Cosby expects black media to be neutral....well Bill its like this...

Nope, don't dispute anything other than the idea that Michael Jackson was black. The point...TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. Hate monger propaganda, race baiting, you fitting in.
He WAS black, before he was white and turned into a freak that Nutzlooked like a Halloween monster. But "hate monger propaganda"? That would be you, racist.
He gave up his blackness to be more like you. He died white/ freak

And I am not a racist. I am pro-American. Someone has to educate the masses about German hate and why canada is truly American soil. I would call for an invasion, but I don't want to mix lousy canadians with the superior American.
Nope, don't dispute anything other than the idea that Michael Jackson was black. The point...TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. Hate monger propaganda, race baiting, you fitting in.
He WAS black, before he was white and turned into a freak that looked like a Halloween monster. But "hate monger propaganda"? That would be you, racist.
He gave up his blackness to be more like you. He died white/ freak.

And I am not a racist. I am pro-American. Someone has to educate the masses about German hate and why canada is truly American soil. I would call for an invasion, but I don't want to mix lousy canadians with the superior American.
Nutz you are obviously a child of the new generation that is used to have everything given go to them, unearned, the generation that was given everything they claim is rightfully theirs, a generation that could not say what 13 times 13 is without a pocket computer invented by your incompetent parents, a generation that wallows in laziness and it's sick and demented soul mate, political correctness, a generation that would have no hesitation to exterminate tea parties but would take extreme offense to words, so I am giving you no URL.

But if you have the energy, the inclination and the time in your busy social calendar to Google "children of a common mother", do so.

You will see a message you are long overdue to hear displayed on your side of the border.

So grow up and direct your bile toward an "enemy" more worthy and deserving than Canada.

Or you can just remain the idiot you are.
Nope, don't dispute anything other than the idea that Michael Jackson was black. The point...TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. Hate monger propaganda, race baiting, you fitting in.
Last I checked he looked like a white guy. Why are you defending a child molester?
Bill Clinton was excused for a class A felony rape because the statute of limitations expired. What is this stuff about Cosby?

Well, yeah, that and his accuser had absolutely ZERO credibility.
What makes you think that Cosby's accusers have any more credibility?
If they didn't, we wouldn't even have this thread and it wouldn't be covered non stop on the news. We the public clearly believe these victims.
Bill Clinton was excused for a class A felony rape because the statute of limitations expired. What is this stuff about Cosby?

Well, yeah, that and his accuser had absolutely ZERO credibility.
What makes you think that Cosby's accusers have any more credibility?
If they didn't, we wouldn't even have this thread and it wouldn't be covered non stop on the news. We the public clearly believe these victims.

Even still, some of these accusations are of incidents which occurred almost 40 years ago. By law, he cannot be tried due to the statutes of limitations. Whether we believe them or not is inconsequential. If not that, they must have proof that such offenses took place to begin with. Plenty of them have come up, but none of them have given IMHO, adequate evidence to prove their case. We will see what happens. In the end though, their efforts will be futile. His reputation may get shot, but he won't be suffering any jail time.
Depends. If he molested a 15 year old he can still go to jail. I know the LAPD is looking into that one.

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