Corrupt Judge Shuts Down Trump's Plan to Protect America With Border Wall

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The job of the three branches of government is spelled out in the constitution. Executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. When you start having one branch take over the job of the other branch, it’s no longer following the constitution.

Sorta like....

Nadler's Judicial Committee / Democrats attempting to do the DOJ's job, the FBI's job, and the IRS' job after 3+ years of 4 investigations, to include Mueller's inveztigation, just because he / they didn't like any of their results...

That wasn't tax payer money appropriated by Congress.

Dayum, you rightards are dumber than shit. :eusa_doh:
Yes, it was US government money - which means in America the taxpayers own it, Comrade.
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
How many other terrorists did Obama pay money to?

ISIS for one. Obama funded ISIS. The Muslim Brotherhood, too. They're hanging Obama's buddies in Egypt.
That wasn't tax payer money appropriated by Congress.

Dayum, you rightards are dumber than shit. :eusa_doh:
Yes, it was US government money - which means in America the taxpayers own it, Comrade.
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
The job of the three branches of government is spelled out in the constitution. Executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. When you start having one branch take over the job of the other branch, it’s no longer following the constitution.

Sorta like....

Nadler and Pelosi ordering the US AG to break the law by releasing Grand Jury info then holding him in 'Contempt' when he refuses to obey their order to break the law...

Or the Democrats trying to do the IRS' job of 'auditing' a citizen's / the President's taxes...

(Why would anyone release the President's taxes to ADMITTED classified info LEAKERS (Schiff) and to the group whose investigators (traitors) admitted in texts they had a 'leak strategy' - and one of them was recommended for indictment and is under investigation right now...? If I were to release Trump races I would do so to Nadler only with his understanding that if ANYONE leaks any of the information HE is the one going to jail!)
That wasn't tax payer money appropriated by Congress.

Dayum, you rightards are dumber than shit. :eusa_doh:
Yes, it was US government money - which means in America the taxpayers own it, Comrade.
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

the FACTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.

There are actually 150 cases of collusion, and 10 different cases of obstruction.

Denial isn't going to change those facts.

And no, the President doesn't have the power to spend money anyway he wishes.

And speaking of judges spanking this Presidents ass...

In a column for Politico, former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti explains that President Donald Trump and his legal team’s strategy to stonewall the Democrats and run out the clock by using the courts until after the election is backfiring spectacularly.

With Trump ignoring Congressional subpoenas, all but daring Democrats to take him in court, Mariotti claims the president will come to regret it because it could prompt impeachment hearings sooner rather than later.

“In the space of three days this week, two federal judges ruled decisively in favor of Congress’ right to subpoena President Trump’s personal financial and business records,” he writes. “The speed of the decisions—unusual in complex federal litigation—demonstrates a significant flaw in the administration’s ‘fight all the subpoenas’ strategy. More importantly, it suggests that Trump’s strategy of categorically fighting all Congressional subpoenas will undermine his ability to stonewall Congress in subsequent cases.”

According to the ex-prosecutor, Trump is doomed because the Constitution could not be clearer about how the government is supposed to work.

“Trump’s argument is doomed to fail in the courts because the constitution gives the House the ‘full Power of Impeachment’ and it could not exercise that authority without investigating presidential wrongdoing,” he explained. “If Trump’s team is not alarmed by the speed and sweeping nature (not to mention the almost dismissive tone) of the two judgments against the president, it should be. Trump’s strategy on a variety of fronts has been to take extreme positions denying Congressional authority to investigate the presidency.”

“The Achilles heel of Trump’s strategy is that his extreme positions are not fact-specific or nuanced and are easily disposed of as legally groundless,” he elaborated, adding, “If Trump continues down this path—over former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to appear before the House Judiciary, for example—expect to see more swift rulings swatting down his legal arguments in the coming weeks and months. No court is going to rule that the Executive Branch can categorically refuse to produce evidence and witnesses from a criminal investigation of the president of the United States from the House of Representatives.”

He then advised Trump’s adviser’s to re-think what they are doing if they hope to succeed because they could be accelerating presidential impeachment hearings.

“His strategy is not only generating adverse results quickly, but it could very well convince a court that he is acting in bad faith,” he suggested. “If that happens, the House could get the courts to do what it is ill-equipped to do itself—enforce compliance with Congressional subpoenas.”

