Could Bernie Sanders have actually won the California primary? (3,442,000 counted. 2.5M not counted

Nope, if you read the article the majority of these ballots, are from Los Angeles and San Diego Counties where Clinton kicked Bernie's butt by over a 2 to 1 margin.

So Clinton will take the overwhelming majority of those, and her lead will expand.

In Comparison:

2008 primary between Obama and Clinton. Obama won the nomination with a mere 41,622 popular votes. Hillary Clinton graciously conceded the race and endorsed Barack Obama.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

2016 primary Hillary Clinton currently has a 3,720,322 popular vote lead over Sanders that is going to get much bigger when they count these votes, and Bernie is going to get his ass kicked in Washington D.C. next Tuesday, and her lead will easily go over 4 million popular vote lead. Sanders, instead of conceding the election last Tuesday, put on another campaign rally and stated he was going to take it all the way to the convention. I don't know what he plans on taking to the convention, but with these numbers it's going to amount to a lot of laughter.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Why this nursing home candidate hasn't dropped out an endorsed Hillary Clinton, is beyond any rational. The only thing that comes to my mind, is he just can't stand the thought of publicly admitting he got his butt kicked by a woman. .He really should have dropped out after getting clobbered in New York. At that point he was done. Any other "real" democrat would have dropped out of this race, to give the imminent nominee time to unite the party. Instead Sanders stayed in while launching continued assaults on the Democrat nominee.


The people who file provisional ballots are 1st time voters. That demographic is OWNED by Bernie. So if they went 60 to 40 in HIS favor -- He would WIN Cali by about 100,000 votes...

Provisional ballots can be done by anyone, but Los Angeles and San Diego county are heavily populated with Hispanics, and we already know who they vote for. Hillary Clinton.

And even if by some remote miracle Bernie Sanders could come up with a 100K lead in California, it wouldn't be enough to overcome her current 3,720,322 popular vote lead. The last time I looked this country is a democracy and the majority rules.

It doesn't bother you that her orchestrated "I;m the nominee -- victory lap" was CONDITIONED on winning Cali?

It bothers me a lot. And perhaps holding up these provisionals are part of elaborate staging ......

After all --- it IS the Party superdelgates in charge of how fast those votes get tallied ... Or Lostt...
IF I lost my brain and became a Cali Demo, I'd be screaming bloody murder REGARDLESS of what side I was on.. (Just made myself nausiated just thinking about Cali politics..)

I know it's tough to lose an election, but your conspiracy theories are getting a little ridiculous.

Your nursing home candidate was done after he got clobbered in New York. At that point it was mathematically impossible for him to close the gap on Hillary Clinton. The next week he got clobbered in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland & Connecticut which made it mission insanity impossible to catch her and he still didn't drop out.

IOW Sanders could have won every single vote in California and he would have still lost the nomination. California was just icing on the cake for Hillary Clinton.

Those provisional ballots will be counted and the Secretary of State of California will certify the results. But as far as Sanders is concerned, the final results in California won't be worth a nickle to him. I don't know what it is that you don't understand about a 3,720,322 popular vote lead? Amazing.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

That's the way it works in this country.

I hate to break this to you.......Okay I rather enjoy it. Hillary did NOT win the nom. She is counting super delegates BEFORE they vote. Super delegates do not vote NOR count until the FIRST ballot at the convention. THOSE are the FACTS.
Nope, if you read the article the majority of these ballots, are from Los Angeles and San Diego Counties where Clinton kicked Bernie's butt by over a 2 to 1 margin.

So Clinton will take the overwhelming majority of those, and her lead will expand.

