Could Rice, Powell, and Congress emails survive same level of scrutiny as Hillary?

why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.

No one gave a shit about violating federal security laws????? really?

Your head is so far up Hillary's fat ass you have no idea what the real world is like.

yeah, fauxdakota, keep the smileys coming like that good little mindless sheep that you are.

why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.
Last time I checked, no other SOS kept a private server in their own home and ran official business through it.
Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?

Funny. State Department admitted their own computer system was hacked. However, Hillary's private server not hacked. How ya gonna spin that?

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

The New York Times reported that computer security logs turned over to the FBI "showed no evidence of foreign hacking" into Hillary Clinton's email server, repudiating a popular narrative by Fox News personalities that foreign countries and "other bad actors" hacked into Clinton's server.

NY Times Report Debunks Fox News' Fantasy That Hillary Clinton's Server Was Hacked

why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.

No one gave a shit about violating federal security laws????? really?

Your head is so far up Hillary's fat ass you have no idea what the real world is like.

yeah, fauxdakota, keep the smileys coming like that good little mindless sheep that you are.

good boy faux coda, keep posting the smileys and continue making a fool of yourself. Useful idiot, you take direction well, you are a good mindless democrat
Which one of them is running for President?
Nice non answer... Care to try again?
Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?

Funny. State Department admitted their own computer system was hacked. However, Hillary's private server not hacked. How ya gonna spin that?

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

The New York Times reported that computer security logs turned over to the FBI "showed no evidence of foreign hacking" into Hillary Clinton's email server, repudiating a popular narrative by Fox News personalities that foreign countries and "other bad actors" hacked into Clinton's server.

NY Times Report Debunks Fox News' Fantasy That Hillary Clinton's Server Was Hacked

Are you now saying Comey was lying?
Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?

Funny. State Department admitted their own computer system was hacked. However, Hillary's private server not hacked. How ya gonna spin that?

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

The New York Times reported that computer security logs turned over to the FBI "showed no evidence of foreign hacking" into Hillary Clinton's email server, repudiating a popular narrative by Fox News personalities that foreign countries and "other bad actors" hacked into Clinton's server.

NY Times Report Debunks Fox News' Fantasy That Hillary Clinton's Server Was Hacked

Are you now saying Comey was lying?

Lying about what?
Rather amusing to watch her loyal lemmings detract fom the issue of lying, misrepresentation, and outright denial that she ever used an unsecure private server. Lucky she isn't a Republican otherwise she would have been forced out of the race. So tell me lemmings, do you also think Billy Bob just happened to run into Lynch on the tarmac? Why was everyone ordered to leave the plane for a one hour meeting that discussed grand children? Talk about gullible fools. But then again lemmings are lemmings and sheep need their sheppards.

why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.
Last time I checked, no other SOS kept a private server in their own home and ran official business through it.

While your claim may or not be accurate, for most of us, her use of a private email server is not an issue

why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.
Last time I checked, no other SOS kept a private server in their own home and ran official business through it.

While your claim may or not be accurate, for most of us, her use of a private email server is not an issue

Having a private server is not the problem. Using it to send classified national security data is a serious problem and a violation of federal law.

Please remove your head from her ass and look at what she did.

why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.
Last time I checked, no other SOS kept a private server in their own home and ran official business through it.

While your claim may or not be accurate, for most of us, her use of a private email server is not an issue

Having a private server is not the problem. Using it to send classified national security data is a serious problem and a violation of federal law.

Please remove your head from her ass and look at what she did.

Hey pal, deeming materials classified after the fact is the same as guilty until proven innocent. And as we all know, here in America you're innocent until proven guilty.

Have a nice day :)
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

"Colin Powell and top staffers for Condoleezza Rice received classified information through personal email accounts, according to a new report from State Department investigators."

Colin Powell openly wrote about this practice in 2012:
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

Personal. Email. Account. Used to communicate with our ambassadors, foreign ministers, and State Department staff.

If he had "direct access to anyone online", that means any hacker online had access to his laptop.

I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then.

the real question is why didn't you libs scream for his head? Was it because he became a rino and joined forces with you?
Why didn't Republicans scream for his head?

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Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?
Present proof that the Chinese hacked her data.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Rabid House NaziCons are still busy grilling Comey. What's next - rubber hoses? Funny stuff...
Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?
Present proof that the Chinese hacked her data.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Comey just stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).
why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.
Last time I checked, no other SOS kept a private server in their own home and ran official business through it.

While your claim may or not be accurate, for most of us, her use of a private email server is not an issue

Having a private server is not the problem. Using it to send classified national security data is a serious problem and a violation of federal law.

Please remove your head from her ass and look at what she did.

Hey pal, deeming materials classified after the fact is the same as guilty until proven innocent. And as we all know, here in America you're innocent until proven guilty.

Have a nice day :)
Hey jerk off you really need to go back and watch Comey tell the world there were top secret classified emails on Hillary's illegal server.
She's a fucking liar!
The whole world knows it.
Next time you take your head out of her asshole and look around you too will know it.

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