Could Republicans Live On Minimum Wage? NO! But No Fixes To It Either!

Damn dude. I am more than sorry I picked on you. I had no idea you struggled so much.
I am liberal enough to have some empathy for you and the only thing I can say is what my Mother told me since I was young; if you can't be happy, be productive.

Sitting on a message board is not productive. Get out and DO something.

Oh believe me, you name it, I've tried it. I've worked at factories, warehouses, every fast food joint you can think of, retail shops, mechanic at a dealership, auto part stores. I tried to start my own business, I worked for IT, pharmaceuticals, assembly lines, and a trucking company driving 18-wheelers.

I am the literal definition of 'jack of all trades, and master of nothing'. I went to college for computer programming, and failed out 3 times. I want back to college for auto mechanics, and broke every car I touched. I want back for engineering, and failed the math.

I've had 36 different jobs in my life. At some point, you simply have to accept what you are, and take life as it is. So I work, mindlessly screwing together metal printers at a tiny local firm, for $10 an hour.

But what I can say from my experiences in having these low wage jobs, is that the minimum wage kills employment. I've personally witnessed it. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs.

And despite the claims on this forum, every research into the effects of minimum wage, each and every single one, showed people losing their jobs.

That is not true. Why are you saying it?

No it absolutely is true. I've read those reports. Even the ones that claim people don't lose their jobs, if you read the details of the statistics, they most certainly did lose jobs.

If you doubt that, feel free to post those reports again, and I will show you from your own data, that it is true. I have yet to read a report yet, where the evidence wasn't there.

One report, they selectively excluded stores that closed. Well duh... yeah if you exclude the stores that closed, people didn't lose their jobs then.

Another report ignored part time employees.... well yeah, if you exclude the people most likely to be laid off, then dur... yeah people didn't lose their jobs.

You do realize that even at McDonald's and Wendy's, generally the only people who are working the absolute minimum wage, are part time employees. So when the minimum wage goes up, and part time people are earning the same as full time people... who do you think they lay off? The part timers.

I personally was working at Wendy's in the 90s, when the minimum wage hike hit. The FIRST THING they did was fire all the part time people. Three people lost their jobs, and we hired one full time person.

Well duh... if you do a research on the minimum wage, and exclude part time people, and only count full time people, it would look as though the minimum wage created jobs.

In reality 3 people lost their jobs, and only 1 person replaced them.

So to answer you, no, I'm not lying. You are just ignorant. I wager you never really examined those reports about how wonderful the minimum wage is. You likely just read the abstract at best, and since it agreed with your own personal bias, accepted it as gospel truth.

The reality is not so clear cut, and I also lived those minimum wage hikes, in the businesses it affected. I know what I'm talking about whether you agree with it or not.
Well after all, for the party of the rich why would they even have to worry about earning minimum wage at all? That's for the struggling Middle Class and many others don't you know. But knowing that they, themselves, could not live on minimum wage, how do they expect others who are less financially fortunate than they are to live on it? Good question to which they would rather just prefer to sweep under the carpet and hope Middle Class Americans just forget about it. Oh, but don't forget they are asking for your vote!

Poll: GOP couldn't live on minimum wage, but still won't raise it | MSNBC

You're talking about the tiny number of wealthy conservative, right?

Because all those red state nutters in shit kicker towns are too stupid to complain about how they get screwed by their boss. Their church pastor has them convinced that poor and pissed is Godly.
Is that a joke?

Why do you continue to weigh in on threads related to work experience and the cost of living? There must be some voice in your head that tells you how absurd it makes you look.

How much was your rent when you lived on $5.15 per hour? Utilities?

Paid for food, clothes, my rent was 40 bucks a month via my father, which was split into paying for all of the utilities, cable, electricity, water... I also helped pay for my cell phone bill back then. Beyond that was unaffordable, 40 bucks was a third of my paycheck for a week. So if I paid more, I risked not having enough to live on until the next payday. I was learning how to stretch a dollar at 18 years of age LoneLaugher.

My last job at the UGA Veterinary School was $8.25 an hour as a janitor, and by the fifth month I had already amassed over $1,100 even after paying for gas, asthma medications, my full cell phone bill, clothing and groceries, oh and I after I had to resign, I used the last 600 bucks to my name to pay off the title on my grandmother's car so she could devote that money to other needs.

