Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why would we need to drop bombs on black neighborhoods? Blacks kill themselves so much already, just as Democrats have planned.
So you would be brave enough to go in there. Without softening up the targeting you clowns wont do anything but talk.
Why would I want to? :cuckoo:

Blacks should be left to themselves.
To back up your rhetoric and commit genocide. We know thats not going to happen because you are afraid to bleed.
you don't speak for anyone other than yourself
likewise, I don't speak for anyone but myself.
I'm not concerned about your race war that you want to happen it would be a fatal mistake I suggest you tone your racist hatred down before it get's you hurt.
I speak for millions of Black men ready to put that ass whooping on you clowns if you try anything.
I'm not concerned with what you white boys want to do because like I told the OP, you are afraid to bleed.
No, you don't speak for millions of blacks
Your million number is dropping as fast as bodies do inside the democrat controlled inner cities every week
Last I heard we number in the millions. Dont try to talk me out of it. If there was only two of left I would still put a hurting on more than a couple of you inbreds should you chose to attack. Thats why I dont worry about you.
sure thing champ but you blacks are killing each other at a record pace
Thats an in house matter. No need for you to feign concern over it.
an in house matter ?? sooooo America should stay out off black on black crime and let blacks work it out among themselves ?
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
I think at the present moment they are too afraid to actually do something. They know they are going to have to bleed unless they can convince the military to drop bombs on Black and other POCs communities.
Why would we need to drop bombs on black neighborhoods? Blacks kill themselves so much already, just as Democrats have planned.
So you would be brave enough to go in there. Without softening up the targeting you clowns wont do anything but talk.
Why would I want to? :cuckoo:

Blacks should be left to themselves.
To back up your rhetoric and commit genocide. We know thats not going to happen because you are afraid to bleed.
you don't speak for anyone other than yourself
likewise, I don't speak for anyone but myself.
I'm not concerned about your race war that you want to happen it would be a fatal mistake I suggest you tone your racist hatred down before it get's you hurt.
I speak for millions of Black men ready to put that ass whooping on you clowns if you try anything.
I'm not concerned with what you white boys want to do because like I told the OP, you are afraid to bleed.
No, you don't speak for millions of blacks
Your million number is dropping as fast as bodies do inside the democrat controlled inner cities every week
Last I heard we number in the millions. Dont try to talk me out of it. If there was only two of left I would still put a hurting on more than a couple of you inbreds should you chose to attack. Thats why I dont worry about you.
sure thing champ but you blacks are killing each other at a record pace
Thats an in house matter. No need for you to feign concern over it.
an in house matter ?? sooooo America should stay out off black on black crime and let blacks work it out among themselves ?
Talk about being part of the problem. Self destructive segregationist attitudes like asslickius the idiot's are disastrous.
Calling your opponents white supremacists who are also insurrectionists and want to overthrow the country is not dehumanizing?
They have dehumanized themselves by their behavior
Ok, so now that they have been dehumanized I reckon you need to fire up those ovens.
No, because I am not you
You just accused people like me of dehumanizing their opponents when you are doing this with your thread.
That is like saying that someone who defends themselves in a violent attack is equally quilty of violence

And, as I have said before, I am not dehumanizing anyone. I am just calling them out on their sub human behavior. They are dehumanizing themselves

Bigots dehumanize others by creating myths and telling lies about them. They use propaganda to marginalize others. I am simply telling the truth
Calling your opponents white supremacists who are also insurrectionists and want to overthrow the country is not dehumanizing?
They have dehumanized themselves by their behavior
Ok, so now that they have been dehumanized I reckon you need to fire up those ovens.
No, because I am not you
You just accused people like me of dehumanizing their opponents when you are doing this with your thread.
That is like saying that someone who defends themselves in a violent attack is equally quilty of violence

And, as I have said before, I am not dehumanizing anyone. I am just calling them out on their sub human behavior. They are dehumanizing themselves

Bigots dehumanize others by creating myths and telling lies about them. They use propaganda to marginalize others. I am simply telling the truth
Bigots dehumanize others by creating myths and telling lies about them. They use propaganda to marginalize others.

The irony here is off the scale.


It just blows my mind that the press continually says Trump is a racist even though he has openly condemned racists and even openly dated a black girl for two years. You would think the press would latch onto those clips of Trump condemning racism and white supremacy so that those that are like that won't feel emboldened and that they have a political voice, but instead they ignore that and wish to try to empower those racist lunatics.
Trump is a souless and heartless empty shell of a sub human being who has no core values. He blows with the wind and takes whatever position is politically and financially expedianr at any given time. He must be judged by his behavior in the present and it has not been good
What did he do that was so terrible?

How many people did he kill in a war, for example?

How many people did he oppress because of the color of their skin?
It is not just what he did, although there is plenty of bad shit there like Muslim bans, trying to kick trans people out of the military, trying to deport the dreamers, tax givaways to the rich and trying to take health care coverageawy from millions just for starters.

