Costco quietly signals they will drop Bud Light...

There sheer level of hypocrisy being shown is beyond belief.

MAGA MAGGOTS don't believe in cancel culture, they claim to despise it.

Yet, their agenda against Women's Reproductive Rights is out there anyone to see.

Their agenda against LGBTQ has been plain as day.

They showed their agenda against American Democracy was demonstrated on 01-06-21.

They have a clear agenda against Voting Rights.

For all their lying about supporting law enforcement, they want to defund the F.B.I, clearly an agenda item.

They claim love our Military, yet we see that unless the U.S. Military falls into line on their anti-abortion rights movement Men and Women in the military are being denied promotion. In so doing the MAGA MAGGOTS have become a threat to our Nation's National Security.

They have a very clear agenda. A Fascist State.
I suggest Panama or Belize. Escape while you can.
This isn't a political decision... but instead is basic Costco economics.

Costco's wants fast turn over... Bud Light used to be the fastest ... today they can't give the stuff away.

So now it will be axed from their inventory...

Get woke...go broke...

Somebody really ought to sit the woke leftist numbnuts down and give them a crash course in basic economics. Businesses are for the purpose of making profits. That means providing products or services that your customers want at a price they are willing to pay. That means taking in enough money to cover all your costs plus provide you with an income.

Millions upon millions of small businesses all over the world are focused on making profits for themselves as their first priority, and as a result they provide products and services that people want and need and also provide markets for millions upon millions of other businesses and income for millions upon millions of people. That's how capitalism is supposed to work.

If you want to do social work, go into that business or start a not-for-profit business. Otherwise look for how to maximize your profits which rarely means charge as much as you can, be ready to adjust as people's needs and wants change, and don't piss off your customers.
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Yep... Obviously racist, homophobic, misogynist, white supremacist, Nazis.

The left is planning to boycott them, like Chick Fila and Hobby Lobby. 😂
Boycott Costco??????

LOLLOLLOLOLLL......what a loon.
Cancel culture was started by the #metoo and BLM scams. Of course any moral person opposes liars like them.
Dixie chicks and freedom fries were way before that.

Trump humpers are cancel culturing so much they can't even keep track of all the shit they are supposed to cancel.

I've said it before, someone needs to make an app for triggered trumpers so they don't accidently spend money on something that causes their meltdowns.

It could tie into Google maps and give audible warnings etc. It would make billions!
They sure as hell weren’t saying that when they were criticizing the left for cancel culture. Now they’re doing the exact same thing.

Canceling someone has nothing to do with free speech. People have the right to say what they want and then face the consequences for their speech. Cancel culture is about punishing speech that offends you.
Once again, you misunderstand the term cancel culture. The meaning surrounds free speech for Republicans. Specifically, political speech. The left Democrats expand this to moral thought including religious beliefs. Republicans believe in open debate on issues. That doesn’t mean to agree on issues. That means debating without calling people racist or homophobic on every single issue trying to shut down debate, religion or race, cancel.
Dixie chicks and freedom fries were way before that.

Trump humpers are cancel culturing so much they can't even keep track of all the shit they are supposed to cancel.

I've said it before, someone needs to make an app for triggered trumpers so they don't accidently spend money on something that causes their meltdowns.

It could tie into Google maps and give audible warnings etc. It would make billions!
The problem is the left injects their agenda into everything these days. They can't make a movie unless there are a couple queers in it. Commercials with queers. Everywhere and everything. It's like the world suddenly turned queer.
Boycott Costco??????

LOLLOLLOLOLLL......what a loon.
It was a joke My Dude.

While it isn't as funny when humor must be explained...the joke is, if the leftists boycott a company in the forrest, and no economic damage occurs...does it really count?
Once again, you misunderstand the term cancel culture. The meaning surrounds free speech for Republicans.
Once again, this was never about free speech. Nobody is going to be put in jail simply for offending someone.

This has always been about punishing the speech that you don't like.

X said something I don't like. That makes me sad. I don't want X to say these things that make me sad. I will do anything I can to make X pay for making me sad. I will gather all my friends and together we will make X pay for making us sad.

X very much has the freedom to say what they want. And cancel culture crybabies very much have the right to organize against X. What this ultimately comes down to is a bunch of delicate crybabies on both sides who punish X for saying anything they don't like. Conservatives were against this, and now they're fine with it.
Give an example of Conservatives trying to silence free speech or cancel a culture

Showing up at Libraries when that library has a Drag Queen reading to kids.

Attacking a Women's Right To Chose, even when an overwhelming majority of Americans support that right.

Stupid as shit boycott of a shitty beer because the person in a commercial for that shitty is or was LGBTQ.

Banning books because you do not like certain.

Actually telling a teacher what that teacher can teach because they do not what the course material is.

I'm sorry you wanted only one example.

I came up with five.


Five the number greater than 4 but less than 6.

Or being MAGA MIND IMPAIRED, you can count on your fingers.
That’s not free speech under the Constitution. The Constitution 1st Amendment is to protect the individual’s right to say and believe without the Government preventing the individual. No one in the Government has stopped Budweiser from putting their stupid ads on the public airways. If I say some thing or refuse to purchase their product that isn’t a free speech or freedom of religion issue. I choose not to buy Budweiser because I don’t drink alcohol, period. Am I racist, homophobic for it? No.

As an example of cancelling speech by the Government, the FBI kept media outlets from spreading the fact that the Hunter Biden laptop was real and truthful. Conservatives were attacked by Biden and others in the Government denying the freedom of speech to speak up about it.
The Democrat Government has attacked anything Republicans say as hate speech. Even calling anyone who says being white is racist. Saying hate speech against whites is hate speech. Government officials have supported this. And, it doesn’t go both ways.
That’s not free speech under the Constitution.
I didn't say it was in violation of free speech under the Constitution.

For the 3rd time:

"Once again, this was never about free speech. Nobody is going to be put in jail simply for offending someone. This has always been about punishing the speech that you don't like."

Holy shit. Why are you not getting this? Cancel culture isn't about violating the freedom of speech. Never was.
Showing up at Libraries when that library has a Drag Queen reading to kids.

Attacking a Women's Right To Chose, even when an overwhelming majority of Americans support that right.

Stupid as shit boycott of a shitty beer because the person in a commercial for that shitty is or was LGBTQ.

Banning books because you do not like certain.

Actually telling a teacher what that teacher can teach because they do not what the course material is.

I'm sorry you wanted only one example.

I came up with five.


Five the number greater than 4 but less than 6.

Or being MAGA MIND IMPAIRED, you can count on your fingers.
One more person who hasn’t a clue what free speech and freedom OF religion is. Individuals who are not acting as government officials can cancel each other anytime they want. The 1st amendment is all about the Government being able to limit speech and religion. So, try again to answer the question.
So you embrace your hypocrisy on cancel culture. Good for you.
Having your spokesperson be a transgender that thinks he is a 16 year old girl. You think people are going to like that? You gonna let him screw kids now, because he says he is 16? This kinda stuff has to end.
Having your spokesperson be a transgender that thinks he is a 16 year old girl. You think people are going to like that? You gonna let him screw kids now, because he says he is 16? This kinda stuff has to end.
I don't know what you're talking about.

So you're good with cancel culture now?

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