If I ever got where I could hold down a job again, I would be sitting pretty. I would know how to save money and spend it wisely. I know how to handle money and I sure as hell know what work experience is, I also know what cost of living is like as well. For you to say I have no experience in those areas is laughable.

It really makes you look foolish to sit there and judge me. So shut it, LL. This is the last time I will explain myself to you.

I can tell that you are embarrassed. You should be. You simply should not pipe in regarding the lives, trials, complaints or any other factor pertaining to people who must work their assess off to live. You don't work. You live off of others. You are not in a position to judge how people who work minimum wage jobs live.

You speak with pride about doing what any high school kid with a summer job does. Knowing how to save money and spend it wisely is a valuable skill. One that people with jobs need to have.

You are now 26 years old, right? What would you do if your grandmother kicked you out of her house today? What is the first thing you would do?

You are now 26 years old, right? What would you do if your grandmother kicked you out of her house today? What is the first thing you would do?
My grandmother wouldn't kick me out of her house. I'm the only one who can take care of her. Her other son lives in Maine. He can't just fly 1200 miles just to pick her up when she falls.

I can tell that you are embarrassed. You should be. You simply should not pipe in regarding the lives, trials, complaints or any other factor pertaining to people who must work their assess off to live. You don't work. You live off of others. You are not in a position to judge how people who work minimum wage jobs live
I'm not embarrassed. Who said I was embarrassed? Furthermore, just like the liberal you are, you seem to think you can dictate to me what opinions I can and cannot give. I've worked, I've had more than one job. I've paid bills and carried my weight. I still work for the sake of this household if not for a salary. I have the experience. Work is not just having a job and earning money, work is work whether you get paid or not.

What I find funny is that you don't mind those kids on the border living off of the taxpayer dime, living off of others who 'work their asses off to live' while you at the same time sit there lecturing me. You don't mind others taking in government assistance off of the taxpayer's backs either. You don't seem to understand that your political philosophy calls for one group to gain wealth through no effort of their own, on the backs of those who do, prosperity at the expense of the prosperous.

You are such a flaming hypocrite. Before lecturing me on work ethic, perhaps you should change your views first.
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Tell me exactly What Jobs are they taking away? They are kids. They are not even old enough to work. And those who are, are only doing you and others a favor by being given the jobs you and the rest of you Repugs Don't Want To Do. Like picking fruits and vegetables you so enjoy eating all the time, cleaning your homes, taking care of your kids, washing and ironing for you. So, if that's the type of jobs you want to do then have at it. One thing is for certain -- there are Plenty of those types of jobs available most anywhere for anyone.

What a dumbass. You realize this isnt some Peter Pan thing right? These kids are going to be taking your jobs in a few short years.
Personally all these illegals aren't going to affect me that much one way or another,it's just a bad thing for the country plain and simple.
You truly far surpass stupidity don't you. You are assuming that all the kids are going to be legally admitted into the U.S. and allowed to stay, live, go to school and then work. But with the way things are going from your side of the aisle it will be nothing short of a miracle if these poor kids get even a glass of water while they are waiting for a court to hear their case. And they are not going to affect me one iota either, that's the thing.

So you're telling me all those kids are going back? :lol:
And as much as I hate to point out the do you think the kids that stay are going to do? Permanent welfare? Gang members?....or get a job?

It will most certainly hurt people on min wage first. Then as these immigrants start to learn a trade(unlike lazy Americans these days)they will start to take the next tier and the next and so on.
I watched it happen in machine shops. They went from maybe 3% hispanic in the eightes to around 75% now.
And guess what. Wages have been stagnant in that field ever since.
You dumb fucks are cutting your own throats.
You also paid $80 a month in rent. You are so full of shit.

If you can't make it in life that's your problem... not the min wage..a job doesn't OWE you don't feel they pay enough go find another one

that's called, LIFE

Since the recession there has been an increase in Low wage jobs and a decrease in decent paying jobs. Many people have NO CHOICE but to have a low wage job.

I love to hear libs cry about the state of the job market and the economy.
And in the same breath praise the asshole responsible for their misery.:cuckoo:
Nixon's? Not very well, dingbat. We're talking min wage here. So, what's the min wage in Australia? Why do they do so well? WTF is WRONG with hater dupes? Racism I think lol...