Yes I know, you think that those are all good thing, but the fact is, it is not just about his actions. I just as much, or more about the tone that he set He villifies whole groups of people to his political ends. Muslims, LGBT people, immigents andothers while giving a node and a wink to violent right wingers. He has made the US a more violent and less welcoming place. No he does not do his own dirty work. He knows all to well how to inspire others to do it
It just blows my mind that the press continually says Trump is a racist even though he has openly condemned racists and even openly dated a black girl for two years. You would think the press would latch onto those clips of Trump condemning racism and white supremacy so that those that are like that won't feel emboldened and that they have a political voice, but instead they ignore that and wish to try to empower those racist lunatics.
Trump is a souless and heartless empty shell of a sub human being who has no core values. He blows with the wind and takes whatever position is politically and financially expedianr at any given time. He must be judged by his behavior in the present and it has not been good
What did he do that was so terrible?

How many people did he kill in a war, for example?

How many people did he oppress because of the color of their skin?
It is not just what he did, although there is plenty of bad shit there like Muslim bans, trying to kick trans people out of the military, trying to deport the dreamers, tax givaways to the rich and trying to take health care coverageawy from millions just for starters.

Yes I know, you think that those are all good thing, but the fact is, it is not just about his actions. I just as much, or more about the tone that he set He villifies whole groups of people to his political ends. Muslims, LGBT people, immigents andothers while giving a node and a wink to violent right wingers. He has made the US a more violent and less welcoming place. No he does not do his own dirty work. He knows all to well how to inspire others to do it
He villifies (sic) whole groups of people to his political ends.....while giving a node (sic) and a wink to violent right wingers. He has made the US a more violent and less welcoming place. No he does not do his own dirty work. He knows all to well how to inspire others to do it.


2a. Freudian projection​

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.
Calling your opponents white supremacists who are also insurrectionists and want to overthrow the country is not dehumanizing?
They have dehumanized themselves by their behavior
Ok, so now that they have been dehumanized I reckon you need to fire up those ovens.
No, because I am not you
You just accused people like me of dehumanizing their opponents when you are doing this with your thread.
That is like saying that someone who defends themselves in a violent attack is equally quilty of violence

And, as I have said before, I am not dehumanizing anyone. I am just calling them out on their sub human behavior. They are dehumanizing themselves

Bigots dehumanize others by creating myths and telling lies about them. They use propaganda to marginalize others. I am simply telling the truth

Subhuman. The language of nazis.

Hello nazi!
Calling your opponents white supremacists who are also insurrectionists and want to overthrow the country is not dehumanizing?
They have dehumanized themselves by their behavior
Ok, so now that they have been dehumanized I reckon you need to fire up those ovens.
No, because I am not you
You just accused people like me of dehumanizing their opponents when you are doing this with your thread.
That is like saying that someone who defends themselves in a violent attack is equally quilty of violence

And, as I have said before, I am not dehumanizing anyone. I am just calling them out on their sub human behavior. They are dehumanizing themselves

Bigots dehumanize others by creating myths and telling lies about them. They use propaganda to marginalize others. I am simply telling the truth

Subhuman. The language of nazis.

Hello nazi!
Is that all you got Dude.? It is an appropriate description for white supremacists, bigots and, yes Nazis....Neo or otherwise
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting

Yes, you democrat fascists are trying to incite a race war.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. Now go back and read the post instead of just the title, and tell me how WE are trying to start a race war
All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war
All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war

All I see there is a partisan hit piece . Republican bad. Republican white supremest.
Hey lets flood the USA with non whites, for decades, then tell whites they are born as evil racists, and make them a minority in their own country. Then if they say anything about it just call them white nationalists blah blah.
All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war

All I see there is a partisan hit piece . Republican bad. Republican white supremest.
Bullshit. If that is all you see it's because it's all that you want to see . I doubt if you even read beyond the title. And no one said that all Republican's are "bad" or white suprmacists.
All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war

All I see there is a partisan hit piece . Republican bad. Republican white supremest.
Bullshit. If that is all you see it's because it's all that you want to see . I doubt if you even read beyond the title. And no one said that all Republican's are "bad" or white suprmacists.

White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.
All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war

All I see there is a partisan hit piece . Republican bad. Republican white supremest.
Bullshit. If that is all you see it's because it's all that you want to see . I doubt if you even read beyond the title. And no one said that all Republican's are "bad" or white suprmacists.

It might happen eventually if Leftists continue to divide Americans by race.... saying one race is inherently evil by virtue of their color.
All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war

All I see there is a partisan hit piece . Republican bad. Republican white supremest.
Bullshit. If that is all you see it's because it's all that you want to see . I doubt if you even read beyond the title. And no one said that all Republican's are "bad" or white suprmacists.

White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.
The Republican Party. Trump psychophants Not all all Republican. But yes, the above statement is true.
All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war

All I see there is a partisan hit piece . Republican bad. Republican white supremest.
Bullshit. If that is all you see it's because it's all that you want to see . I doubt if you even read beyond the title. And no one said that all Republican's are "bad" or white suprmacists.

It might happen eventually if Leftists continue to divide Americans by race.... saying one race is inherently evil by virtue of their color.
Jesus Fucking Christ! Who is saying that??

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