Could Rice, Powell, and Congress emails survive same level of scrutiny as Hillary?

Comey stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).
This is excellent!
Anyone else notice how the REAL indictment of Hillary was when Comey basically told the world every fucking word out of Hillary's mouth has been a total bullshit lie.
The Hillary asslickers here have long forgotten that the FBI didn't recommend charges against her.
They are in full panic mode now.
Comey dealt the fatal blow to Hillary by simply telling the truth.
He should receive the Medal Of Honor!
Hillary is wrapped in Huma's arms today polishing off a second bottle of Bombay gin.
Comey stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).
Wait until Putin 'leaks' a thousand top secret emails hacked from Hillary's illegal server. This will be in October.
Hillary wants to keep the UN sycophants in place so she can hussle them for 'Clinton Cash'.
Trump wants the UN to fuck off out of NYC and go fund themselves instead of the US.
Which candidate would Putin rather see in the Oval Office?

There is a big difference between the words personal email and personal server, liberals seem to love to exchange one for the other and think that Hillary is being unjustly singled out. Apples to oranges Lakohta. Yet Hillary so happens to be the one that flat out refused the advisement of the Federal Government to use a more secured government server, haven't heard the same regarding Rice or Powell though. Did the IG report make it just about a personal email account, or is it more that the left won't admit to?

Will liberals ever figure out the difference between a personal email account and a private server?

There is a big difference between the words personal email and personal server, liberals seem to love to exchange one for the other and think that Hillary is being unjustly singled out. Apples to oranges Lakohta. Yet Hillary so happens to be the one that flat out refused the advisement of the Federal Government to use a more secured government server, haven't heard the same regarding Rice or Powell though. Did the IG report make it just about a personal email account, or is it more that the left won't admit to?

Will liberals ever figure out the difference between a personal email account and a private server?
No they never will. Pocahontas and her merry tribe of LIB fuck-wits are mentally insane.
When they aren't murdering unborn babies they are encouraging the muslim scum and illegals to come to the US.
The hilarious thing the muslim sub-humans terrorists are going after Pocahontas the first chance they get.
why investigate them? the precedent is set, secretaries of state are not subject to the laws that the rest of us are subject to.

last time I checked nobody gave a shit about politicians and emails until Clinton did it.
Last time I checked, no other SOS kept a private server in their own home and ran official business through it.

While your claim may or not be accurate, for most of us, her use of a private email server is not an issue

Having a private server is not the problem. Using it to send classified national security data is a serious problem and a violation of federal law.

Please remove your head from her ass and look at what she did.

Hey pal, deeming materials classified after the fact is the same as guilty until proven innocent. And as we all know, here in America you're innocent until proven guilty.

Have a nice day :)

As Comey verified today, they were classified at the time she sent them on her unsecured server. The content makes them classified, not the markings, but the ones that were marked she had an aid remove the markings, again verified by Comey today.
Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?
Present proof that the Chinese hacked her data.

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Comey just stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).

no proof, but he said it was very likely. Do you expect the Russians and Chinese to admit that they have those 30,000 e-mails? not until they use them to blackmail her.
Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?
Present proof that the Chinese hacked her data.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Comey just stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).

no proof, but he said it was very likely. Do you expect the Russians and Chinese to admit that they have those 30,000 e-mails? not until they use them to blackmail her.

No proof means no proof. Do you have proof that you did or did not kill Jimmy Hoffa?
Why are they only going after Hillary - and not Rice, Powell - and themselves?
Here is something that doesn't seem to get much media attention: Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

The Russians and Chinese who hacked her e-mails had US security clearances????? Can you prove that?
Present proof that the Chinese hacked her data.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Comey just stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).

no proof, but he said it was very likely. Do you expect the Russians and Chinese to admit that they have those 30,000 e-mails? not until they use them to blackmail her.

No proof means no proof. Do you have proof that you did or did not kill Jimmy Hoffa?

Do you have proof that I did? Likely means likely. Comey said it was likely that her server was hacked by hostile nations or groups.

Why must you defend the lying bitch at every turn?
Could Rice, Powell, and Congress emails survive same level of scrutiny as Hillary?

I look forward to the House NaziCons investigating Rice and Powell. I wonder when that will happen...?
Why are they only going after Hillary - and not Rice, Powell - and themselves?

Why don't you ask the FBI, they work for Obama.

The House NaziCons don't work for Obama. Why aren't they investigating?

The FBI is not congress, fool.

Are you suggesting that the NaziCon House did NOT investigate Hillary's emails with hearings and testimony?

They investigated the Benghazi fiasco and her role in it. The FBI investigated her e-mail and server situations and proved that she violated laws and lied about it----------------but because "she didn't mean it" Comey decided to recommend no prosecution.

Now, are you suggesting that if the political roles were reversed that congress would not investigate a republican presidential candidate who did what she did?

Most of it is politics, but it is also clear that she lied under oath and put national security at risk in a failed attempt to keep her email traffic out of public view.

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