Corzine may have stolen 1.2 billion dollars from customers accounts

Holly crap. You moved this faster than it showed up on my screen after I posted it.

Supermod lol
I never liked that guy. He had a totally "Sleazebag" look - his eyes were too close together.
How the people of N.J. could have been fooled to elect that fucking clown is beyond me.
Hope he's in an orange jumpsuit soon.
Corzine co mingled customer accounts then leveraged them to bet heavy on European Sovereign Debt and lost not his shirt, but his customers shirts.

They then froze all the accounts of MF Global customers and stole what they had. Apparently Corzine paid himself $100 million and MF Global closed it's doors.

Wanna' learn more? Well MSNBC and FoxNews sure as f*ck won't tell ya'. You gotta' go to either or for all the juicy (boring) details.

And yeah, Corzine IS a POS! Even Chris Matthews called him a Limousine Liberal some 10 years ago on his show.
This crook is going to need a good lawyer. And I don't wanna hear any bullshit excuses or copouts since you like to blast Wallstreet for making money or condemn Newt for working for Freddie. This is real corruption and possibly criminal.

MF Global shortfall now may be $1.2 billion, trustee says |

This story was out about a week or two ago. This is what is wrong with Wall St.
MF Global took their client accounts money and bought europe bonds at 44 to 1 odd and lost. Now their clients have no money.

Where were the regulators? Not touching clients accounts is fundemental to Wall St.

I still waiting to hear updates about if anyone has been arrested yet?

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