“That could get Congressional investigations, or even an impeachment inquiry, off the ground,” he concluded.
How was your visit to the moon? You obviously didn't know that in the last 2 years, the House of Representatives committee found no collusion and no obstruction. The Senate committee found no collusion and no obstruction. The Mueller Report found there was no collusion and no obstruction, with a 200 page documentation of jabberwocky not based on findings, which was the only job Mueller had. It was apparently written by his second in command, a true Trump-hater by his own word and emails found that is actually considered treason against a sitting president, no holds barred.
The last word is always at the discretion of the Attorney General, His honor, William Barr, who did what Attorney Generals do: he read through hundreds of pages of the 3 committees' reports while jabberwocky specialists on the left in the House jumped up and down to hurry him up. In the meantime, they threw demand after demand to his attention to prevent him from finding anything too fast, but he did in a timely manner, complete the review, and published his review with few pages redacted, which the leftist locksteppers pretended and produced another fake jumping up and down leftist critical rant, courtesy of Pelosi et al. These Congresscritters well know conspiring to take down a President of the United States is treason, punishable by death of life sentence without the possibility of parole, but they keep thinking people will take them seriously and give them even more power if they do not admit what it is they are actually doing--digging in to bring down a President. They are dog sure certain nobody will call them on their little acts that amount to treason, because the United States is about business, and I do not mean monkey business the communists among them want--first you screw the country by creating chaos in the government, weaken its military to the breaking point, then collude with other communists in other countries who'd love to see America groveling low for, then bingo, complete annihilation of all opposition, all 200 million of us, so the 150 million remaining Democrat Socialist Party maniacs can control all the assets from the people they murder in cold blood by firing squad. They will kill 200 million people if their side is led to hate Republicans based on this pack of lies. Every day I see here in this forum people who pretend that it matters not that 4 different groups of governmental agencies specializing in finding bad things going on found nothing that the Democrats lied their asses off by trying to destroy President Trump's administration. Please don't mind my hyperbola in poetry, but treason is what it is:

eliminating America's traitors

eenie, meanie, miney, moe: shall we hang them high or low? :eusa_eh:
eenie, meanie, miney, my: some say we should hang them high! :eek-52:
we can't do that if they're black: they must have a touch of slack! :eusa_angel:
it might be a bit too harsh, if we drowned them in a marsh. :eusa_hand:
people say they're said to like: drugs that lift high Peaks of Pike :eusa_shhh:
maybe they would rather go--by injection, nice and slow :bigbed:
or would they prefer a shooter? yes, a twenty gun saluter :dunno:
nah that doesn't cut the pie; pull the pin, let devils fry :FIREdevil:

If it is then we need to impeach the Supreme Court. A emergency proclamation cannot override the Constitution. If it can then a Democrat Congress and President can ban private ownership of guns.

Your two thoughts have nothing to do with each other. Gun ownership is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution gives the President any power it doesn't forbid including emergency powers to use as he sees fit. Obama gave "dreamers" protection he was not Constitutionally able to do by way of emergency, and knew it and said a year before he did it that he couldn't do it. Judges he appointed have upheld his illegal action and blocked Trump's legal action on the border wall funding. The USSC will vacate that decision and the Wall will continue being built to completion.



Nevermind all of the cash Obama sent to Iran.....explain why he traded 5 al Qaeda Generals for one traitor?
Why would he do something like that?



This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.

There are actually 150 cases of collusion, and 10 different cases of obstruction.

Denial isn't going to change those facts.

And no, the President doesn't have the power to spend money anyway he wishes.

And speaking of judges spanking this Presidents ass...

In a column for Politico, former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti explains that President Donald Trump and his legal team’s strategy to stonewall the Democrats and run out the clock by using the courts until after the election is backfiring spectacularly.

With Trump ignoring Congressional subpoenas, all but daring Democrats to take him in court, Mariotti claims the president will come to regret it because it could prompt impeachment hearings sooner rather than later.

“In the space of three days this week, two federal judges ruled decisively in favor of Congress’ right to subpoena President Trump’s personal financial and business records,” he writes. “The speed of the decisions—unusual in complex federal litigation—demonstrates a significant flaw in the administration’s ‘fight all the subpoenas’ strategy. More importantly, it suggests that Trump’s strategy of categorically fighting all Congressional subpoenas will undermine his ability to stonewall Congress in subsequent cases.”