Because they have 1/10th the population and tell me, what is the last product you bought from Australia?

Population means nothing. Fosters.

sure it dont Frankie....taking care of 20 million people who are basically on the same page is no different than taking care of 315 million who are on so many different pages you cant keep up with them?.....if you say so Frankie....
That's because you generally can Afford to. But what about those who can't and are struggling to make ends meet and feed their families? Some even have to work several jobs while you just "better" yourselves. That's why your party needs to be given the Boot Posthaste.

so why can he "generally" afford to.....but this other guy cant?.....most people....get out there and apply at dozens of why cant this other guy?.....
Did you lose your job since 2008? Then you're clueless, Mr. Postman.:eusa_whistle:
And you believe discrimination doesn't exist?

thats the answer?....i will ask again....why can one guy "generally" afford to,but the other guy cant?.....
WHAT OBAMA POLICIES, hater dupes? RW idiocy.

Frankie....when does our current President start taking blame for some of the things happening here?...since being President some things have improved but some things have gotten worse.....i see the lefties here giving him credit for things getting better,as he deserves.....but how about things that in spite of what he has done are getting worse....when does he get to take responsibility for those things? matter what you and Dot Com may think....this guy does not walk on water.....he can fuck up too......
I dare anyone to show me a job that pays minimum wage that a 17 year old cant do.

17 year olds do not need to support families of four....and if they do, then they acted irresponsibly and in no way should business owners be blamed.

pick produce.....they cant and wont.....that was already kind of proven out here....
WHAT OBAMA POLICIES, hater dupes? RW idiocy.

Frankie....when does our current President start taking blame for some of the things happening here?...since being President some things have improved but some things have gotten worse.....i see the lefties here giving him credit for things getting better,as he deserves.....but how about things that in spite of what he has done are getting worse....when does he get to take responsibility for those things? matter what you and Dot Com may think....this guy does not walk on water.....he can fuck up too......

Never. Even Bush himself admitted some of the things he did were bad ideas after he left office. Obama, and his followers, will NEVER admit any mistakes. That's because Bush was an adult, and leftists are inherently childish and immature. They will NEVER admit anything they did was ever wrong.
Well after all, for the party of the rich why would they even have to worry about earning minimum wage at all? That's for the struggling Middle Class and many others don't you know. But knowing that they, themselves, could not live on minimum wage, how do they expect others who are less financially fortunate than they are to live on it? Good question to which they would rather just prefer to sweep under the carpet and hope Middle Class Americans just forget about it. Oh, but don't forget they are asking for your vote!

Poll: GOP couldn't live on minimum wage, but still won't raise it | MSNBC

You're talking about the tiny number of wealthy conservative, right?

Because all those red state nutters in shit kicker towns are too stupid to complain about how they get screwed by their boss. Their church pastor has them convinced that poor and pissed is Godly.

No, they know that they should work for their money and not demand a higher wage than what their work is actually worth.
What a dumbass. You realize this isnt some Peter Pan thing right? These kids are going to be taking your jobs in a few short years.
Personally all these illegals aren't going to affect me that much one way or another,it's just a bad thing for the country plain and simple.
You truly far surpass stupidity don't you. You are assuming that all the kids are going to be legally admitted into the U.S. and allowed to stay, live, go to school and then work. But with the way things are going from your side of the aisle it will be nothing short of a miracle if these poor kids get even a glass of water while they are waiting for a court to hear their case. And they are not going to affect me one iota either, that's the thing.

So you're telling me all those kids are going back? :lol:
And as much as I hate to point out the do you think the kids that stay are going to do? Permanent welfare? Gang members?....or get a job?

It will most certainly hurt people on min wage first. Then as these immigrants start to learn a trade(unlike lazy Americans these days)they will start to take the next tier and the next and so on.
I watched it happen in machine shops. They went from maybe 3% hispanic in the eightes to around 75% now.
And guess what. Wages have been stagnant in that field ever since.
You dumb fucks are cutting your own throats.
Some of the kids may indeed have to go back if the courts rule that they should after they have gotten their day in court that is. And that was Bush's intent with the signing of that law in 2008.

