Corrupt Judge Shuts Down Trump's Plan to Protect America With Border Wall

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That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.

Except it wasn't made up. There really was a video. There really were people upset about it. The only question is, how much was the video a cause vs. how much was this a planned attack.

Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency.'s still not an emergency... and the only reason why it's a "problem", is because Trump got rid of the sensible policy of giving people a hearing date and replaced it with, throwing them all in camps.

Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it.

And what does that have to do with anything? Never mind.

Now we're finding out that the same people ... created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

Well, no, I believe is what we can prove.

We KNOW that the Russians are sponsoring a lot of election interference not only in the US but throughout the western world. Our intel agencies have been saying this for years.

We KNOW people close to Trump had dealings with the Russians.

So the only question is was trump in on it (in which case he should be removed for Treason) or was he just too stupid to know what his own people were up to (in whcih case he should be removed for incompetence.

Now, look, I know that you guys have a lot invested in Trump because he's the last chance you guys have before angry old conservative men are regulated to a permanent minority... But you all really backed the wrong horse.
Your post proves THAT YOU ARE A RETARD!!!

You keep buying these scams hook, line, and sinker....never questioning them even though facts have come to light proving they were total horseshit.
It's as if you are living in a basement with no communication with the outside world, or you're too dumb or biased to face facts.

You actually believe a lousy YouTube video nobody knew about before Benghazi caused the attack.
You also believe that protesters brought AK-47s and RPGs with them to the protest.
You also are ignoring the fact that the attacks were staged after the anniversary of 9/11.
You also can't see the relevance of the attacks taking place close to a CIA Rendition compound which resulted in an all out assault on that site.
You also can't figure out that we were supplying arms to terrorists.

When it comes to Russians.....they're always trying to effect our elections.
And it has become clear that Obama knew about it and did nothing about it other than tell them to "Cut it out".
And why is it that the Obama Administration made sure that the Russians that met with Donald Trump Jr were allowed to remain in the country?
Why is it that the Obama Administration and the Clintons had strong ties with Russia but only Trump is acting suspicious when he has Michael Flynn contact them during transition?
Probably because you're making all of this shit up.
Could that be the case?
I think so.
It feels better that Trump is a bad guy who stole the election rather than to accept the Fact that despite Hillary using the Russians to cheat-she still lost
That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.

Except it wasn't made up. There really was a video. There really were people upset about it. The only question is, how much was the video a cause vs. how much was this a planned attack.

Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency.'s still not an emergency... and the only reason why it's a "problem", is because Trump got rid of the sensible policy of giving people a hearing date and replaced it with, throwing them all in camps.

Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it.

And what does that have to do with anything? Never mind.

Now we're finding out that the same people ... created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

Well, no, I believe is what we can prove.

We KNOW that the Russians are sponsoring a lot of election interference not only in the US but throughout the western world. Our intel agencies have been saying this for years.

We KNOW people close to Trump had dealings with the Russians.

So the only question is was trump in on it (in which case he should be removed for Treason) or was he just too stupid to know what his own people were up to (in whcih case he should be removed for incompetence.

Now, look, I know that you guys have a lot invested in Trump because he's the last chance you guys have before angry old conservative men are regulated to a permanent minority... But you all really backed the wrong horse.
Your post proves THAT YOU ARE A RETARD!!!

You keep buying these scams hook, line, and sinker....never questioning them even though facts have come to light proving they were total horseshit.
It's as if you are living in a basement with no communication with the outside world, or you're too dumb or biased to face facts.

You actually believe a lousy YouTube video nobody knew about before Benghazi caused the attack.
You also believe that protesters brought AK-47s and RPGs with them to the protest.
You also are ignoring the fact that the attacks were staged after the anniversary of 9/11.
You also can't see the relevance of the attacks taking place close to a CIA Rendition compound which resulted in an all out assault on that site.
You also can't figure out that we were supplying arms to terrorists.

