump's border security and immigration policies. There was a serious Russian collusion investigation which found that Manafort provided the campaign strategy and internal polling data to the Russians. By coincidence pro-Trump RUSSIAN social media ads followed that strategy.
Well, I guess we'll find out in a bit.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.

Um, okay... so you think it's fine that Trump and the people around him were being helped by the Russians as long as no one caught them doing it?

That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Turns out that was just bullshit. Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency. Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it. Now we're finding out that the same people who tried to cover up Benghazi, and faked the Hillary email investigation created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

There is no emergency at the border according to voters. They oppose Trump's border security and immigration policies. There was a serious Russian collusion investigation which found that Manafort provided the campaign strategy and internal polling data to the Russians. By coincidence pro-Trump RUSSIAN social media ads followed that strategy.


Conservatives are too ignorant to understand. They only know the fake news their handlers feed them.
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?
Because the Constitution doesn't allow a president to reallocate tax payer money on campaign promises without congressional approval.

The Commander-in-Chief has the final say in the Department of Defense, dumbass.

No, he doesn't. :cuckoo:

The Constitution grants the Congress, not the president, to "maintain" the military. Congress decides how tax dollars are spent, not the president. All the president can do is approve or disapprove of how Congress allocates funds.

What a pity all you can do is post memes and not sections of the Constitution that says a president can allocate funding for them. :mm:
That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.

Except it wasn't made up. There really was a video. There really were people upset about it. The only question is, how much was the video a cause vs. how much was this a planned attack.

Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency.'s still not an emergency... and the only reason why it's a "problem", is because Trump got rid of the sensible policy of giving people a hearing date and replaced it with, throwing them all in camps.

Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it.

And what does that have to do with anything? Never mind.

Now we're finding out that the same people ... created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

Well, no, I believe is what we can prove.

We KNOW that the Russians are sponsoring a lot of election interference not only in the US but throughout the western world. Our intel agencies have been saying this for years.

We KNOW people close to Trump had dealings with the Russians.

So the only question is was trump in on it (in which case he should be removed for Treason) or was he just too stupid to know what his own people were up to (in whcih case he should be removed for incompetence.

Now, look, I know that you guys have a lot invested in Trump because he's the last chance you guys have before angry old conservative men are regulated to a permanent minority... But you all really backed the wrong horse.
Your post proves THAT YOU ARE A RETARD!!!

You keep buying these scams hook, line, and sinker....never questioning them even though facts have come to light proving they were total horseshit.
It's as if you are living in a basement with no communication with the outside world, or you're too dumb or biased to face facts.

You actually believe a lousy YouTube video nobody knew about before Benghazi caused the attack.
You also believe that protesters brought AK-47s and RPGs with them to the protest.
You also are ignoring the fact that the attacks were staged after the anniversary of 9/11.
You also can't see the relevance of the attacks taking place close to a CIA Rendition compound which resulted in an all out assault on that site.
You also can't figure out that we were supplying arms to terrorists.

When it comes to Russians.....they're always trying to effect our elections.
And it has become clear that Obama knew about it and did nothing about it other than tell them to "Cut it out".
And why is it that the Obama Administration made sure that the Russians that met with Donald Trump Jr were allowed to remain in the country?
Why is it that the Obama Administration and the Clintons had strong ties with Russia but only Trump is acting suspicious when he has Michael Flynn contact them during transition?
Probably because you're making all of this shit up.
Could that be the case?
I think so.

Obama knew about it and was attacked when he tried to do something about it. There was talk about designating our election systems critical infrastructure. Obama was accused by Republicans of a federal takeover of elections. Even today McConnell refuses to take up a bi-partisan election security bill. Apparently Republicans are all for Russians interfering in our elections if it benefits Republicans. That is putting politics above the country.
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President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?
Because the Constitution doesn't allow a president to reallocate tax payer money on campaign promises without congressional approval.

The Commander-in-Chief has the final say in the Department of Defense, dumbass.

No, he doesn't. :cuckoo:

The Constitution grants the Congress, not the president, to "maintain" the military. Congress decides how tax dollars are spent, not the president. All the president can do is approve or disapprove of how Congress allocates funds.

