Could it be………Satan?

Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Catholic Church of being controlled by Satan.

What it is is ... Satan’s controlling the church. The church is not doing its job. It’s not adhering to the teachings of Christ. It’s not adhering to what the word of God says we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to live,” she said.

As Marjorie attacks the Catholic Church for helping immigrants, what will her party do about it?


Nothing quite like alienated a very large voting block...
You do realize that, though all Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholics, right?
Your strawman argument of "because some so-called Christians did some bad things, all Christians should be condemned as deviant criminals victimizing the innocent" is laughable & sounds like something from an anti-Christian with an axe to grind?

no, the previous pop's you crave for are your christian idle ...


and their congregation, christian, catholic all the same - c bible.

IDK if the whole church is controlled by Satan but the commie, clot shot pimping pope sure is. I'd say the whole Vatican is

again the present pope not the vatican is aware the corrupt congregations and their uninterrupted histories from the past - obviously by your response you are one of them.
no, the previous pop's you crave for are your christian idle ...

View attachment 637667

and their congregation, christian, catholic all the same - c bible.

again the present pope not the vatican is aware the corrupt congregations and their uninterrupted histories from the past - obviously by your response you are one of them.
Could you try that in English? I don't speak ebonics
Okay, so either Fox News is now just PRETENDING that it's spelled "Marshall", or they're as illiterate as MTG is.

Any guesses on that?

I need a face palm of Marshall in uniform, maybe sitting on a pile of dead Nazis, face palming.
Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Catholic Church of being controlled by Satan.

What it is is ... Satan’s controlling the church. The church is not doing its job. It’s not adhering to the teachings of Christ. It’s not adhering to what the word of God says we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to live,” she said.

As Marjorie attacks the Catholic Church for helping immigrants, what will her party do about it?

There is a difference between "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants". What? Do you support lawlessness? I fail to comprehend the subject of your message. There is nothing in the Holy Scriptures in relation to Christians providing help to those who refuse to adhere to the Law of the Land.

In Fact: The scriptures have this to say in relation to obeying the authorities that make up the governments of the world,

"LET EVERY SOUL BE SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. For there is no authority except from God, and the

authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance (Laws) of God,

and those who resist will bring judgment upon themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. (breaking

the law is considered evil). Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from

the same. For he (the government authority) is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he

(authorities) does not bear the sword in vain (meaning you can be punished up to and including the death penalty, as it

was God who established the death penalty for crimes against humanity such as spilling innocent blood -- Genesis

9:6).......for he is God's minister, and avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil." (Romans 13:1-4, NKJV)
The Church is making money. Not the only one.
Such is the troubled, problematic relationship between conservatives and the Church.

Conservatives love Catholic dogma in support of government forcing women to give birth against their will.

But when the Church calls for the humane treatment of immigrants or opposes dehumanizing elements of capitalism, the Vatican becomes ‘Satan.’
Continue to attack immigrants.
Again...........there is a difference "ILLEGAL...........immigration" is the defining factor. Its like slapping those who obey the law of the land in the face. My question is why do liberals promote lawlessness and call it being humane? I have no clue as to the mentality of anyone that attempts to define this invasion by criminals as anything other than lawlessness. There is nothing Christian about supporting anyone that does not obey the laws that all US Citizens are expected to obey. When you openly support lawlessness you are breaking the oracles of God. (Romans 13:1-4) Not to mention that anyone that supports such action are not engaging Christian Worship in the proper manner..........Worshiping in "Spirit and Truth". (John 4:23-24) If one can't accept the truth located in the Holy Bible then they cannot accept Christianity correctly.
Again...........there is a difference "ILLEGAL...........immigration" is the defining factor. Its like slapping those who obey the law of the land in the face.

The point is…..Jesus does not give a Fuk what your immigration status is

If you are suffering….you need help
The point is…..Jesus does not give a Fuk what your immigration status is

If you are suffering….you need help
The point is.........God tells us exactly His position of obeying the laws of the land. can you promote lawlessness and call it helping all the other law abiding citizens of this nation and call yourself righteous under the pretention of helping others? Why should any law abiding, TAX PAYING citizen pay foreign aid to citizens of other nations who our breech our borders ILLEGALY.... when you can walk down any city found in the Untied States and find citizens that require help just as much as those who BREAK OUR LAWS. Where's your charity toward your own neighbors?

The RCC does not promote Christianity when it supports lawlessness. What part of the Holy Scriptures does any Catholic fail to comprehend when its stated clearly that you are commanded to support the laws that govern you? Show me the scripture that contradicts (Romans 13:1-4)

What would Jesus say? "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day (judgment), 'Lord, Lord', did we not prophecy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons; and in Your name perform miracles', And then I will say to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practices lawlessness." -- Matthew 7:21-23

Lawlessness is Sin as defined in the original means to Miss the Mark. Sin is the breaking of God's oracles (Laws)........being a criminal is missing the mark established by man. God declares that when you break the laws of man........your are breaking the Oracles of God. (Romans 13:1-4) You are not a Christian obeying God when you support lawlessness you are clearly missing the mark established by God.

You have just been conned by an organization that declares, "God loves you.........but send your money to my address.........."
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Pretty much what I said. Feed them and take care of them. But, do it without breaking the law of the land. That's what render that which is Cesar's to Cesar and to God that which is God's. Jesus would tell them to go back and come into the country the lawful way.
The law of the land says that those undocumented are not ‘illegal.’

The law of the land says that immigrants are allowed up to 30 days to apply for refugee status once they’ve entered the country.

The law of the land says that immigrants are entitled to the right to due process and equal protection of the law – due process in that undocumented immigrants are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.

Given the law of the land, the Church providing assistance to immigrants is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and lawful.
There is a difference between "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants".
The difference is that an immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until he’s been found guilty in a court of law of having entered the country absent authorization, and having not met the criteria of an asylee.

Consequently, there’s nothing ‘lawless’ about affording aid to an undocumented immigrant pending an asylum hearing.

That the Church is ‘breaking the law’ is a lie.

The truth is that hateful, racist, bigoted conservatives fear that the Church aiding immigrants will act as an ‘incentive’ for more black and brown people who speak Spanish coming to America; the truth is that this is yet another manifestation of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.
Such is the troubled, problematic relationship between conservatives and the Church.

Conservatives love Catholic dogma in support of government forcing women to give birth against their will.

But when the Church calls for the humane treatment of immigrants or opposes dehumanizing elements of capitalism, the Vatican becomes ‘Satan.’
That's because the unborn are innocent. They can't climb fences. Can't tunnel under. They can't even walk through a gaping hole.

Only born immigrants can do that sort of stuff and engage in commerce. They alone can be spanked with dignity and clear conscience.

Plus physically, being born just makes it so much more convenient. One can't properly spank a fetus with conviction. Just the thought of doing so wracks any self-respecting, Conservative Christian with guilt and shame.

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