Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

Your slave ancestors were a joke. Local townie-militia put them down on several occasions. No need for more.

Besides... Founding Fathers from up-north (regions without substantial slave populations) wanted the Right to Bear Arms, as well.

The citizenry of our Republic have that Right... and I, for one, will be happy to join them in sustaining that Right.

again, buddy, what the Founding Slave Rapists wanted 250 years ago isn't the point.

Does an armed citizenry make sense NOW? What benefit do we get out of it that offsets 40,000 gun deaths a year and 229 BILLION in economic losses?

Does it make us safer? Not really. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Does it protect us from tyranny? Not really. Trump shows you can have an absolutely crazy person in power, and people won't do that much about it.
Founding Slave Rapists?

Uhhhhh... yeah... thank you for playing.

Nobody cares if your great-great-great-great grandmother got boinked by Ol' Tom.

Let's just strip the inner-city denizens of their Right to Bear Arms.

That ought to cut the gun-death rate in half or more, all by itself.


Next batter, please.
A fertilizer/fuel oil bomb is hardly high tech.

And we all know the US military isn't going to fire on their family and friends.

I don't know that. Frankly, when I was in the National Guard, those guys couldn't wait to bust some heads. We actually had to have an officer remind them that those were our fellow citizens.

So go out and shoot your army buddies brother or father and see what happens.
That's a big compromise for me.
Wow.. that's MIGHTY generous of you...
"You need to compromise and give me $2 of your $10"
"What do I get out of it?"
"I won't demand you give me $4."
I have already said a few billion times that an assault weapons ban like the one in 1994 would satisfy me...

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Fuck you. I have seen the stats on what happened during the Federal Assault Weapons Ban and if you think they weren't able to figure out what an "assault weapon" was, think again because they were defined AND banned for ten years, including those nasty AR-15's that you boys like to play Rambo with.
You argue from ignorance.

They let the Federal Assault Weapons ban EXPIRE three months after he was shot, Einstein.
Pop quiz, Einstein:
When was Reagan shot?
When did the federal government enact a 'ban' on 'assault weapons'?
Yeah, that was a huge brain fart, wasn't it? Don't know how 1994 got stuck in my brain.
Reagan shot in 1981. Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, expired 2004.

Thanks for the thoughful correction, though.
Fuck you. I have seen the stats on what happened during the Federal Assault Weapons Ban and if you think they weren't able to figure out what an "assault weapon" was, think again because they were defined AND banned for ten years, including those nasty AR-15's that you boys like to play Rambo with.
You argue from ignorance.

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Who cares what it looks like? What it could do was what counted.
Cory Booker, and other also rans like Beto are desperate to stay relevant so they are saying radical stuff about guns to appeal to their base. Neither have a shot in hell, but all their yes men and women around them can't say that. I can.
Cory Booker, a person who benefits from people with guns used to fight to free blacks, wants to take those same guns away. oh the irony.
Who cares what it looks like? What it could do was what counted.
And yet, the sale and manufacture of one rifle was banned 1994-2004; the sale and manufacture of the other was not.
How could the ban any any effect on mass shootings?
Tell me what the two guns are and what their capabilities are, and then we'll have this discussion. I am not interested in your card tricks.

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