What a pity all you can do is post memes and not sections of the Constitution that says a president can allocate funding for them. :mm:

Allow me to explain to your dipshit ass: The war department already had the money from Congress to do what they want with, Trump (The Head Honcho) asked them how much they could give him and they gave him some, end of story. It's all above board, but you keep gnashing your teeth and wringing your sweaty feminine hands, ok?
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?
Because the Constitution doesn't allow a president to reallocate tax payer money on campaign promises without congressional approval.

The Commander-in-Chief has the final say in the Department of Defense, dumbass.

No, he doesn't. :cuckoo:

The Constitution grants the Congress, not the president, to "maintain" the military. Congress decides how tax dollars are spent, not the president. All the president can do is approve or disapprove of how Congress allocates funds.

What a pity all you can do is post memes and not sections of the Constitution that says a president can allocate funding for them. :mm:
Democrats working so hard for Trump 2020 and it’s only May 19. Outstanding.
Well, I guess we'll find out in a bit.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.

Um, okay... so you think it's fine that Trump and the people around him were being helped by the Russians as long as no one caught them doing it?

That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Turns out that was just bullshit. Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency. Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it. Now we're finding out that the same people who tried to cover up Benghazi, and faked the Hillary email investigation created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

There is no emergency at the border according to voters. They oppose Trump's border security and immigration policies. There was a serious Russian collusion investigation which found that Manafort provided the campaign strategy and internal polling data to the Russians. By coincidence pro-Trump RUSSIAN social media ads followed that strategy.


You certainly are from the twilight zone. You are the unamerican traitor.
Well, I guess we'll find out in a bit.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.

Um, okay... so you think it's fine that Trump and the people around him were being helped by the Russians as long as no one caught them doing it?

That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Turns out that was just bullshit. Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency. Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it. Now we're finding out that the same people who tried to cover up Benghazi, and faked the Hillary email investigation created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

There is no emergency at the border according to voters. They oppose Trump's border security and immigration policies. There was a serious Russian collusion investigation which found that Manafort provided the campaign strategy and internal polling data to the Russians. By coincidence pro-Trump RUSSIAN social media ads followed that strategy.


You certainly are from the twilight zone. You are the unamerican traitor.

Just don't call me late for dinner, cupcake. :itsok:


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Conservatives are too ignorant to understand. They only know the fake news their handlers feed them.
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?
Because the Constitution doesn't allow a president to reallocate tax payer money on campaign promises without congressional approval.

The Commander-in-Chief has the final say in the Department of Defense, dumbass.

No, he doesn't. :cuckoo:

The Constitution grants the Congress, not the president, to "maintain" the military. Congress decides how tax dollars are spent, not the president. All the president can do is approve or disapprove of how Congress allocates funds.


You need to read the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

The Congress can defund or refuse to fund anything. If they do then the Executive branch cannot take on that activity. The Congress can even defund a war.
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?
Because the Constitution doesn't allow a president to reallocate tax payer money on campaign promises without congressional approval.

The Commander-in-Chief has the final say in the Department of Defense, dumbass.

No, he doesn't. :cuckoo:

The Constitution grants the Congress, not the president, to "maintain" the military. Congress decides how tax dollars are spent, not the president. All the president can do is approve or disapprove of how Congress allocates funds.


You need to read the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

The Congress can defund or refuse to fund anything. If they do then the Executive branch cannot take on that activity. The Congress can even defund a war.

They already had funded the money to the DoD to do with as they please. Next!
I'm sure the DoD will give them a receipt of their expenditures. :abgg2q.jpg:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

the FACTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Conservatives are too ignorant to understand. They only know the fake news their handlers feed them.
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?
Because the Constitution doesn't allow a president to reallocate tax payer money on campaign promises without congressional approval.
So you defend Obama doing it, giving $400 million to Iran, our enemy, then turn around say it's wrong for Trump to do it to protect the US from a foreign invasion.
Jesus you're a stupid fuck.
What country do you live in?
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

the FACTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Conservatives are too ignorant to understand. They only know the fake news their handlers feed them.
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?

