Could it be………Satan?

So I am confused. Who controls the Jewish Space Lasers under Marshall Law? Pelosi's Gazpacho, or the Catholic Church?
- you do know and would rather hide under a rock ...

the desert religion congregations, christianity themselves have collectively throughout history been responsible for uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent for their own self interest and are unwilling to accept responsibility for their crimes is why they oppose the fresh beginning being offered to correct their deviant behavior.
You do realize that, though all Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholics, right?
Your strawman argument of "because some so-called Christians did some bad things, all Christians should be condemned as deviant criminals victimizing the innocent" is laughable & sounds like something from an anti-Christian with an axe to grind?
Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Catholic Church of being controlled by Satan.

What it is is ... Satan’s controlling the church. The church is not doing its job. It’s not adhering to the teachings of Christ. It’s not adhering to what the word of God says we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to live,” she said.

As Marjorie attacks the Catholic Church for helping immigrants, what will her party do about it?

It's funny how you can go on Cable TV and watch programs attacking the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church for sexual child abuse but suggest that they are corrupt over illegal immigration and be slandered and condemned for it. The last I looked sexual child abuse is also illegal. Liberal Democrats and liberal press are such hypocrites.
And what they’re doing by saying, ‘Oh, we have to love these people and take care of these migrants and love one another. This is loving one another’ — yes, we are supposed to love one another, but their definition of what ‘love one another’ means means destroying our laws. It means completely perverting what our Constitution says. It means taking unreal advantage of the American taxpayer.”

What would Jesus do?
Render unto Cesar that which is Cesar. Meaning, obey the law of the land. Help the poor and needy whether they are legal or illegal, but not support them staying in America. Pretty simple.
Render unto Cesar that which is Cesar. Meaning, obey the law of the land. Help the poor and needy whether they are legal or illegal, but not support them staying in America. Pretty simple.

Jesus would not turn away immigrants looking to feed their family

He would feed them
Jesus would not turn away immigrants looking to feed their family

He would feed them
Pretty much what I said. Feed them and take care of them. But, do it without breaking the law of the land. That's what render that which is Cesar's to Cesar and to God that which is God's. Jesus would tell them to go back and come into the country the lawful way.
Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Catholic Church of being controlled by Satan.

What it is is ... Satan’s controlling the church. The church is not doing its job. It’s not adhering to the teachings of Christ. It’s not adhering to what the word of God says we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to live,” she said.

As Marjorie attacks the Catholic Church for helping immigrants, what will her party do about it?

That has been said for centuries.
Pretty much what I said. Feed them and take care of them. But, do it without breaking the law of the land. That's what render that which is Cesar's to Cesar and to God that which is God's. Jesus would tell them to go back and come into the country the lawful way.
Who says Catholics are breaking the law for providing humanitarian aid to immigrants ?

Greene calls it Satanic
Who says Catholics are breaking the law for providing humanitarian aid to immigrants ?

Greene calls it Satanic
There's nothing wrong with this. You seem to be having a comprehension breakdown. Or, you just want to argue. The Catholic Church is doing more than providing humanitarian aid. They are assisting the illegal passage to the U.S. is the representative's claim. And, by doing so, Satan is behind this. I happen to agree. The Catholic Church is part of the great an abominable Church of the last days.
There's nothing wrong with this. You seem to be having a comprehension breakdown. Or, you just want to argue. The Catholic Church is doing more than providing humanitarian aid. They are assisting the illegal passage to the U.S. is the representative's claim. And, by doing so, Satan is behind this. I happen to agree. The Catholic Church is part of the great an abominable Church of the last days.

Damn…..You Creepy too!
Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Catholic Church of being controlled by Satan.

What it is is ... Satan’s controlling the church. The church is not doing its job. It’s not adhering to the teachings of Christ. It’s not adhering to what the word of God says we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to live,” she said.

As Marjorie attacks the Catholic Church for helping immigrants, what will her party do about it?

Its called freedom of speech.
Ummmm……Freedom of Speech means you can’t be arrested
It does not mean you can’t be criticized for what you say
Freedom of speech gives MTG the right to express her opinions. Nobody is saying you can't express your opinion. Opposing your opinion is expressing our freedom of speech.

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