In Comparison:

2008 primary between Obama and Clinton. Obama won the nomination with a mere 41,622 popular votes. Hillary Clinton graciously conceded the race and endorsed Barack Obama.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

2016 primary Hillary Clinton currently has a 3,720,322 popular vote lead over Sanders that is going to get much bigger when they count these votes, and Bernie is going to get his ass kicked in Washington D.C. next Tuesday, and her lead will easily go over 4 million popular vote lead. Sanders, instead of conceding the election last Tuesday, put on another campaign rally and stated he was going to take it all the way to the convention. I don't know what he plans on taking to the convention, but with these numbers it's going to amount to a lot of laughter.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Why this nursing home candidate hasn't dropped out an endorsed Hillary Clinton, is beyond any rational. The only thing that comes to my mind, is he just can't stand the thought of publicly admitting he got his butt kicked by a woman. .He really should have dropped out after getting clobbered in New York. At that point he was done. Any other "real" democrat would have dropped out of this race, to give the imminent nominee time to unite the party. Instead Sanders stayed in while launching continued assaults on the Democrat nominee.


The people who file provisional ballots are 1st time voters. That demographic is OWNED by Bernie. So if they went 60 to 40 in HIS favor -- He would WIN Cali by about 100,000 votes...

Provisional ballots can be done by anyone, but Los Angeles and San Diego county are heavily populated with Hispanics, and we already know who they vote for. Hillary Clinton.

And even if by some remote miracle Bernie Sanders could come up with a 100K lead in California, it wouldn't be enough to overcome her current 3,720,322 popular vote lead. The last time I looked this country is a democracy and the majority rules.

It doesn't bother you that her orchestrated "I;m the nominee -- victory lap" was CONDITIONED on winning Cali?

It bothers me a lot. And perhaps holding up these provisionals are part of elaborate staging ......

After all --- it IS the Party superdelgates in charge of how fast those votes get tallied ... Or Lostt...
IF I lost my brain and became a Cali Demo, I'd be screaming bloody murder REGARDLESS of what side I was on.. (Just made myself nausiated just thinking about Cali politics..)

I know it's tough to lose an election, but your conspiracy theories are getting a little ridiculous.

Your nursing home candidate was done after he got clobbered in New York. At that point it was mathematically impossible for him to close the gap on Hillary Clinton. The next week he got clobbered in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland & Connecticut which made it mission insanity impossible to catch her and he still didn't drop out.

IOW Sanders could have won every single vote in California and he would have still lost the nomination. California was just icing on the cake for Hillary Clinton.

Those provisional ballots will be counted and the Secretary of State of California will certify the results. But as far as Sanders is concerned, the final results in California won't be worth a nickle to him. I don't know what it is that you don't understand about a 3,720,322 popular vote lead? Amazing.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

That's the way it works in this country.
I hate to break this to you.......Okay I rather enjoy it. Hillary did NOT win the nom. She is counting super delegates BEFORE they vote. Super delegates do not vote NOR count until the FIRST ballot at the convention. THOSE are the FACTS.

Well if you think Democrat Super Delegates are going to kick the party faithful (Hillary Clinton) with a popular vote lead of 4 million votes to the curb, for someone who just changed his party status to Democrat (the loser--Bernie Sanders) then dreaaaaammmmm on--LOL

More tinfoil hat bullshit. Clinton won the democratic nomination by over 3 million votes. Anything to the contrary is conspiracy theory nonsense. End of discussion.

Dear sonic and DarkFury
where are the stats that show Hillary got fewer primary votes than she did the last time she ran.
Percentage wise, given that fewer voters have turned out for the D primaries
than last time for Obama, is she higher or lower percentage wise or the same as last time?

Also what about Trump's numbers
If he got millions more votes than the next person/Cruz
What does that predict about his ability to get voters to the polls?

What are we looking at compared to previous voter turnout?
Nope, if you read the article the majority of these ballots, are from Los Angeles and San Diego Counties where Clinton kicked Bernie's butt by over a 2 to 1 margin.

So Clinton will take the overwhelming majority of those, and her lead will expand.

