Corrupt Judge Shuts Down Trump's Plan to Protect America With Border Wall

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This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Here's your problem. Congress cannot nteols the purse. Could ngress allocates money in the budget process. Once the money has been allocated for a specific cause, that's where it must go under law.

Trump is not a king. He must act according to law, not by whim.

And, incidentally, how is the judge corrupt? Or is insult and innuendo the default position for Trumpians?
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.
That's not what the rest of the world says.
They're declassifying all of the documents so they can find out who gave the order (Obama)
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
This judge's ruling may seem good, but there is a greater problem out there, Crep. The problem is there is a traitorous call to arms for all Deep State Democrats to obstruct all actions by President Trump and his staff. It started off small with crazy Maxine bulldozing the separation of powers by ordering her band of troublemakers to harass members of the United State's Presidential Staff for anything and everything they were doing their jobs for after false and misleading charges were filed against President Trump right after Nancy Pelosi mentioned that she was the Speaker of the House and the most powerful politician in the Western World. She spoke about impeaching President Trump for colluding with the Russian nation whom she said were enemies of America. She sent her group of troublemakers in the Press into action to rally behind an impeachment theme because she convicted him prior to any trial. As that was brought out, a Special Council with 19 anti-Trump warriors were called upon to FIND TRUMP GUILTY OF TREASON BY COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS to destroy Hillary Clinton with bad information.

Hillary Clinton, with Obama's go-ahead before President Trump had won the presidency, built themselves a plan to destroy his character with a messy dossier that is now known to have been prepped by two of Hillary's best political naysayers, a completely fictional account of an untrue story that would inflame the American public to leave the Republican Party. Isn't it a coincidence that the Russians knew all about Hillary's plan, before the Americans knew. This has written information what the Russians tattled on Hillary Clinton's little act of treason that probably cost around $25,000 and a lot of palm money to officials she colluded with in Russia where we're none the wiser. This shows a side of the Deep State of Hillary Clinton's making not known to her constituents, but well known by Obama judges who are members of this little club, Obama is, and they have committed with help from other members, obviously Nancy Pelosi and Nadler, doing evil to America by concealment of knowledge of deep state affairs. Why do you think I'm talking about outcomes of treason against a sitting President? If you're a Democrat, you're half way into how the deep state operates if you don't believe this, I can't help you. OKay, maybe you will when you consider (if that ever crossed your mind) that three governmental entities searched and could not find one shred of evidence that President Trump had colluded or even tried to obstruct Mueller's team, the third group of 19 Democrat activist Trump-haters who could not produce even a smidge of evidence that Trump did anything whatever to collude with Russia, and he did nothing to obstruct any ongoing invasions of his privacy by Democrats, who are presently turning on each other with a venom or fainting in public in dismay.

Treason is punishable by death. If ever this much treason was leveled against one president by using a false Steele Dossier, I have not heard of it, but I will support the best thing possible: all the players who had a hand in this dirty deals must die. All of the second fiddle treason specialists who conspired to orchestrate a support for the lying dossier in order to curry American favor must never speak to a human being about politics plus serve a life sentence without the possibility of parole, and never to see the sky again or have visitations of any kind. They are free to choose the kind of death they select if they choose the penalty of death, because solitary isolation from doing further damage to America takes quite a profound evil that we will never tolerate again, and we do not tolerate it now.

Nadler fainted yesterday and was taken to a hospital. The fact that his role in carrying out more damages to Trump than can abound by good people was terrible, he's right next to Nancy Pelosi, Christine Blasey-Ford, her savvy fluffers-in-treason, Senators Schumer and Feinstein and whoever made big fat public farts of themselves trying to hogtie President Trump from doing his job by keeping his oath of office as his first responsibility, the axe will fall where people lied and created false scenarios to destroy a good man whom the American people chose for their president.