According to the ex-prosecutor, Trump is doomed because the Constitution could not be clearer about how the government is supposed to work.

“Trump’s argument is doomed to fail in the courts because the constitution gives the House the ‘full Power of Impeachment’ and it could not exercise that authority without investigating presidential wrongdoing,” he explained. “If Trump’s team is not alarmed by the speed and sweeping nature (not to mention the almost dismissive tone) of the two judgments against the president, it should be. Trump’s strategy on a variety of fronts has been to take extreme positions denying Congressional authority to investigate the presidency.”

“The Achilles heel of Trump’s strategy is that his extreme positions are not fact-specific or nuanced and are easily disposed of as legally groundless,” he elaborated, adding, “If Trump continues down this path—over former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to appear before the House Judiciary, for example—expect to see more swift rulings swatting down his legal arguments in the coming weeks and months. No court is going to rule that the Executive Branch can categorically refuse to produce evidence and witnesses from a criminal investigation of the president of the United States from the House of Representatives.”

He then advised Trump’s adviser’s to re-think what they are doing if they hope to succeed because they could be accelerating presidential impeachment hearings.

“His strategy is not only generating adverse results quickly, but it could very well convince a court that he is acting in bad faith,” he suggested. “If that happens, the House could get the courts to do what it is ill-equipped to do itself—enforce compliance with Congressional subpoenas.”

“That could get Congressional investigations, or even an impeachment inquiry, off the ground,” he concluded.
Stop reading Soros websites, it makes you stupid.
The Democrat Party has a plan to keep the fires burning on the lies they told, to brand President Trump with comprehensive character assassinations.

They thought he was a pushover, and skewer is just doing his party's insistence on spreading treasonous speech by so many numbers people will think they are safe from subpoenas for treasonous conspiracy with a political party that is out of control and is heading directly into the fire of keeping the courts busy with treasonous traitors getting their due. They need to start with Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Nadler, and other conspirators, in particular the two from Hillary Clinton's dirty team of spin room specialists who concocted the pee story about President Trump in Russia. They had to get something so salacious it would make even the staunchest Republicans mad, and yeah, they fooled a bunch of folks, but they didn't fool me and several others here who know exactly how the Democrat destroyers work.



Nevermind all of the cash Obama sent to Iran.....explain why he traded 5 al Qaeda Generals for one traitor?
Why would he do something like that?



Good God, have mercy. They have enough money from America to destroy Israel. Russia has their nose in Iran too. No wonder Iran was shaking the Muslim fist at us these past couple of years when they were funding and concealing Isis, or at least they thought so before President Trump acted against Isis who were going to do the dirt for Iran. :sad:
That wasn't tax payer money appropriated by Congress.

Dayum, you rightards are dumber than shit. :eusa_doh:
Yes, it was US government money - which means in America the taxpayers own it, Comrade.
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Sounds like a little horror was pushed on America's shoulder by a man who was put into the White House by the Democrats. Those dirty, miserable rats. :(
Yes, it was US government money - which means in America the taxpayers own it, Comrade.
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union,so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

the FACTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union,
That's weird...cuz most of those countries seem to be involved in the overthrow of our current administration, including the UK, Russia, China, and Germany.
Yes, it was US government money - which means in America the taxpayers own it, Comrade.
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Sounds like a little horror was pushed on America's shoulder by a man who was put into the White House by the Democrats. Those dirty, miserable rats. Obama turned against America and we now have nukes to worry about from a crazy society of delusionary Mohammad freaks who set out to do jihad on countries who do not turn Muslim right away. To make matters worse, Obama's little "gift" to Khomeini's kingdom is now Europe's Trojan Horse. :(

Sounds like a little horror was pushed on America's shoulder by a man who was put into the White House by the Democrats. Those dirty, miserable rats. Obama turned against America and we now have nukes to worry about from a crazy society of delusionary Mohammad freaks who set out to do jihad on countries who do not turn Muslim right away. To make matters worse, Obama's little "gift" to Khomeini's kingdom is Europe's Trojan Horse.
Last edited:
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Sounds like a little horror was pushed on America's shoulder by a man who was put into the White House by the Democrats. Those dirty, miserable rats. Obama turned against America and we now have nukes to worry about from a crazy society of delusionary Mohammad freaks who set out to do jihad on countries who do not turn Muslim right away. To make matters worse, Obama's little "gift" to Khomeini's kingdom is now Europe's Trojan Horse. :(
Obama gave billions to the biggest supporters of terrorism on the planet.
What could possibly go wrong. :dunno:
Nonsense. It was mostly money that had been used to purchase oil from Iran.
Obama took it from the Treasury.

Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration.

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016. But it was never disclosed, either to Congress or the American people.

OK, you say, $5.7 billion. What is that, when big economies like the U.S., Britain, Germany and France have economies trillions of dollars in size?

Apart from the lie, which is bad enough for an administration that claimed repeatedly to be "scandal-free," this money did not have innocuous uses. Far from it.

Our own State Department characterizes Iran as the No. 1 terrorist-supporting state on Earth. Every dollar it gets from us has an ultimate use that is highly questionable, which is the reason why the U.S. imposed sanctions in the first place.

Terrorist Funding
Washington Times national security correspondent Bill Gertz in February of this year reported that some of the $1.7 billion that the Obama administration officially handed over to the Iranians had ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Those terrorist groups included Hezbollah, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran's own Quds Force, the dirty tricks and terror branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

No one knows how much of the $5.7 billion that Obama allowed Iran to access also went to terrorist activities. Or, for that matter, how much went to further research activity on Iran's nuclear bomb project. That awaits a later investigation.

But it's important to note that the Iran nuclear deal also removed some $100 billion in sanctions on Iran. This made Iran once again a big player in the Mideast. It's almost certain that a good piece of that went to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, which by some accounts control as much as 40% of Iran's economy.

It's clear from Obama administration actions, under both his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, that the Obama White House despised Israel and did all they could to undermine its security. How else can you explain the enabling of a terrorist-supporting regime?

The Obama administration failed to enforce its own "red line" in Syria on chemical weapons. By doing so, it in effect invited both Russia and Iran into that disintegrating country. Iranian troops today are within striking distance of our one true ally in the region, Israel.

Mideast Disintegration
The disintegration of Libya, the collapse of Egypt, and Turkey's embrace of radical Islam, all took place under Obama's watch. None of them were in the U.S.' interest.

The Mideast has been a mess for decades, but things got markedly worse under Obama. A big reason is the Iran nuclear deal didn't make anyone in the Mideast, Europe or U.S. safer. But it did empower the terrorist-supporting mullahs in Tehran.

The mullahs are now funding terrorism on Israel's border. They're biding their time until they can get another anti-Israel president in the White House. Mullahs with a nuclear weapon will be a nightmare. President Trump has a big job still ahead of him, but in his first year and a half in office he has undone much of Obama's damage. How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're as brain-dead as they come.

Let me show you what you just posted...

That's the conclusion of a report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros.

It required a special license by the U.S. Treasury, which was granted in February of 2016.

... your own post, ya moron, showed the assets were frozen in an Omani bank. Our money is not held frozen in Omani banks. Did you understand any of this? The money did not come from the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury was needed to convert the assets from rials to dollars to euros.
So maybe you can explain how he was able to send $400 million in US Dollars. Was that some of this magic money too?

Ohhhhhh I get it....he gave only $400 million to them and freed up another $50 billion in frozen cash to spend on their nuke programs and their terrorist groups. Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -


Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.​


Nothing wrong here. These aren't the droids you're looking for.

Sounds like a little horror was pushed on America's shoulder by a man who was put into the White House by the Democrats. Those dirty, miserable rats. Obama turned against America and we now have nukes to worry about from a crazy society of delusionary Mohammad freaks who set out to do jihad on countries who do not turn Muslim right away. To make matters worse, Obama's little "gift" to Khomeini's kingdom is Europe's Trojan Horse.
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I disagree.

How about instead of meeting these immigrants with a wall or the military, we greet them with folks who will help them become citizens?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is that a serious question or are you that stupid?

Stop it

Go have a nap.

oops! sorry....I meant the "nap" reply to the annoying bee (#126) not to you, Admiral.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.
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