When it comes to Russians.....they're always trying to effect our elections.
And it has become clear that Obama knew about it and did nothing about it other than tell them to "Cut it out".
And why is it that the Obama Administration made sure that the Russians that met with Donald Trump Jr were allowed to remain in the country?
Why is it that the Obama Administration and the Clintons had strong ties with Russia but only Trump is acting suspicious when he has Michael Flynn contact them during transition?
Probably because you're making all of this shit up.
Could that be the case?
I think so.
It feels better that Trump is a bad guy who stole the election rather than to accept the Fact that despite Hillary using the Russians to cheat-she still lost
You haven't been paying attention to the Deep State's method of attacks. I have, and I stand by what I think.

So I guess your made up "deep state" is more important to you than our constitution and laws?

So anyone who doesn't tow the far right radical extremist political line is corrupt?

How about you post some proof of your claims?

How is that judge corrupt and what did that judge do that was corrupt or illegal?
That's for him to answer to, not me, doll. And he will have to answer for why he misinterpreted the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

He is correctly interpreting the Constitution. It is plain to anyone who can read. I guess that lets you out.

A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.
No the judge will not get smacked down for following the constitution.... congress has the power of the purse, NOT the President. Congress REJECTED giving the president the money just days before he called his phony national emergency and tried to steal funds from elsewhere. He's not a KING Marion or a DICTATOR Marion.... :rolleyes:

Ask me how I know you didn't read the link I posted.

It's like this, GF: All the bureaus and cabinet serve at the whim of the president. If they were already allocated money by Congress and directed to spend it at the whim of the president, that is in no way unConstitutional, get it? They already had the money, what they do with it is up to them and the president. That's how it is. This judge is going to get smacked down. Have I been wrong yet about that? No. BTW, the link I posted has precedent (case law) for this type of situation.
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.
That's not what the rest of the world says.
They're declassifying all of the documents so they can find out who gave the order (Obama)

Yes, the rest of the world says the same thing. The ONLY people who say otherwise are Donald Trump and people too stupid to know he's lying.
So I guess your made up "deep state" is more important to you than our constitution and laws?

So anyone who doesn't tow the far right radical extremist political line is corrupt?

How about you post some proof of your claims?

How is that judge corrupt and what did that judge do that was corrupt or illegal?
That's for him to answer to, not me, doll. And he will have to answer for why he misinterpreted the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

He is correctly interpreting the Constitution. It is plain to anyone who can read. I guess that lets you out.

A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.
No the judge will not get smacked down for following the constitution.... congress has the power of the purse, NOT the President. Congress REJECTED giving the president the money just days before he called his phony national emergency and tried to steal funds from elsewhere. He's not a KING Marion or a DICTATOR Marion.... :rolleyes:

Ask me how I know you didn't read the link I posted.

It's like this, GF: All the bureaus and cabinet serve at the whim of the president. If they were already allocated money by Congress and directed to spend it at the whim of the president, that is in no way unConstitutional, get it? They already had the money, what they do with it is up to them and the president. That's how it is. This judge is going to get smacked down. Have I been wrong yet about that? No. BTW, the link I posted has precedent (case law) for this type of situation.
Smack him down? I'll bring my giant flyswatter!. :D
That's for him to answer to, not me, doll. And he will have to answer for why he misinterpreted the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

He is correctly interpreting the Constitution. It is plain to anyone who can read. I guess that lets you out.

A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.
No the judge will not get smacked down for following the constitution.... congress has the power of the purse, NOT the President. Congress REJECTED giving the president the money just days before he called his phony national emergency and tried to steal funds from elsewhere. He's not a KING Marion or a DICTATOR Marion.... :rolleyes:

Ask me how I know you didn't read the link I posted.

It's like this, GF: All the bureaus and cabinet serve at the whim of the president. If they were already allocated money by Congress and directed to spend it at the whim of the president, that is in no way unConstitutional, get it? They already had the money, what they do with it is up to them and the president. That's how it is. This judge is going to get smacked down. Have I been wrong yet about that? No. BTW, the link I posted has precedent (case law) for this type of situation.
Smack him down? I'll bring my giant flyswatter!. :D

Yeah..well that's not really your job, although I'm certain you'd relish it if it were.