They're not going to get away with 30 votes per democrat any more. We'll be watching you for DNC inspired behavior that you know in your heart is wrongful behavior. When we're done, we're not going to be worrying about how many times you voted because Clorox will erase a purple thumb, but an eye scan won't, and you'll be taking one when you vote along with the rest of us. The fine for voting more than one time will go to 30 years, no parole. That should stop the bullcrap of the Democrat Precinct henchmen who bleat about irrelevant things to curry more votes than there are people casting them.

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This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?

The Military budget is already approved.
It now lies with Sec-Def and it cannot be taken back or even micro managed.
It will be quickly overturned.

Maybe we should go into who masterminded and delivered the falsely salacious and falsely accusatory Steel dossier, and rethink using the early release program in favor of the death penalty on an imminent basis, as within the week with the 300 offenders receiving swift justice for once.

It will make the Nancy Pelosis of tomorrow better people, because if her dementia doesn't kill her first, her involvement in coordinating Trump's downfall with false information will show collusion with Hillary's Hit Haters on her Character Assassination team, and her coordinators Obama and Biden have to go, too. They've invested unwisely to ruin a President and hurt his family to hurt him more, not to mention nasty Maxine Waters whose lies brought people she used to harass and hurt Presidential staff is also treason, extended not only to Maxine's trial, but those who helped her harass the President and his cabinet, too. The only way to teach politicians to tell the truth is to execute the liars among them, so that this treasonous behavior is not perpetrated on another President, and socialism needs to see a Constitutional amendment banning it, as it has been turned into communism by Hillary Clinton and her crime organization.

America is not a place you want to attempt to destroy other people's freedoms and other people's savings accounts by out-of-control taxation against elderly for the reason "They're going to die soon, anyway."

The Steele dossier was partially confirmed This is not a banana republic where you get to execute your political enemies. Try it and there wuill be a rebellion against Trump and his fascists supporters like you.

Donald Trump is the purveyor of evil in this country. He helped the Russians help him. He obstructed and ordered subordinates to obstruct. There is no treason and holding Trump accountable is what is required by Congress. You try executing people and Trump's ass will be jailed.

America is not a place where fascists like you get to shoot people you don't like them.
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. Some, I assume, are good rapists.

We live in surreal times when not only does an orange freak take a line that was only intended to keep him on some kind of campaign message rhetoric, and takes it literally out of his own ignorance; not only that but then his minions proceed to take it equally literally out of theirs. Hook, line and sinker.

Most illegal immigration comes in through overstayed visas and not from fence-jumping, and we've known this since before the election, yet we "pretend". Because mythology is more fun than reality.
Pogo, the numbers of people who crossed the border this year is staggering. Educating their children is a lawful requirement, and we're maxed out for the local money we are now paying in border states that they're having to take seniors' income for a serious ride. Most of us depend on social security to buy groceries are having to pay 50% of it in land and school taxes on the American Dream we thought we paid for. I can't even pay insurance on my home now. If you put insurance on my property with taxes on my property, I have no money for groceries. In 15 years, all my life's savings will be taken away as well, because taxes go ruthlessly up every time the Democrats decide we can take care of all the neighbor's people problems.

The United Nations will not allow the Democrats to take away the property of Native Americans, but they can take away the property of regular Americans to fund the taxes they have spent in advance of this generation's ability to know what it will be like for the grandchildren who are still paying for what Barack Obama spent, and after he diverted the military spending to the corruption of America's ability to counter future terrorism ploys, it hasn't been easy for his successor to try to reestablish the losses the nation has had to be defended from enemies the Clintons gave to China to push the "it takes a village" Hillary thesis, which is pure communism that requires half the population to be murdered off to pay for its foot-shooting expenses in which the top Democrats enrich themselves by reclaiming property on the market so the owners can pay taxes. I now understand how the state can take away somebody's life work properties through levying harsh taxes for frivolous spending.

