Costs of green electricity driving Aussies off the grid and into poverty

LIAR...why i just saw a post on how cheap renewables fact cheaper than anything else
so you're the kinda bloated ass-nugget that will call someone a liar, say you just saw otherwise and provide no proof or link about where you heard whatever the fuck it is you heard...

at times i just want to scream SAY SOMETHING INTELLIGENT but at some point you just walk away knowing that's a pipe dream.
If ya read......and I know ya didn't.......I will as agreeing with him.......the liar part was what I knew standard lib reply was
Biodiesel does not work well at low temperatures...and by low, I mean much below 50 degrees.

But what about the southern half of the USA where temperatures tend to be somewhat hot year-round? I'm honestly curious about the subject.
Biodiesel does not work well at low temperatures...and by low, I mean much below 50 degrees.

But what about the southern half of the USA where temperatures tend to be somewhat hot year-round? I'm honestly curious about the subject.
Corn should be grown for food, not for fuel. The ethanol program is driving up the price of food for the entire world.
The warmist cult members keep telling us about all the jobs that so-called "green energy" will create. Here's the reality of it: lower income people losing their access to affordable energy.

When greenies get their way, poor people suffer. Global warming hysteria tends to be an affliction of the affluent, who don’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or how they will keep the lights on at night. But for those lacking the leisure to hypothesize a crisis that keeps getting stuck on pause, the costs of green energy can wreck lives.

It is happening in Australia, in the State of Queensland, ironcally rich in coal deposits:

The Sunday Mail of Brisbane explains in an editorial:

TODAY’S confronting revelation that more than 464 Queenslanders a week are having their electricity disconnected because of soaring power prices is a wake-up call to the Labor Party. (snip)

Labor’s zealotry on renewable energy targets is sending the country broke. (snip)
The Aussies have the advantage of a single payer healthcare system even Don admires, said so hisseph.

That's not exactly true. Private health insurance has always been available in Australia to bridge the gap between actual costs and Medicare reimbursement.

A few years ago, the Australian government made it mandatory for all Australians to buy private health insurance or pay a tax penalty.

The single payer system in Australia couldn't support the population of 20 million.
Just might have something to do with the horrendous temps and fires they've been having there, dupes...
LIAR...why i just saw a post on how cheap renewables fact cheaper than anything else
so you're the kinda bloated ass-nugget that will call someone a liar, say you just saw otherwise and provide no proof or link about where you heard whatever the fuck it is you heard...

at times i just want to scream SAY SOMETHING INTELLIGENT but at some point you just walk away knowing that's a pipe dream.
If ya read......and I know ya didn't.......I will as agreeing with him.......the liar part was what I knew standard lib reply was
apologies then, my bad.
LIAR...why i just saw a post on how cheap renewables fact cheaper than anything else


Show us your reliable source and link for that false statement.

As you know, electricity has become a luxury in Germany. Another country which has almost exclusively (80%) to solar, wind and other renewables.

Germany's Energy Poverty How Electricity Became a Luxury Good
Germany's agressive and reckless expansion of wind and solar power has come with a hefty pricetag for consumers, and the costs often fall disproportionately on the poor. Government advisors are calling for a completely new start.

Germany's Energy Poverty: How Electricity Became a Luxury Good - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International


Germany’s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis

12:43 PM 04/13/2015


But Germany’s green energy revolution is costing German residents dearly. Retail electricity rates have more than doubled in the last decade due to ever-growing taxes to support green energy use. German politicians have been pressured to reform the system, but it’s still expected to cost consumers more and more every year.

Consumer energy bills have gotten to the point where electricity in the country has been called a “luxury good” by major media outlets.

In recent years, Germany has expanded coal power, but has rejected calls to open up the country to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to boost natural gas production. Even so, new coal plants in Germany could be closed down if trends continue.


Germany’s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis
Last edited:
LIAR...why i just saw a post on how cheap renewables fact cheaper than anything else


Show us your reliable source and link for that false statement.

As you know, electricity has become a luxury in Germany. Another country which has almost exclusively (80%) to solar, wind and other renewables.

Germany's Energy PovertyHow Electricity Became a Luxury Good
Germany's agressive and reckless expansion of wind and solar power has come with a hefty pricetag for consumers, and the costs often fall disproportionately on the poor. Government advisors are calling for a completely new start.

