Could Palin pull a Nader?

I think she is, but I hadn't considered the possibility she could do so as an independent.
She's not that stupid. She knows where her money comes from...
And if she did - would she fragment the "R" vote, or win?

Sarah Palin would never do that. What she has been doing is the old Muhammad Alli's rope a dope tactic.

She has the left wing media chasing HER all over the country--while they have been ignoring front running candidates GOP Presidential candidates.

So--it's a cooperative diversionary tactic--so the left wing media nut cases--do not immediately go after front runner GOP--instead they're chasing her-all over the countryside-and before they know it--the GOP has a nominee.

$Leave Barack alone.jpg
And if she did - would she fragment the "R" vote, or win?

Its the only thing that makes sense really given her actions; unless she is just "showing leg" which would not surprise me at all.
She's gotta know she can't win as a 3rd party candidate. She would fragment the conservative vote like you said, and give Obama a 2nd term IMHO. I don't think she would do that, but who knows? Maybe she just loves the spotlight and wants to remain relevant. Not that she actually is, but maybe she thinks she is.
She's not that stupid. She knows where her money comes from...

True; BUT.

Why does she not just say no? Instead, she keeps kicking back the date. And that video she did really did look like a (well-done) political ad.
Aside from the left wing fantasy world there is no evidence that Palin is affiliated with a 3rd party.
And if she did - would she fragment the "R" vote, or win?

Sarah Palin would never do that. What she has been doing is the old Muhammad Alli's rope a dope tactic.

She has the left wing media chasing HER all over the country--while they have been ignoring front running candidates GOP Presidential candidates.

So--it's a cooperative diversionary tactic--so the left wing media nut cases--do not immediately go after front runner GOP--instead they're chasing her-all over the countryside-and before they know it--the GOP has a nominee.

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Okay, and again with the BUT! Why does she keep stepping on GOPers? I can't remember specifics, but I know she stepped on Romney and Ames, just to name a couple.
Romney the RINO gets the R nomination and chooses Pawlenty as a running mate.

And Perry and Palin tag team third party.

Karl Rove's head explodes at the thought.


Having fun here. The only crystal ball I ever liked was by styx.
Romney the RINO gets the R nomination and chooses Pawlenty as a running mate.

And Perry and Palin tag team third party.

Karl Rove's head explodes at the thought.


Having fun here. The only crystal ball I ever liked was by styx.

I'm guessing it won't be Pawlenty. I could see another Boston-Austin axis???

But I'm guessing nobody who ran is going to be a Veep candidate.
Romney the RINO gets the R nomination and chooses Pawlenty as a running mate.

And Perry and Palin tag team third party.

Karl Rove's head explodes at the thought.


Having fun here. The only crystal ball I ever liked was by styx.

I'm guessing it won't be Pawlenty. I could see another Boston-Austin axis???

But I'm guessing nobody who ran is going to be a Veep candidate.

This is a crap shoot for true. It's anyones play at the moment. Hell's bells it's so crazy out there I read a headline on Drudge that Cheney is urging Hillary to run.

I actually checked to see if there was a full moon!!
Romney the RINO gets the R nomination and chooses Pawlenty as a running mate.

And Perry and Palin tag team third party.

Karl Rove's head explodes at the thought.


Having fun here. The only crystal ball I ever liked was by styx.

I'm guessing it won't be Pawlenty. I could see another Boston-Austin axis???

But I'm guessing nobody who ran is going to be a Veep candidate.

Which would lead us back full circle. Would Palin bring votes with her in a veep spot? Or throw them away.
Romney the RINO gets the R nomination and chooses Pawlenty as a running mate.

And Perry and Palin tag team third party.

Karl Rove's head explodes at the thought.


Having fun here. The only crystal ball I ever liked was by styx.

I'm guessing it won't be Pawlenty. I could see another Boston-Austin axis???

But I'm guessing nobody who ran is going to be a Veep candidate.

This is a crap shoot for true. It's anyones play at the moment. Hell's bells it's so crazy out there I read a headline on Drudge that Cheney is urging Hillary to run.

I actually checked to see if there was a full moon!!

I have heard that as well. And while it's not likely, I'm betting there's a better than 50/50% chance that she is seriously considering it.
Romney the RINO gets the R nomination and chooses Pawlenty as a running mate.

And Perry and Palin tag team third party.

Karl Rove's head explodes at the thought.


Having fun here. The only crystal ball I ever liked was by styx.

I'm guessing it won't be Pawlenty. I could see another Boston-Austin axis???

But I'm guessing nobody who ran is going to be a Veep candidate.

Well Pawlenty isn't running any more and he needs a job. Might help the GOP take Minny. Wouldn't be his worst choice.
She's gotta know she can't win as a 3rd party candidate. She would fragment the conservative vote like you said, and give Obama a 2nd term IMHO. I don't think she would do that, but who knows? Maybe she just loves the spotlight and wants to remain relevant. Not that she actually is, but maybe she thinks she is.

She must be very relevant, Msnbc and Cnn have been all sarah paliin 24/7. I'd say she is having some sort of impact, I am just not quite sure what impact it is yet.

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