Could Guns Really Be Effectively Banned in America?

No shit. There NRA whack jobs are just an all or nothing bunch of idiots.

Either we all need to be carrying or the guvmint is gonna take away ALL guns.

Fuking idiots.

And the NRAers are in this position BECAUSE they would do NOTHING to promote sensible gun control. So the ceded the entire gun control debate to crazies with guns and those that don't like guns at all.


The NRA is a paid wing of the gun manufacturing lobby. What we need is an alternative to the NRA.

The NRA is the effective mouthpiece for its 4 million dues-paying members, fuckwad...

Over the weekend, I sent them $500 and my uncle sent them $1000. He's getting some checks from his retirement funds this week...he'll send them another $2500 (and the same to GOAL) when they come in.
Other shows not displaying assault rifles, extended clips...
Some gun shows canceling after Conn. mass shooting
4 Jan.`13 -- Several gun shows, all about an hour's drive from Newtown, Conn., have been canceled.
A show in White Plains, N.Y. - brought back a few years ago after being called off for a decade because of the Columbine shooting - is off because officials decided it didn't seem appropriate now, either. In Danbury, Conn. - about 10 miles west of Newtown - the venue backed out. Same with three other shows in New York's Hudson Valley, according to the organizer. Gun advocates aren't backing down from their insistence on the right to keep and bear arms. But heightened sensitivities and raw nerves since the Newtown shooting have led to toned-down displays at gun shows and prompted some officials and sponsors to cancel the well-attended exhibitions altogether.

Some of the most popular guns will be missing from next weekend's gun show in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., after show organizers agreed to bar the display and sale of AR-15 military-style semiautomatic weapons and their large-clip magazines. "The majority of people wanted these guns out of the city," said Chris Mathiesen, Saratoga Springs' public safety commissioner. "They don't want them sold in our city, and I agree. Newtown, Conn., is not that far away."

The mayor of Barre, Vt., wants a ban on military-style assault weapons being sold at an annual gun show in February. Mayor Thom Lauzon says he supports responsible gun ownership but is making the request "as a father." The police chief in Waterbury, Conn., just a few miles from Newtown, has halted permits for gun shows, saying he was concerned about firearms changing hands that might one day be used in a mass shooting.

In White Plains, in New York's suburban Westchester County, Executive Rob Astorino had brought back the show in 2010 after a ban of more than a decade following the 1999 Columbine High School shooting in Colorado, but he said the show would be inappropriate now. The shows in the Hudson Valley and Danbury were listed as canceled on the website for Big Al's Gun Shows. A man who answered the site's contact number said it was the venues that canceled the shows, not the promoter.

Nope. Nobody sane wants to ban ALL guns.

Nobody sane wants to ban any guns. Nobody sane wants to ban any magazines. Nobody sane thinks passing more laws that criminals will violate will keep anyone any safer.
Ergo people in favor of "reasonable gun control" are insane.
Nobody is looking for a total gun ban no matter how much bullshit the NRA throws at you

That is a ridiculous ststement. I guarantee if Feinstein and many others could get the votes they'd jump on it like a hooker on a C note.

[ame=]Dianne Feinstein Gun ban in 1995 - She wanted to Ban all guns, Force turn in - YouTube[/ame]
Banning Guns in America after hundreds of years of people collecting them, and then Obama try's to have his Civilian Army come and try to take the guns from millions of Americans, is like catching an STD from a dirty hooker and then going back to tell her to take it back. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

my point, you will NEVER be able to ban guns in America, it's a threat and a play on words to rile up the NRA and gun owners into a frenzy so they can distract us and go do something shady in the middle east...DON'T FALL FOR IT!


STAY FOCUSED. We need to keep Obama's feet to the fire about this economy, immigrants, obamacare, FUCK GUNS!

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No shit. There NRA whack jobs are just an all or nothing bunch of idiots.

Either we all need to be carrying or the guvmint is gonna take away ALL guns.

Fuking idiots.

And the NRAers are in this position BECAUSE they would do NOTHING to promote sensible gun control. So the ceded the entire gun control debate to crazies with guns and those that don't like guns at all.


I NEED my 50 round magazine!
I need to go to gunshows and pick up whatever I want with no verification
I NEED to make sure the second amendment rights of crazy people are not violated

Seems like:

You NEED to lie quite a bit.

Then why not go along with the sensible laws he's proposed.

Close the Gun Show Loophole.
Stop the sale of high capacity magazines.
Do thorough background checks to make sure guns aren't in homes with crazy people in them.
I NEED my 50 round magazine!
I need to go to gunshows and pick up whatever I want with no verification
I NEED to make sure the second amendment rights of crazy people are not violated

Seems like:

You NEED to lie quite a bit.

Then why not go along with the sensible laws he's proposed.

Close the Gun Show Loophole.
Stop the sale of high capacity magazines.
Do thorough background checks to make sure guns aren't in homes with crazy people in them.