In Comparison:

2008 primary between Obama and Clinton. Obama won the nomination with a mere 41,622 popular votes. Hillary Clinton graciously conceded the race and endorsed Barack Obama.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

2016 primary Hillary Clinton currently has a 3,720,322 popular vote lead over Sanders that is going to get much bigger when they count these votes, and Bernie is going to get his ass kicked in Washington D.C. next Tuesday, and her lead will easily go over 4 million popular vote lead. Sanders, instead of conceding the election last Tuesday, put on another campaign rally and stated he was going to take it all the way to the convention. I don't know what he plans on taking to the convention, but with these numbers it's going to amount to a lot of laughter.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Why this nursing home candidate hasn't dropped out an endorsed Hillary Clinton, is beyond any rational. The only thing that comes to my mind, is he just can't stand the thought of publicly admitting he got his butt kicked by a woman. .He really should have dropped out after getting clobbered in New York. At that point he was done. Any other "real" democrat would have dropped out of this race, to give the imminent nominee time to unite the party. Instead Sanders stayed in while launching continued assaults on the Democrat nominee.


The people who file provisional ballots are 1st time voters. That demographic is OWNED by Bernie. So if they went 60 to 40 in HIS favor -- He would WIN Cali by about 100,000 votes...

Provisional ballots can be done by anyone, but Los Angeles and San Diego county are heavily populated with Hispanics, and we already know who they vote for. Hillary Clinton.

And even if by some remote miracle Bernie Sanders could come up with a 100K lead in California, it wouldn't be enough to overcome her current 3,720,322 popular vote lead. The last time I looked this country is a democracy and the majority rules.

It doesn't bother you that her orchestrated "I;m the nominee -- victory lap" was CONDITIONED on winning Cali?

It bothers me a lot. And perhaps holding up these provisionals are part of elaborate staging ......

After all --- it IS the Party superdelgates in charge of how fast those votes get tallied ... Or Lostt...
IF I lost my brain and became a Cali Demo, I'd be screaming bloody murder REGARDLESS of what side I was on.. (Just made myself nausiated just thinking about Cali politics..)

I know it's tough to lose an election, but your conspiracy theories are getting a little ridiculous.

Your nursing home candidate was done after he got clobbered in New York. At that point it was mathematically impossible for him to close the gap on Hillary Clinton. The next week he got clobbered in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland & Connecticut which made it mission insanity impossible to catch her and he still didn't drop out.

IOW Sanders could have won every single vote in California and he would have still lost the nomination. California was just icing on the cake for Hillary Clinton.

Those provisional ballots will be counted and the Secretary of State of California will certify the results. But as far as Sanders is concerned, the final results in California won't be worth a nickle to him. I don't know what it is that you don't understand about a 3,720,322 popular vote lead? Amazing.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

That's the way it works in this country.
I hate to break this to you.......Okay I rather enjoy it. Hillary did NOT win the nom. She is counting super delegates BEFORE they vote. Super delegates do not vote NOR count until the FIRST ballot at the convention. THOSE are the FACTS.

As a Democrat DarkFury
I will tell you how they run things.
Once it was determined that Kerry was the most electable choice,
then only Kerry delegates were going to the convention to be counted.

When it was Obama's turn his supporters basically told the other Hillary supporters to stand down.

In this case the media loves pushing and lying about Hillary and Bill and their mass materials of drama,
and doesn't get as much traction or ratings from Sanders agenda that isn't as hot as bait.

Of course the favorite is going to be Hillary Clinton.
So that is where the money and media are focused.

The legal professionals and bars who ALL depend on who the administration will pick for Justice
will ALL pay HOMAGE to the lawyers, the Obamas and Clintons who are part of that CULT.

Sanders cannot get in with the business and corporate interests that Hillary can.

So the MONEY depends on Hillary who can raise millions for all Democrats on all levels.
money money money
runs the party.

So once the high horse is picked for the race,
all bets are on that horse.

So why the fuck don't they count the votes already, it's been almost a week???


Clinton won California deal with it!:deal:

I guess next week there's going to be some bullshit, about how she lost New Jersey:cuckoo:

Wouldn't make a shits difference if Clinton had lost California, Obama lost Cali to Clinton in 2008 and won the Presidency:deal:
Nope, if you read the article the majority of these ballots, are from Los Angeles and San Diego Counties where Clinton kicked Bernie's butt by over a 2 to 1 margin.

So Clinton will take the overwhelming majority of those, and her lead will expand.