Obama didn't spend the frozen assets. Those assets were sitting in a foreign bank doing nothing. It wasn't Obamas or the US money to spend. That money was frozen. It could either just sit there or it could be returned to Iran if the treaty said it could. And the new treaty allowed it. Therefore, Obama had no choice but to release Iran's Money to them. He didn't spend a dime of it.

You keep trying to make excuses for the Criminal in Charge (CIC). Trump keeps trying to be a King, Dictator, The Annouted One. And as long as McConnell is in his position, he will continue to try. But more and more Republicans in the Senate and the House are fed up with it and of course, the Dems in the House and the Senate have had enough. The Courts have had enough. The Chosen One is in for a very rough year in the very near future as he forces the House to bring in the Courts who are already swatting him on his orange ass. He's not King, Emperor, The Annointed One, or anything else he envisions himself to be and you think he is. He's been demoted to President who does not have absolute powers. That money is progged for Programs by the House of Representatives, not the President. He may spend the money but the House tells him what he will spend it on. That's the law. Once again, you think Trump can make up the laws as he goes. Nope, he's been demoted.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

the FACTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Conservatives are too ignorant to understand. They only know the fake news their handlers feed them.
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?

Obama didn't spend the frozen assets. Those assets were sitting in a foreign bank doing nothing. It wasn't Obamas or the US money to spend. That money was frozen. It could either just sit there or it could be returned to Iran if the treaty said it could. And the new treaty allowed it. Therefore, Obama had no choice but to release Iran's Money to them. He didn't spend a dime of it.

You keep trying to make excuses for the Criminal in Charge (CIC). Trump keeps trying to be a King, Dictator, The Annouted One. And as long as McConnell is in his position, he will continue to try. But more and more Republicans in the Senate and the House are fed up with it and of course, the Dems in the House and the Senate have had enough. The Courts have had enough. The Chosen One is in for a very rough year in the very near future as he forces the House to bring in the Courts who are already swatting him on his orange ass. He's not King, Emperor, The Annointed One, or anything else he envisions himself to be and you think he is. He's been demoted to President who does not have absolute powers. That money is progged for Programs by the House of Representatives, not the President. He may spend the money but the House tells him what he will spend it on. That's the law. Once again, you think Trump can make up the laws as he goes. Nope, he's been demoted.
Problem with that is it wasn't a TREATY. Treaties require congressional approval.
That's not what the rest of the world says.
They're declassifying all of the documents so they can find out who gave the order (Obama)

Yes, the rest of the world says the same thing. The ONLY people who say otherwise are Donald Trump and people too stupid to know he's lying.
Well, I guess we'll find out in due time.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.
We've been waiting for over 2 years to get back at these fakes.
They've been fomenting sedition since Trump won the election, turning idiots into hate-filled maniacs. Hoping they'll be stupid enough to believe any cock & bull story they come up with about Trump.
Now they're under the microscope.....and they're not handling it well.

We have not. There is no proof he was spied on. Barr is hardly a reliable source and Wray says he has seen no evidence of spying. No one has been pushing sedition. This is fake news made up by Trump supporters. Trump supporters are the hate filled maniacs. I don't see any evidence they are not handling it well. Just more fake news by Trump supporters.
Other than all the spying, there was no spying.

Should we bookmark your post for future fun to mock you with?
What spying? The only ones we know about were Manafort and Page and neither of them were with the trump campaign when they were surveilled.

In the case of Manafort, he was under FISA surveillance BEFORE he "volunteered" for the Trump Campaign. The FBI dropped its surveillance of Manafort during the 6 months he worked for the Trump Campaign, and then picked it up again after Manafort was fired by Donald Trump when Manafort's ties to Russia through the ousted Ukrainian President, became public. So the Obama Administration went to great lengths NOT to have surveillance on any of these people while they worked for Trump.