The Democrats in America are a fiscal train wreck, and it's wrecking the American dream for those who earned it by paying higher and higher taxes every year of their life up to the time they became disabled with senior issues. I'm scrambling to wonder how I am going to pay taxes on what my late husband and I worked for for a lifetime of both of us working full time, not to mention overtime I spent to support my business when an employee emptied my business of assets before I realized what she was doing. Fortunately, I had good advice to help me pay my business losses back in which one person expropriated $40,000 from my business earnings causing me not only fiscal losses but heartbreak as well that someone had their talons wrapped around my assets so she could live well while I worked 80 hour weeks to make up for confusing losses I didn't quite understand until it was almost too late. Her best friends were the most powerful Democrats in the county I lived in, and her husband wound up in prison for life for murdering a grandchild 4 years after we stopped her shameless rout job on my cash drawer and other assets.

The reason for this is that drug lords have taken over some of the Central American countries. People are fleeing to the US because of this. Those drug cartels are fueled by American dollars. We have to do something about these drug cartels. Deficits are skyrocketing because Trump's tax cuts benefitted big business and the rich.

I know! :desk: We could build a wall along the border to stem the flow of illegals and drugs! :04:

Americans do not support building a wall. Evil haters like you will not win. The fact is that it is lawful to claim asylum and the law requires them to be in the country.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Democrats love this ruling because they hate America.
Wow your post has incorrect statements.

Your title is incorrect. Nor do you give any proof of what your title claims.

Then there's the posse comitatus act that prevents our military from any sort of policing or law enforcement inside the US.

He's the president but it doesn't give him any right to violate our laws.

Just because a judge rules against trump's illegal use of our tax dollars and military doesn't mean that judge is corrupt.

Your whole post including the title reads like it's was composed by a child who is stamping their feet and throwing a hissy fit because you didn't get your way.

Too bad. This is reality. Grow up and deal with it.
You haven't been paying attention to the Deep State's method of attacks. I have, and I stand by what I think.

So I guess your made up "deep state" is more important to you than our constitution and laws?

So anyone who doesn't tow the far right radical extremist political line is corrupt?

How about you post some proof of your claims?

How is that judge corrupt and what did that judge do that was corrupt or illegal?
That's for him to answer to, not me, doll. And he will have to answer for why he misinterpreted the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

He is correctly interpreting the Constitution. It is plain to anyone who can read. I guess that lets you out.

A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.

A) The Congress' power of the purse is more powerful. The Congress has to authorize the money to be spent in implementing any immigration policy. The Congress refused to fund a wall.

B) The Congress did not authorize any money to be spent on a wall. Article 1 Section 9, clause 7 is very clear and in very plain English. What Trump did was unconstitutional.

What you are telling us is that Trump is going to find a crooked Republican judge. That is the judge that needs to be slapped down and arrested.
why do Democrats / Obana-appointess / snowflakes hate this country, hate Americans, want to destroy our sovereignty, want to keep our borders unsecured, and prefer helping illegal criminals / human traffickers / sex slave traffickers / Drug Cartels / MS13 / etc...over American citizens?

You really are a piece of dogshit. You are more worried about white supremacists and neo-nazis than ordinary Americans. Ordinary Americans oppose Trump's immigration policies. Even the DEA says the majority of smuggling occurs at POE's not on the border.
So, please explain how this judge is corrupt. Is it just because you disagree with him of is there an actual legal reason?
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.
That's not what the rest of the world says.
They're declassifying all of the documents so they can find out who gave the order (Obama)

Yes, the rest of the world says the same thing. The ONLY people who say otherwise are Donald Trump and people too stupid to know he's lying.
This isn't about Demmie bullshitting all over the President whom they have targeted for a take out since he announced his run for President. When they carried it over to his administration's protective powers both in the Constitution and the President's Oath of Office, that is when we knew they were following somebody else's Constution and not the United States Constitution.