Bottom line: That judge is all kinds of wrong and should be impeached.
You actually believe a lousy YouTube video nobody knew about before Benghazi caused the attack.

You never heard about it... most educated people knew it was out there and it was controversial...

They knew there were also demonstrations in 27 other countries about this Video. Libya is the only place where it turned violent.

You also believe that protesters brought AK-47s and RPGs with them to the protest.

Um... yeah... so? There were armed militias all over the country... It was like Second Amendment heaven....

You also are ignoring the fact that the attacks were staged after the anniversary of 9/11.

No, I'm just not giving a shit about it.

You also can't see the relevance of the attacks taking place close to a CIA Rendition compound which resulted in an all out assault on that site.

You mean they took it out on the Americans who were doing shit to piss them off? Okay. Hillary wasn't in charge of the CIA, so not seeing how that was her fault again.

You also can't figure out that we were supplying arms to terrorists.

Naw, man, I just find anyone who says 'terrorist' with a straight face to be laughable.

We armed these people because we wanted to get rid of Qadaffy.. or at least we wanted to be on the winning side when Qadaffy went to get his 76 virgins. It's a dumb policy, but it's same dumb policy we've been doing since the 1970's...

When it comes to Russians.....they're always trying to effect our elections.
And it has become clear that Obama knew about it and did nothing about it other than tell them to "Cut it out".

Yes, that was a mistake. What he should have done is taken all the evidence he had, held a press conferance, and laid the whole thing on Trump THAT DAY.

But he figured, well, Trump isn't going to win, and why antagonize the Russians when you need their cooperation on other issues.
Ask me how I know you didn't read the link I posted.

It's like this, GF: All the bureaus and cabinet serve at the whim of the president. If they were already allocated money by Congress and directed to spend it at the whim of the president, that is in no way unConstitutional, get it? They already had the money, what they do with it is up to them and the president. That's how it is. This judge is going to get smacked down. Have I been wrong yet about that? No. BTW, the link I posted has precedent (case law) for this type of situation.

The issues in the bureaus or cabinets, dummy.

Congress didn't authorize money to build a wall.
Therefore, Trump can't build one.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.

Many links say Obama did spy on Trump

obama spied on trump - Bing
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

He is correctly interpreting the Constitution. It is plain to anyone who can read. I guess that lets you out.

A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.
No the judge will not get smacked down for following the constitution.... congress has the power of the purse, NOT the President. Congress REJECTED giving the president the money just days before he called his phony national emergency and tried to steal funds from elsewhere. He's not a KING Marion or a DICTATOR Marion.... :rolleyes:

Ask me how I know you didn't read the link I posted.

It's like this, GF: All the bureaus and cabinet serve at the whim of the president. If they were already allocated money by Congress and directed to spend it at the whim of the president, that is in no way unConstitutional, get it? They already had the money, what they do with it is up to them and the president. That's how it is. This judge is going to get smacked down. Have I been wrong yet about that? No. BTW, the link I posted has precedent (case law) for this type of situation.
Smack him down? I'll bring my giant flyswatter!. :D

Yeah..well that's not really your job, although I'm certain you'd relish it if it were.

Bottom line: That judge is all kinds of wrong and should be impeached.
noooo, the judge should not be impeached... what is this Russia? We have appellate courts and the supreme court to over rule bad decisions, we don't impeach, (jail or kill them....)

And I think you are wrong because the national emergency declared is not a national emergency, and was used specifically by the president to do a work around, on our congressional representatives, who own the power of the purse.

The problem with your other contention of the president being allowed to do this, is it relies on the funds not being allocated by congress for specific causes, like left over money that he can move around, BUT the money WAS ALLOCATED by congress, so that falls flat, imo.