Then there's the whole question of why a man who was deeply in debt and extreme financial difficulties because he borrowed millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs, was skipping out on his taxes, and laundering his earnings in Europe, agreed to work for Trump for free. Manafort was hardly in any financial position to work for free, and yet he volunteered to work for Trump without pay. How could he afford to do that. Is that why he was passing polling data to the Russians. To try to make himself "whole", as he asked one of his creditors about?

Trump surrounded himself with criminals and advisors with ties to Russia. I'd like to know if Putin or his minions "suggested" the employment of any of these people. But in particular, Manafort, Page, and Rex Tillerson.
So I guess your made up "deep state" is more important to you than our constitution and laws?

So anyone who doesn't tow the far right radical extremist political line is corrupt?

How about you post some proof of your claims?

How is that judge corrupt and what did that judge do that was corrupt or illegal?
That's for him to answer to, not me, doll. And he will have to answer for why he misinterpreted the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

He is correctly interpreting the Constitution. It is plain to anyone who can read. I guess that lets you out.

A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.
No the judge will not get smacked down for following the constitution.... congress has the power of the purse, NOT the President. Congress REJECTED giving the president the money just days before he called his phony national emergency and tried to steal funds from elsewhere. He's not a KING Marion or a DICTATOR Marion.... :rolleyes:

Ask me how I know you didn't read the link I posted.

It's like this, GF: All the bureaus and cabinet serve at the whim of the president. If they were already allocated money by Congress and directed to spend it at the whim of the president, that is in no way unConstitutional, get it? They already had the money, what they do with it is up to them and the president. That's how it is. This judge is going to get smacked down. Have I been wrong yet about that? No. BTW, the link I posted has precedent (case law) for this type of situation.

You really are proving that you are stupid. Congress does not give federal agencies billions and tell them to spend it however they want. Specific budget items are funded such as 100 F-35s for the Air Force. Trump cannot take the money and spend it on whatever he wishes. The judge is following the Constitution. Trump is not.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

the FACTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Conservatives are too ignorant to understand. They only know the fake news their handlers feed them.
President has access to spend frozen assets?

So why are you whining about Trump using defense Department funds for defensive purposes?

Obama didn't spend the frozen assets. Those assets were sitting in a foreign bank doing nothing. It wasn't Obamas or the US money to spend. That money was frozen. It could either just sit there or it could be returned to Iran if the treaty said it could. And the new treaty allowed it. Therefore, Obama had no choice but to release Iran's Money to them. He didn't spend a dime of it.

You keep trying to make excuses for the Criminal in Charge (CIC). Trump keeps trying to be a King, Dictator, The Annouted One. And as long as McConnell is in his position, he will continue to try. But more and more Republicans in the Senate and the House are fed up with it and of course, the Dems in the House and the Senate have had enough. The Courts have had enough. The Chosen One is in for a very rough year in the very near future as he forces the House to bring in the Courts who are already swatting him on his orange ass. He's not King, Emperor, The Annointed One, or anything else he envisions himself to be and you think he is. He's been demoted to President who does not have absolute powers. That money is progged for Programs by the House of Representatives, not the President. He may spend the money but the House tells him what he will spend it on. That's the law. Once again, you think Trump can make up the laws as he goes. Nope, he's been demoted.
Problem with that is it wasn't a TREATY. Treaties require congressional approval.

The Funds were part of the Embargo that was partially lifted. And the new agreement granted the Iranians that 150 billion that was theirs in the first place. Again, read this slowly, it wasn't Obama's, It wasn't the US's, it wasn't even in a US Bank, it was in a overseas bank being held in escrow. What part of that are you having trouble understanding?
Yes, the rest of the world says the same thing. The ONLY people who say otherwise are Donald Trump and people too stupid to know he's lying.
Well, I guess we'll find out in due time.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.
We've been waiting for over 2 years to get back at these fakes.
They've been fomenting sedition since Trump won the election, turning idiots into hate-filled maniacs. Hoping they'll be stupid enough to believe any cock & bull story they come up with about Trump.
Now they're under the microscope.....and they're not handling it well.

We have not. There is no proof he was spied on. Barr is hardly a reliable source and Wray says he has seen no evidence of spying. No one has been pushing sedition. This is fake news made up by Trump supporters. Trump supporters are the hate filled maniacs. I don't see any evidence they are not handling it well. Just more fake news by Trump supporters.
Other than all the spying, there was no spying.

