Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

I would advise all USMB gun owners to start hoarding guns and ammunition

Corey Booker will start confiscation shortly

Obviously, there is no confiscation coming, but Booker's comments are precisely why when gun owners hear the left say they just want "common sense" gun control and nobody wants to take your guns away, we know better not to believe them, because if you could you absolutely would. You guys deny it, but every now and then one of you tells the truth.

That's correct and because it is correct, even "true" common sense laws will never pass.

There is no law that can prevent a shooting. Just like there is no restraining order that can keep one person from going after
another person if he wants to.

The Left will take any compromise and then when the next shooting occurs, they will say we need more laws, etc, etc, etc.

But the Left does not give a shit about school shootings. Look at Colorado. There is very little being mention about that school
shooting. WHY? Well, for one one of the shooters is a freak. I believe it is a girl who thinks she's a guy. Well, that is 100%
mental issue. Two, it is supposed to also included him/her being bullied. Yhe one thing about youth is, they do not go in for PC
talk. They become very blunt. That is a touchy issue to start up, especially when they tried to shoot up the school.

Third. Within 24 hours, Anti-Gun Lobbyists held a "memorial" at a nearby school for the dead student. One hour into it, the entire
Student Body of the Stem School walked out of the service calling it a political stunt. They would return along with their parents
and they took control of the microphone and expressed their outrage of the democratic stunt. One Dem member of the House and
Senator Bennett who took part in the initial talks are now backpedaling big-time.

How quickly they acted on that service just shows everybody that they are sitting at home praying for some student(s) to be killed
just so they can have a rally.

Fourth...they just used Hand guns...not assault weapons.

Fifth. They weren't old enough to purchase the weapons legally, thus they had to steal them from someone or buy them illegally.

It's all a fucking charade.
Maybe if 194 out of 195 countries see the sense in regulating gun ownership, maybe it's us that need to rethink things.
Where is the compromise?

It's always give and no take for gun owners, who are taking on the responsibility of keeping arms as a means to secure liberty while others are slackers.

You want more stringent standards? Give us back full autos in exchange. Most of us would accept a certain level of required training, as we we already do that anyway.


Feel free to relocate. You already don’t think America is the greatest nation on earth, yet you keep who you think is better a secret. Just go to your paradise. Don’t let the door hit you, Commie.
You keep saying that, but this country is NOT founded on "America: Love it or Leave it." If it were, you would have left a long time ago, am I right? We want to make it better. We just disagree on how, and it is offensive on any kind of American political board to be telling those with opposing ideas to leave the country. Just saying. It's not American.

I have read your nonsense for awhile and you do not want compromise at all and demand change that fit your agenda...
So. Do. You.
So don't be getting all holier than thou at me.

I have already said a few billion times that an assault weapons ban like the one in 1994 would satisfy me, as long as a more accurate and complete NICS system was ensured. That's a big compromise for me.
First of all, the term "assault weapon" is a farce. ANY gun could be called an assault weapon, since any gun would be used in an assault, or NO gun should be called an assault weapon, so let's get you educated about the term. Here's some very factual and informative videos done by a nice gal you shouldn't find offensive at all...

Now let's take a look at what good a... ahem... assault weapon ban would be...

I'm not listening to that tripe. You're such a good little gunsucker, eating all your propaganda with a smile.
Fuck you. I have seen the stats on what happened during the Federal Assault Weapons Ban and if you think they weren't able to figure out what an "assault weapon" was, think again because they were defined AND banned for ten years, including those nasty AR-15's that you boys like to play Rambo with.

Well, stay ignorant then ya filthy old retarded skank. Keep talking like a flappy lipped shit for brains old sack of rancid pig shit... dumbass old bitch.
And those like you want to remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens so you can use the government to enforce your tyranny.

No, I want to take guns away from law abiding citizens because we have 40,000 gun deaths a year.

Guns are only the issue when you can not have your way and can not force your agenda down people throats...

Uh, 90% of the population supports common sense gun control. The problem is that you have an angry bunch funded by the gun manufactuers who keep the status quo. So the rest of us have to put up with metal detectors and active shooter drills because of your fetish.

Also the September 11th hijackers used boxcutters and have killed more people in one day than any mass shooter!

Yes, they did. And a funny thing happened after that.

We put steel doors on the cockpits.
We replaced minimum wage Rent-a-cops at the airports with professional TSA agents.
We created a "Do Not Fly" list of people we didn't want to get on planes.

We did a WHOLE bunch of stuff to keep that from ever happening again.

But this was because the Airlines realized they had more to lose if this ever happened again.

The problem with gun policy is that it's dictated by the NRA, and they WANT criminals and crazy people to have guns so you'll want them too.

Also you can make a pipe bomb and funny how you downplayed the injuries that were caused by the Boston Bombers but then again you thought they were some Tea Party nutter when it happened, right

Given how many other acts of terror have been committed by teabaggers and MAGA Nazis, um, yeah, that was a fair guess.

Your slave ancestors were a joke. Local townie-militia put them down on several occasions. No need for more.