And how can you condemn all the kids as going on welfare or joining a gang just because some of them might have done so somewhere sometime. Our own kids that are native born right here in this country do the same and do you condemn their actions? Apparently not. Do you know for sure that the refugee kids would do that given the chance to advance and get some good money as bonafide American citizens of this country? And about Hispanics working in machine shops, are you saying that wages stagnated just because Hispanics were working there? If so, that would be very offensive to many if not all Hispanics. The work they contribute is no doubt of great worth. Therefore, the company grows but the will to pay them adequately for their labor does not. Therein lies the problem. And again I am talking about legal Hispanic residents.
Well after all, for the party of the rich why would they even have to worry about earning minimum wage at all? That's for the struggling Middle Class and many others don't you know. But knowing that they, themselves, could not live on minimum wage, how do they expect others who are less financially fortunate than they are to live on it? Good question to which they would rather just prefer to sweep under the carpet and hope Middle Class Americans just forget about it. Oh, but don't forget they are asking for your vote!

Poll: GOP couldn't live on minimum wage, but still won't raise it | MSNBC

I love it when people like you make statements without researching the subject first.

The Democrats are wealthier than Republicans!

"By almost every measure, in fact, it's the Democrats, not the Republicans, who are the party of the rich."
So please, enough of this about Democrats being the party of the little guy."
Read the link below and find out the truth. If you can handle it.

It's A Myth That GOP Is Party Of The Wealthy -
Well after all, for the party of the rich why would they even have to worry about earning minimum wage at all? That's for the struggling Middle Class and many others don't you know. But knowing that they, themselves, could not live on minimum wage, how do they expect others who are less financially fortunate than they are to live on it? Good question to which they would rather just prefer to sweep under the carpet and hope Middle Class Americans just forget about it. Oh, but don't forget they are asking for your vote!

Poll: GOP couldn't live on minimum wage, but still won't raise it | MSNBC

I love it when people like you make statements without researching the subject first.

The Democrats are wealthier than Republicans!

"By almost every measure, in fact, it's the Democrats, not the Republicans, who are the party of the rich."
So please, enough of this about Democrats being the party of the little guy."
Read the link below and find out the truth. If you can handle it.

It's A Myth That GOP Is Party Of The Wealthy -

people like the Op is why our country is doomed. and they're just one of many in the Democrat herd of sheep
Is that a joke?

Why do you continue to weigh in on threads related to work experience and the cost of living? There must be some voice in your head that tells you how absurd it makes you look.

How much was your rent when you lived on $5.15 per hour? Utilities?

If I couldn't pay my bills with the income from one job I worked two.

Stop whining.

And you worked for some super rich mother fucker that paid 15% income taxes. Laughed all the way to the bank on your sweat and blood. Wake up!

Alternative, drive out all the rich people like France, and have 11% unemployment rate?

BBC News - French unemployment at record high

Brilliant move.
Well after all, for the party of the rich why would they even have to worry about earning minimum wage at all? That's for the struggling Middle Class and many others don't you know. But knowing that they, themselves, could not live on minimum wage, how do they expect others who are less financially fortunate than they are to live on it? Good question to which they would rather just prefer to sweep under the carpet and hope Middle Class Americans just forget about it. Oh, but don't forget they are asking for your vote!

Poll: GOP couldn't live on minimum wage, but still won't raise it | MSNBC

I love it when people like you make statements without researching the subject first.

The Democrats are wealthier than Republicans!

"By almost every measure, in fact, it's the Democrats, not the Republicans, who are the party of the rich."
So please, enough of this about Democrats being the party of the little guy."
Read the link below and find out the truth. If you can handle it.

It's A Myth That GOP Is Party Of The Wealthy -

people like the Op is why our country is doomed. and they're just one of many in the Democrat herd of sheep

Nah, we got Stephanie and people like her. We'll be ok.
I lived on minimum wage for several years. [/SIZE][/B]

Again the problem is, raising the minimum wage won't fix it either. What it will do is make people unemployed.

The MSNBC crowd is so completely ignorant, that they really believe making people unemployed is a 'fix'.

What is it with these young Republicans that post on here? I've read where three of them have or still do work for minimum wage. For pretty long periods. One thought that going from 5 something an hour to 8 was a major raise.