There is no gun show loophole.
WHat do you do about the 1Trillion high cap mags already out there?
Who is a "crazy" person?

You can't answer those things because your programmers havent provided that information. If you do you will look even stupider than you normally do.
Joe-Least Capable Debater on USMB.
Nobody is looking for a total gun ban no matter how much bullshit the NRA throws at you


Well we don't trust youse guys at all!
And I used my Brooklyn speak there for emphasis...

Just like the Democrats promised you give us tax increase/revenue.
We will give you spending cuts....

Just like Obama said to Michelle on Prom night...
Trust me baby...

I won't.....

Well you know the rest. :D
Nobody is looking for a total gun ban no matter how much bullshit the NRA throws at you

No shit. There NRA whack jobs are just an all or nothing bunch of idiots.

Either we all need to be carrying or the guvmint is gonna take away ALL guns.

Fuking idiots.

And the NRAers are in this position BECAUSE they would do NOTHING to promote sensible gun control. So the ceded the entire gun control debate to crazies with guns and those that don't like guns at all.


Since "sensible" is another of those ambiguous terms that liberal/socialists like to throw out as examples of their flawed thought processes, your comments are meaningless at best. Right up there with "balanced" and "fair".

As a sensible person, I realize that semi-automatic assualt rifles and/or large ammo clips are not the problem. The NRA is absolutely correct. It takes just seconds to change a clip in an ARR-15, or a Glock. Outlawing large clips just means the shooter would need to carry a larger number of smaller clips. Outlawing assualt weapons would mean that the shooter would have to make do with a semi-automatic hunting rifle or a semi-automatic pistol. Not as wicked looking, but just as effective against unarmed children.

The shooter at Newtown could have done just as much, or more, damage with a large knife, a machette, a hammer, a chainsaw, or an untold number of other "assualt weapons".

A "sensible" answer is to arm school teachers and administrators, and train them in the best procedures for defending their charges. A "sensible" answer is to harden the schools to thwart the bad guys for the 5 to 10 minutes required for armed officers to arrive at the schools and take control.
"Could Guns Really Be Effectively Banned in America?"

Not according to the promise this president made: :lmao:

"When you all go home and you're talking to your buddies and you say, ah 'He wants to take my gun away.' You've heard it here, I'm on television so everybody knows it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people's lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away."

FLASHBACK: Obama: I Will NOT Take Your Guns Away | CNS News
If obama makes a statement, any statement, it's a lie. When he prefaces his statement by saying "Let me be clear" it is a lie of monumental proportions.

There was as gun show around here, in California, I didn't go but it made the news because it sold out. Not only did it sell out, but there were long lines of people waiting to get in just to place orders and get rain checks. obama is turning this country into one huge armed camp. It would be interesting to see the stats on obama's latest foray into dictatorship. There are likely more armed citizens than armed police and military combined.
If obama makes a statement, any statement, it's a lie. When he prefaces his statement by saying "Let me be clear" it is a lie of monumental proportions.

There was as gun show around here, in California, I didn't go but it made the news because it sold out. Not only did it sell out, but there were long lines of people waiting to get in just to place orders and get rain checks. obama is turning this country into one huge armed camp. It would be interesting to see the stats on obama's latest foray into dictatorship. There are likely more armed citizens than armed police and military combined.
Seems like:

You NEED to lie quite a bit.

Then why not go along with the sensible laws he's proposed.

Close the Gun Show Loophole.
Stop the sale of high capacity magazines.
Do thorough background checks to make sure guns aren't in homes with crazy people in them.

There is no gun show loophole.
WHat do you do about the 1Trillion high cap mags already out there?
Who is a "crazy" person?

You can't answer those things because your programmers havent provided that information.

Guy, the thing is, every time we get one of these shooters- Cho, Lanza, Loughner, Holmes, the two things we alway find out was

1) Everyone in their life knew they were crazy.


2) they were able to get a gun, often lots of guns, anyway.

So here's how I'd do it. You have to provide three references, just like you would if you were applying for a job. And if all three of those guys say, "Fuck, no, that guy's crazy as batshit!" that should stop you from buying a gun.

If they had done that with Loughner or Cho, this wouldn't be a issue.

Now I'm not sure where you get the "1 Trillion" mags already out there figure. But simple enough. YOu ban them, and state you have to turn themin within a grace period.

If you are caught with one, we take the magazine, your gun and you are not allowed to buy a new gun for a period of 8 years. Put a few undercover ATF agents at gun ranges to figure out who isn't complying...
How many more massacres of children do we need to endure before we say enough?

The gun nuts won't budge on their hardline stance even if 100 kids were murdered by a madman tomorrow.

A madman does not need a firearm to murder 100 six year olds. What would you wish to ban if he chopped them up with a hatchet or a machete?

If he were using a machete or a hatchet, six teachers would have been able to overpower him.

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