Germany's Energy Poverty: How Electricity Became a Luxury Good - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International


Germany’s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis


12:43 PM 04/13/2015


But Germany’s green energy revolution is costing German residents dearly. Retail electricity rates have more than doubled in the last decade due to ever-growing taxes to support green energy use. German politicians have been pressured to reform the system, but it’s still expected to cost consumers more and more every year.

Consumer energy bills have gotten to the point where electricity in the country has been called a “luxury good” by major media outlets.

In recent years, Germany has expanded coal power, but has rejected calls to open up the country to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to boost natural gas production. Even so, new coal plants in Germany could be closed down if trends continue.


Germany’s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis

Fossil Fuels’ Hidden Cost Is in Billions, Study Says

Fossil fuel subsidies are dwarfed by health cost - Climate News Network

The Hidden Costs of Fossil Fuels

How Much Do Health Impacts From Fossil Fuel Electricity Cost The U.S. Economy?

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Cost $5 Trillion Annually and Worsen Pollution
LIAR...why i just saw a post on how cheap renewables fact cheaper than anything else


Show us your reliable source and link for that false statement.

As you know, electricity has become a luxury in Germany. Another country which has almost exclusively (80%) to solar, wind and other renewables.

Germany's Energy PovertyHow Electricity Became a Luxury Good
Germany's agressive and reckless expansion of wind and solar power has come with a hefty pricetag for consumers, and the costs often fall disproportionately on the poor. Government advisors are calling for a completely new start.

Germany's Energy Poverty: How Electricity Became a Luxury Good - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International


Germany’s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis


12:43 PM 04/13/2015


But Germany’s green energy revolution is costing German residents dearly. Retail electricity rates have more than doubled in the last decade due to ever-growing taxes to support green energy use. German politicians have been pressured to reform the system, but it’s still expected to cost consumers more and more every year.

Consumer energy bills have gotten to the point where electricity in the country has been called a “luxury good” by major media outlets.

In recent years, Germany has expanded coal power, but has rejected calls to open up the country to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to boost natural gas production. Even so, new coal plants in Germany could be closed down if trends continue.


Germany’s On The Brink Of An Energy Crisis

Fossil Fuels’ Hidden Cost Is in Billions, Study Says

Fossil fuel subsidies are dwarfed by health cost - Climate News Network

The Hidden Costs of Fossil Fuels

How Much Do Health Impacts From Fossil Fuel Electricity Cost The U.S. Economy?

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Cost $5 Trillion Annually and Worsen Pollution

That's all bullshit warmist cult propaganda, of course.
This may be "pie-in-the-sky" and I don't know the exact specs./numbers involved, but I've always thought America should try out corn oil diesel for electricity. It can be grown completely here at home and produces only a fraction of the pollution of petrochemical combustion. I once rode in a Mercedes powered by corn oil and it ran just as normally as any other diesel. Only drawback is that it reeked of fast food fries - a smell that got noticeably stronger as the RPMs went up. But it may be worth looking into at least.

Burning food as fuel is just plain stupid!
Global electricity price by country 2015 | Statista

According to this report Australia is paying the highest electricity prices in the World at 49 cents per kilowatt hour.

Look at the graph and tell me Renewable's aren't running up the prices...............It says here in the U.S. it's 18 cents per kilowatt hour.

Which is kinda strange I'm paying about 12cents were i'm at.........................

Bottom line...........those countries going green are raising the price of electricity DRAMATICALLY..........and POOR PEOPLE are having a hard time keeping their power on.

How is this a good thing when people can no longer keep their power on because of the prices. Face it.......the GREEN MEAN MONEY MAKING MACHINE is HURTING CITIZENS OF THIS WORLD.
This may be "pie-in-the-sky" and I don't know the exact specs./numbers involved, but I've always thought America should try out corn oil diesel for electricity. It can be grown completely here at home and produces only a fraction of the pollution of petrochemical combustion. I once rode in a Mercedes powered by corn oil and it ran just as normally as any other diesel. Only drawback is that it reeked of fast food fries - a smell that got noticeably stronger as the RPMs went up. But it may be worth looking into at least.

Burning food as fuel is just plain stupid!

Our midwestern agricultural industry produces enough food to feed America several times over. Sacrificing some corn (which isn't that healthy anyway) will not put the slightest dent in this country's food supply.
This may be "pie-in-the-sky" and I don't know the exact specs./numbers involved, but I've always thought America should try out corn oil diesel for electricity. It can be grown completely here at home and produces only a fraction of the pollution of petrochemical combustion. I once rode in a Mercedes powered by corn oil and it ran just as normally as any other diesel. Only drawback is that it reeked of fast food fries - a smell that got noticeably stronger as the RPMs went up. But it may be worth looking into at least.