In Comparison:

2008 primary between Obama and Clinton. Obama won the nomination with a mere 41,622 popular votes. Hillary Clinton graciously conceded the race and endorsed Barack Obama.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

2016 primary Hillary Clinton currently has a 3,720,322 popular vote lead over Sanders that is going to get much bigger when they count these votes, and Bernie is going to get his ass kicked in Washington D.C. next Tuesday, and her lead will easily go over 4 million popular vote lead. Sanders, instead of conceding the election last Tuesday, put on another campaign rally and stated he was going to take it all the way to the convention. I don't know what he plans on taking to the convention, but with these numbers it's going to amount to a lot of laughter.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Why this nursing home candidate hasn't dropped out an endorsed Hillary Clinton, is beyond any rational. The only thing that comes to my mind, is he just can't stand the thought of publicly admitting he got his butt kicked by a woman. .He really should have dropped out after getting clobbered in New York. At that point he was done. Any other "real" democrat would have dropped out of this race, to give the imminent nominee time to unite the party. Instead Sanders stayed in while launching continued assaults on the Democrat nominee.


The people who file provisional ballots are 1st time voters. That demographic is OWNED by Bernie. So if they went 60 to 40 in HIS favor -- He would WIN Cali by about 100,000 votes...

Provisional ballots can be done by anyone, but Los Angeles and San Diego county are heavily populated with Hispanics, and we already know who they vote for. Hillary Clinton.

And even if by some remote miracle Bernie Sanders could come up with a 100K lead in California, it wouldn't be enough to overcome her current 3,720,322 popular vote lead. The last time I looked this country is a democracy and the majority rules.

It doesn't bother you that her orchestrated "I;m the nominee -- victory lap" was CONDITIONED on winning Cali?

It bothers me a lot. And perhaps holding up these provisionals are part of elaborate staging ......

After all --- it IS the Party superdelgates in charge of how fast those votes get tallied ... Or Lostt...
IF I lost my brain and became a Cali Demo, I'd be screaming bloody murder REGARDLESS of what side I was on.. (Just made myself nausiated just thinking about Cali politics..)

I know it's tough to lose an election, but your conspiracy theories are getting a little ridiculous.

Your nursing home candidate was done after he got clobbered in New York. At that point it was mathematically impossible for him to close the gap on Hillary Clinton. The next week he got clobbered in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland & Connecticut which made it mission insanity impossible to catch her and he still didn't drop out.

IOW Sanders could have won every single vote in California and he would have still lost the nomination. California was just icing on the cake for Hillary Clinton.

Those provisional ballots will be counted and the Secretary of State of California will certify the results. But as far as Sanders is concerned, the final results in California won't be worth a nickle to him. I don't know what it is that you don't understand about a 3,720,322 popular vote lead? Amazing.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

That's the way it works in this country.
I hate to break this to you.......Okay I rather enjoy it. Hillary did NOT win the nom. She is counting super delegates BEFORE they vote. Super delegates do not vote NOR count until the FIRST ballot at the convention. THOSE are the FACTS.
You should want Clinton to win, what the fuck??like she's not liked, you can't trust her, blah, blah,blah??isn't she soft and weak??

You should want to face Hillary,..

isn't she less of a threat than Bernie:cuckoo:..

So why the fuck don't they count the votes already, it's been almost a week???


Clinton won California deal with it!:deal:

I guess next week there's going to be some bullshit, about how she lost New Jersey:cuckoo:

Wouldn't make a shits difference if Clinton had lost California, Obama lost Cali to Clinton in 2008 and won the Presidency:deal:

I posted the Cal Sec. of State Report. They don't have to process these ballots until July 7 and they are not in hurry. And YES -- there are 2.5Million of them. ALMOST as many as the votes that they DID tally..

So why the fuck don't they count the votes already, it's been almost a week???


Clinton won California deal with it!:deal:

I guess next week there's going to be some bullshit, about how she lost New Jersey:cuckoo:

Wouldn't make a shits difference if Clinton had lost California, Obama lost Cali to Clinton in 2008 and won the Presidency:deal:

I posted the Cal Sec. of State Report. They don't have to process these ballots until July 7 and they are not in hurry. And YES -- there are 2.5Million of them. ALMOST as many as the votes that they DID tally..