We'll see how the other 2 lawsuits rear, the one from the 20 states they are taking the money from, and environmentalists...

Only time will tell on who's right or wrong... moi, or you! :D
A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.
No the judge will not get smacked down for following the constitution.... congress has the power of the purse, NOT the President. Congress REJECTED giving the president the money just days before he called his phony national emergency and tried to steal funds from elsewhere. He's not a KING Marion or a DICTATOR Marion.... :rolleyes:

Ask me how I know you didn't read the link I posted.

It's like this, GF: All the bureaus and cabinet serve at the whim of the president. If they were already allocated money by Congress and directed to spend it at the whim of the president, that is in no way unConstitutional, get it? They already had the money, what they do with it is up to them and the president. That's how it is. This judge is going to get smacked down. Have I been wrong yet about that? No. BTW, the link I posted has precedent (case law) for this type of situation.
Smack him down? I'll bring my giant flyswatter!. :D

Yeah..well that's not really your job, although I'm certain you'd relish it if it were.

Bottom line: That judge is all kinds of wrong and should be impeached.
noooo, the judge should not be impeached... what is this Russia? We have appellate courts and the supreme court to over rule bad decisions, we don't impeach, (jail or kill them....)

And I think you are wrong because the national emergency declared is not a national emergency, and was used specifically by the president to do a work around, on our congressional representatives, who own the power of the purse.

The problem with your other contention of the president being allowed to do this, is it relies on the funds not being allocated by congress for specific causes, like left over money that he can move around, BUT the money WAS ALLOCATED by congress, so that falls flat, imo.

We'll see how the other 2 lawsuits rear, the one from the 20 states they are taking the money from, and environmentalists...

Only time will tell on who's right or wrong... moi, or you! :D

Well in this instance, I'm bettin' on yours truly. :funnyface:
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
We wouldn't need a wall if certain states stopped enticing Mexican illegals here with jobs and giving these self same illegals sanctuary. Sanctuary from fair and equitable laws, SANCTUARY given without consent of the people. Border walls are NEVER going to fix that side of the equation, and THAT is the larger problem.
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There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.
That's not what the rest of the world says.
They're declassifying all of the documents so they can find out who gave the order (Obama)

Yes, the rest of the world says the same thing. The ONLY people who say otherwise are Donald Trump and people too stupid to know he's lying.

The rest of the world is neither as gullible nor as trusting of Trump's endless lies and accusations of mal-treatment by others as you are. Let's just say the number of times Trump have lied to us already in regards to everything having to do with his campaign's communications and ties with Russia. This is just his attempt to muddy the waters further as the Congression Investigation continues to expose his lies and his incompetence for the American public to see.

We were also smart enough to have our own questions about Trump and Russia, few of which were answered by the Mueller Report, in large part because those who have followed Trump's business careers, have long wondered where he gets all of the money to do all of these deals, when not one of his various businesses has ever shown a profit. He has sold some of them at a profit to Trump personally, but his business relationships always ending up going bad and people want him gone.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
We wouldn't need a wall if certain states stopped enticing Mexican illegals here with jobs and giving these self same illegals sanctuary. Sanctuary from fair and equitable laws, SANCTUARY given without consent of the people. Border walls are NEVER going to fix that side of the equation, and THAT is the larger problem.

That's illegal.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
What evidence do you have that the Judge is corrupt?
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
We wouldn't need a wall if certain states stopped enticing Mexican illegals here with jobs and giving these self same illegals sanctuary. Sanctuary from fair and equitable laws, SANCTUARY given without consent of the people. Border walls are NEVER going to fix that side of the equation, and THAT is the larger problem.

That's illegal.
Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Or did I miss the great "Give illegal aliens sanctuary" vote nobody seems to remember having ever been part of but somehow it just happened without democratic consent of the people. Yah, THAT one.
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.

It's sad when a party thinks that giving people back more of their own hard earned money is "at the expense of the people."