Burning food as fuel is just plain stupid!

Our midwestern agricultural industry produces enough food to feed America several times over. Sacrificing some corn (which isn't that healthy anyway) will not put the slightest dent in this country's food supply.
More trouble with ethanol waste as cow chow

But like manure in a feedlot packed with corn-fed steers, problems associated with distillers grains as feed are piling up.

A report from the Fort Collins-based Coloradoan sums up the situation.

The article starts with a topic I’ve written about before: the link between E. coli0157 and distillers grains, Turns out that distillers grains seem to make cows even more susceptible to E. coli 0157 than whole corn. As the USDA recently admitted, the distillers grains craze at least partially explains last year’s spike in meat recalls (though the agency has no plans of regulating distillers grains use).

Evidently, the ethanol waste product also puts cows in danger of sulfur poisoning. Here is the Coloradoan:

Increased sulfur in the distillers grains comes from adding sulfur to the ethanol machines … High levels of sulfur can cause sulfur toxicity in cattle. While that doesn’t taint meat, cattle suffer neurological damage that causes the animals to ram their heads into the wall, stare up at the sky and, if not treated, die.

Well, it turns out that the ethanol process concentrates the phosphorus taken up by corn into distillers grains, where it becomes a pollution problem once it runs through cows’ guts. Back to the Coloradoan:

A 2006 Iowa State University study found that feeding 20 percent or 40 percent distillers grains increased feedlot phosphorous in manure by 60 percent to 120 percent.

Hmm. And this means …

Environmentally, increased phosphorous levels in cow manure can seep into the ground and water, causing utrification, which occurs when algae blooms suck oxygen out of the water, killing fish and presenting other ecosystem problems.
Gas with ethanol can make small engines fail

"Ethanol has inherent properties that can cause corrosion of metal parts, including carburetors, degradation of plastic and rubber components, harder starting, and reduced engine life," says Marv Klowak, global vice president of research and development for Briggs & Stratton, the largest manufacturer of small engines. "The higher the ethanol content, the more acute the effects." Servicing dealers are reporting similar problems, even with E10, according to the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, the industry's trade group.

The OPEI also claims that proposed warnings at pumps are insufficient and that customers will blame equipment makers should mowers and other outdoor gear fail from being accidentally fueled with E15 gasoline. Using gasoline with more than the usual 10-percent ethanol has long voided most small-engine warranties but, until recently, the chance of doing so has been minimal.
Ethanol is making our cows sick...........makes them poop phosphorus...............damages the environment...........destroys small engines.....................and drives up prices of feed for other animals.............

How is this a good's not and never has been.
This may be "pie-in-the-sky" and I don't know the exact specs./numbers involved, but I've always thought America should try out corn oil diesel for electricity. It can be grown completely here at home and produces only a fraction of the pollution of petrochemical combustion. I once rode in a Mercedes powered by corn oil and it ran just as normally as any other diesel. Only drawback is that it reeked of fast food fries - a smell that got noticeably stronger as the RPMs went up. But it may be worth looking into at least.

Burning food as fuel is just plain stupid!

Our midwestern agricultural industry produces enough food to feed America several times over. Sacrificing some corn (which isn't that healthy anyway) will not put the slightest dent in this country's food supply.
Normally that extra food would be sold on the world market and drive the price down. That's why food prices are much higher since we started burning corn in our cars.
The warmist cult members keep telling us about all the jobs that so-called "green energy" will create. Here's the reality of it: lower income people losing their access to affordable energy.

When greenies get their way, poor people suffer. Global warming hysteria tends to be an affliction of the affluent, who don’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or how they will keep the lights on at night. But for those lacking the leisure to hypothesize a crisis that keeps getting stuck on pause, the costs of green energy can wreck lives.

It is happening in Australia, in the State of Queensland, ironcally rich in coal deposits:

The Sunday Mail of Brisbane explains in an editorial:

TODAY’S confronting revelation that more than 464 Queenslanders a week are having their electricity disconnected because of soaring power prices is a wake-up call to the Labor Party. (snip)

Labor’s zealotry on renewable energy targets is sending the country broke. (snip)
SOurce : The American Thinker. Further right than Breitbart. This fraud will never learn.
Why do you idiots come here with the most discredited sites and think you have a scoop?

Any source from this list is usually bogus. Notice the American Thinker is the # 37 on the conservative bullshit list.

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