Should we bookmark your post for future fun to mock you with?
What spying? The only ones we know about were Manafort and Page and neither of them were with the trump campaign when they were surveilled.

In the case of Manafort, he was under FISA surveillance BEFORE he "volunteered" for the Trump Campaign. The FBI dropped its surveillance of Manafort during the 6 months he worked for the Trump Campaign, and then picked it up again after Manafort was fired by Donald Trump when Manafort's ties to Russia through the ousted Ukrainian President, became public. So the Obama Administration went to great lengths NOT to have surveillance on any of these people while they worked for Trump.

Then there's the whole question of why a man who was deeply in debt and extreme financial difficulties because he borrowed millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs, was skipping out on his taxes, and laundering his earnings in Europe, agreed to work for Trump for free. Manafort was hardly in any financial position to work for free, and yet he volunteered to work for Trump without pay. How could he afford to do that. Is that why he was passing polling data to the Russians. To try to make himself "whole", as he asked one of his creditors about?

Trump surrounded himself with criminals and advisors with ties to Russia. I'd like to know if Putin or his minions "suggested" the employment of any of these people. But in particular, Manafort, Page, and Rex Tillerson.
The above were recommended to him to set him up. He fired them.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
During national emergencies.
I wonder if the Iran Deal was a national emergency.
Obama spent trillions without congressional authorization but nobody stopped him.
All Trump wants is a few measly billion to protect us from a foreign invasion.
The hypocrisy by you folks is ginormous.
Great, show me where it says trump can spend that money...

H.R.3884 - 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act

And what "trillions" did Obama "spend" on Iran?
He gave Iran $150 billion, moron. He also put $1.5 billion in cash on a plane and delivered it to them.

No, fucking moron, he did not "give them" $150 billion. He released their own money to them as part of the anti-nuclear proliferation deal made with them.
Sorry, turd, but Obama does did not have the authority to determine who is the rightful owner of that money. That's for a judge to decide, not a sleazy politician.

It is Iran's money. There was nothing for a judge to decide. A judge does not determine foreign policy.
During national emergencies.
I wonder if the Iran Deal was a national emergency.
Obama spent trillions without congressional authorization but nobody stopped him.
All Trump wants is a few measly billion to protect us from a foreign invasion.
The hypocrisy by you folks is ginormous.
Great, show me where it says trump can spend that money...

H.R.3884 - 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act

And what "trillions" did Obama "spend" on Iran?
He gave Iran $150 billion, moron. He also put $1.5 billion in cash on a plane and delivered it to them.

No, fucking moron, he did not "give them" $150 billion. He released their own money to them as part of the anti-nuclear proliferation deal made with them.
Sorry, turd, but Obama does did not have the authority to determine who is the rightful owner of that money. That's for a judge to decide, not a sleazy politician.

It is Iran's money. There was nothing for a judge to decide. A judge does not determine foreign policy.
And confiscated MS-13 money is MS-13 money.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.
That's not what the rest of the world says.
They're declassifying all of the documents so they can find out who gave the order (Obama)

Yes, the rest of the world says the same thing. The ONLY people who say otherwise are Donald Trump and people too stupid to know he's lying.
Well, I guess we'll find out in due time.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.
We've been waiting for over 2 years to get back at these fakes.
They've been fomenting sedition since Trump won the election, turning idiots into hate-filled maniacs. Hoping they'll be stupid enough to believe any cock & bull story they come up with about Trump.
Now they're under the microscope.....and they're not handling it well.

We have not. There is no proof he was spied on. Barr is hardly a reliable source and Wray says he has seen no evidence of spying. No one has been pushing sedition. This is fake news made up by Trump supporters. Trump supporters are the hate filled maniacs. I don't see any evidence they are not handling it well. Just more fake news by Trump supporters.
You’re a fucking retard to believe the deep state so shut the fuck up

There is no deep state and only retarded Trump supporters believe that. You shut the fuck up.
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