Why is it that liberals think "the rich" are not entitled to keep their own money as much as a poor persons? Does a persons net worth determine their right to keep their own wealth?
it is even sadder when the right wing believes in socialized wealth redistribution on a national basis; but, allege to be Capitalists.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Actually, when you have unchecked Capitalism, what you are seeing now with the wages of the worker either being frozen or going up very little in comparison to the CEO is exactly what unchecked Capitalism brings. Capitalism has never been, is not now, nor never will be any form of Government. Neither is Socialism. We need both. One to temper the other. What you are seeing now is a backlash against the unchecked Capitalism where the Socialist ideas are being presented full steam ahead. The US is broken and either we fix it or we will end up with either another full blown depression on your hands or a series of armed conflicts. We have the same indicators we had in 1928 right now. And if the RWers think that the LWingers are disarmed, don't bet on it. When the RWingers start getting hungry and no longer buy into this HATE then there will be no Left or Right, there will be just hungry. No Worker should have to work 60+ hours a week just to break even but we have a lot of that going on right now. At some point, it's going to break.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.

It's sad when a party thinks that giving people back more of their own hard earned money is "at the expense of the people."

Why is it that liberals think "the rich" are not entitled to keep their own money as much as a poor persons? Does a persons net worth determine their right to keep their own wealth?
it is even sadder when the right wing believes in socialized wealth redistribution on a national basis; but, allege to be Capitalists.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Actually, when you have unchecked Capitalism, what you are seeing now with the wages of the worker either being frozen or going up very little in comparison to the CEO is exactly what unchecked Capitalism brings. Capitalism has never been, is not now, nor never will be any form of Government. Neither is Socialism. We need both. One to temper the other. What you are seeing now is a backlash against the unchecked Capitalism where the Socialist ideas are being presented full steam ahead. The US is broken and either we fix it or we will end up with either another full blown depression on your hands or a series of armed conflicts. We have the same indicators we had in 1928 right now. And if the RWers think that the LWingers are disarmed, don't bet on it. When the RWingers start getting hungry and no longer buy into this HATE then there will be no Left or Right, there will be just hungry. No Worker should have to work 60+ hours a week just to break even but we have a lot of that going on right now. At some point, it's going to break.
The capitals swine that at the same time exploit illegal aliens, manipulate the political system to their profit, then use their power to supersede elections and the will of the people and then cynically say its for humanitarian reasons and create illegal sanctuary cities ? Oh, those capitalist . Or are there others I have left out?
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.

It's sad when a party thinks that giving people back more of their own hard earned money is "at the expense of the people."

Why is it that liberals think "the rich" are not entitled to keep their own money as much as a poor persons? Does a persons net worth determine their right to keep their own wealth?
it is even sadder when the right wing believes in socialized wealth redistribution on a national basis; but, allege to be Capitalists.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Actually, when you have unchecked Capitalism, what you are seeing now with the wages of the worker either being frozen or going up very little in comparison to the CEO is exactly what unchecked Capitalism brings. Capitalism has never been, is not now, nor never will be any form of Government. Neither is Socialism. We need both. One to temper the other. What you are seeing now is a backlash against the unchecked Capitalism where the Socialist ideas are being presented full steam ahead. The US is broken and either we fix it or we will end up with either another full blown depression on your hands or a series of armed conflicts. We have the same indicators we had in 1928 right now. And if the RWers think that the LWingers are disarmed, don't bet on it. When the RWingers start getting hungry and no longer buy into this HATE then there will be no Left or Right, there will be just hungry. No Worker should have to work 60+ hours a week just to break even but we have a lot of that going on right now. At some point, it's going to break.
The capitals swine that at the same time exploit illegal aliens, manipulate the political system to their profit, then use their power to supersede elections and the will of the people and then cynically say its for humanitarian reasons and create illegal sanctuary cities ? Oh, those capitalist . Or are there others I have left out?

The whole thing Whooshed right over your pointy little head.
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