Besides... Founding Fathers from up-north (regions without substantial slave populations) wanted the Right to Bear Arms, as well.

The citizenry of our Republic have that Right... and I, for one, will be happy to join them in sustaining that Right.

again, buddy, what the Founding Slave Rapists wanted 250 years ago isn't the point.

Does an armed citizenry make sense NOW? What benefit do we get out of it that offsets 40,000 gun deaths a year and 229 BILLION in economic losses?

Does it make us safer? Not really. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Does it protect us from tyranny? Not really. Trump shows you can have an absolutely crazy person in power, and people won't do that much about it.
A fertilizer/fuel oil bomb is hardly high tech.

And we all know the US military isn't going to fire on their family and friends.

I don't know that. Frankly, when I was in the National Guard, those guys couldn't wait to bust some heads. We actually had to have an officer remind them that those were our fellow citizens.
Yes you would think people having choices and freedom to be a stupid idea.

When your choices and freedom result in other people getting killed, it is a stupid idea.


Guess which one of these is banned!
Feel free to relocate. You already don’t think America is the greatest nation on earth, yet you keep who you think is better a secret. Just go to your paradise. Don’t let the door hit you, Commie.

Again, this would be a great country once we get all the bible-thumping morons out of making the big-boy decisions.
So let me get this straight, democrats support taking away US citizens 2nd amendment rights, but want to give criminals who commit horrific crimes using guns the right to vote while in prison...

The biggest mistake of the founding fathers was giving them equality. You don't give insanity, equality. Unless you like living in the asylum with them.
Giving Progs and Socialist political power in the USA is no different than handing China the keys to the Pentagon and Russia control of Congress.
Just plain STUPIDITY. Self defeating, losing strategy stupidity no matter how you look at it.

I cannot believe there are so many Americans who STILL cannot see the domestic enemy hiding in plain sight .
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how does 40,000 gun deaths a year help the citizenry?

The redemption is that 39,999 of those are your people killing your people. Conservatives aren't as stupid or violent.

How does 60,000 texting deaths a year help?
How does letting criminals vote help?
How does open borders "help"
How does assisting the abduction of 500,000 children in South America each year by criminals who then use and abuse them JUST to get into the USA help???

If I wasn't such a nice person I'd say STFU....but I won't.
They don't care. They know that until Americans are disarmed, they can't easily set up their Fascist state.
The redemption is that 39,999 of those are your people killing your people. Conservatives aren't as stupid or violent.

I'm not sure who my people are, exactly. I'm white, male and straight..

How does 60,000 texting deaths a year help?

it doesn't. The actual number of Texting deaths is 3000 a year. The police strictly enforce those laws in many states, they even see a phone in your hand, they will pull you over.

How does letting criminals vote help?

If they done their time, they're paying taxes and they are contributing to society, they should be allowed to vote.

How does open borders "help"
How does assisting the abduction of 500,000 children in South America each year by criminals who then use and abuse them JUST to get into the USA help???

Nowhere near those numbers, but never mind. You seem to just want to throw things against the wall to see what y ou can use to distract.

If I wasn't such a nice person I'd say STFU....but I won't.

I would be more impressed if you stayed on topic.

We have 40,000 gun deaths a year. What is the benefit that widespread, unregulated gun ownership have that compensates for that.
The redemption is that 39,999 of those are your people killing your people. Conservatives aren't as stupid or violent.

I'm not sure who my people are, exactly. I'm white, male and straight..

How does 60,000 texting deaths a year help?

it doesn't. The actual number of Texting deaths is 3000 a year. The police strictly enforce those laws in many states, they even see a phone in your hand, they will pull you over.

How does letting criminals vote help?

If they done their time, they're paying taxes and they are contributing to society, they should be allowed to vote.

How does open borders "help"
How does assisting the abduction of 500,000 children in South America each year by criminals who then use and abuse them JUST to get into the USA help???

Nowhere near those numbers, but never mind. You seem to just want to throw things against the wall to see what y ou can use to distract.

If I wasn't such a nice person I'd say STFU....but I won't.

I would be more impressed if you stayed on topic.

We have 40,000 gun deaths a year. What is the benefit that widespread, unregulated gun ownership have that compensates for that.

Suicide is just another choice you don't want people to be able to make for themselves
Suicide is just another choice you don't want people to be able to make for themselves

No, I don't. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Ever notice that whenever a Libertarian Nut talks about "Freedom", it's something where someone is making an obscene profit?
Suicide is just another choice you don't want people to be able to make for themselves

No, I don't. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Ever notice that whenever a Libertarian Nut talks about "Freedom", it's something where someone is making an obscene profit?
And that's your opinion. Yo have no right to tell anyone whether or not they can choose to live or die

And no one makes a profit from suicide.
He would ban guns. Here are the results:

1) he would still fe protected by guns
2) bad guys would still have guns
3) law abiding citizens would no longer be able to own guns and thus be the only ones without guns as the result of Booker’s plan.

You run on that, Corey. See what happens.

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