May each and every single Democrat in Congress who has gone with the pack spend three years in the solitary confinement for having tried to put President Trump's power on the shitter for trying to stop the financial burdens illegal immigrants have forcefully tried to inflict on the American taxpayer through rogue Democrat's trying to destroy Donald Trump and Republicans on every front in underhanded ways.

Trump had two years to get his Nazi Wall Built, and Republicans didn't go along with it. Now he expects Democrats to go along with something that was never authorized?

Every president has had to deal with Congressional challenges to his power... and that's kind of what the Founding Slave Rapists had in mind.
Considering the fact he gave $20k to Obama's campaign......I figure he's doing it at Obama's request.

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
There you go, talking outta yer ass again.

Yeah......and you also probably said Obama never spied on Trump.
President Obama never spied on tRump.

Just in case you kissed it the first 1,000 times or so.
That's not what the rest of the world says.
They're declassifying all of the documents so they can find out who gave the order (Obama)

Yes, the rest of the world says the same thing. The ONLY people who say otherwise are Donald Trump and people too stupid to know he's lying.
Well, I guess we'll find out in due time.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.
We've been waiting for over 2 years to get back at these fakes.
They've been fomenting sedition since Trump won the election, turning idiots into hate-filled maniacs. Hoping they'll be stupid enough to believe any cock & bull story they come up with about Trump.
Now they're under the microscope.....and they're not handling it well.
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Well, I guess we'll find out in a bit.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.

Um, okay... so you think it's fine that Trump and the people around him were being helped by the Russians as long as no one caught them doing it?

All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
he didn't say that

he said he would give mexico 1 year to clean up their act - if they didnt he would impose a tariff.

that means AMERICAN TAXPAYERS pay the bills for his wall.

judge or no judge ..



“I’m a wetback, I love filthy wetbacks....there’s nothing you can do to stop us filthy wetbacks from taking your country.”
Well, I guess we'll find out in a bit.
Course everyone on the left claimed Trump was lying about this and lying about that......and months later we find out everything he said was true.
Trump said he was being spied on.
We find out he was.
Comey claims it's not spying......they were just secretly watching him.
The guilty parties are now screaming that investigating them is horrible and terrible and scary.
Well not for us.

Um, okay... so you think it's fine that Trump and the people around him were being helped by the Russians as long as no one caught them doing it?

That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Turns out that was just bullshit. Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency. Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it. Now we're finding out that the same people who tried to cover up Benghazi, and faked the Hillary email investigation created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.
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This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
During national emergencies.
I wonder if the Iran Deal was a national emergency.
Obama spent trillions without congressional authorization but nobody stopped him.
All Trump wants is a few measly billion to protect us from a foreign invasion.
The hypocrisy by you folks is ginormous.
Great, show me where it says trump can spend that money...

H.R.3884 - 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act

And what "trillions" did Obama "spend" on Iran?
Obama gave billions to Iran.
He spent trillions on Obamacare, loans to foreign banks, Quantitative name it.
He also supplied terrorists like Hamas and al Qaeda with weapons.


The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access to the US financial system
diplomacy is not all stick and no carrot.
That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.

Except it wasn't made up. There really was a video. There really were people upset about it. The only question is, how much was the video a cause vs. how much was this a planned attack.

Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency.'s still not an emergency... and the only reason why it's a "problem", is because Trump got rid of the sensible policy of giving people a hearing date and replaced it with, throwing them all in camps.

Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it.

And what does that have to do with anything? Never mind.

Now we're finding out that the same people ... created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

Well, no, I believe is what we can prove.

We KNOW that the Russians are sponsoring a lot of election interference not only in the US but throughout the western world. Our intel agencies have been saying this for years.

We KNOW people close to Trump had dealings with the Russians.

So the only question is was trump in on it (in which case he should be removed for Treason) or was he just too stupid to know what his own people were up to (in whcih case he should be removed for incompetence.

Now, look, I know that you guys have a lot invested in Trump because he's the last chance you guys have before angry old conservative men are regulated to a permanent minority... But you all really backed the wrong horse.
That's the point. Hillary and Obama made up a story about a video causing the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.

