Costco quietly signals they will drop Bud Light...

But I bet they keep selling Budweiser. So InBev is still getting cash from Costco.
In my area, the sales of Bud seem to be reduced across the board. People still buy Bud Light but only because it's dirt cheap.
Why is this non-event even being discussed. All you people have is single commercial with one person and that is all. Who the fuck cares if the person LGBTQ? Why even bother to bitch about in the first fucking place?

Bud or Bud Lite is beginner beer. Who are YOU decide what a person can drink in the first fucking place.

I have NOT had a Bud in years. I prefer Pale Ale. I do not care if a person or persons unknown to me is LGBTQ and does a fucking beer commercial for fucking beer I do not even fucking drink. I know I have nothing to fear from that person or persons unknown. YOU on the hand are scared shitless of them.

MAGA MAGGOTS have this overwhelming need to control other people's lives. You even go so far to tell people what fucking beer they can fucking drink.

It's not that you do not like "Big Government", it that you want "Big Government" when that "Big Government" serves your purposes.
And now it’s done by whiny conservatives who are offended by everything. Congratulations, you’re doing exactly what you criticized not too long ago.
Sounds good to me . Any method whoch removes scum from the drinking water is great .
Well, I don't know... But I do know Mrs. MOe dropped Guinness (an InBev brand) and started drinking Murphy's Stout.

She says she likes it better.

Probably would never have tried it before AB-InBev stepped on their crank.


Tell her she can go back
So you embrace your hypocrisy on cancel culture. Good for you.
Leftard cancel culture by #metoo and BLM was based upon slanderous lies that they knew were lies.
It’s simply a marketing reaction on sales when Bud used an alphabet cult member as their showcase. It really occurred.
Some marketing strategies backfire.
Leftard cancel culture by #metoo and BLM was based upon slanderous lies that they knew were lies.
It’s simply a marketing reaction on sales when Bud used an alphabet cult member as their showcase. It really occurred.
Some marketing strategies backfire.
Uh huh. So cancel culture is fine when it's your side doing it.

Yep... Obviously racist, homophobic, misogynist, white supremacist, Nazis.

The left is planning to boycott them, like Chick Fila and Hobby Lobby. 😂
So say { infer } the left is planning is like saying the Bolshevik
Revolution was out and thinking about.
No need whatsoever to watch ... - Doctor Zhivago - { 1965 }
So you embrace your hypocrisy on cancel culture. Good for you.
Republicans believe in free speech. So, the cancel culture to them isn’t about protests against poor moral behavior. Republicans want to cancel poor moral behavior but not free speech like Democrats do. Big difference. So, X, you’ve be…cancelled 🤣
Yep... Obviously racist, homophobic, misogynist, white supremacist, Nazis.

The left is planning to boycott them, like Chick Fila and Hobby Lobby. 😂
Oh boy, the left is going to boycott Costco. Yeah, their boycotts end up making more sales for the business. They never learn.
Republicans believe in free speech.

They sure as hell weren’t saying that when they were criticizing the left for cancel culture. Now they’re doing the exact same thing.

Canceling someone has nothing to do with free speech. People have the right to say what they want and then face the consequences for their speech. Cancel culture is about punishing speech that offends you.
Yep. You twats never learn. You boycott Chik Fil A and Hobby Looby, which resulted in more sales. You boycott for the wrong reasons and you're not getting it.
And now you’re doing the same thing you criticized the left of doing.

How is that not hypocrisy?
They sure as hell weren’t saying that when they were criticizing the left for cancel culture. Now they’re doing the exact same thing.

Canceling someone has nothing to do with free speech. People have the right to say what they want and then face the consequences for their speech. Cancel culture is about punishing speech that offends you.
Nope. You're trying to force your culture. There's a difference and you're not understanding it.

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