Bottom line look at the scoreboard..

Popular vote Clinton by 3.7 MILLION..:deal:

Pledged delegates Clinton 2203 vs Sanders 1828.:deal:

Not counting the ass whupping Sanders is going to get on Tuesday in DC:laugh:

Clinton won all the biggest states most diverse states, such as Texas, Florida, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, California, Ohio, Missouri, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and Maryland, and a lot of those states she won by HUGE MARGINS..

The biggest state Sanders could manage to pull off was Michigan, which he barely pulled the rabbit out of his ass by 2 points:frown:, as a Sanders groupie would call it a tie..

Nominating Sanders would have been suicide he's going to be 75 in September and is way to weak, and poor to beat Trump:hellno:

Clinton has the tools, versatility, and money, the backing, organization, to beat Trump...

So why the fuck don't they count the votes already, it's been almost a week???


Clinton won California deal with it!:deal:

I guess next week there's going to be some bullshit, about how she lost New Jersey:cuckoo:

Wouldn't make a shits difference if Clinton had lost California, Obama lost Cali to Clinton in 2008 and won the Presidency:deal:

I posted the Cal Sec. of State Report. They don't have to process these ballots until July 7 and they are not in hurry. And YES -- there are 2.5Million of them. ALMOST as many as the votes that they DID tally..

Bottom line look at the scoreboard..

Popular vote Clinton by 3.7 MILLION..:deal:

Pledged delegates Clinton 2203 vs Sanders 1828.:deal:

Not counting the ass whupping Sanders is going to get on Tuesday in DC:laugh:

Clinton won all the biggest states most diverse states, such as Texas, Florida, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, California, Ohio, Missouri, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and Maryland, and a lot of those states she won by HUGE MARGINS..

The biggest state Sanders could manage to pull off was Michigan, which he barely pulled the rabbit out of his ass by 2 points:frown:, as a Sanders groupie would call it a tie..

Nominating Sanders would have been suicide he's going to be 75 in September and is way to weak, and poor to beat Trump:hellno:

Clinton has the tools, versatility, and money, the backing, organization, to beat Trump...

Still no excuse NOT to look into why there are 2.5Mill left accounted for when that ORCHESTRATED victory party started.. Is it ?????
Is it even conceivable that the situation is this screwed up? That all the media has turned a blind eye to this problem? That Donald trump has not exploited this. That this would not expose vast democratic vote tampering across the country?

I was flabbergasted when Hilary said in a response to a Bret Bair question that not one of these investigations would affect her run for the presidency. It wasn't so much the answer as the complete confidence she portrayed in giving it. She either has unqualified assurance from Obama or is trying to pull the biggest bluff in history, and Hilary is no poker player. Maybe the level of corruption is beyond comprehension and we have not even scratched the surface, but in this day of Internet and cell phones I just don't believe it can happen, at least not to this extent. Cmon you all, get real.
There's something else sucky that needs to get fixed.

I noticed that Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi were all there ENDORSING and schilling for the Hildebeast prior to the Cali primary.. If a Wall Street guy promoted an equity or stock and didn't disclose that he was holding or trading the stock --- his/her ass would be in the SEC hotseat.

Yet these ELECTED POLITICIANS are all super delegates with 10,000 vote equivalents and NEVER did I hear them admit that along with those endorsements. It needs to made clear --- if you are a high profile Dem politician doing an endorsement for a candidate -- you MUST disclose your super-delegate status so you can be held ACCOUNTABLE at the next election......
Here's one for you. Two hours after Clinton won California she released a video of Obama backing her. So in two hours he made a tape and shipped it to California and she released it.

That is physically impossible.

Is this post a joke? Am I missing something here?

Obama 'shipped' a tape to California? If you didn't realize it, you are posting this stuff on the internet, and people put videos on the internet all the time. Obama could record a video showing him backing Clinton and send it to her nearly instantly.....

What, did he record it onto VHS and have it flown to her or something?


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