Except it wasn't made up. There really was a video. There really were people upset about it. The only question is, how much was the video a cause vs. how much was this a planned attack.

Democrats claim that there is no emergency at our Southern border. Now they claim they never said it wasn't an emergency.'s still not an emergency... and the only reason why it's a "problem", is because Trump got rid of the sensible policy of giving people a hearing date and replaced it with, throwing them all in camps.

Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked by two Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats....and turns out he paid a couple of homosexual workout buddies to do it.

And what does that have to do with anything? Never mind.

Now we're finding out that the same people ... created this fake Russian Collusion investigation. Yet you still believe in Unicorns.

Well, no, I believe is what we can prove.

We KNOW that the Russians are sponsoring a lot of election interference not only in the US but throughout the western world. Our intel agencies have been saying this for years.

We KNOW people close to Trump had dealings with the Russians.

So the only question is was trump in on it (in which case he should be removed for Treason) or was he just too stupid to know what his own people were up to (in whcih case he should be removed for incompetence.

Now, look, I know that you guys have a lot invested in Trump because he's the last chance you guys have before angry old conservative men are regulated to a permanent minority... But you all really backed the wrong horse.
Your post proves THAT YOU ARE A RETARD!!!

You keep buying these scams hook, line, and sinker....never questioning them even though facts have come to light proving they were total horseshit.
It's as if you are living in a basement with no communication with the outside world, or you're too dumb or biased to face facts.

You actually believe a lousy YouTube video nobody knew about before Benghazi caused the attack.
You also believe that protesters brought AK-47s and RPGs with them to the protest.
You also are ignoring the fact that the attacks were staged after the anniversary of 9/11.
You also can't see the relevance of the attacks taking place close to a CIA Rendition compound which resulted in an all out assault on that site.
You also can't figure out that we were supplying arms to terrorists.

When it comes to Russians.....they're always trying to effect our elections.
And it has become clear that Obama knew about it and did nothing about it other than tell them to "Cut it out".
And why is it that the Obama Administration made sure that the Russians that met with Donald Trump Jr were allowed to remain in the country?
Why is it that the Obama Administration and the Clintons had strong ties with Russia but only Trump is acting suspicious when he has Michael Flynn contact them during transition?
Probably because you're making all of this shit up.
Could that be the case?
I think so.
Wow your post has incorrect statements.

Your title is incorrect. Nor do you give any proof of what your title claims.

Then there's the posse comitatus act that prevents our military from any sort of policing or law enforcement inside the US.

He's the president but it doesn't give him any right to violate our laws.

Just because a judge rules against trump's illegal use of our tax dollars and military doesn't mean that judge is corrupt.

Your whole post including the title reads like it's was composed by a child who is stamping their feet and throwing a hissy fit because you didn't get your way.

Too bad. This is reality. Grow up and deal with it.
You haven't been paying attention to the Deep State's method of attacks. I have, and I stand by what I think.

So I guess your made up "deep state" is more important to you than our constitution and laws?

So anyone who doesn't tow the far right radical extremist political line is corrupt?

How about you post some proof of your claims?

How is that judge corrupt and what did that judge do that was corrupt or illegal?
That's for him to answer to, not me, doll. And he will have to answer for why he misinterpreted the Constitution.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

He is correctly interpreting the Constitution. It is plain to anyone who can read. I guess that lets you out.

A) It's the president's job to set and enforce immigration policy as stated by federal and case law.


B) The extra money was already out of the Treasury and given to a dept that serves at the whim of the president.

I'm telling you, that judge is going to get a smackdown.
No the judge will not get smacked down for following the constitution.... congress has the power of the purse, NOT the President. Congress REJECTED giving the president the money just days before he called his phony national emergency and tried to steal funds from elsewhere. He's not a KING Marion or a DICTATOR Marion.... :rolleyes:
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