I am 61 and I am sure you rethugs call me a Demorat. BUT I HAVE NEVER WORKED FOR MINIMUM WAGE IN MY LIFE. And I've been working since I was 15.

What the hell is wrong with you repubs either sitting on your asses all day on a message board with no work to do or working for minimum wage.

Of course I doubt if any of the Repubs are worth more than a minimum wage. You all can't seem to DO anything but suffer with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Well first off, I am not a Republican. I am a conservative. It happens that most of the conservatives are Republican, but I would easily vote for a Democrap, provided he was conservative enough. This is why I did not vote for Romney or McCain, because neither of them were conservatives.

That said....

I fully admit I'm a rather pathetic loser. I have not been able to succeed at anything in life. Am I stupid? Am I useless? I have no idea. I'll let you be the judge of that. I gave life my best shot, and lost.

That said, I am still a conservative, and I don't blame employers for my failure, nor do I think somehow I 'deserve' a raise simply because I've sucked air for 40 years.

The reason I'm where I am, is not because "rich people are greedy!" or some other nonsense. It is simply because I have not been able to do something of higher value. Or I am too lazy. Whatever reason floats your boat is fine with me.

Regardless, raising the minimum wage, won't make people more wealthy. It will make them unemployed. That's not a solution.
I wouldn't say that would make them unemployed. If they did for some reason become unemployed they would soon be replaced by others at the business place so that they then could become a little more prosperous.

But you also have to look at the overall picture. That being that the more you pay an employee, the more they will spend and the more they spend the more they will contribute to the American economy! So, raising the minimum wage will actually help the American economy. And since by no means is everyone wealthy in America, people will soon realize that the business has made an effort to help the employees economically by raising their wages that they are more apt to support that business, be a return customer, and also recommend the business to others. And that will be a good thing and a win-win situation! :)
If we figured UE like France, we'd have at least 11% too. Thanks for the corrupt World Depression, Pubbies.

It's a Pub dupe myth that the rich are GOP- actually it's just the greedy idiot rich who are DUH.
What is it with these young Republicans that post on here? I've read where three of them have or still do work for minimum wage. For pretty long periods. One thought that going from 5 something an hour to 8 was a major raise.

I am 61 and I am sure you rethugs call me a Demorat. BUT I HAVE NEVER WORKED FOR MINIMUM WAGE IN MY LIFE. And I've been working since I was 15.

What the hell is wrong with you repubs either sitting on your asses all day on a message board with no work to do or working for minimum wage.

Of course I doubt if any of the Repubs are worth more than a minimum wage. You all can't seem to DO anything but suffer with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Well first off, I am not a Republican. I am a conservative. It happens that most of the conservatives are Republican, but I would easily vote for a Democrap, provided he was conservative enough. This is why I did not vote for Romney or McCain, because neither of them were conservatives.

That said....

I fully admit I'm a rather pathetic loser. I have not been able to succeed at anything in life. Am I stupid? Am I useless? I have no idea. I'll let you be the judge of that. I gave life my best shot, and lost.

That said, I am still a conservative, and I don't blame employers for my failure, nor do I think somehow I 'deserve' a raise simply because I've sucked air for 40 years.

The reason I'm where I am, is not because "rich people are greedy!" or some other nonsense. It is simply because I have not been able to do something of higher value. Or I am too lazy. Whatever reason floats your boat is fine with me.

Regardless, raising the minimum wage, won't make people more wealthy. It will make them unemployed. That's not a solution.
I wouldn't say that would make them unemployed. If they did for some reason become unemployed they would soon be replaced by others at the business place so that they then could become a little more prosperous.

But you also have to look at the overall picture. That being that the more you pay an employee, the more they will spend and the more they spend the more they will contribute to the American economy! So, raising the minimum wage will actually help the American economy. And since by no means is everyone wealthy in America, people will soon realize that the business has made an effort to help the employees economically by raising their wages that they are more apt to support that business, be a return customer, and also recommend the business to others. And that will be a good thing and a win-win situation! :)

That being that the more you pay an employee, the more they will spend and the more they spend the more they will contribute to the American economy!

Yes!! We must raise the minimum wage to $100/hour. For the children!!!

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